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Stochastic properties of GNSS range measurements can accurately be estimated using a geometry-free short and zero baseline analysis method. This method is now applied to dual-frequency measurements from a new field campaign. Results are presented for the new GPS L5Q and GIOVE E5aQ wideband signals, in addition to the GPS L1 C/A and GIOVE E1B signals. As expected, the results clearly show the high precision of the new signals, but they also show, rather unexpectedly, significant, slowly changing variations in the pseudorange code measurements that are probably a result of strong multipath interference on the data. Carrier phase measurement noise is assessed on both frequencies, and finally successful mixed GPS-GIOVE double difference ambiguity resolution is demonstrated.  相似文献   
A three-year field study was conducted in Lake Suminko, Poland, to gain an understanding of the limnological variables that influence the formation and spatial extent of annually laminated sediments in the lake. The water body is divided into three depth strata, the mixolimnion, chemocline and monimolimnion, each defined by distinct values of temperature, electrical conductivity and oxygen concentration. Typical for meromictic lakes, the monimolimnion remains perennially anoxic and is rich in dissolved solids and nutrients. The annual pattern of particle flux in Lake Suminko is closely related to biochemical processes in the euphotic zone. During winter months we observed very low accumulation rates of non-carbonaceous matter, while during the rest of the year, three periods of calcite deposition were recorded (April, July–August, and October–November). The periods of high calcite deposition corresponded with algal blooms and oxygen concentration maxima. Two principal factors contribute to meromixis in Lake Suminko: (1) the basin is sheltered, preventing wind mixing, and (2) biochemical processes in the lake associated with high lacustrine productivity. Meromictic conditions must control the formation and preservation of laminated sediments in the lake because preserved laminations occur only in areas where the lake floor lies below monimolimnetic waters.  相似文献   
Spherulites are spherical clusters of radiating crystals that occur naturally in rhyolitic obsidian. The growth of spherulites requires diffusion and uptake of crystal forming components from the host rhyolite melt or glass, and rejection of non-crystal forming components from the crystallizing region. Water concentration profiles measured by synchrotron-source Fourier transform spectroscopy reveal that water is expelled into the surrounding matrix during spherulite growth, and that it diffuses outward ahead of the advancing crystalline front. We compare these profiles to models of water diffusion in rhyolite to estimate timescales for spherulite growth. Using a diffusion-controlled growth law, we find that spherulites can grow on the order of days to months at temperatures above the glass transition. The diffusion-controlled growth law also accounts for spherulite size distribution, spherulite growth below the glass transition, and why spherulitic glasses are not completely devitrified. An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   
Numerical computer simulations have been used to gain insight into the evolution of marine hydrothermal systems and the formation conditions of massive sulfide deposits in ancient and modern submarine volcanic terrains. Simulation results have been used to gain a better understanding of the formation of massive sulfide ore deposits, their location, zonation, size, and occurrence in various geotectonic settings.Most hydrothermal fluid discharging at the seafloor exhibits temperatures ranging from 200 °C to about 410 °C and average fluid discharge velocities of 1 to 2 m/s in agreement with seafloor observations. Mass calculations imply that average massive sulfide deposits may form in ~ 5000 years while giant deposits take longer than 5000 years to accumulate; supergiant deposits either need much longer time to form (> 35,000 years) or at least 100 ppm of metal in solution. Results indicate that supergiant deposits may only form in certain geotectonic environments where longevity and preservation potential of the hydrothermal system are high. An additional process (mineral precipitate cap) is proposed here to explain the zinc content of massive sulfide deposits. This cap would prevent the widespread dissolution of anhydrite and the ‘wash-out’ of zinc by subsequent hydrothermal fluid discharge.  相似文献   
In reduced aqueous environments, the presence of As in solution is a function of both biotic and abiotic mechanisms. Recent studies have demonstrated a significant release of As(III) through the microbial reduction of dissolved and mineral-bound As(V), which raises health concerns when the greater comparative mobility and toxicity of As(III) is considered. These release mechanisms do not operate in isolation but occur in concert with a number of removal processes, including secondary mineralization and sorption to other natural substrates. Thermodynamic and applied experimental studies have shown that ferrous arsenates, such as symplesite [Fe(II)3(As(V)O4)2·8H2O], may provide a significant sink for Fe(II) and As(V). In this study, the stability of a representative ferrous arsenate phase in the presence of the arsenate-reducing bacterium Shewanella sp. strain ANA-3 is examined. The reduction of ferrous arsenate by ANA-3 results in the release of aqueous As(III) and, subsequently, the progressive nucleation of a biogenic ferrous arsenite phase proximal to the microbial cells. The valence states of secondary solid-phase products were verified using X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS). Electron microscopy reveals that nucleation occurs on cellular exudates which may imply a role of extracellular reduction through c-type cytochromes as investigated in recent literature. These observations provide new insights into the reduction mechanisms of ANA-3 and the biogeochemical cycling of As(III) in natural systems.  相似文献   
Since the mid 1990s, the Mission paléoanthropologique francotchadienne (MPFT) conducts yearly paleontological field investigations of the Miocene-Pliocene of the Chad Basin. This article synthesizes some of the results of the MPFT, with focus on the Chad Basin development during the Neogene. We propose an overview of the depositional paleoenvironments of this part of Africa at different scales of time and space, based on a multidisciplinary approach (sedimentary geology, geomorphology, geophysic, numerical simulations and geochronology). The Miocene-Pliocene paleoenvironments are examined through the sedimentary archives of the early hominids levels and the Holocene Lake Mega-Chad episode illustrates the last major paleoenvironmental change in this area. The sedimentary record of the Chad Basin since the Late Miocene can be schematized as the result of recurrent interactions from lake to desert environments.  相似文献   

A spectral algorithm is proposed to simulate an isotropic Gaussian random field on a sphere equipped with a geodesic metric. This algorithm supposes that the angular power spectrum of the covariance function is explicitly known. Direct analytic calculations are performed for exponential and linear covariance functions. In addition, three families of covariance functions are presented where the calculation of the angular power spectrum is simplified (shot-noise random fields, Yadrenko covariance functions and solutions of certain stochastic partial differential equations). Numerous illustrative examples are given.

