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While carbon capture and storage (CCS) is increasingly recognised as technologically possible, recent evidence from deep-sea CCS activities suggests that leakage from reservoirs may result in highly CO2 impacted biological communities. In contrast, shallow marine waters have higher primary productivity which may partially mitigate this leakage. We used natural CO2 seeps in shallow marine waters to assess if increased benthic primary productivity could capture and store CO2 leakage in areas targeted for CCS. We found that the productivity of seagrass communities (in situ, using natural CO2 seeps) and two individual species (ex situ, Cymodocea serrulata and Halophila ovalis) increased with CO2 concentration, but only species with dense belowground biomass increased in abundance (e.g. C. serrulata). Importantly, the ratio of below:above ground biomass of seagrass communities increased fivefold, making seagrass good candidates to partially mitigate CO2 leakage from sub-seabed reservoirs, since they form carbon sinks that can be buried for millennia.  相似文献   
A steady-state nonequilibrium fugacity model incorporating the oceanographic dimensions of the environment receiving a sewage discharge from Sydney, Australia was used to predict the environmental fate of a range of chlorohydrocarbon contaminants. The model showed advection in water to be the dominant removal process, accounting for all except 1–2% of the contaminants discharged. With the exception of the more water soluble dieldrin, the major portion of contaminant present in the area was held in the sediments. Bioconcentration and sediment sorption models were used with levels detected in the biota and sediments to calculate the ambient water concentrations of the chlorohydrocarbon contaminants. The ambient water concentrations calculated using these models were in general agreement within a factor of about 2 in all but one case, and that was in agreement within an order of magnitude. The fugacity model was also used to estimate the rates of discharge of each of the contaminants. These were chlordane 83–640, DDT 150, dieldrin 1400–1500, hexachlorobenzene 360–400 and PCBs 55–96 g day−1. Comparisons of the calculated ambient concentrations of each compound in the water and in fish in waters adjacent to the discharge point before and after its relocation from a cliff-face to a deepwater site indicated that relocation should result in an order of magnitude reduction.  相似文献   
Ecological risk evaluations are commonly performed using aqueous concentrations and aqueous toxicity measurements as a starting point. However risk evaluations could be carried out using internal biotic concentrations and the internal lethal or sublethal concentrations. This has several advantages. Firstly, the internal lethal and sublethal concentrations are relatively consistent in groups of chemicals having a similar mode of action. Thus in field situations the internal concentration, in fish and possibly other biota, can be used to evaluate possible biotic effects. Also other histopathological, biochemical, biomolecular and physiological effects can be assessed and used with this information to give an overall assessment. There are, however, several limitations with this approach including sensitivity, health, age and nutritional status of the biota as well as a lack of data on dose/response relationships with internal concentrations.  相似文献   
Summary This investigation focuses on North Atlantic subtropical cyclones which tracked within 100 nautical miles (185 km) of Bermuda from 1957 to 2005, identified through subtropical structural characteristics distinguished using Cyclone Phase Space, from the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts 45-year reanalyses. The study assesses the characteristics of these hybrid storms that affect the Island, in order to aid the local forecaster. Reanalysis charts, surface analyses, local observations, HURDAT tracks, and satellite pictures, where available, were examined. This data shows that subtropical cyclones affecting Bermuda usually form in close proximity, to the south-southwest, over water of an average of 26 °C, under moderate vertical wind shear, with an upper trough lying to the west-north-west. They then move in a north-northeastward direction, intensifying quickly, but not often reaching a peak intensity of more than 26 m s−1. They generally have their beginnings along old baroclinic zones. September is the peak month of occurrence. A direct hit by a severe subtropical cyclone, producing locally observed winds of over 26 m s−1, appears to be a rare event. However, these storms are certainly a threat to the Island, particularly due to their lack of predictability, and conditions conducive to an incipient subtropical cyclone with potential to affect the Island should always be closely monitored.  相似文献   
Approximately 50,000 ha of native ‘ōhi’a (Metrosideros polymorpha) rain forest on the windward side of the island of Hawaii experienced a pronounced dieback of the tree canopy during the 1960s and early 1970's. The forests affected were located between 600 and 1,500 m elevation where the median annual rainfall was greater than 25000mm. Dieback stands were found on a variety of different substrates ranging from 500–10,000 years in age. Most of the stands that experiencel dieback had canopy cover greater than 60% prior to 1960. In 1976 and 1977 we established 43 relevés in dieback and non-dieback forest stands to assess canopy tree vigor, composition and structure of the vegetation, and to describe substrate characteristics.Metrosideros population structure and tree vigor were resampled for 25 of these relevés in 1982 and 1985–1986. The results of air photo analysis and ground sampling showed that dieback has not expanded very much within the study area since 1977. However, 5 of the relevés sampled in 1977 continued to decline in tree canopy vigor between 1977 and 1982 while 2 others showed a slight recovery in vigor over this same period. Seedling and sapling regeneration has been extremely vigorous in most of the sites that experienced a breakdown of the canopy while, in stands with an intact, dense tree canopy no such regeneration occurred. It appears that most of the stands which experienced canopy dieback have the potential to become closed forest communities again, dominated byMetrosideros. The natural recovery process may be disrupted in some areas due to additional competition for light and nutrients from invading populations of both native and alien plant species that have become established following canopy dieback.  相似文献   
