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By tracking and monitoring the profile configuration, topography, and hydrodynamic factors of an artificial cobble beach in Tianquan Bay, Xiamen, China over three consecutive years after its completion, we analyzed the evolution of its profile configuration and plane morphology, and its storm response characteristics. The evolution of the profile configuration of the artificial cobble beach in Tianquan Bay can be divided into four stages. The beach was unstable during the initial stage after the beach nourishment the profile configuration changed obviously, and an upper concave composite cobble beach formed gradually, which was characterized by a steep upper part and a gentle lower part. In the second stage, the cobble beach approached dynamic equilibrium with minor changes in the profile configuration. At the third stage the beach was in a high-energy state under the influence of Typhoon Meranti, and the response of the artificial cobble beach differed significantly from that of the low-tide terrace sandy beach. Within a short time, there was net onshore transport of cobbles in the cross-shore direction. The beach face was eroded, the beach berm was accumulated, and the slope of the beach was steepened considerably. In the alongshore direction, there was notable transport of cobbles on the beach from east to west along the shore, and the total volume of the beach decreased by 4.5×103 m~3, which accounted for 50% of the total amount of beach volume lost within three years. The fourth stage was the restoration stage after the typhoon, characterized by a little gentler profile slope and the increase in width and the decrease in height of beach berm. Because of the action of waves and the wave-driven longshore current caused by the specific terrain and landform conditions along the coast(e.g., coastal headlands, near-shore artificial structures, and reefs), the coastline of the artificial cobble beach gradually evolved from being essentially parallel to the artificial coast upon completion to a slightly curved parabolic shape, and three distinct erosion hotspots were formed on the west side of the cape and the artificial drainpipe, and the reefs. Generally, the adoption of cobbles for beach nourishment on this macro-tidal coast beach with severe erosion has yielded excellent stability and adaptability.  相似文献   
拟在茅山断裂带沿线布设若干个断层气连续观测点,建组断层气观测网。以茅山竹矿地区为例,通过断层气测量的初步结果,结合地质、人工地震、跨断层短水准等多种手段联合分析研究区断层的活动性,从而确定断层气定点观测的点位,为组建断层气观测网的选点提供借鉴和参考。  相似文献   
李黎  李成名  戴昭鑫  吴政  满旺 《测绘科学》2019,44(6):324-329,336
针对在中国地区发展不均衡的态势下,上市公司分布格局时空演变问题,该文对2009-2017年中国大陆各省上市公司的数量和总资产采用Local Moran’s I指数与Getis-Ord Gi*统计量进行研究,分析了中国大陆上市公司的空间分布格局和时间演变趋势,总结出中国上市公司相关指标的高值聚集和高低聚集分布格局、热点区域及其经济辐射能力。并且以北京、上海和广东为热点区域典型代表,从上市公司产业结构和区域经济发展两方面对时空变化机制的成因进行深入探讨。  相似文献   