We assess Holocene environmental change at alpine Lake Njulla(68°22N, 18°42E, 999 m a.s.l.) innorthernmost Sweden using sedimentary remains of chironomid head capsules anddiatoms. We apply regional calibration sets to quantitatively reconstruct meanJuly air temperature (using chironomids and diatoms) and lake-water pH(using diatoms). Both chironomids and diatoms infer highest temperatures(1.7–2.3°C above present-day estimates, includinga correction for glacio-isostatic land up-lift by0.6°C) during the early Holocene (c.9,500–8,500 cal. yrs BP). Diatoms suggest a decreasing lake-waterpH trend (c. 0.6 pH units) since the early Holocene. Usingdetrended canonical correspondence analysis (DCCA), we compare the Holocenedevelopment of diatom communities in Lake Njulla with four other nearby lakes(Lake 850, Lake Tibetanus, Vuoskkujávri, Vuolep Njakajaure) locatedalong an altitudinal gradient. All five lakes show similar initial DCCA scoresafter deglaciation, suggesting that similar environmental processes such ashigh erosion rates and low light availability associated with high summertemperature appear to have regulated the diatom community, favouring highabundances of Fragilaria species. Subsequently, the diatomassemblages develop in a directional manner, but timing and scale ofdevelopment differ substantially between lakes. This is attributed primarily todifferences in the local geology, which is controlling the lake-waterpH. Imposed on the basic geological setting, site-specific processessuch as vegetation development, climate, hydrological setting andin-lake processes appear to control lake development in northernSweden.  相似文献   
Morokweng is a large, 145 Ma impact structure in the Northwest Province of South Africa. The impact origin of this structure and its melt rock has been confirmed by ample evidence of shock metamorphism in clasts within the melt rock and samples from granitoid basement below the melt body. The age of this structure is indistinguishable from the biostratigraphic age of the Jurassic-Cretaceous (J-K) boundary. The size of Morokweng, for which diameters ranging from 70 to 165 kilometers have been quoted before, and which has important implications regarding its relation to the J-K boundary, remains an open question.Here we present new results of a detailed petrographic and chemical investigation of impact melt rock and country rock samples. The granophyric melt rock is mostly unaltered and contains a large number of gabbroic and felsic clasts. The occurrence of baddeleyite, formed from high-temperature dissociation of primary zircon, indicates a high-temperature origin. The impact melt rock body, which in the cores investigated here has a thickness of at least 120 m, shows no statistically significant variation or trend in chemical composition with depth or geographic location. Chemical data for impact melt rock, breccia dike/vein breccia samples, granite, quartzite, and basic to mafic clasts were used in harmonic least squares mixing calculations to determine the source rock types and their proportions involved in the formation of the impact melt rock. Granite is the dominant target rock component (50 to 63% by weight; depending on target composition input to the mixing models), with significant (35 to 50%) mafic contributions, and a (possible) minor contribution of quartzite. New platinum group element (Ru, Rh, Pd, Os, Ir, and Pt), Re, and Au data, as well as data for other siderophile elements (Cr, Co, Ni, and Ir), confirm the presence of up to ∼ 5% of a chondritic component in the melt rock. The indigenous contribution of the PGEs from the target rocks is negligible. Normalized PGE abundance patterns and interelement ratios of Morokweng impact melt rock indicate that the projectile was likely of ordinary chondritic (possibly L chondrite) composition, but the choice of the meteoritic compositional data influences this interpretation.  相似文献   
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