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The Bogda Shan orogenic belt is interpreted to be an Upper Palaeozoic continental rift, which was closed towards the end of the Carboniferous period. Intrusive activities in that belt are represented mainly by a large number of diabasic sills, dykes and stocks with sparse dioritic and granitic bodies. Determinations on a group of samples from the Shangdaheyan intrusion yielded a mineral-rock Rb-Sr isochron with an age of 298.4±0.76 Ma and an initial87Sr/86Sr ratio of 0.7041. In combination with field evidence, these results indicate that most of the intusions of the Bogda Shan orogenic belt were emplaced during the Hercynian cycle as a result of initial extension following rift closure, and that post-Hercynian intrusive activities are not important in that belt.  相似文献   
储层流动单元是指影响流体流动的岩性和岩石物理性质在内部相似,在垂向上和横向上连续的储集带,它是基于油藏数值模拟的目的提出的,对于油气田开发,特别是对二次采油和三次采油具有较大的实际意义。目前国内外对流动单元的研究主要集中于探索流动单元的划分方法,笔者在研究各种划分方法的基础上提出了一种最简单的划分方法,该方法可直接从测井解释成果图上读取数据,求出存储系数和渗流系数,通过聚类分析划分出流动单元。该方法虽有不足,但简便易行,且在单一沉积微相中可取得很好的效果。  相似文献   
洞穴次生化学沉积物中Mg、Sr、Ca及其比值的环境指代意义   总被引:18,自引:7,他引:18  
通过桂林地区盘龙洞1号石笋和丰鱼岩4号石笋的Ca、Mg、Sr 及其比值的研究,并通过与氧同位素记录的对比分析,初步认为洞穴次生化学沉积物中的Sr、Mg、Ca 及其比值的形成既取决于环境温度的变化,又取决于水文条件的变化。当大气环流系统未发生显著变化时,岩溶水文地质条件较相似,这时, Mg /Ca和Mg /Sr 比值的变化主要取决于环境温度的变化;而当大气环流系统发生显著变化时(如出现冰期和间冰期的显著变化) , Mg /Ca 和Mg / Sr 比值则主要取决于水文地质条件,即降水条件的变化。尽管在一定的条件下利用Mg、Sr、Ca指标可以获得很高分辨率的信息,但由于Mg、Sr、Ca 地球化学习性的复杂性,以及其影响因素的多元化,这种指标作为单独指标应用就会十分危险。   相似文献   
Abundant garnet-bearing granulite lenses are widely distributed in the northern part of the Sulu region and adjacent areas. They are possibly re-metamorphosed high-pressure metamorphic rocks. On the basis of detailed petrographic study, samples WD01, WD04 and ML06 from Laixi and Wendeng were identified as high-pressure granulites, and WH1 from Weihai as an original coesite-bearing eclogite. Three high-pressure granulite samples give mineral-WR isochron ages of 1846±76, 1743±79 and 1752±30 Ma. TDM ages are 3.3, 3.0 and 2.8 Ga. The Sm–Nd mineral-WR isochron ages are interpreted to date as the metamorphic resetting within the medium-pressure granulite facies, representing an isotopic re-homogeneity during uplifting of the high-pressure granulites from deep continent crust. It is important that Sm–Nd chronological characteristics are the same as Archaean high-pressure granulites in the North China craton. However, sample WH1 from Weihai demonstrates abnormal Sm–Nd characteristics. Its whole rock Nd (0) value is +129. TDM age is 1.3 Ga, and constrains the minimum age of re-metamorphosed eclogite protolith formation to the mid-Proterozoic. This result is identical to those reported by Jahn (1994), showing complicated processes of metamorphism and metasomatism. The data in this paper provide further evidence to define the boundary between the North China craton and UHPM belt in eastern Shandong and to understand the geotectonic nature of the boundary.  相似文献   
