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吕海萍  池仁勇  化祥雨 《地理科学》2017,37(11):1649-1658
以中国31个省域为空间样本,运用趋势面、引力模型和探索性空间数据分析法研究中国创新资源协同空间联系的动态变化特征,通过构建创新资源协同势能与区域经济增长空间面板计量模型,实证探讨创新资源协同空间联系与区域经济增长关系。研究结果表明:2003~2014年中国各省域创新资源协同状况整体呈现“东南高,西北低”的空间分布特征;创新资源协同空间联系呈现显著的区域不平衡性,空间网络结构分布格局变化显著:从简单雏形逐渐发育为“鸡爪型”、多核心复杂化的“网络型”空间结构;创新资源协同势能呈现显著的空间正相关,主要向东部沿海地区集聚;实证结果显示中国区域经济增长存在显著的空间溢出效应,创新资源协同空间联系对区域经济增长表现出显著的促进效应,可以通过直接效应、间接效应和总效应空间溢出促进区域经济增长。  相似文献   
基于核密度估计的广佛都市区路网演变分析   总被引:18,自引:2,他引:18  
根据1957年与1982年2个时期的地形图并结合1995年与2008年的遥感卫星影像提取路网专题信息,利用ArcGIS建立广佛都市区路网数据库。采用GIS空间分析中的核密度估计方法并结合各个方位道路密度,分析广佛都市区的路网时空演变。分析表明,近50 a来广佛都市区的路网发展总体是以广州市的越秀区和佛山市的禅城区双核为中心不断向外蔓延,次一级核相继出现并不断扩大发展的过程。空间上,路网的演变也呈现出一定的方向特性,正北,西南和正西方向一直是路网密度较高的地区,但路网发展最快的是西南和正东方向。路网密度内部差异逐年递减, 路网系统发育不断成熟。  相似文献   
Village is an important implementation unit of national poverty alleviation and development strategies of rural China, and identifying the poverty degree, poverty type and poverty contributing factors of each poverty-stricken village is the precondition and guarantee of taking targeted measures in poverty alleviation strategies of China. To respond it, we construct a village-level multidimensional poverty measuring model, and use indicator contribution degree indices and linear regression method to explore poverty factors, while adopting Least Square Error (LSE) model and spatial econometric analysis model to identify the villages’ poverty types and poverty difference. The case study shows that: (1) Spatially, there is obvious territoriality in the distribution of poverty-stricken villages, and the poverty-stricken villages are concentrated in contiguous poverty-stricken areas. The areas with the highest VPI, in a descending order, are Gansu, Yunnan, Guizhou, Guangxi, Hunan, Qinghai, Sichuan, and Xinjiang. (2) The main factors contributing to the poverty of poverty-stricken villages in rural China include road construction, terrain type, frequency of natural disasters, per capita net income, labor force ratio, and cultural quality of labor force. The main causes of poverty include underdeveloped road construction conditions, frequent natural disasters, low level of income, and labor conditions. (3) Chinese poverty-stricken villages include six main subtypes, and most poverty-stricken villages are affected by multiple poverty-forming factors, reflected by a relatively high proportion of the three-factor dominant type, four-factor coordinative type, and five-factor combinative type. (4) There exist significant poverty differences in terms of geographical location and policy support, and the governments still need to carry out targeted poverty alleviation measures according to local conditions. The research can not only draw a macro overall poverty-reduction outline of impoverished villages in China, but also depict the specific poverty characteristics of each village, helping the government departments of poverty alleviation at all levels to mobilize all kinds of anti-poverty resources.  相似文献   
