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Abstract— Core samples were obtained from various locations of the ~ 105-kg Chico, NM, L6 chondrite in order to study the effects of large shielding on the production rates of cosmic-ray-produced nuclides. Relations between measured abundances of cosmogenic nuclides (10Be, 26Al, and stable isotopes of He, Ne, and Ar) and the cosmogenic 22Ne/21Ne ratio were determined and compared with recent model predictions of production rates. The measured 22Ne/21Ne ratios (1.06-1.08) and significant variations observed in concentrations of cosmogenic 21Ne and 3He suggest an ~40-cm shielding gradient across Chico and irradiation within a large object (> 100-cm radius). Noble gas data indicate that Chico experienced greater shielding than chondrites Knyahinya or Keyes and similar to Jilin. Values of 10Be (average = 20.7 dpm/kg) and 26Al (average = 71.1 dpm/kg) are nearly constant, however, and show no correlation with either 22Ne/21Ne or 21Ne. Activities of 10Be and 26Al suggest irradiation in a smaller object (~40–80 cm radius). The 26Al activity and the 26Al/10Be ratio (average value = 3.42) are both significantly larger than values for most other chondrites. These results could indicate a two-stage irradiation with t1 ~ 104 Ma and t2 ~ 4 Ma and a second-stage body the size of Knyahinya. The single stage, 10Be/21Ne exposure age for Chico is 65 Ma. The 22Ne/21Ne ratio apparently becomes insensitive to shielding for objects the size of Chico. No substantial evidence exists for chondrites with 22Ne/21Ne ratios significantly less than ~ 1.055.  相似文献   
The changing frequency of dust storms through time   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
Dust storms are major, but under-studied actors in the world's drylands. Not only are they an important manifestation of desertification and land degradation, but they also have a whole suite of important environmental impacts, including possible rainfall suppression (Maley, 1982), fertilization of offshore areas, and disturbance to satellite communications. It is therefore important to ascertain whether their frequency and extent is changing. An increasing dust-storm incidence could be both a manifestation of and a contributor to global change.By analysing long-term meteorological records for a large number of areas (the Great Plains of the USA, the USSR, Morocco, The Arabian Gulf, Australia, the Sahel-Sudan zone of Africa, China, Mongolia and Mexico) certain conclusions can be drawn. The first of these is that there is no one global pattern of dust-storm frequency trend. Some stations (e.g. in the Sahel) show a clear upward trend of great severity, others show a downward trend (e.g. Mexico City), while others show a more cyclical pattern. In many cases it is evident that essentially natural processes (precipitation totals, snow cover, wind strength) determine the frequency of dust events in any one year. It has also been possible to show the importance of runs of drought years (e.g. in the High Plains in the 1930s, and in the Sahel zone of Africa in the 1970s and 1980s). Elsewhere, however, various human activities have been significant in determining dust-storm frequency variations: the introduction of centre-pivot irrigation in the High Plains, the abstraction of water from the Owens and Mono basins in California, the disruption of surfaces by construction activity and vehicle use (e.g. in Ulan Bator, Mongolia), and the deliberate stabilisation of susceptible surfaces (e.g. the Lake Texcoco scheme in Mexico).  相似文献   
"Population estimates are usually produced by local government administrations in Britain, for each small area within their authority. Increasing interest has been shown by commerce and by central government. Five main methods are identified: apportionment, ratio change, additive change, cohort survival, and local censuses. Estimation strategies also vary according to available data, the detail in which a population is estimated, and the precise combination of elements chosen from one or more of the main methods. The use of methods at the beginning of the 1990s is surveyed in this paper, and examples given. The accuracy of each main method is quantified from empirical data collated by the Estimating with Confidence project. Likely developments towards the end of the 1990s are reviewed."  相似文献   
Northern Fennoscandia has experienced high-magnitude postglacial fault (PGF) events, yet the role of seismic tremors in subglacial deformations and meltwater discharge has remained obscure. We studied glacial geomorphology in Utsjoki, Finnish Lapland, an area characterized by the Utsjoki drumlin field fanning out north and northeast to the Younger Dryas End Moraines (YDEMs) in northern Norway. Paleolandslides were common on fells (i.e. mountains shaped by Pleistocene glaciations) and were formed in nunatak position evidencing fault-instability in app. 11,900 calibrated (cal) BP. An anastomosing network of eskers was found throughout Utsjoki, and was probably generated through short-lived sliding bed stages during the discharge of subglacial lake(s). The formation of networks is different from time-transgressive evolution of single-ridged eskers in arborescent (treelike) systems. The most probable triggering mechanism for the meltwater outburst(s) was an earthquake tremor(s) associated with fault-instability during the late and post-Younger Dryas (YD). The alignment of the esker network was inconsistent with parallel-to-iceflow streamlining and the eskers erode or superimpose drumlins. Hence the esker network post-dates the streamlining. In some cases, hummocky (Pulju) moraine was observed to coexist with esker network and peculiar ‘kettle’ and ‘liquefaction’ features. We propose that glacio-seismotectonic events contributed not only to landslides but were also the primary force behind subglacial evolution of esker networks and possibly even hummocky moraine.  相似文献   