银厂坡银矿床碳酸盐化蚀变作用与银的矿化富集在空间上紧密相伴,这种蚀变作用导致矿石与围岩中组分有明显差异。本文通过定量计算阐明组分之间的迁移方向;计算表明在银的原生富集过程中,常量组分的带入与带出最不明显;而微量组分Ag和Cu、Pb、Zn、As、Sb、Cd、Ge带入围岩明显。在银的次生富集过程表现为Ag和Cu、Pb、Cd、Ga、Ge、REE、AlO3、Fe2O3、MnO、K2O、P2O5的强烈带入,以Al2O3、Fe2O3、K2O、P2O5带入强度最大,这是由于CaO、MgO被淋滤,体积亏损造成强烈带入的假象,而As、Sb、Zn、V、Cr、Co、Ni、CaO、MgO为自围岩中带出组分,以CaO、MgO带出强度最大。REE除原生富集的弱蚀变白岩→矿化白云岩表现为带出外,其余原富集过程均表现为带入围岩。造成组分发生迁  相似文献   
NONTRADITIONAL MINING ASSESSMENT THEORYNontraditional Mineral ResourcesNontraditional mineral resources refers to the potentialmineral resources that are ignored,undiscovered and unuti-lized under present technical,economic and environmentalconditions. This research scope can be listed as follows:(1)Nontraditional mineral resources refer to new types,newdepths,new scopes,new techniques and new utilization. (2 )Nontraditional theories and methods include new theories,new technol…  相似文献   
较为详细地介绍了大洋钻探计划(ODP)的科学目标,研究主题及其重要的科学意义,大洋钻探计划是当今举世瞩目的国际性海洋科学研究计划,其前身深海钻探计划(DSDP)孕育了20世纪70年代的地学革命,为“新全球构造理论”--板块构造学说的发展提供了关键性的证据。自1985年开始的ODP成功地探查了地质历史演化中塑造我们这颗星球并决定了其现今环境状态的各种地质过程,揭示了控制地壳形成,海洋化学,海洋的深部和表面循环的各种地质以及生物圈和环境物理化学间相互作用的复杂性,DSDP和ODP的成功为实施新世纪海洋钻探-综合海洋钻探项目(IODP)的目标铺平了道路,IODP是在21世纪初即将实施的新的大洋钻探计划。  相似文献   
冲积沉积构型单元分析法——原理及其适用性   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
通过对构型单元分析法原理和构型单元界面定义的回顾并结合对延长组的研究,发现构型单元分析法适用于以冲积作用为主要沉积物搬运方式的沉积地层。对岩性呈渐变过程、界面类型单一、界面级别难以确定、成岩改造强烈、同沉积变形发育以及底辟作用强烈的地层,不宜使用构型单元分析法。在河口湾、潮间带和河流三角洲前缘环境中形成的沉积体也不适合进行构型单元分析。  相似文献   
黑龙江盘古-碧水韧性剪切带中段构造地球化学特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
盘古-碧水韧性剪切带中段糜棱岩的叠加强度和质量平衡分析表明:剪切带在变形过程中组分发生了显著的交换。糜棱岩类总体CaO、K2O、SiO2大量带入,TiO2、MnO、FeO是带出的。随着糜棱岩化程度的提高,SiO2、K2O、MnO明显带入,CaO少量带出。以Al2O3守恒为限制条件,整个剪切带质量和体积增加了16.87%。大规模的物质带入带出发生在糜棱岩阶段。  相似文献   
GEOLOGICAL EVENT ACROSS THE BOUNDARY OF THE LATEST PALEOCENE TO EARLIEST EOCENE IN TINGRI, SOUTHERN TIBET1 DickensGR ,CastilloMM ,WalkerJCG .AblastofgasinthelatestPaleocene :Simulatingfirst ordereffectsofmassivedissociationofoceanicmethanehydrate[J].Geology ,1997,2 5 (3) :2 5 9~ 2 6 2 . 2 GibsonTG ,BybellLM .Paleocene/EoceneboundarystrataandeventsintheU .S .AtlanticCoastalPlains[J].JournalofVertebratePaleontology ,1993,13(3suppl.) :37. …  相似文献   
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