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Silicic acid (DSi) benthic fluxes play a major role in the benthic–pelagic coupling of coastal ecosystems. They can sustain microphytobenthos (MPB) development at the water–sediment interface and support pelagic diatoms when river DSi inputs decrease. DSi benthic fluxes have been studied at the seasonal scale but little is known about their dial variations. This study measured the amplitude of such variations in an intertidal area over an entire tidal cycle by following the alteration of DSi pore water concentrations at regular intervals over the flood/ebb period. Furthermore we independently estimated the potential DSi uptake by benthic diatoms and compared it to the variations of DSi pore water concentrations and fluxes. The microphytobenthos DSi demand was estimated from primary production measurements on cells extracted from the sediment. There were large changes in DSi pore water concentration and a prominent effect of tidal pumping: the DSi flushed out from the sediment at rising tide, occurs in a very short period of time, but plays a far more important role in fueling the ecosystem (800 μmol-Si m−2 d−1), than diffusive fluxes occurring throughout the rest of the tidal cycle (2 μmol-Si m−2 d−1). This process is not, to our knowledge, currently considered when describing the DSi cycling of intertidal sediments. Moreover, there was a large potential MPB requirement for DSi (812 μmol-Si m−2 d−1), similar to the advective flow periodically pumped by the incoming tide, and largely exceeded benthic diffusive fluxes. However, this DSi uptake by benthic diatoms is almost undetectable given the variation of DSi concentration profiles within the sediment.  相似文献   
The species composition, cell concentration (N), and biomass (B) of the phytoplankton, as well as the chlorophyll a (Chl a) concentration, primary production (PP), and the concentrations of the dissolved inorganic micronutrients (phosphorus, silica, nitrogen as nitrite), were estimated for Kandalaksha Bay (KB), Dvina Bay (DB), and the basin (Bas) of the White Sea in August of 2004. The micronutrient concentrations were lower compared to the average long-term values for the summer period. The Chl a concentration varies from 0.9 to 2.0 mg/m3 for most of the studied areas, reaching up to 7.5 mg/m3 in the Northern Dvina River estuary. The surface water layer of the DB was the most productive area, where the PP reached up to 270–375 mg C/(m3 day). The phytoplankton biomass varied from 11 to 205 mg C/m3 with the highest values observed in the Bas and DB. Three groups of stations were defined during the analysis of the phytoplankton’s species composition similarity. The dinoflagellates Dinophysis norvegica and Ceratium fusus were particular to the phytoplankton assemblages in the KB; the diatom Ditylum brightwellii was particular to the upper and central parts of the DB. These three phytoplankton species were less abundant in the Bas.  相似文献   
High spatial resolution satellite data (IKONOS) combined with in situ data was used to quantitatively estimate the spatial distribution of tidal flat characteristics for the Hwangdo tidal flat, Cheonsu Bay, Korea. The classification result was accurate in terms of a comparison with the in situ data, and the overall accuracy was 90.7%, which confirmed the validity of the classification. GIS analysis based on a probabilistic model was applied to a quantitative estimation of the relationship between each surface sediment facies and the spectral reflectance. Mud flat facies showed a high positive correlation (R2 = 0.91), and sand flat facies showed a high negative correlation (R2 = 1.00), which was a good reflection of the sedimentary characteristics of Hwangdo tidal flat. Relationships between each sediment facies and DEM also showed good agreement with the topographic characteristics in the study area. The study revealed that intertidal surface sediment classification using high resolution remote sensing imagery and in situ data successfully shows spectral and topographic characteristics of the study area. It was noted that spectral reflectance was affected by a combination of environmental factors, including grain size, topography, and remnant surface water. It is possible to determine the type of tidal flat through quantitative estimates of the spatial distribution of surface sediments according to their spectral reflectance.  相似文献   
We conducted various field studies at the seawater intrusion monitoring wells located in the eastern part of Jeju Island, Korea, to observe the tidal effect on groundwater–seawater flow in the coastal aquifer. Studies included monitoring the fluctuations of groundwater and tide levels, electrical and temperature logging, and 2-D heat-pulse flowmeter tests. According to time-series analysis, tidal effects on groundwater level reached up to 3 km inland from the coastline. Water-level variation was more sensitive to tidal fluctuations near the coast, and more related to rainfall toward inland areas. Temporal and spatial variations in the shape and location of the freshwater–saltwater interface were analyzed using data from nine monitoring wells. The results indicated that the interface toe is located at a distance of 6–8 km from the coastline and its location was related to geological layers present. Long-term seasonal variations revealed no major changes in the interface; minor variations were due to moving boundary conditions induced by tidal fluctuations. Using the two-dimensional heat-pulse flowmeter, groundwater flow directions and velocities at four tidal stages were measured on three monitoring wells drilled into the multilayered aquifers. This direct measurement enabled us to relate the differences of flow velocities and directions with geology and tidal fluctuations. Combining the results of EC logging and flowmeter tests, we found a zone where freshwater and saltwater moved alternately in opposite directions, as influenced by the tidal fluctuations. Integrating various physical logging and flowmeter data with water-level fluctuations improved our understanding of the behavior of fresh and seawater flow in the coastal aquifers.  相似文献   