Soil vapor extraction (SVE) is effective for removing volatile organic compound (VOC) mass from the vadose zone and reducing the potential for vapor intrusion (VI) into overlying and surrounding buildings. However, the relationship between residual mass in the subsurface and VI is complex. Through a series of alternating extraction (SVE on) and rebound (SVE off) periods, this field study explored the relationship and aspects of SVE applicable to VI mitigation in a commercial/light-industrial setting. The primary objective was to determine if SVE could provide VI mitigation over a wide area encompassing multiple buildings, city streets, and subsurface utilities and eliminate the need for individual subslab depressurization systems. We determined that SVE effectively mitigates offsite VI by intercepting or diluting contaminant vapors that would otherwise enter buildings through foundation slabs. Data indicate a measurable (5 Pa) influence of SVE on subslab/indoor pressure differential may occur but is not essential for effective VI mitigation. Indoor air quality improvements were evident in buildings 100 to 200 feet away from SVE including those without a measurable reversal of differential pressure across the slab or substantial reductions in subslab VOC concentration. These cases also demonstrated mitigation effects across a four-lane avenue with subsurface utilities. These findings suggest that SVE affects distant VI entry points with little observable impact on differential pressures and without relying on subslab VOC concentration reductions.  相似文献   
Deposits of Fe-Si-Mn oxyhydroxides are commonly found on the seafloor on seamounts and mid-ocean spreading centers. At Franklin Seamount located near the western extremity of Woodlark Basin, Papua New Guinea, Fe-Si-Mn oxyhydroxides are being precipitated as chimneys and mounds upon a substrate of mafic lava. Previous studies have shown that the vent fluids have a low temperature (20–30°C) and are characterized by a total dissolved iron concentration of 0.038 mM kg-1, neutral pH (6.26) and no measurable H2S. The chimneys have a yellowish appearance with mottled red–orange patches when observed in situ from a submersible, but collected samples become redder within a few hours of being removed from the sea. The amorphous iron oxyhydroxides, obtained from active and inactive vents, commonly possess filamentous textures similar in appearance to sheaths and stalks excreted by the iron-oxidizing bacteria Leptothrix and Gallionella; however, formless agglomerates are also common. Textural relationships between apparent bacterial and non-bacterial iron suggest that the filaments are coeval with and/or growing outwards from the agglomerates. The amorphous iron oxyhydroxides are suggested to precipitate hydrothermally as ferrosic hydroxide, a mixed-valence (Fe2+-Fe3+) green–yellow iron hydroxide compound. Consideration of the thermodynamics and kinetics of iron in the vent fluid, suggest that the precipitation is largely pH controlled and that large amounts of amorphous iron oxyhydroxides are capable of being precipitated by a combination of abiotic hydrothermal processes. Some biologically induced precipitation of primary ferric oxyhydroxides (two-XRD-line ferrihydrite) may have occurred directly from the fluid, but most of the filamentous iron micro-textures in the samples appear to have a diagenetic origin. They may have formed as a result of the interaction between the iron-oxidizing bacteria and the initially precipitated ferrosic hydroxide that provided a source of ferrous iron needed for their growth. The processes described at Franklin Seamount provide insight into the formation of other seafloor oxyhydroxide deposits and ancient oxide-facies iron formation.  相似文献   
Coal swelling/shrinkage during gas adsorption/desorption is a well-known phenomenon. For some coals the swelling/shrinkage shows strong anisotropy, with more swelling in the direction perpendicular to the bedding than that parallel to the bedding. Experimental measurements performed in this work on an Australian coal found strong anisotropic swelling behaviour in gases including nitrogen, methane and carbon dioxide, with swelling in the direction perpendicular to the bedding almost double that parallel to the bedding. It is proposed here that this anisotropy is caused by anisotropy in the coal's mechanical properties and matrix structure. The Pan and Connell coal swelling model, which applies an energy balance approach where the surface energy change caused by adsorption is equal to the elastic energy change of the coal solid, is further developed to describe the anisotropic swelling behaviour incorporating coal property and structure anisotropy. The developed anisotropic swelling model is able to accurately describe the experimental data mentioned above, with one set of parameters to describe the coal's properties and matrix structure and three gas adsorption isotherms. This developed model is also applied to describe anisotropic swelling measurements from the literature where the model was found to provide excellent agreement with the measurement. The anisotropic coal swelling model is also applied to an anisotropic permeability model to describe permeability behaviour for primary and enhanced coalbed methane recovery. It was found that the permeability calculation applying anisotropic coal swelling differs significantly to the permeability calculated using isotropic volumetric coal swelling strain. This demonstrates that for coals with strong anisotropic swelling, anisotropic swelling and permeability models should be applied to more accurately describe coal permeability behaviour for both primary and enhanced coalbed methane recovery processes.  相似文献   
During the 1992 spawning season of river herring, three sites in a tributary of the Rappahannock River, Virginia, were studied to characterize spawning and nursery habitats of alewife (Alosa pseudoharengus) and blueback herring (Alosa aestivalis) and to identify differences in habitat use along an upstream to downtream gradient. The sites were sampled (using drift and dip nets and a plankton sampler) and habitat variables were measured on a 5-d, four-time interval rotation: at the end of 5 d, each site had been sampled once at dawn, noon, dusk, and midnight. Considerable non-overlap in spawning seasonality was apparent between species. For both species, densities of river herring adults, eggs, and yolk-sac larvae were highest at the upstream site, indicating 1) that the upstream site is more important for spawning than downstream areas, and 2) these species do not use different spawning areas in this stream. Densities of post-yolk-sac larvae did not differ significantly among sites, indicating post-spawning dispersal to downstream areas. The upstream site was smaller in area, more acidic, had faster water flow, clearer water, more vegetation, and siltier substrate than the downstream sites. At times, pH levels in the upstream site were within the lethal range reported for blueback herring larvae. Possible reasons for selection of the upstream habitat include: 1) adults may migrate as far upstream as possible to avoid predation or potential competition with other species of fish for spawning habitat; or 2) adults may historically enjoy greater spawning success in the upstream habitat due to physicochemical features of this area. More study is needed to determine the reasons for river herring use of upstream habitats in Virginia streams.  相似文献   
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