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通过高分辨电子显微镜研究,发现在山东荣成迟家店石榴石二辉橄榄岩的橄榄石中除钛铁矿和磁铁矿出溶物外。还有一种矩形出溶物,长为20μm、宽为5μm.能量损失X射线分光谱(XEDS)分析矩形物的成分为Fe。选区电子衍射花样计算表明该矿物与和JCPDS中的标准矿物自然铁-α和自然铁-γ衍射数据一致。根据自然铁的化学成份推断橄榄石中自然铁-α和自然铁-γ的形成温度范围为490~900℃,压力不超过8.2GPa,并讨论了自然铁与深源地幔流体作用。  相似文献   
厦门市土地利用/覆盖动态变化的遥感检测与分析   总被引:15,自引:7,他引:15  
李天宏  韩鹏 《地理科学》2001,6(6):537-543
在分析1990年和1997年两个时相陆地卫星TM遥感图像的基础上,得到了厦门市土地利用/覆盖的动态变化信息,并对其数量变化和空间特征进行了分析。结果表明:1990~1997年,厦门市的城镇建设用地和开发用地显著增加,耕地被占用的现象比较突出,开发用地的重点也由厦门经济特区向近郊区转移。  相似文献   
LIRRIGAnONALONGTHELOWERYELLOW~RYellowairisoneOfthemainwaterresourcesinNOrthChina.Sincetheames70diVersionslthees,28siphonsand30PUmpingstationshavebeenbuiltalongtheLowerYellowRad.Thetotaldischargingcapacityis3363m3lsacthetotalirrigationareaisnearlytwOInillinnh~s.Intheeighties,asanaVerage,Il.lxloom3ofwaterwasdiVertalfromtheYellowairannually.In198915.4-cio'm3ofwatCfwasdiVerted.AstheYdlowforerisaheavilysediment-ladenone,sedimentisdiVertedsimultalleouslywhenwaterisdiverted.Inthe…  相似文献   
I.~ODUCTIONSuspendedsedimenttransportcapacity(SSTC)ofopenchannelflowisoneofthebasicsubjectsinsedimenttransportmechanicsandsedimentationengineeringpractice.Mostexistingformulationsareempiricalandsemiempiricalorrestheavilyonassumptionswhicharenotyetjustified.Thisarisesmostlybecauseofthecomplexityoftheproblem.Forafullydeveloped,in-equilibriumflowinawiderectangularchannel,theSSTCcanbbdeterminedasfollowsor=n:,ty)cab)-dy=Ca'I(l)1I=J4(D)'exp[--V,(n)]'da(2)unwhereCTIsSSTC,uistheaveragedflo…  相似文献   
Debrisflow,definedasakindofhighlycondensedtit!o-phaseflowofsolidandfluid,iscomposedofslurryandrocksofdifferentsizeswithageneraldensity'ofI.2to2.3t/m3.Theactivityliesbetweenfloodandlandslide.Itflowslikenormalfloodandsholvsturbulentstateaswithlesssolidcontentsandlowerviscosity,itisplasticviscousflowwithunstablegUstmovementwhellitisofhighsolidcontainsandhighviscosity.Debrisflowisformedunderthreebasicconditionsfprecipitousslopeoflandform,solidwasteoflargevolume,andenoughwatersupply.Theoccurrence,…  相似文献   
Based on the 2016 airgun experimental data of the Fujian Nanyi reservoir, we adopted the frequency domain water-level deconvolution method and cross-correlation time delay detection technique to study the influence of level scaling factor and the background noise level of the station on deconvolution calculation results, and analyze the effect of deconvolution on eliminating the influence of the source caused by different air-gun pressures. The results show that:(1) When the level scaling factor is smaller, the signal to noise ratio of the waveform after the deconvolution is smaller, and when the level scaling factor is over smaller, the identification error of travel time is greater. (2) When the SNR of the station record is higher, the recognition accuracy of travel time is higher, the influence of SNR on the reference station record is far greater than the far station, when the SNR of the far station record is more than 10, the error of travel time is within 6ms, but when the SNR of the reference station record is 30, the travel time error may reach to 20ms. (3) When the airgun source difference is big, the frequency domain water-level deconvolution method has better effect on eliminating the source influence, but the method error may be introduced when the source difference is small.  相似文献   
Fine sediment carrying capacity of combined wave and current flows   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The so-called fine sediment in many coastal areas and estuaries in China is mostly referred to the mixture of cohesive sediment and non-cohesive sediment. To predict the mixed type time sediment transport, sediment carrying capacity formulae combined with the 2-D suspended sediment transport equation and morphologic equation have been widely used in China. In the present study, the sediment carrying capacity formula suggested by Dou et al. (1995) for wave conditions has been improved and implemented for the prediction of sediment transport in nearshore regions where wave activities are significant. The improvement is based on the wave energy dissipation principle inside and outside the surf zone. In the improved formula, sediment in suspension increases with the magnitude of the wave period and this feature complies with general observations. More than 300 laboratory and field measured data sets have been reviewed and 12 of them have been used to verify and determine the major coefficients in the improved formula. The application of the sediment carrying capacity model in combined wave and current situations shows that the model can faithfully reproduce the cross-shore sediment concentration distributions at the southwest coast of Bohai Bay.  相似文献   
通过分析鱼潭水电站地下厂房围岩松动圈、块体塌滑,应力变化和收敛位移等特征,揭示了本工程裂隙层状围岩变形破坏的一般规律。  相似文献   
The occurrence of debris flow is affected by many factors. Risk zoning of debris flow plays a vital role in the early-warning and prediction of abrupt geological hazards, and exploration of new method is needed in the early-warning and prediction of geological hazards. The extension theory is a new method to solve contradiction matters. Based on extension theory, AHP and GIS, the risk zoning model of debris flow was established in this paper. The result of this research provides a new way in the risk zoning, early-warning and prediction of debris flow  相似文献   
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