Investigations in the water column and bottom sediments including entrapped water were carried out on expeditions of the P.P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology in the Dvina Bay, the White Sea. We studied the transformation of particulate organic matter at the biogeochemical barrier between the water and bottom and in the underlying Holocene sediments. Low rates of the early diagenesis of sediments caused by low values of primary production in the conditions of high fluxes of terrigenous organic matter were established. The low temperatures of microorganisms habitat play the secondary role.  相似文献   
Corrugated stainless steel membranes have been used as the primary barriers for LNG carriers to reduce thermal stresses at cryogenic temperatures. As the capacity of the LNG cargo is increased, however, the corrugated stainless steel membranes suffer from buckling and collapse due to increased sloshing loads in large-capacity LNG cargo carriers. In this study, the pressure resistance of the corrugated part of the stainless steel membrane was evaluated using a finite element method for better design of the LNG containment system, and an experimental equipment was developed and the pressure resistance of the stainless steel corrugations was measured and compared with the calculated results. In addition, a new membrane with high-pressure resistance and its reinforcing method were developed and evaluated experimentally.  相似文献   
In the Ulleung Basin, East Sea, the Dok Do seamount group comprises Dok Do (Dok Island), consisting of very small islets/rocks and a large submerged volcanic edifice, and two voluminous tablemounts, Simheungtaek and Isabu. We attempted to reconstruct the evolution of these seamounts, using virtual geomagnetic poles (VGPs) determined by the least-squares and the seminorm magnetization methods, with 1,500 m upward continued magnetic anomalies. The VGPs of Dok Do with normal dipole anomaly, and of Simheungtaek with normal dipole anomaly are located near the present magnetic pole. The VGP of Isabu with normal dipole anomaly is located at low latitude, presumably due to overprints of reversals in the Tertiary, and the distortion of magnetization and structures associated with volcanism after its formation. In contrast to the tablemounts, magnetic anomalies over Dok Do are a combination of both normal polarity and reversed polarity dipoles in the northern hemisphere, indicating that Dok Do has had at least two major eruptions, one during normal and another during reversed polarity intervals. From these results, and information on the ages of the seamounts (either published radiometric ages of subaerial volcanic rocks, or ages reconstructed in terms of reported elastic thickness incorporated into an existing cooling plate model), we tentatively propose that (1) Isabu formed first, during a normal polarity interval after the opening of the East Sea had ceased; (2) this was followed by an initial and subsequent large eruption of Dok Do during a normal polarity and a reversed polarity interval after about 5 Ma; and (3) the formation of Simheungtaek occurred in between that of Isabu and Dok Do in a normal polarity interval. The pattern of normal/reversed magnetization is not inconsistent with the geomagnetic polarity timescale for at least the last 5 Ma. Nevertheless, precise ages of formation would need verification by additional geophysical/geochemical constraints. Evaluating various possible models explaining the successive formation of the Dok Do seamounts, we currently favor fracturing and volcanism related to compression-induced weakening of the extensional field from the late Miocene to Pliocene after the opening of the East Sea.  相似文献   
In this study, the chemical and physical losses of nitrogen oxides (NOx) over the Korean peninsula were discussed in order to better understand the effects of the NOx losses on the tropospheric NO2 columns. Initially, it was found that the physical loss processes due to dry and wet depositions had almost negligible impacts on the NOx loss processes over the Korean peninsula. In contrast, the hourly NOx chemical column losses were large at ??1014 molecules cm?2 h?1. The amounts of NOx removed for 1 hour account for approximately 33?C35% of the episode-averaged tropospheric NO2 columns during summer over the Korean peninsula. The NOx chemical column loss rates were 24.1?C70.9 times larger than the NOx physical column loss rates. In a budget analysis of the NOx chemical column losses, HNO3 formation via the reaction of OH + NO2 had the largest contribution toward the NOx chemical losses (42?C55% during fall and winter seasons; 76?C77% during spring; 92?C93% during summer). Large amounts of NOx were also removed by heterogeneous nitrate formation via N2O5 condensation during the cold seasons (42?C56%) over the Korean peninsula. The columnar NOx chemical losses took place mainly due to the two chemico-physical reaction processes, and also showed seasonal variations. PAN (Peroxyacetyl Nitrate) is another NO2 reservoir of potential importance. If the influence of the PAN-related chemistry on the NOx budget is considered, it can result in an approximate 69% increase in the NOx chemical column loss during summer. Such increases in the amounts of NOx removed for 1 hour due to the formation of PAN were equivalent to 56?C58% of the episode-averaged tropospheric NO2 columns during summer over the Korean peninsula. Such active NOx chemical losses during summer are another main factor for the tropospheric NO2 columns exhibiting their smallest values during summer.  相似文献   
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