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The chlorohydrocarbon pesticides (CHPs) (principally DDT, dieldrin, hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH) including lindane, chlordane, heptachlor and heptachlorepoxide, aldrin and hexachlorobenzene (HCB)) were used extensively in Australia during the 1960s and 1970s. These were progressively banned from the 1970s with DDT being totally banned in 1987. The levels in marine waters are believed to have progressively declined as indicated by water in the Brisbane River, which consistently fell from maximum concentrations of about 1.7 μg/l in 1972–1973 to not detectable in 1986–1987. In some urban areas sediment concentrations, up to 1700 μg/kg dry weight, were recorded in the early 1990s which may reflect the reworking and exposure of older more contaminated material. Fish exhibited consistent occurrence of DDT, HCH, dieldrin and HCB through the 1970s to the 1990s. Maximum concentrations of DDT and dieldrin occurred generally in the 1970s at 40.3 and 8.8 μg/g wet weight, and minimums in the 1990s at 2.4 and 0.041 μg/g wet weight respectively. Inputs of dialdrin from sewage and DDT from the broad environment, reflected by the calculated daily human uptake in the diet, were shown to decline with half-lives of 1.1–1.5 and about 3 years respectively. This evidence suggests that banning of the CHPs has greatly reduced the inputs into the marine environment with consequent reductions in concentrations in biota but there is the occasional occurrence of relatively high concentrations.  相似文献   

Small scale cross-border trade on the Thai–Lao border has come under increasing pressure with the construction of a new Mekong bridge that has expanded formal trade between the two countries. Most small-scale traders are women who, with assistance from family and friends, have developed small businesses from childhood, and created social networks across the border with other traders, and relevant actors such as drivers and government officials. Such networks, trust, experience and familiarity enabled superior access to information and trading concessions that have enabled the continued success of small-scale trade, the maintenance of complex cross-border livelihoods, and the ability of traders across an increasingly regulated border to deal with constraints and risks. A few established traders have developed trade networks and social relationships involving supply chains across several countries.  相似文献   
The quantities of petroleum hydrocarbons being discharged to the Hudson Raritan estuary have been estimated, in tonnes day?1, from data in the literature as: sewage discharges (35), oil refinery discharges (1.3), non-oil refinery industrial discharges (17), oil spills (1.5), atmospheric deposition (0.002), urban and rural run-off (37). Losses have been estimated in a somewhat similar manner as: permanent deposition in sediments (11), dredging (5.8), advection (6.5), bed sedimentary transport (0.007), decomposition in water and sediments (42), evaporation (0.4), movement of surface slicks (0.4). The results are approximate but suggest that petroleum hydrocarbons originate principally from sewage as well as urban and rural run-off and only moderate proportions are discharged through the estuary mouth. However, this discharge combined with that due to dredging spoil disposal operations results in a considerable quantity of petroleum hydrocarbon entering the adjacent New York Bight.  相似文献   

Environmental change in small islands may be associated with migration as a means of adaptation. Both Manam and the Carteret Islands in Papua New Guinea (PNG) have experienced rapid- and slow-onset changes, respectively. These have been accompanied by the forced migration and ‘temporary’ resettlement of the Manam population and attempts at resettlement by Carteret Islanders. Neither has proved successful, thwarted by ‘host’ landowners, the impossibility of gaining adequate access to land and land rights, and government inactivity. Settlers have been perceived as outsiders and rival claimants to valuable coastal resources. Inability to resettle in national contexts raises issues of ambiguity, identity and citizenship. The problems experienced by quite small population groups moving short distances in similar cultural contexts are indicative of the potential future problems facing environmental migrants in other contexts.  相似文献   
Erratic clasts with a mass of up to 15 kg are described from preglacial shallow marine and coastal deposits (Wroxham Crag Formation) in northeast Norfolk. Detailed examination of their petrology has enabled them to be provenanced to northern Britain and southern Norway. Their clustered occurrence in coastal sediments in Norfolk is believed to be the product of ice-rafting from glacier incursions into the North Sea from eastern Scotland and southern Norway, and their subsequent grounding and melting within coastal areas of what is now north Norfolk. The precise timing of these restricted glaciations is difficult to determine. However, the relationship of the erratics to the biostratigraphic record and the first major expansion of ice into the North Sea suggest these events occurred during at least one glaciation between the late Early Pleistocene and early Middle Pleistocene (c. 1.1–0.6 Ma). In contrast to the late Middle (Anglian) and Late Pleistocene (Last Glacial Maximum) glaciations, where the North Sea was largely devoid of extensive marine conditions, the presence of far-travelled ice-rafted materials implies that earlier cold stage sea-levels were considerably higher.  相似文献   
We analyzed historic and current fishery independent data to determine if the abundance of two apex predators, bull sharks (Carcharhinus leucas) and alligator gar (Atractosteus spatula), in Lake Pontchartrain had changed significantly over the last half century. Lake Pontchartrain is an environmentally degraded oligohaline estuary in southeastern Louisiana that has experienced considerable changes in fish assemblage composition over this interval. Using gillnet, beach seine, and trawl data collected during three time periods (1953–1955, 1977–1978, and 1996–2005), we analyzed trends in abundance forC. leucas andA. spatula using generalized linear models with a negative binomial error structure and a log link. Lake Pontchartrain data were divided into four spatial locations (northwest, northeast, southwest, southeast) since each region represents a unique combination of anthropogenic and natural influences that could affect catches. For each species and gear type, we produced log-likelihood profiles for the instantaneous rate of change in relative abundance through time. Raw catches were generally lower for both species in the later surveys.C. leucas were not captured in beach seines since the 1950s andA. spatula were rarely captured in trawls or seines since the 1970s. Likelihood profiles of changes in abundance forC. leucas andA. spatula showed very large declines in both species since 1953.C. leucas declined by 98.6% (95% CI: 73.4–99.9%) in gillnets and became functionally extirpated in beach seines with a decline of 99.9% (95% CI: 23–99.9%). Among all gears,C. leucas declined by the same rate as in gillnets. The decline inA. spatula was also large with a decrease of 98.6% (95% CI: 73.4–99.9%) in beach seines and a decline of 99.2% (95% CI: 54.8–99.9%) in trawls since 1953. Catches ofA. spatula in gillnets did not show a significant change over the study period. The continued decline of these two apex predators could seriously affect efforts to restore this degraded estuarine ecosystem.  相似文献   
Religious identity, when marked by physical changes to urban landscapes, has been a cause of tension and conflict in many cities. In the Sydney suburb of St Ives, an attempt to create an eruv, a symbolic and only partly physical boundary around orthodox Jewish space, was vigorously opposed and eventually defeated through the planning system. The religious and physical significance of the eruv resulted in diverse rationales of opposition, centred on the physical and environmental impact, the conceptual nature of boundaries and the role of religion and ‘modernity’ in everyday suburban life. The place of an eruv was opposed with reference to spatial imaginaries of the nation, the suburb and the secular public, as religion and worship intersected with the politics of urban citizenship and belonging. Each of these spatial imaginaries was constructed by opponents in such a way as to deny a place for an eruv in St Ives, and reinforced through the application of planning instruments which eventually refused permission for an eruv. To many residents, public space was seen to be at risk, raising complex questions over amenity, the politics and perception of difference and what is in or out of place. The planning framework adjudicating such development proposals must transcend such imaginaries in the production of public spaces in multicultural cities.  相似文献   
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