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Reynolds shear stress (RS = –uw′) and sand transport patterns over a vegetated foredune are explored using three‐dimensional velocity data from ultrasonic anemometers (at 0 · 2 and 1 · 2 m) and sand transport intensity from laser particle counters (at 0 · 014 m). A mid‐latitude cyclone on 3–4 May 2010 generated storm‐force winds (exceeding 20 m s–1) that shifted from offshore to obliquely alongshore. Quadrant analysis was used to characterize the spatial variation of RS quadrant components (Q1 through Q4) and their relative contributions were parameterized using the flow exuberance relation, EXFL = (Q1 + Q3)/(Q2 + Q4). The magnitudes of RS and sand transport varied somewhat independently over the dune as controlled by topographic forcing effects on flow dynamics. A ‘flow exuberance effect’ was evident such that Q2 (ejection‐like) and Q4 (sweep‐like) quadrants (that contribute positively to RS) dominated on the beach, dune toe, and lower stoss, whereas Q1 and Q3 (that contribute negatively to RS) dominated near the crest. This exuberance effect was not expressed, however, in sand transport patterns. Instead, Q1 and Q4, with above‐average streamwise velocity fluctuations (+u′), were most frequently associated with sand transport. Q4 activity corresponded with most sand transport at the beach, toe, and stoss locations (52, 60, 100%). At the crest, 25 to 86% of transport was associated with Q1 while Q4 corresponded with most of the remaining transport (13 to 59%). Thus, the relationship between sand transport and RS is not as straightforward as in traditional equations that relate flux to stress in increasing fashion. Generally, RS was poorly associated with sand transport partly because Q1 and Q4 contributions offset each other in RS calculations. Thus, large amounts of transport can occur with small RS. Turbulent kinetic energy or Reynolds normal stresses (u2, w2) may provide stronger associations with sand transport over dunes, although challenges exist on how to normalize and compare these quantities. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Lake Waikaremoana, the North Island's deepest lake (248 m), lies in a natural forested catchment, but the lake itself has been modified for hydro‐electric power generation and by the introduction of trout, smelt, and adventive aquatic plants. The lake is a warm monomictic water body of low conductivity (82 μS cm‐1) and a high seasonal water column stability. The waters are oligotrophic, with epilimnetic dissolved reactive phosphorus concentrations typically < 1 mg m‐3. The concentration of NO3‐N is seasonally variable but generally high in winter and spring with maximum epilimnetic values approaching 70 mg m 3. This contrasts with other central North Island lakes. Horizontal variability in surface chlorophyll a is low as are the absolute values (< 1–2 mg m‐3). A notable feature is the formation of a deep chlorophyll maximum within the metalim‐nion comprised largely of Sphaewcystis schweteri as opposed to diatoms and flagellates which normally dominate the epilimnion. Vascular macro‐phytes (maximum biomass 659 g m2 dry weight) extended to 9 m and characeans (maximum biomass 447 g m2dry weight) to 16 m. Total phyto‐plankton primary production was calculated as 4524 tCy‐1 and macrophyte production as 578 t C y‐1. The proportion of macrophyte to phy‐toplankton production (0.14) is higher than in the other deep lakes of the central North Island.  相似文献   
A novel toxicity method to determine sublethal and lethal effects of manmade contaminants on the bioluminescence output from marine dinoflagellates has been developed and tested over the course of 16 years. The toxicity system, QwikLite™, was developed for the sole purpose of evaluating the potential toxicity of various materials used in bay sediments, storm water discharges, industrial discharges from Naval facilities, and antifoulant paints. Bioluminescence inhibition was observed in the following dinoflagellates: Lingulodinium polyedrum (formerly known as Gonyaulax polyedra), Ceratocorys horrida, Pyrocystis noctiluca, Pyrocystis lunula, Pyrocystis fusiformis, and Pyrophacus steinii. Cultured cells were exposed to various concentrations of contaminants from hours through 10 days. Further application with bioluminescent dinoflagellates in a variety of toxicity testing schemes have shown that these species can be used as a screening assay organism in lieu of the more costly, labor intensive bioassays presently in use.  相似文献   
The influence of climate associated with El Niño/Southern Oscillation (ENSO) events on tree growth in the central Colorado Front Range is investigated through the analysis of two high altitude tree-ring chronologies. Dendrochronological techniques are used to determine if ENSO-related climatic effects are detectable in tree-ring width patterns in the central Colorado Front Range. The form of the tree-growth response is identified and the variability of the influence of these events on tree growth over time is investigated. Results indicate that tree growth in this area does respond to ENSO events, but the response varies with species and type of event. El Niño-influenced climate tends to result in larger tree rings the year of or year following the event, while La Niña-influenced climate tends to result in smaller rings the year after the event, reflecting spring moisture conditions. Trees have a more consistent response to La Niña events, but El Niño events seem to have a greater effect on extremes in growth. The relationship between the Southern Oscillation Index (SOI) and tree growth has varied over time, probably because of the fact that ENSO events, characterized by the SOI, vary in magnitude and amplitude. [Key words: ENSO, dendrochronology, Colorado Front Range.]  相似文献   
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