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In an effort to constrain the mechanism of dolomitization in Neogene dolomites in the Bahamas and improve understanding of the use of chemostratigraphic tracers in shallow‐water carbonate sediments the δ34S, Δ47, δ13C, δ18O, δ44/40Ca and δ26Mg values and Sr concentrations have been measured in dolomitized intervals from the Clino core, drilled on the margin of Great Bahama Bank and two other cores (Unda and San Salvador) in the Bahamas. The Unda and San Salvador cores have massively dolomitized intervals that have carbonate associated sulphate δ34S values similar to those found in contemporaneous seawater and δ44/40Ca, δ26Mg values, Sr contents and Δ47 temperatures (25 to 30°C) indicating relatively shallow dolomitization in a fluid‐buffered system. In contrast, dolomitized intervals in the Clino core have elevated values of carbonate associated sulphate δ34S values indicating dolomitization in a more sediment‐buffered diagenetic system where bacterial sulphate reduction enriches the residual in 34S, consistent with high sediment Sr concentrations and low δ44/40Ca and high δ26Mg values. Only dolomites associated with hardgrounds in the Clino core have carbonate associated δ34S values similar to seawater, indicating continuous flushing of the upper layers of the sediment by seawater during sedimentary hiatuses. This interpretation is supported by changes to more positive δ44/40Ca values at hardground surfaces. All dolomites, whether they formed in an open fluid‐buffered or closed sediment‐buffered diagenetic system have similar δ26Mg values suggesting that the HMC transformed to dolomite. The clumped isotope derived temperatures in the dolomitized intervals in Clino yield temperatures that are higher than normal, possibly indicating a kinetic isotope effect on dolomite Δ47 values associated with carbonate formation through bacterial sulphate reduction. The findings of this study highlight the utility of applying multiple geochemical proxies to disentangle the diagenetic history of shallow‐water carbonate sediments and caution against simple interpretations of stratigraphic variability in these geochemical proxies as indicating changes in the global geochemical cycling of these elements in seawater.  相似文献   
Acequias (irrigation channels and ditches) were used by Spanish settlers, their descendants, and Native Americans in New Mexico. Several such features were recently excavated in Santa Fe, but material for numeric dating was difficult to find. Therefore, for this high‐energy‐deposition irrigation‐feature setting we applied optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) sediment dating methods to determine the timing of last filling of some of these acequias. We report multigrain single‐aliquot quartz (MGSAQ) OSL dating results and the first single‐grain quartz (SGQ) OSL dating results for irrigation features. One sample yielded an average age of 96 ± 13 yr, consistent with the maximum expected age of 127 yr (before 2007). An OSL age of 175 ± 15 yr for another sample delimits a sedimentation event since the first construction of that feature ca. 300 yr ago. A sample known to be younger than 400–450 yr but predating the mid‐19th century gave an SGQ age of 376 ±31 yr. These results indicate that: (1) Regional quartz in New Mexico is highly favorable to OSL dating; (2) in this setting, SGQ OSL dating is preferred to MGSAQ dating; and (3) for the last 500–600 yr, SGQ OSL dating in such settings is preferred to 14C dating because OSL dating lacks those ambiguities inherent in converting 14C ages to calendar years. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
This paper replies to TE Baldock's discussion [Coastal Eng. 56 (2009) 380–381] of ‘Measurement of wave-by-wave bed-levels in the swash zone’ by Turner et al. [Coastal Eng. 55 (2008) 1237–1242]. We address and extend the comparison and discussion of ultrasonic bed-level sensors and buried pressure transducers to obtain estimates of the beach face elevation within the swash zone. We demonstrate the use of the former method to obtain many and continuous (every time the beach face is exposed) in-situ estimates of net sediment flux per swash.  相似文献   
We report δ44/40Ca(SRM 915a) values for eight fused MPI‐DING glasses and the respective original powders, six USGS igneous rock reference materials, the U‐Th disequilibria reference material TML, IAEA‐CO1 (Carrara marble) and several igneous rocks (komatiites and carbonatites). Sample selection was guided by three considerations: (1) to address the need for information values on reference materials that are widely available in support of interlaboratory comparison studies; (2) support the development of in situ laser ablation and ion microprobe techniques, which require isotopically homogenous reference samples for ablation; and (3) provide Ca isotope values on a wider range of igneous and metamorphic rock types than is currently available in the scientific literature. Calcium isotope ratios were measured by thermal ionisation mass spectrometry in two laboratories (IFM‐GEOMAR and Saskatchewan Isotope