试验选用一株高产低温蛋白酶的南极细菌菌株Pseudoalteromonas sp. AN64,从溶解氧、化学需氧量、氨氮、亚硝态氮、pH值5个方面研究了南极细菌对养殖水体的影响。结果显示,随着饲料中蛋白质的散失,水体中蛋白质的含量在第7天达到高峰,溶解氧下降,化学需氧量持续上升,在第11天达最大值9.88 mg/L,并且维持在较高的水平。缺氧条件下,有害物质氨氮和亚硝态氮含量逐渐增加,在第9天和第11天分别达最大值0.65 mg/L和0.352 mg/L,而pH值持续下降,在第9天达最低值5.95。当水体中加入高产蛋白酶的南极菌株AN64后,蛋白质含量在第5天即达高峰,溶解氧无明显变化,化学需氧量在第7天达最高峰,比对照组提前4天,但含量仅约为后者的一半。同时,氨氮和亚硝态氮含量远低于对照组,分别仅为对照的47.7 %和26.5 %,而pH值有小幅下降,维持在6.85到7.52之间。由此可以看出,南极菌株产生的低温蛋白酶可以有效分解海水中的蛋白质,降低水体中的氨氮和亚硝态氮等有害物质,维持pH值的稳定性,为健康养殖提供了有效途径。  相似文献   
劈裂生长的形态发生及内部解剖结构特征的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
侯艳伟  王迎春  杨持  征荣 《中国沙漠》2006,26(2):254-258
对绵刺劈裂生长的形态发生及内部解剖结构特征进行了观察,研究结果如下:①绵刺的劈裂生长有两种类型,一种是首先茎从基部到根部发生多次劈裂,以后地上的茎部再相应发生分裂而形成几个独立的植株;另一种是茎基部以上的部位先发生纵裂,而根部后发生分离;②劈裂生长首先在茎基部发生,当绵刺植株生长到5 a以上的时候,这个部位的形成层活动不均匀,出现不规则的木质部排列,形成花环状结构,在相邻的两环状部位进行劈裂;③由于受劈裂生长的影响,劈裂发生后的植株的根部年轮分布不规则,发生劈裂部位的形成层活动不均匀,形成的次生木质部中导管数量少,口径也小,木纤维数量增多,细胞排列紧密而形成缢缩。  相似文献   
青藏高原分布有羌塘—囊谦—滇西和冈底斯两条新生代钾质-超钾质火山岩带。羌塘—囊谦—滇西超钾质岩浆活动的峰值时间为40~30Ma,主体岩石具有Ⅰ型超钾质岩的高MgO和低CaO、Al2O3含量特征;30~24Ma期间羌塘中、西部出现Ⅲ型钾质-超钾质岩浆活动,主体岩石以贫SiO2、高CaO、Al2O3和低MgO/CaO为特征。冈底斯新生代超钾质火山岩也显示I型超钾质岩的高MgO和低CaO、Al2O3含量特征,其形成时间为25~12Ma。综合超钾质岩石的实验资料,可知区内I型超钾质岩的源区以富硅、富钾流(熔)体交代形成的金云母方辉橄榄岩为主;Ⅲ型钾质-超钾质岩浆源区则以斜辉橄榄岩地幔为主。囊谦—滇西Ⅰ型超钾质岩带空间上严格受红河走滑构造带所控制,40~28Ma出现I型超钾质岩浆活动,16Ma转变为OIB型钾质火山岩。岩浆源区从岩石圈地幔向软流圈演变,暗示大型走滑断裂引起的岩石圈地幔减薄和软流圈上涌是导致交代岩石圈地幔金云母分解熔融产生区内I型超钾质岩浆的主控因素。羌塘中部35~34Ma有软流圈来源为主的钠质碱性玄武岩岩浆的喷发,30~24Ma转变为以岩石圈地幔为主要来源的Ⅲ型钾质-超钾质岩浆活动,岩浆源区从软流圈向岩石圈迁移,指示软流圈上涌伴随的富CO2流(熔)体活动是导致古交代岩石圈地幔升温熔融产生Ⅲ型钾质-超钾质岩浆的主控因素,软流圈上涌可能是俯冲板片断离或岩石圈地幔拆沉作用的结果。  相似文献   
Refractory Ti-bearing minerals in the calcium-, aluminum-rich inclusion (CAI) Inti, recovered from the comet 81P/Wild 2 sample, were examined using analytical (scanning) transmission electron microscopy (STEM) methods including imaging, nanodiffraction, energy-dispersive spectroscopy (EDX) and electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS). Inti fassaite (Ca(Mg,Ti,Al)(Si,Al)2O6) was found to have a Ti3+/Ti4+ ratio of 2.0 ± 0.2, consistent with fassaite in other solar system CAIs. The oxygen fugacity (logfO2) of formation estimated from this ratio, assuming equilibration among phases at 1509 K, is −19.4 ± 1.3. This value is near the canonical solar nebula value (−18.1 ± 0.3) and in close agreement with that reported for fassaite-bearing Allende CAIs (−19.8 ± 0.9) by other researchers using the same assumptions. Nanocrystals of osbornite (Ti(V)N), 2–40 nm in diameter, are embedded as inclusions within gehlenite, spinel and diopside in Inti. Vanadium is heterogeneously distributed within some osbornite