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Paleokarst systems are one of the major factors resulting in carbonate reservoir heterogeneity and compartmentalization. Nevertheless, few effective workflows have been proposed to map the 3D distribution of such systems. We describe a detailed seismic characterization approach integrating core, well log and rock physics analysis, to reveal a complex subsurface paleokarst system in the San Andres Formation, Permian basin, West Texas. In the area of high volume production, the collapsed paleokarst system is characterized by irregularly developed crackle and fracture breccias, mosaic breccias and cave fillings in the Upper San Andres Formation, which are delineated using seismic acoustic impedance. Along the transition from platform to basin, the paleokarst system is marked by a linear collapse including sags and small vertical faults that are recognizable in seismic imaging. Production data indicates that tight paleokarst zones cause reservoir compartmentalization and influence fluid communication between wells. The complex paleokarst system development is explained using a carbonate platform hydrological model, an outcrop analogue similar to modern marine hydrological environments within carbonate islands. Our method of model development for complex subsurface paleokarst systems may be applicable to other paleoenvironments.  相似文献   
Two rock avalanches in Troms County – the Grøtlandsura and Russenes – were selected as CRONUS-EU natural cosmogenic 10Be production-rate calibration sites because they (a) preserve large boulders that have been continuously exposed to cosmic irradiation since their emplacement; (b) contain boulders with abundant quartz phenocrysts and veins with low concentrations of naturally-occurring 9Be (typically < 1.5 ppb); and (c) have reliable minimum radiocarbon ages of 11,424 ± 108 cal yr BP and 10,942 ± 77 cal yr BP (1σ), respectively. Quartz samples (n = 6) from these two sites contained between 4.28 × 104 and 5.06 × 104 at 10Be/g using the 1.387 Myr 10Be half-life. Determination of these concentrations accounts for topographic and self-shielding, and effects on nuclide production due to isostatic rebound are shown to be negligible. Persistent, constant snow and moss cover cannot be proven, but if taken into consideration they may have reduced 10Be concentrations by 10%. Using the 10Be half-life of 1.387 Myr and the Stone scaling scheme, and accounting for snow- and moss-cover, we calculate an error-weighted mean total 10Be production rate of 4.12 ± 0.19 at/g/yr (1σ). A corresponding error-weighted mean spallogenic 10Be production rate is 3.96 ± 0.16 at/g/yr (1σ), respectively. These are in agreement within uncertainty with other 10Be production rates in the literature, but are significantly, statistically lower than the global average 10Be production rate. This research indicates, like other recent studies, that the production of cosmogenic 10Be in quartz is lower than previously established by other production-rate calibration projects. Similarly, our findings indicate that regional cosmogenic production rates should be used for determining exposure ages of landforms in order to increase the accuracy of those ages. As such, using the total 10Be production rate from our study, we determine an error-weighted mean surface-exposure age of a third rock avalanche in Troms County (the Hølen avalanche) to be 7.5 ± 0.3 kyr (1σ). This age suggests that the rock avalanche occurred shortly after the 8.2 kyr cooling event, just as the radiocarbon ages of the Grøtlandsura and Russenes avalanches confirm field evidence that those rock-slope failures occurred shortly after deglaciation.  相似文献   
The distribution of silicon isotopes along a meridional transect at 140°W longitude in the Eastern Equatorial Pacific was used to test the hypothesis that δ30Si of silicic acid in surface waters should correlate with net silica production rates (gross silica production minus silica dissolution) rather than rates of gross silica production due to the opposing Si isotope fractionations associated with silica production and silica dissolution. Variations in δ30Si appeared significantly correlated with net silica production rates in equatorial surface waters and not with gross production rates. Around the Equator, values of δ30Si as low as deep water values occurred in the upper mesopelagic in a zone of net silica dissolution and high detrital biogenic silica content, where the release of low δ30Si silicic acid from opal dissolution would be expected to decrease δ30Si. The δ30Si of the deep water at 140°W appears constant for depths >2000 m and is similar to the deep water at 110°W. This study brings to light the importance of considering Si fractionation during diatom silica dissolution, the biological fractionation during silica production and physical factors such as currents and mixing with adjacent water masses when interpreting silicon isotope distributions.  相似文献   
The Labrador continental margin provides a rich source of data with which to study the relationships between stratigraphy, tectonics and paleoenvironment. We have completed a regional seismic interpretation and integrated this with new biostratigraphic data, based on analyses of palynomorphs from wells in the Hopedale and Saglek Basins which occur on this margin. Our results are summarized in a tectonostratigraphic chart, which displays new and consistent age control for the major lithostratigraphic units and provides more precise evaluation of their depositional and paleoenvironmental history. We have identified and dated six regional unconformities in the wells and we can recognize several others on the seismic data. The older unconformities (Cretaceous) are related to the tectonics of rifting and seafloor spreading, and may delineate the onset of different stages of the rift process. In the Paleocene-Early Eocene, unconformity development was influenced by episodic volcanism due to the passage of the proto-Iceland hotspot to the north and to a major change in spreading direction in the Labrador Sea. Many of these unconformities are also identified in offshore southwest Greenland and the Grand Banks, suggesting widespread controlling mechanisms. During the post-seafloor spreading stage the effects of mass wasting and slumping, and of paleoenvironmental controls on the stratigraphy, were more pronounced. We discuss the petroleum potential of the Hopedale Basin in terms of the structures we see on the seismic data, and highlight the Bjarni Formation, which likely contains the most prospective source and reservoir rocks in this Basin.  相似文献   
