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An experimental program was carried out to study the shear behavior of the reinforced con-crete composite beam(RCCB)subjected to two-phase uniformly distributed load.A total of 12 reinforcedconcrete composite beams were tested:10 of them were the RCCB subjected to two-phase uniformly dis-tributed load,the other 2 were the comparative reinforced concrete beams cast at the same time as theRCCB subjected to one-phase uniformly distributed load.The interface of precast unit and recast concretewas natural and rough.The test range of the main composite factors:the ratio of precast section depth tocomposite section depth was from 0.35 to 0.65,the ratio of first-phase load moment to precast section ulti-mate bearing moment was from 0.25 to 0.65.Based on the test results,the stresses of the longitudinal rein-forcements and stirrups,the load-bearing properties of the interface,the crack state and the failure charac-teristics of the RCCB under uniformly distributed load are discussed.The effects of the stirrups,the  相似文献   
In order to investigate the impact of urbanization and industrialization on surface water quality,a pilot study of Panzhihua mining town was carried out.The urbanization of Panzhihua region was dominated by industry development and population growth.The level of urbanization showed that it was 18.44% in 1965,and reached 45.99% in 1983.Then,it reached 53.71% in 2005,so the urbanization process was very rapid in Panzhihua region.In the process of industrialization,the level of industrialization was fluctuated...  相似文献   
Vertical structures of momentum exchange coefficient and sediment concentration are the keys in the research on estuarine and coastal suspended sediment transport. Based on the parabolic mixing length distribution pattern,the distribution pattern of vertical momentum exchange coefficient which is suitable for estuarine and coastal waters is constructed. A comparison with steady flow and measured momentum exchange coefficient during one tidal cycle in the Menai Strait of England shows that the result of this...  相似文献   
Soil moisture distribution shows highly variation both spatially and temporally. This study assesses the spatial heterogeneity of soil moisture on a hill-slope scale in the Loess Plateau in West China by using a geostatistical approach. Soil moisture was measured by time-domain reflectometry (TDR) in 313 samples. Two kinds of sampling scales were used (2 × 2 m and 20 ×20 m) at two soil layers (0-30 cm and 30-60 cm). The general characteristics of soil moisture were analyzed by a classical statistics method, and the spatial heterogeneity of soil moisture was analyzed using a geostatistical approach. The results showed that the spherical model is the best-fit model to simulate soil moisture on the experimental hill-slope. The parameters of this model indicated that the spatial dependence of soil moisture in the selected hill-slope was moderate. Even the 2 × 2 m sampling scale was too coarse to show the detailed spatial variances of soil moisture in this area. The dependent distance increased from 27.4 m to 494.16 m as the sampling scale became coarse (from 2× 2 m to 20 ×20 m). A map of soil moisture was generated by using original soil moisture data and interpolated values determined by the Kriging method. The average soil moisture (area weighted) in the different layers of soil was calculated on the basis of this map (10.94% for the 0-30 cm soil layer, 11.88% for the 30-60 cm soil layer). This average soil moisture is lower than the corresponding average effective soil moisture, which suggests that the soil moisture is not sufficient to support vegetation in this area.  相似文献   
I.INTRODUCTIONThefateofmanytraceheavymetalsinnaturalwatersis,toalargeextent,controlledbysorptionprocessesandthedynamicsoftheparticlesthemselves.Thepotentialinfluencesofenvironmentalvariablessuchastemperature,CaZ+,Na+andCI--,dissolvedorganiccarbonandPHvaluesontraceheavymetalpartitioninghavebeenwidelyinvestigated.Forexample,StumnandMorgan(1981)suggestthattheextentofsorptionvariespositivelywithtemperature.Itfollowsthatdecreasedsorptionmightbeexpectedatlowtemperatures,e.g.duringwintermont…  相似文献   
断裂地震地表断错危险性评价   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
引入地震断错危险性概念 ,用概率表示发生断错的可能性大小 ,断错危险性涉及到地震危险性和断错发生与分布特点。断错危险性的表达式为 :P =P1×P2 ×P3,式中 ,P表示断错危险性 ;P1表示地震发生的危险性 ;P2 指不同震级条件下地表断错出现的概率 ;P3为断错量值分布概率。以中国和世界地表地震断错资料为基础 ,建立震级 -断错概率指数P2 和断错幅度及其分布概率指数 ,包括幅值及其分布、宽度和覆盖层厚度影响等指数P3,为地表断错危险性量化评估奠定了基础  相似文献   
本文以福建省85个测震台站2012年全年噪声资料中的垂直向记录作为研究对象,将噪声记录以每5min为单位进行分段,求出每小段的功率谱,应用概率分布函数方法绘出台站的PDF图,之后利用网格概率法确定出台站的高低噪声参照线。另外,以85个台站的PDF图为基础,将噪声异常分成缺数异常、低噪处异常、高噪处异常、中噪处异常等4类。依据4类异常的特征分别找出每一类异常的遴选方法,再将这4种挑选方法相结合形成地震噪声实时监测系统。选取福建省85个测震台站2013年7月份的噪声记录进行验证,结果表明:85个台站应用地震噪声实时监测系统识别出来的异常正确率都达到90%以上,遴选效果很好,可用于对台站噪声实时监测。  相似文献   
土壤活性有机碳在指示土壤碳库平衡、表征土壤肥力与质量、衡量土壤微生物生长等方面具有重要意义。本文对中亚热带红壤丘陵区松林生态系统93个表层(0~20cm)土壤样品的活性有机碳空间分布特征及其与地形、植被和土壤特性的关系进行了深入分析。结果表明:表层土壤活性有机碳的平均值为1.92g/kg,占土壤有机碳的29.18%,变...  相似文献   
硒圣河是湄公河的主要分支之一,其集水区地形条件和水资源量均对水电开发十分有利。此外,无论从物种多样性还是生物量来看,硒圣河水生生物资源非常丰富。鱼类是当地人们的重要食物来源,粗略估计鱼类物种数量可能在200-300种之间,目前具有详细记录的鱼类大约为120种。截至目前,从越南境内硒圣河上游至越-柬边界总共开发了6个水电项目,兴建了一座4A级硒圣调蓄水库。流经柬埔寨的硒圣河部分,依据发展规划将兴建3座水电站,即硒圣5号电站(硒圣1号电站以下)、硒圣3号电站、硒圣2号电站。硒圣河水电项目对区域(越南和柬埔寨)社会经济的影响体现在:为地处偏远和困难的集水区创造了新的能源资源,改善了交通系统和农村地区的生活条件。与此同时,这些水电项目也对该区域自然环境产生了重大影响。例如,改变了下游流动机理变化,导致下游河道淤积,对沿河生态系统也产生了一定影响。  相似文献   
—According to the energy equation,the relation between reflection and energy losses for shortwaves from mild beaches is established and analysed.A reflection coefficient varying with position and en-ergy losses is proposed.Different reflection tests are conducted to check the theoretical analysis.A modi-fied method to estimate the reflection coefficient at varied water depths is suggested based on the linearwave theory.The study indicates that the reflection coefficient from mild beaches has a changing trend forshort waves approaching shoreline.  相似文献   
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