An idealized numerical study of the influence of a tidal flow around an island has been undertaken with ROMS. The study focusses on coastal island wakes which are mainly controlled by elliptical tidal current flows on shallow shelves. This model is typical of some isolated continental shelf islands. The model is forced by a semi-diurnal barotropic inertia gravity wave imposed on the four open boundaries of a rectangular domain and its propagation results in an elliptical tidal flow within the domain in which the circular island lies. The influence of the surrounding island bathymetry and of the ellipse shape has been studied both in two and three dimensions. In the island vicinity, the residual circulation patterns over a tidal period show alongshore flow divergence along the major axis and convergence along the minor axis. A thin tidal ellipse (i.e. with a large ratio between major and minor axes) leads to strong eddy activity periods in the lee of the island during the flood and ebb phases, with eddy dissipation phases in between. By contrast, an almost round ellipse (axis ratio nearly 1) leads to vorticity filaments which continuously progress around the island without eddy shedding. The presence of a topographic slope in the vicinity of the island strengthens the eddy activity. This study suggests that the tidal current rotation favors the development of the eddy rotating in the same direction and weakens the development of the second eddy. In three dimensions with a surrounding bathymetry, an intense upwelling occurs in a large area in the lee of the island and the vertical velocities are stronger with thinner ellipses. With a flat bottom the vertical motions are almost fully generated by convergence and divergence of the secondary flow. With a varying bottom topography, the vertical motions come from a combination of this mechanism with convergence and divergence of the depth averaged flow.  相似文献   
Abstract— We present the 14C, 26Al, 10Be, 3He, 4He, 20Ne, 21Ne, 22Ne, 36Ar, 38Ar, and 40Ar concentrations and the track densities measured in up to 13 samples of the Bur Gheluai (H5) meteorite fall. Only a multi-stage exposure history can explain the data in a self-consistent way. Parameters for a model two-stage history obtained by simultaneous, least-squares fitting of the concentrations of 14C, 26Al, 10Be, and 21Ne were: first stage duration ~10 Ma and radius >2 m; second stage duration ~0.6 Ma and radius 40–100 cm. Nominal one-stage 21Ne production rates (P21) inferred from 26Al in Bur Gheluai samples exceed those inferred from 10Be as expected for a meteorite with a complex history. Nonetheless, data for other meteorites indicate that multi-stage irradiations alone do not account for all the high reported values of P21 based on 26A***l: The equations describing the production of cosmogenic nuclides show that uncorrected shielding effects may also play a role. A compilation of ordinary, solar-gas-poor chondrites for which two-stage histories have been proposed includes many with short second stages but none with unambiguously long first stages (>0.2 Ga).  相似文献   
A review is presented of the ocean circulation along Australia’s southern shelves and slope. Uniquely, the long, zonal shelf is subject to an equatorward Sverdrup transport that gives rise to the Flinders Current - a small sister to the world’s major Western Boundary Currents. The Flinders Current is strongest near the 600 m isobath where the current speeds can reach 20 cm/s and the bottom boundary layer is upwelling favourable. It is larger in the west but likely intermittent in both space and time due to possibly opposing winds, thermohaline circulation and mesoscale eddies. The Flinders Current may be important to deep upwelling within the ubiquitous canyons of the region.During winter, the Leeuwin Current and local winds act to drive eastward currents that average up to 20-30 cm/s. The currents associated with the intense coastal-trapped wave-field (6-12 day band) are of order 25-30 cm/s and can peak at 80-90 cm/s. Wintertime winds and cooling also lead to downwelling to depths of 200 m or more and the formation of dense coastal water within the Great Australian Bight and the South Australian Sea. Within the Great Australian Bight, the thermohaline circulation associated with this dense water is unknown, but may enhance the eastward shelf-edge, South Australian Current. The dense salty water formed within Spencer Gulf is known to cascade as a gravity current to depths of 200 m off Kangaroo Island. This dense water outflow and meanders in the shelf circulation also fix the locations of a sequence of quasi-permanent mesoscale eddies between the Eyre Peninsula and Portland.During summer, the average coastal winds reverse and surface heating leads to the formation of warm water in the western Great Australian Bight and the South Australian Sea. No significant exchange of shelf water and gulf water appears to occur due to the presence of a dense, nutrient-rich (sub-surface) pool that is upwelled off Kangaroo Island. The winds lead to weak average coastal currents (<10 cm/s) that flow to the north-west. In the Great Australian Bight, the wind stress curl can lead to an anticyclonic circulation gyre that can result in shelf-break downwelling in the western Great Australian Bight and the formation of the eastward, South Australian Current. In the east, upwelling favourable winds and coastal-trapped waves can lead to deep upwelling events off Kangaroo Island and the Bonney Coast that occur over 3-10 days and some 2-4 times a season. The alongshore currents here can be large (∼40 cm/s) and the vertical scales of upwelling are of order 150 m (off Kangaroo Island) and 250 m (off the Bonney Coast).Increasing evidence suggests that El Nino events (4-7 year period) can have a major impact on the winter and summer circulation. These events propagate from the Pacific Ocean and around the shelf-slope wave-guide of West Australia and into the Great Australian Bight. During winter El Nino events, the average shelf currents may be largely shut-down. During summer, the thermocline may be raised by up to 150 m. The nature and role of tides and surface waves is also discussed along with uncertainties in the general circulation and future research.  相似文献   
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