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Since the sign up of CTBT (Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty), the nuclear monitoring and distinguishing has gained great attention by the treaty countries. Seismology is one of the primary technical means available for monitoring compliance to a CTBT. However, there does not exist a single criterion, so far, that can effectively distinguish explorations from earthquakes. It has been known that source time function (abbreviated to STF) of an underground nuclear explosion contains important p…  相似文献   
Heat flow and thermal modeling of the Yinggehai Basin, South China Sea   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Geothermal gradients are estimated to vary from 31 to 43 °C/km in the Yinggehai Basin based on 99 temperature data sets compiled from oil well data. Thirty-seven thermal conductivity measurements on core samples were made and the effects of porosity and water saturation were corrected. Thermal conductivities of mudstone and sandstone range from 1.2 to 2.7 W/m K, with a mean of 2.0±0.5 W/m K after approximate correction. Heat flow at six sites in the Yinggehai Basin range from 69 to 86 mW/m2, with a mean value of 79±7 mW/m2. Thick sediments and high sedimentation rates resulted in a considerable radiogenic contribution, but also depressed the heat flow. Measurements indicate the radiogenic heat production in the sediment is 1.28 μW/m3, which contributes 20% to the surface heat flow. After subtracting radiogenic heat contribution of the sediment, and sedimentation correction, the average basal heat flow from basement is about 86 mW/m2.Three stages of extension are recognized in the subsidence history, and a kinematic model is used to study the thermal evolution of the basin since the Cenozoic era. Model results show that the peak value of basal heat flow was getting higher and higher through the Cenozoic. The maximum basal heat flow increased from 65 mW/m2 in the first stage to 75 mW/m2 in the second stage, and then 90 mW/m2 in the third stage. The present temperature field of the lithosphere of the Yinggehai Basin, which is still transient, is the result of the multistage extension, but was primarily associated with the Pliocene extension.  相似文献   
对于给定的流域,选择合适的水文模型进行模拟是水文学研究的难点。选取中国11个典型流域,划分为蓄满产流区、超渗产流区及混合产流区,分别验证4种经典概念性模型与4种灵活架构模型。研究表明:蓄满产流区灵活架构模型难以提高模拟精度,但可以检验模型构件对模拟结果的影响,排除不合实际的模型结构;超渗产流区灵活架构模型可以提高模拟精度,但缺乏系统性,难以完整准确地描绘水文过程。综合而言,灵活架构模型表现不稳定,通用性差,但架设与修改方便,易于确定流域产汇流关键过程,是水文模拟的有效手段。  相似文献   
We have analyzed core MD01-2392, ∼ 360 km east of the Mekong River mouth in the South China Sea (SCS). Over the past 500 ka, planktonic foraminiferal oxygen-isotopic values are consistently lighter than northern SCS and open-ocean records by up to 0.5‰, indicating the influence of run-off from the Mekong River during both glacial and interglacial periods. Carbonate content is higher during interglacials; sedimentation rates were higher during glacials. Increased sedimentation rates since 30 ka imply increased run-off during the last glacial maximum and Holocene Period. Contrary to general experience, in which it is classed as a warm species for temperature estimates, the thermocline-dwelling species Pulleniatina obliquiloculata increased its numbers during glacial periods. This implies an estuarine circulation and even brackish-water caps during glacial periods, reinforcing the sense of strong run-off. In an overall decline of warm water, the thermocline shoaled stepwise, with rapid rises across the glacial terminations. We infer that the southern SCS was opened to an influx of Indian Ocean waters through southern passages at those times of rising sea levels.  相似文献   
The Qinghai-Tibet Plateau(QTP)has the highestand largest permafrost coverage in the low-middlelatitudes all over the world.With the progress ofChina’s Western Development,human activities areincreasing significantly on the QTP.For instance,theQinghai-Tibet Railway project started in June2001iscurrently under construction,but permafrost problemwill be one of the critical factors for the engineeringconstruction.Frost heave and permafrost settlementmay destroy engineering construction[1,2]…  相似文献   
猪野泽记录的季风边缘区全新世中期 气候环境演化历史*   总被引:4,自引:16,他引:4  
通过季风边缘区石羊河古终端湖猪野泽QTL剖面年代学及沉积物粒度、碳酸盐、有机碳、碳氮比和有机质稳定同位素等多项气候代用指标的综合分析,建立了季风边缘区9~3cal.kaB.P. 的古气候演化序列。结果表明,9cal.kaB.P. 到7.8cal.kaB.P. 期间,流域的水分条件和温度逐渐上升,植被状况好转,此时气候逐渐转暖湿;而在7.8~7.5cal.kaB.P. 出现了显著的百年尺度的干旱事件,沉积物主要以砂质沉积为主,此时湖泊生产力显著下降;全新世期间最为暖湿的气候适宜期出现在7.5~5.0cal.kaB.P.;约5.0cal.kaB.P. 以来,该区域出现了较为明显的干旱化趋势。另外,对猪野泽地区的白碱湖的湖泊地貌学和年代学研究表明该区域在7.5~5.0cal.kaB.P. 出现了3次高湖面,并且湖岸堤时序变化指示了全新世后半期湖泊逐渐退缩的过程进而指示该区域出现了显著的干旱化趋势。  相似文献   
中国海岸风成沙ESR测年的研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
介绍ESR测年的基本原理,并讨论风成沙Ge心测年的可行性、风成沙E'心的特征、测年误差及可靠性等问题。1992-1993年在渤、黄、东、南海沿岸采集的100余个风成沙样品ESR测年实验表明,绝大部分海岸风成沙的年龄为1-7万年。  相似文献   
作为蛇绿岩套重要组成部分之一的席状岩墙杂岩(Sheeted dyke complex)近来在北祁连山中段肃南县大岔大坂北坡的早中奥陶世蛇绿岩中被发现。这一发现对于祁连山早古生代蛇绿岩来说尚属首次,而且对于研究蛇绿岩的发展演化及探讨奥陶纪时洋底扩张都有重要意义。席状岩墙杂岩由一系列具单向冷凝边的辉绿岩墙组成,以一墙挨一墙的形式产出,岩墙间无任何填充物。席状岩墙杂岩在矿物组合上,常量元素、稀土元素及痕量元素地球化学特征和配分模式,甚至金属硫化物矿化作用方面都有类似之处。这些证据表明席状岩墙杂岩是连通其下岩浆房与其上枕状熔岩的通道。席状岩墙的单向冷凝边为岩浆上升方式和扩张洋脊的存在提供了令人信服的证据。根据Zr/Y—Zr关系图式,得出该区洋脊的扩张速率大约为2cm/a。  相似文献   
Based on four reanalysis datasets including CMA-RA, ERA5, ERA-Interim, and FNL, this paper proposes an improved intelligent method for shear line identification by introducing a second-order zonal-wind shear. Climatic characteristics of shear lines and related rainstorms over the Southern Yangtze River Valley(SYRV) during the summers(June-August) from 2008 to 2018 are then analyzed by using two types of unsupervised machine learning algorithm,namely the t-distributed stochastic neighbor embeddin...  相似文献   
代群力  何路送 《湖南地质》1991,10(4):325-328
不同补给源的水,其水质、水温存在差异。根据质量和热量守恒原理,通过对不同补给水源进行长期观察,可确定矿坑水的补给源及其比例。作者推导出了存在二种和三种补给水源情况下各补给水源所占比例的计算公式,并应用到湖南洞口县的石下江煤矿,取得了良好效果。  相似文献   
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