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The Montecristo monzogranite (MM) is a near-circular peraluminous monzogranite pluton occupying the entire 10 km2 of Montecristo Island. Outcrops of country rock are scarce, and are mainly roof pendants of metagabbros and calcsilicate hornfels of the Apenninic ophiolite sequence. Emplacement of the pluton (Rb–Sr age=7·1±0·2 Ma), following the early Miocene onset of continental collision, occurred during an extensional phase which migrated eastward via a combined process of subduction–delamination. The MM rocks are strongly porphyritic, the assemblage being composed of alkali-feldspar, quartz, plagioclase (all occurring as mega- or phenocrysts), biotite and minor cordierite. Accessory minerals include tourmaline, apatite, zircon, ilmenite, allanite, monazite, rutile and hellandite. Reconstructed crystallization histories for the mineral phases reveal a polybaric crystallization starting at about 5 kb. Textural variations of MM occur in sharp contact with each other; darker types often form globular masses containing fewer megacrysts and more abundant mafic microgranular enclaves. Geochemical, isotopic and petrographic data indicate that the MM magma was produced by anatectic melting of an intermediate to deep pelitic crustal source. On the basis of the geochemical and mineralogical characteristics of the enclaves, modification of their parent magma occurred by crystal fractionation coupled with mixing and mingling of components from the MM magma. The limited geochemical variation in MM is interpreted as due to crystal fractionation processes during the magma's ascent. Younger porphyritic dykes with more potassic and alkaline affinities cut the pluton; these dykes are concentrated in a major fracture zone and are associated with contemporaneous pseudotachylites. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
A wildfire in an afforested research catchment presented the rare opportunity to compare the hydrological effects of wildfire with the effects of clearfelling in the same catchment in the Jonkershoek Valley, in the south-western Western Cape Province of South Africa. The timber plantation, which occupies 57% of the 2 km2 catchment, had been clearfelled and re-planted to Pinus radiata roughly five years before the fire. The effects of the two treatments on total flow, storm-flow and quick-flow volumes, peak discharge and storm response ratio were determined by means of multiple regression analysis, employing the dummy variable method to test for the significance of treatments. Both clearfelling and wildfire caused significant increases in all the stream-flow variables analysed. But the clearfelling effect was dominated by large increases in total flow (96% over three years), of which storm-flow and quick-flow volumes formed only minor parts. After the wildfire, by contrast, increases in total flow were small (12%) but the storm flow increases were three- to four-fold in the first year and roughly double in the second year. The wildfire caused fire-induced water repellency in the soils which led to overland flow on mid-slope sites, where soil infiltrability normally far exceeds local rainfall intensities. It is argued that these results support the hypothesis that stream-flow generation processes were changed by the wildfire in that overland flow made a direct contribution to storm flows, but that clearfelling had no such effect. © 1997 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The rapid expansion of the New Zealand wine industry has rested largely on a specific wine commodity form, Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc. Global demand for a specialised product has provided the impetus for substantial development at the regional level, an increasingly complex industry structure, and for the intrusion of international capital. This paper explores the contests and relations within the industry through attention to the commodity's value-added chain, wherein recent developments are interpreted as a contest over the brand rents. The contemporary situation therefore may be explained through overlapping organisational and geographic framings of these relations: producer versus buyer-driven dynamics; regional–national and global interests; and inter- and intra-corporate strategies. The commercial contest for control of the region-varietal commodity reveals some paradoxical outcomes in which the region is reaffirmed as a site of investment in an evidently globalised industry, and the significance of who controls what fraction of the value chain is re-asserted.  相似文献   
The H2O contents and trace-element abundances are presentedfor two well-studied suites of mid-ocean ridge basalt (MORB)glasses from the Northern East Pacific Rise (EPR, 9–11°N)and the South East Indian Ridge (SEIR, 127–129°E).Exactly the same region of the glass samples has been analysedfor these components using microbeam techniques. Our data allowexamination of the fine details of H2O geochemical behaviourduring MORB genesis. We demonstrate that relative H2O contents[i.e. H2O/(another incompatible element)] vary systematicallywith increasing (La/Sm)N in MORB glasses from both the EPR andSEIR. This indicates that H2O behaves like other incompatible(in peridotite mineralogies) elements during MORB petrogenesis,and is primarily controlled by solid–melt partitioning.However, the relative H2O contents of MORB glasses from theSEIR are higher than in glasses from the EPR at a given (La/Sm)N,demonstrating global variations in the H2O contents of MORB.Despite regional differences in relative H2O contents, the incompatiblebehaviour of H2O is similar in both studied regions. The relativeincompatibility of H2O varies systematically with increasing(La/Sm)N: in depleted MORB, H2O is similar to La whereas inEMORB, H2O is similar to Ce. Similar patterns of varying relativeincompatibility (to REE) are displayed by Zr, Hf, and P. Ourdata are best explained if H2O is stored in the mantle in thesame phase with LREE (clinopyroxene?) at sub-solidus. Regionalvariations in relative H2O contents in EMORB that have moreradiogenic Sr, Nd and Pb isotopes might be explained by differencesin the nature of enriched components recycled via subductionprocesses. However, when EMORB have the same radiogenic isotopecompositions as NMORB within a segment, relative H2O contentsin EMORB probably reflect local processes that lead to enrichmentin incompatible elements. Regional differences in relative H2Ocontents of NMORB may reflect either initial variations in theEarth’s mantle or inhomogeneities left after formationof the continental crust. KEY WORDS: glass; geochemistry; H2O; MORB; petrology  相似文献   
The Broadway area of the Cotswolds has been extensively investigated in an attempt to delineate areas of slope instability, including'relict'landslides, which may have been initiated under periglacial climatic conditions. It is, therefore, useful both in terms of the geomorphology and of the understanding of the evolution of the area, to investigate the rates and timing of any reactivation and subsequent movements of landslides in this area. The remains of ridge and furrow cultivation can be seen extensively throughout the Cotswolds. This particular agricultural practice, which documentary evidence suggests dates back to Anglo-Saxon times (approximately 10th century AD), has been disturbed in many places by slope movements. A detailed study of Parish Records and other local his-torical sources has revealed that ridge and furrow cultivation ceased on Parliamentary Enclosure, which in this area, occurred in 1771. Therefore, it is possible to identify patterms of slope movement between these dates. Landslides have been identified by ground mapping and aerial photography, and can be divided into three categories. Firstly, active landslides which are those which have shown evidence of movement during the study period. Secondly, suspended landslides, which show evidence of movement, but have not been observed to move during the study period. In this context, this has been taken to mean landslides, which have shown evidence of movement since 1771. Thirdly, relict landslides which have shown no evidence of movement since 1771 and thus were probably active under a different climatic regime. By incorporating historical data with the geomorphological survey it has been possible to identify areas of potentially difficult ground for engineering geomorphological purposes.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. Although mountains have been studied for centuries, they are the subject of only a slender body of formal literature. Instead, those who study high places in specific regions construct working definitions and continually recraft bibliographies. Studies of mountains often focus on comparatively limited themes: physical processes, ecology, or sacred spaces, for example. As scholars become interested in environmental degradation and the development of mountains, there is all the more need to develop a mountain geography literature that expands the study of mountains to include the political, economic, cultural, and social dimensions of their environments and peoples. Three areas‐cultural geography, political ecology, and conservation theory‐are suggested for additional research.  相似文献   
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