针对三维地籍对二维数据兼容不良问题,本文基于PNAT模型,利用ArcEngine开发出城镇三维地籍系统。通过对三维地籍要素进行描述与表达,推演出地上地下三维宗地体,并在ArcGIS中构造出三维宗地体模型。实验证明,运用ArcEngine开发的三维地籍系统,可完美兼容已有二维地籍数据,极大地减少了开发成本,提高了效率,同时系统兼具ArcGIS提供的分析功能,稍加改进即可实现自定义查询,实现三维地籍图属联合分析。基于ArcEngine的三维地籍开发是一种效率高、功能丰富的二次开发方法,其数据兼容性及空间分析功能明显优于其他非GIS二次开发平台。  相似文献   
随着全球变暖,极端天气气候事件增强,天气气候灾害造成的损失也愈发严重。当前气候预测的准确性远远不能满足社会需要,气候系统预测理论和方法面临着众多挑战性问题。为提档气候预测科学水平和准确率,由南京信息工程大学和中山大学承担的“气候系统预测研究中心”获得国家自然科学基金基础科学中心项目支持(2021年1月—2025年12月)。在该项目执行的前三年,项目团队开展了大量深入系统的研究,并取得了若干重要进展:1)揭示了气候系统的若干关键变化、驱动力和机制;2)剖析了海-陆-冰-气相互作用对我国重大极端气候事件的影响;3)在气候系统数值模式研发和预测系统集成方面取得重要进展;4)发展了延伸期-S2S-年代际的气候系统预测理论和方法。本文对这些进展作了扼要介绍,并针对气候与环境变化归因、古今气候环境研究融合、跨时空气候系统变异和极端气候、人工智能与气候科学、年代际预测和风险应对体系等关键科学问题做了展望。  相似文献   
中国锂资源的分布具有卤水型与硬岩型相伴相随、若即若离的特点。“多旋回深循环内外生一体化”成锂理论,在多年三稀金属矿产找矿实践和理论研究的基础上不断丰富完善。中国锂矿的形成与“多旋回”构造运动密切相关,从前寒武纪到新生代均有成矿潜力,可构成一个完整的多旋回成矿谱系。锂的“深循环”,一是锂深度参与成岩成矿的物质循环;二是需要一个“圈闭”的构造背景将锂“捕获”以避免其过度分散,锂从开始加入到岩浆与最终定位的深度之差,是硬岩型锂矿成矿的关键之一,压差越大越有利于伟晶岩型锂矿的形成。大量锂矿实例显示锂的物质循环是“内外生一体化”的统一过程,高海拔地区(山上)的含锂地质体(花岗岩类甚至直接就是含锂矿床)经风化剥蚀之后,可能成为沉积型锂矿的物质来源之一;而富含锂的沉积岩经过埋藏、变质、深熔也可以形成含锂的岩浆岩、伟晶岩。我国西部塔里木盆地、四川盆地、扎布耶盆地及东部的江汉盆地、吉泰盆地、周田盆地等大小不一的盆地均含锂,而其周边造山带中也不同程度发育硬岩型锂矿,这就为区域找矿指明了方向。“多旋回深循环内外生一体化”成锂理论是三稀矿产成矿理论的重要组成部分,为我国锂矿找矿工作提供了指导和借鉴,在甲基卡、可尔因、阿尔金、幕阜山等锂矿矿集区的找矿实践中发挥了积极作用。  相似文献   
地幔早先经核- 幔- 壳分异形成,后受不同尺度对流和循环的影响,因而具有不均一性特征。近三十年来,地幔化学通过研究大洋玄武岩发现了多样地幔端元和非放射性同位素证据并证明了地幔不均一性,逐渐建全了地幔地球化学体系。然而,地幔不均一性如何对应于时空尺度的地幔循环,以及地球演化如何影响地幔不均一性等,仍不清楚。此外,地球物理研究显示,岩石圈厚度差异、中下地幔的波速异常体以及俯冲板片形态的观测为纵横向对流系统提供了空间不均一性证据支持。联合地球化学和地球物理手段对研究地幔不均一性至关重要,用好透视地幔成分与结构的“双目镜”已成为共识。本文从地幔不均一性结合地球化学场、地球物理的不同表现形式,以及现今及历史时期的洋陆格局的对比,多维度联系地幔循环和演化,思考了超大陆旋回与地幔不均一化的内在逻辑。强调了从全球演化角度看地幔不均一性的重要性和提出多手段联合建立地幔循环驱动模型的展望。  相似文献   
作为海洋高新技术,水声技术日益成为海洋水下探测的主要手段,而且有时是惟一的手段(比如对浑水或对远距离的情况).海底物体搜索、海底救捞、海底探宝、海底“黑烟囱”探测、海底施工以及海洋军事活动(如探测水雷)等多方面都涉及海底小目标(这里的“目标”泛指物体,包括各种人工制造物和自然形成物)探测.对海底小目标探测是一个困难而有意义的课题.高分辨成像声呐在海底小目标探测方面具有良好的应用前景.将高分辨成像声呐应用于海底小目标探测,图像处理是关键.图像分割是图像处理中的主要问题,也是机器视觉领域低层视觉中的主要问题,同时它又是一个经典难题.  相似文献   
Twenty-four compounds including eight steroids (1-8), nine triterpenoids (9-16, 24), three flavonoids (20-22), and four benzenecarboxylic derivatives (17-19, 23) were isolated and identified from stems and twigs of medicinal mangrove plant Sonneratia caseolaris. The structures of the isolated compounds were determined by extensive analysis of their spectroscopic data. Among these metabolites, compounds 1, 4-20 and 22-24 were isolated and identified for the f'urst time from S. caseolaris. In the in vitro cytotoxic assay against SMMC-7721 human hepatoma cells, compound 21 (3',4',5,7-tetrahydroxyflavone)exhibited significant activity with IC50 2.8 μg/mL, while oleanolic acid (14), 3,3'-di-O-methyl ether ellagic acid (18), and 3,3',4-O-tri-O-methyl ether ellagic acid (19) showed weak activity. None of these compounds displayed significant antibacterial activites.  相似文献   
逐点内插法建立DEM的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文讨论了移动拟合法和加权平均法两种逐点内插法建立DEM的原理及算法实现,并对其中的关键技术——动态确定阈值R和权函数的确定与实现进行了详细讨论。文章在分析常规权函数的基础上提出了一种新的定权方法。最后通过大量试验数据对两种内插方法的精度以及不同权函数的精度分别进行了评定。  相似文献   
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