crystals. Compositions range from pure TiN to Ti0.36V0.64N. The possible presence of oxide and carbide in solid solution with the osbornite was evaluated. The osbornite may contain O, but C is not present at detectable levels. The presence of osbornite, likely a refractory early condensate, together with the other refractory minerals in Inti, indicates that the parent comet contains solids that condensed closer to the proto-sun than the distance at which the parent comet itself accreted. The estimated oxygen fugacity and the reported isotopic and chemical compositions are consistent with Inti originating in the inner solar system like other meteoritic CAIs. These results provide insight for evaluating the validity of models of radial mass transport dynamics in the early solar system. The oxidation environments inferred for the Inti mineral assemblage are inconsistent with an X-wind formation scenario. In contrast, radial mixing models that allow accretion of components from different heliocentric distances can satisfy the observations from the cometary CAI Inti.  相似文献   
利用数字化雷达回波参数分析人工增雨播云条件   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
迟竹萍  陈金敏  朱平盛 《气象》2001,27(4):46-49
利用数字化测雨雷达观测的层状云雷达立体扫描资料和探空资料,分析得出层状云降水部分特征,并利用多元逐步回归获得催化作业效果指标y=2.0mm.h^-1,在使用雷达立体扫描资料进行人工增雨作业时指导方面做了探讨。  相似文献   
Qin  Chi  Li  Tim  Liu  Jia  Bi  Mingyu 《Climate Dynamics》2021,56(11):3889-3898

Linear and nonlinear barotropic vorticity model frameworks are constructed to understand the formation of the monsoon trough in boreal summer over the western North Pacific. The governing equation is written with respect to specified zonal background flows, and a wave perturbation is prescribed in the eastern boundary. Whereas a uniform background mean flow leads no scale contraction, a confluent background zonal flow causes the contraction of zonal wavelength. Under linear dynamics, the wave contraction leads to the development of smaller scale vorticity perturbations. As a result, there is no upscale cascade. Under nonlinear dynamics, cyclonic (anticyclonic) wave disturbances shift northward (southward) away from the central latitude due to the vorticity segregation process. The merging of small-scale cyclonic and anticyclonic perturbations finally leads to the generation of a pair of large-scale cyclonic and anti-cyclonic vorticity gyres, straddling across the central latitude. The large-scale cyclonic circulation due to nonlinear upscale cascade can be further strengthened through a positive convection-circulation feedback.

基于2015-2020年北京35个环境空气站和20个气象站观测资料,应用机器学习方法(随机森林算法)分离了气象条件和源排放对大气污染物浓度的影响.结果发现,为应对疫情采取的隔离措施使北京2020年春节期间大气污染物浓度降低了35.1%-51.8%;其中,背景站氮氧化物和一氧化碳浓度的降幅最大,超过了以往报道较多的交通站...  相似文献   
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