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The mechanism of the maintenance of the mean zonal circulation of the atmosphere is discussed from the point of view of vorticity transfer and vorticity generation by atmospheric disturbance. The method of analysis used is quite similar with that given byA. Ångström which offers a simple explanation for the mean temperature distribution over the surface of the earth. The annual mean zonal winds over the earth are expressed in a single expression, whereas the zonal wind distribution given byRossby, Kasahara andKuo have all been given for the polar cap and the tropical region separately. The general trends of the latitude variation of the zonal winds computed here fit the observations quite well.
Zusammenfassung Der Mechanismus der Erhaltung der mittleren zonalen Zirkulation der Atmosphäre wird unter dem Gesichtspunkt der Übertragung und der Neubildung der Wirbelstärke (vorticity) durch atmosphärische Störungen diskutiert. Die zur Analyse benützte Methode ist ähnlich dem vonA. Ångström angegebenen Verfahren, das eine einfache Erklärung für die mittlere Temperaturverteilung über die Erdoberfläche bietet. Die mittleren jährlichen zonalen Winde werden über die ganze Erde durch einen einzigen Ausdruck wiedergegeben, während die vonRossby, Kasahara undKuo angegebenen zonalen Windverteilungen für die Polarregion und das Tropengebiet getrennt berechnet sind. Die hier berechnete allgemeine Tendenz der Breitenvariation der zonalen Winde stimmt mit den Beobachtungen recht gut überein.

Résumé On examine le mécanisme de l'entretien, de la circulation zonale moyenne de l'atmosphère du point de vue du transfert et de la régénération de la force tourbillonnaire (vorticity) par des perturbations atmosphériques. La méthode d'analyse utilisée est analogue au procédé indiqué parA. Ångström qui fournit une explication simple de la distribution moyenne de la température à la surface du globe. Une seule formule exprime les vents zonaux moyens annuels sur toute la terre, tandis que l'on calcule séparément les répartitions zonales des régions polaire et tropicale données parRossby, Kasahara etKuo. La tendance générale de variation des vents zonaux selon la latitude est en accord satisfaisant avec les faits observés.

With 1 figure.  相似文献   
Summary In order to compare remarkable winters in Japan with those in Western Europe, chronological list of remarkable winters from the distant past up to the present is given. The correspondence between them is not close.  相似文献   
Impact experiments of inhomogeneous targets such as layered bodies consisting of a dense core and porous mantle were conducted to clarify the effect of the layered structure on impact strength. The layered structure of small bodies could be the result of the thermal evolution of planetesimals in the solar nebula. So, the impact disruption of thermally evolved bodies with core-mantle structure is important for the origin of small bodies such as asteroids. We investigated the impact strength of rocky-layered bodies with porous mantle-sintered cores, which could be formed at an initial stage of thermal evolution. Spherical targets composed of soda-lime glass or quartz core and porous gypsum mantle were prepared as an analog of small bodies with a core-mantle structure, and the internal structure was changed. A nylon projectile was impacted at the impact velocity from 1 to 5 km/s. The impact strength of the core-mantle targets decreases with the increase of the core/target mass ratio (RCM) in the specific energy range from 1×103 to 4×104 J/kg. We observed two distinct destruction modes characterized by the damage to the core: one shows a damaged core and fractured mantle, and the other shows an intact core and broken mantle. The former mode was usually observed with increasing RCM, and the boundary condition of the core destruction () was experimentally found to be , where is the specific energy required to disrupt a glass core. From this empirical equation, it might be possible to discuss the destruction conditions of a thermally evolved body with a porous mantle-sintered core structure. We speculate that the impact strength of the body could be significantly reduced with the progress of internal evolution at the initial stage of thermal evolution.  相似文献   