Interlaboratory comparisons have been widely used in applied radiocarbon science. These are an important part of ongoing quality assurance (QA) programmes, which are vital to the appropriate interpretation of the evidence provided by the 14C record in Quaternary applications (including climate change and environmental reconstruction). International comparisons of laboratory performance are an essential component of the quality assurance process in radiocarbon dating. If the user community is to have confidence in radiocarbon results, it needs to be assured that laboratories world wide are producing measurements that are reliable and in accordance with ‘good practice’. The findings from the most recent (completed in 2001) and extensive (more than 90 participating laboratories) radiocarbon intercomparison (FIRI) are reported here. This study was designed (i) to assess comparability, or otherwise, of the results from different laboratories and (ii) to quantify the extent and possible causes of any interlaboratory variation. The results demonstrate that there are no significant differences amongst the main measurement techniques (gas proportional counting, liquid scintillation counting and accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS)) but there is evidence of small laboratory offsets relative to known age samples for some laboratories. There is also evidence in some cases of underestimation of measurement precision. Approximately 10% of all results were classified as extreme (outliers) and these results were generated by 14% of the laboratories. Overall, the evidence supports the fact that radiocarbon laboratories are generally accurate and precise but that, notwithstanding internal QA procedures, some problems still occur, which can best be detected by participation in independent intercomparisons such as FIRI, where the results allow individual laboratories to assess their performance and to take remedial measures where necessary. The results from FIRI are significant in that they show a broad measure of agreement between measurements made in different laboratories on a wide range of materials and they also demonstrate no statistically significant difference between measurements made by radiometric or AMS techniques. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The Warburton Basin of central Australia has experienced a complex tectonic and fluid-flow history, resulting in the formation of various authigenic minerals. Geochemical and geochronological analyses were undertaken on vein carbonates from core samples of clastic sediments. Results were then integrated with zircon U–Pb dating and uraninite U–Th–total Pb dating from the underlying granite. Stable and radiogenic isotopes (δ18O, Sr and εNd), as well as trace element data of carbonate veins indicate that >200 °C basinal fluids of evolved meteoric origin circulated through the Warburton Basin. Almost coincidental ages of these carbonates (Sm–Nd; 432 ± 12 Ma) with primary zircon (421 ± 3.8 Ma) and uraninite (407 ± 16 Ma) ages from the granitic intrusion point towards a substantial period of active tectonism and an elevated thermal regime during the mid Silurian. We hypothesise that such a thermal regime may have resulted from extensional tectonism and concomitant magmatic activity following regional orogenesis. This study shows that the combined application of geochemical and geochronological analyses of both primary and secondary species may constrain the timing of tectonomagmatic events and associated fluid flow in intraplate sedimentary basins. Furthermore, this work suggests that the Sm–Nd-isotopic system is surprisingly robust and can record geologically meaningful age data from hydrothermal mineral species.  相似文献   
Protected areas will more efficiently protect biodiversity if threats to the persistence of populations are addressed. Seagrass meadows are globally regarded as critical habitats because of their ecosystem services, human use values, and their diminishing extent. While selecting priority areas for conservation of seagrass meadows is largely aimed at maximizing the protection of their biodiversity, little attention is paid to consider simultaneously the representation of biodiversity and the minimization of threats. This study developed and tested an approach for integrating vulnerability of seagrass meadows to anthropogenic disturbance with the selection of estuarine-protected areas. Vulnerability was measured by data on different land use types in subcatchments. Conservation value was measured by irreplaceability, diversity indices, and rarity of macroinvertebrate species in seagrass meadows. Vulnerability was incorporated into conservation planning by plotting grid cell scores for conservation value versus their scores for vulnerability. The results showed that the performance of the model for the integration of vulnerability into estuarine conservation planning was sensitive to the data treatment. The vulnerability of seagrass meadows and accordingly the arrangement of priority areas for conservation and management attention may change if more information is incorporated into the measurement of vulnerability.  相似文献   
Abstract– High‐precision Cu isotopic compositions have been measured for the metal phase of 29 iron meteorites from various groups and for four terrestrial standards. The data are reported as the δ65Cu permil deviation of the 65Cu/63Cu ratio relative to the NIST SRM 976 standard. Terrestrial mantle rocks have a very narrow range of variations and scatter around zero. In contrast, iron meteorites show δ65Cu approximately 2.3‰ variations. Different groups of iron meteorites have distinct δ65Cu values. Nonmagmatic IAB‐IIICD iron meteorites have similar δ65Cu (0.03 ± 0.08 and 0.12 ± 0.10, respectively), close to terrestrial values (approximately 0). The other group of nonmagmatic irons, IIE, is isotopically distinct (?0.69 ± 0.15). IVB is the iron meteorite group with the strongest elemental depletion in Cu and samples in this group are enriched in the lighter isotope (δ65Cu down to ?2.26‰). Evaporation should have produced an enrichment in 65Cu over 63Cu (δ65Cu >0) and can therefore be ruled out as a mechanism for volatile loss in IVB meteorites. In silicate‐bearing iron meteorites, Δ17O correlates with δ65Cu. This correlation between nonmass‐dependent and mass‐dependent parameters suggests that the Cu isotopic composition of iron meteorites has not been modified by planetary differentiation to a large extent. Therefore, Cu isotopic ratios can be used to confirm genetic links. Cu isotopes thus confirm genetic relationships between groups of iron meteorites (e.g., IAB and IIICD; IIIE and IIIAB); and between iron meteorites and chondrites (e.g., IIE and H chondrites). Several genetic connections between iron meteorites groups are confirmed by Cu isotopes, (e.g., IAB and IIICD; IIIE and IIIAB); and between iron meteorites and chondrites (e.g., IIE and H chondrites).  相似文献   
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