Laboratory) using 43Ca/48Ca‐ and 42Ca/43Ca‐double spike techniques and reported relative to the calcium carbonate reference material NIST SRM 915a. The measurement uncertainty in both laboratories was better than 0.2‰ at the 95% confidence level. The impact of different preparation methods on the δ44/40Ca(SRM 915a) values was found to be negligible. Except for ML3‐B, the original powders and the respective MPI‐DING glasses showed identical δ44/40Ca(SRM 915a) values; therefore, possible variations in the Ca isotope compositions resulting from the fusion process are excluded. Individual analyses of different glass fragments indicated that the glasses are well homogenised on the mm scale with respect to Ca. The range of δ44/40Ca(SRM 915a) values in the igneous rocks studied was larger than previously observed, mostly owing to the inclusion of ultramafic rocks from ophiolite sections. In particular, the dunite DTS‐1 (1.49 ± 0.06‰) and the peridotite PCC‐1 (1.14 ± 0.07‰) are enriched in 44Ca relative to volcanic rocks (0.8 ± 0.1‰). The Carrara marble (1.32 ± 0.06‰) was also found to be enriched in 44Ca relative to the values of assumed precursor carbonates (< 0.8‰). These findings suggest that the isotopes of Ca are susceptible to fractionation at high temperatures by, as yet, unidentified igneous and metamorphic processes.  相似文献   
This investigation examined the diet of adult wild seahorses, Hippocampus abdominalis Leeson 1827, from Wellington Harbour, New Zealand. Diet of seahorses (n = 59) collected from shallow subtidal macroalgal stands consisted largely of crustaceans, in particular amphipods (e.g., caprellid and ischyrocerid amphipods), caridean shrimp (i.e., Hippolyte bifidirostris), and peracarids (i.e., the mysid Tenagomysis similis). There were no differences in diet between male and female seahorses. Smaller seahorses consumed a greater amount of crustaceans than larger seahorses, as a result of the greater proportion of amphipods in their gut contents. There were some seasonal differences in diet, with amphipod consumption peaking in spring and summer, and decapod consumption lowest in autumn.  相似文献   
This study sought to examine ecological equivalence of created marshes of different ages using traditional structural measures of equivalence, and tested a relatively novel approach using stable isotopes as a measure of functional equivalence. We compared soil properties, vegetation, nekton communities, and δ 13C and δ 15N isotope values of blue crab muscle and hepatopancreas tissue and primary producers at created (5–24 years old) and paired reference marshes in SW Louisiana. Paired contrasts indicated that created and reference marshes supported equivalent plant and nekton communities, but differed in soil characteristics. Stable isotope indicators examining blue crab food web support found that the older marshes (8 years+) were characterized by comparable trophic diversity and breadth compared to their reference marshes. Interpretation of results for the youngest site was confounded by the fact that the paired reference, which represented the desired end goal of restoration, contained a greater diversity of basal resources. Stable isotope techniques may give coastal managers an additional tool to assess functional equivalency of created marshes, as measured by trophic support, but may be limited to comparisons of marshes with similar vegetative communities and basal resources, or require the development of robust standardization techniques.  相似文献   
Many studies of critical wedges treat the interior of the wedge as continuous and do not address the manner in which it grows from the undeformed state to a typical imbricate wedge. In this paper we present a 2D kinematic–mechanical model which attempts to explain the development of a critical wedge in a fold and thrust belt in terms of both gravitational and frictional work. In the undeformed model a series of thrust faults are defined which have the potential to take up an external displacement. The active fault at a given time is that which minimizes gravitational and frictional work as a result of displacement. Displacement on the active fault causes a change in topography and deformation of other faults which may favour an alternative fault at the next time step. The model is a mixed Lagrangian–Eulerian scheme in which the upper surface, in addition to being deformed, is also subject to erosion, transport and sedimentation. The model predicts propagation of thrust fault activity towards the foreland through time as a result of increasing topographic (gravitational) loads and frictional work on deformed hinterland faults. As the zone of fault activity progresses through the developing critical wedge several faults are active over time-scales of ≈1 Myr. However, a simple chronology or sequence of fault activity cannot be assumed as out-of-sequence thrusting occurs during this overall foreland propagation. The detailed spatial and temporal activity of faults is complex and reflects the interaction between the development of topography, the contrast between basal (décollement) and internal coefficients of friction and the effects of erosion and sedimentation. In particular, rates of erosion and sedimentation are found to be important controls on fault activity both spatially and temporally. Erosion, by locally removing topography above a fault, reduces gravitational and frictional work enabling continued fault activity or reactivation. Sedimentation, conversely, acts to increase gravitational and frictional work on a fault, and therefore has the potential to blanket faults and render them inactive. Model results illustrate the complex feedbacks that can exist between tectonic and surficial mass transport processes.  相似文献   