The Algal Growth Potential (AGP) of water samples collected off Gamagori in Mikawa Bay was measured from May 1978 through February 1979, and the limiting nutrient was determined using regression analysis and enrichment bioassays. The surface and bottom water samples had AGP that produced increments of chemical oxygen demand (COD) of 2.1 mg l–1 and 3.1 mg l–1, respectively, on average. These values ofCOD correspond to 46% and 97% of the average COD values of the raw water samples at the surface and bottom, respectively. Seasonal changes of AGP showed a close correlation with those of dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) concentration. Enrichment bioassays showed that DIN was the most deficient nutrient. The DIN:phosphate-phosphorus (PO4 3–-P) ratios and DIN: dissolved phosphorus (DP) ratios in the water samples were below the cellular N:P ratios of the natural algal populations. These results suggest that AGP was mainly limited by DIN concentration.  相似文献   
We carried out laser shock experiments and wholly recovered shocked olivine and quartz samples. We investigated the petrographic features based on optical micrographs of sliced samples and found that each recovered sample comprises three regions, I (optically dark), II (opaque), and III (transparent). Scanning electron microscopy combined with electron backscattered diffraction shows that there are no crystal features in the region I; the materials in the region I have once melted. Moreover, numerical calculations performed with the iSALE shock physics code suggest that the boundary between regions II and III corresponds to Hugoniot elastic limit (HEL). Thus, we succeeded in the recovery of the entire shocked samples experienced over a wide range of pressures from HEL (~10 GPa) to melting pressure (~100 GPa) in a hierarchical order.  相似文献   
We report elemental and Nd-Sr isotopic data for two coeval postcollisional magmatic suites (∼300 Ma), the Miaogou and Karamay suites, from West Junggar foldbelt (NW China), aiming to determine their source regions and implications for continental growth. The Miaogou rocks, monzonitic to granitic in composition, show low Mg# (<0.30) and depletion of HFSE, and are highly depleted in isotopic compositions, with ISr ranging from 0.7035 to 0.7045, εNd(300 Ma) from + 8.4 to + 6.6 and young Nd model ages (0.37-0.70 Ga) that coincide with the ages of the ophiolites in the area. These features suggest that the Miaogou rocks were derived essentially by partial melting of a juvenile basaltic lower crust formed in the early to middle Palaeozoic. The Karamay suite contains a variety of rock types from gabbroic diorite to granite. These rocks show enrichment of LREE and LILE and depletion of HFSE, and have chemical composition (e.g., Mg# = 0.63-0.41) rather different from the Miaogou suite, though isotopically they are indistinguishable. This suggests that the parental magma of the Karamay suite originated from melting of a young lithospheric mantle that had previously been metasomatized during the Palaeozoic subduction. The West Junggar magmatic rocks represent production of juvenile continental crust in the Phanerozoic, triggered by upwelling of asthenophere in an extensional regime. The basement beneath the area is dominated by “trapped” Palaeozoic arc series and oceanic crust.  相似文献   
Haze particles exert a significant influence over the thermodynamics and radiation absorption properties of the Titan haze, as well as its complex organic chemistry. Characterization of both the molecular and the submicrometer components of the haze is therefore vital for understanding the global properties of Titan. We have carried out a Titan tholin synthesis experiment and measured the time variation of the infrared spectrum of the product as a thin film developed. Also, to examine the possibility of oxygen contamination, we compared the infrared spectrum of the tholin film with that of a tholin film exposed to dry air and laboratory air. The objective of this study is to understand the chemical processes related to how simple organic molecules are processed into more complex haze particles. The progressive development of features characteristic of amines, aromatic and aliphatic hydrocarbons, and nitriles in the experimental mixture is clear. Of particular interest is the formation of aromatic rings after only a few seconds of glow discharge, indicating that these compounds appear to be intermediates between simple haze molecules and microphysical aerosols. The early dominance of aromatic ring structures is accompanied during the later stages of the experiment by the appearance of nitrile and amine compounds. This time-dependent succession of chemical structures provides vital clues to the possible chemical formation pathways of Titan haze aerosols.  相似文献   
In view of the importance of baroclinicy for the dynamics of the general circulation of the atmosphere, the intensity of solenoidal field alongHess' mean meridional cross sections through the atmosphere as well as the baroclinicy alongPalmén's individual meridional cross section through the atmosphere are computed, tabulated and illustrated.  相似文献   
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