In this article, we respond to ‘A comment on geographically weighted regression with parameter-specific distance metrics’ by Oshan et al. (2019), published in this journal, where several concerns on the parameter-specific distance metric geographically weighted regression (PSDM GWR) technique are raised. In doing so, we review the developmental timeline of the multiscale geographically weighed regression modelling framework with related and equivalent models, including flexible bandwidth GWR, conditional GWR and PSDM GWR. In our response, we have tried to answer all the concerns raised in terms of applicability, veracity, interpretability and computational efficiency of the PSDM GWR model.  相似文献   
Modification of Lateglacial and Holocene talus sheets by debris flows and gully incision on Mynydd Du, Wales, has resulted in a convergence of upper slope form characterised by an upper rectilinear slope gradient of 36°±3° and a range of concavities of c. 0.1–0.2. In most cases, gully incision and accumulation of debris cones have led to an increase in slope concavity. Evidence for talus erosion, reworking and redeposition on the upper slope emphasises secondary reworking processes, as well as primary talus accumulation on the upper slope, and permits construction of a model of talus development at Mynydd Du. On the basis of talus volume, calculation of the first rockwall retreat data set for southern Britain suggests that c. 7.1 m (84%) of overall rockwall retreat (8.5 m) took place during the Lateglacial, and only c. 1.4 m (16%) occurred during the Holocene. These figures imply that Lateglacial retreat rates ranged from 1.01 to 2.44 m ka−1, with an overall mean rate of 1.23 m ka−1. In contrast, Holocene rockwall retreat rates range from 0.10 to 0.17 m ka−1, with a mean rate of 0.12 m ka−1. Approximately 27% of cliff retreat is attributed to microgelivation. While similar to Holocene and present-day alpine environments, these Lateglacial retreat rates are one order of magnitude higher than most equivalent values for arctic sites. This reflects both ‘alpine-style’ diurnal freeze–thaw activity on Mynydd Du during the Younger Dryas and paraglacial rock-mass instability following deglaciation. Assuming an exponential decline in rockwall sediment release, it is estimated that approximately half the talus had accumulated within c. 1 ka of deglaciation. At one site, paraglacial talus accumulation appears to have contributed significantly to the glacial sediment transport system of a subsequent ice advance. Present-day rates of rockwall retreat and talus accumulation by rockfall are estimated to be 0.014 and 0.022 mm yr−1 (m ka−1), respectively, similar to values for other British sites and markedly lower than Holocene rates of cliff recession due to microgelivation. By implication, the geomorphic significance of microgelivation may have been greatly underestimated in studies of inland rock-slope evolution in temperate, mid-latitude environments.  相似文献   
At ambient conditions, witherite is the stable form of BaCO3 and has the aragonite structure with space group Pmcn. Above ~10 GPa, BaCO3 adopts a post-aragonite structure with space group Pmmn. High-pressure and high-temperature synchrotron X-ray diffraction experiments were used to study the stability and equation of state of post-aragonite BaCO3, which remained stable to the highest experimental PT conditions of 150 GPa and 2,000 K. We obtained a bulk modulus K 0 = 88(2) GPa with $K'$  = 4.8(3) and V 0 = 128.1(5) Å3 using a third-order Birch-Murnaghan fit to the 300 K experimental data. We also carried out density functional theory (DFT) calculations of enthalpy (H) of two structures of BaCO3 relative to the enthalpy of the post-aragonite phase. In agreement with previous studies and the current experiments, the calculations show aragonite to post-aragonite phase transitions at ~8 GPa. We also tested a potential high-pressure post–post-aragonite structure (space group C222 1 ) featuring four-fold coordination of oxygen around carbon. In agreement with previous DFT studies, ΔH between the C222 1 structure and post-aragonite (Pmmn) decreases with pressure, but the Pmmn structure remains energetically favorable to pressures greater than 200 GPa. We conclude that post–post-aragonite phase transformations of carbonates do not follow systematic trends observed for post-aragonite transitions governed solely by the ionic radii of their metal cations.  相似文献   
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