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We have performed a series of interdiffusion experiments on magnesiowüstite samples at room pressure, temperatures from 1,320° to 1,400°C, and oxygen fugacities from 10?1.0 Pa to 10?4.3 Pa, using mixed CO/CO2 or H2/CO2 gases. The interdiffusion couples were composed of a single-crystal of MgO lightly pressed against a single-crystal of (Mg1-x Fe x )1-δO with 0.07<x<0.27. The interdiffusion coefficient was calculated using the Boltzmann–Matano analysis as a function of iron content, oxygen fugacity, temperature, and water fugacity. For the entire range of conditions tested and for compositions with 0.01<x<0.27, the interdiffusion coefficient varies as $$\tilde D\, =\,2.9\times10^{ - 6}\,f_{{\text{O}}_2 }^{0.19}\,x^{0.73}\,{\text{e}}^{ - (209,000\, -\,96,000\,x)/RT}\,\,{\text{m}}^{\text{2}} {\text{s}}^{ -1} $$ These dependencies on oxygen fugacity and composition are reasonably consistent with interdiffusion mediated by unassociated cation vacancies. For the limited range of water activity that could be investigated using mixed gases at room pressure, no effect of water on interdiffusion could be observed. The dependence of the interdiffusion coefficient on iron content decreased with increasing iron concentration at constant oxygen fugacity and temperature. There is a close agreement between our activation energy for interdiffusion extrapolated to zero iron content (x=0) and that of previous researchers who used electrical conductivity experiments to determine vacancy diffusivities in lightly doped MgO.  相似文献   
Fe‐rich metapelitic granulites of the Musgrave Block, central Australia, contain several symplectic and coronal reaction textures that post‐date a peak S2 metamorphic assemblage involving garnet, sillimanite, spinel, ilmenite, K‐feldspar and quartz. The earliest reaction textures involve spinel‐ and quartz‐bearing symplectites that enclose garnet and to a lesser extent sillimanite. The symplectic spinel and quartz are in places separated by later garnet and/or sillimanite coronas. The metamorphic effects of a later, D3, event are restricted to zones of moderate to high strain where a metamorphic assemblage of garnet, sillimanite, K‐feldspar, magnetite, ilmenite, quartz and biotite is preserved. Quantitative mineral equilibria calculations in the system K2O–FeO–MgO–Al2O3–SiO2–H2O–TiO2–Fe2O3 (KFMASHTO) using Thermocalc 3.0 and the accompanying internally consistent dataset provide important constraints on the influence of TiO2 and Fe2O3 on biotite‐bearing and spinel‐bearing equilibria, respectively. Biotite‐bearing equilibria are shifted to higher temperatures and spinel‐bearing equilibria to higher pressures and lower temperatures in comparison to the equivalent equilibria in K2O–FeO–MgO–Al2O3–SiO2–H2O (KFMASH). The sequence of reaction textures involving spinel is consistent with a D2 P–T path that involved a small amount of decompression followed predominantly by cooling within a single mineral assemblage stability field. Thus, the reaction textures reflect changes in modal proportions within an equilibrium assemblage rather than the crossing of a univariant reaction. The D3 metamorphic assemblage is consistent with lower temperatures than those inferred for D2.  相似文献   
Epithermal precious- and base-metal deposits are diverse, reflecting the different tectonic, igneous and structural settings in which they occur, the complexities of their local setting, and the many processes involved in their formation. Most epithermal deposits form at shallow crustal levels where abrupt changes in physical and chemical conditions result in metal deposition and attendant hydrothermal alteration. The principal factors that influence the conditions prevailing in the epithermal environment, and which ultimately determine the sites and character of mineralization, include: geology (structure, stratigraphy, intrusions and rock type, which affect the style and degree of permeability and the reactivity of the host); pressure and temperature (which in the epithermal environment are related on the boiling point with depth curve); hydrology (the relationship between permeability and topography which governs fluid flow, and discharge/recharge characteristics, as well as access of steam-heated waters); chemistry of the mineralizing fluid (which determines the metal-carrying capacity, as well as the associated vein and alteration assemblage); and syn-hydrothermal development of permeability and/or changes in hydraulic gradients.Many attempts have been made to classify epithermal deposits based on mineralogy and alteration, the host rocks, deposit form, genetic models, and standard deposits. All have their strengths and weaknesses. We prefer a simple approach using the fundamental fluid chemistry (high or low sulfidation, reflecting relatively oxidized or reduced conditions, respectively) as readily inferred from vein and alteration mineralogy and zoning, together with the form of the deposit, and using comparative examples to clarify the character of the deposit.Guidelines for exploration vary according to the scale at which work is conducted, and are commonly constrained by a variety of local conditions. On a regional scale the tectonic, igneous and structural settings can be used, together with assessment of the depth of erosion, to select areas for project area scale exploration. At project area scale, direct (i.e. geochemical) or indirect guidelines may be used. Indirect methods involve locating and interpreting hydrothermal alteration as a guide to ore, with the topographic and hydrologic reconstruction of the system being of high priority. These pursuits may involve mineralogic, structural, geophysical or remote sensing methods. On a prospect scale, both direct and indirect methods may be used; however, they can only be effective in the framework of a sound conceptual understanding of the processes that occur in the epithermal environment, and the signatures they leave.  相似文献   
Much of the exposed Archean crust is composed of composite gneiss which includes a large proportion of intermediate to tonalitic material. These gneiss terranes were typically metamorphosed to amphibolite to granulite facies conditions, with evidence for substantial partial melting at higher grade. Recently published activity–composition (a?x) models for partial melting of metabasic to intermediate compositions allows calculation of the stable metamorphic minerals, melt production and melt composition in such rocks for the first time. Calculated P?T pseudosections are presented for six bulk rock compositions taken from the literature, comprising two metabasic compositions, two intermediate/dioritic compositions and two tonalitic compositions. This range of bulk compositions captures much of the diversity of rock types found in Archean banded gneiss terranes, enabling us to present an overview of metamorphism and partial melting in such terranes. If such rocks are fluid saturated at the solidus, they first begin to melt in the upper amphibolite facies. However, at such conditions, very little (< 5%) melt is produced and this melt is granitic in composition for all rocks. The production of greater proportions of melt requires temperatures ~800–850 °C and is associated with the first appearance of orthopyroxene at pressures below 8–9 kbar or with the appearance and growth of garnet at higher pressures. The temperature at which orthopyroxene appears varies little with composition providing a robust estimate of the amphibolite–granulite facies boundary. Across this boundary, melt production is coincident with the breakdown of hornblende and/or biotite. Melts produced at granulite facies range from tonalite–trondhjemite–granodiorite for the metabasic protoliths, granodiorite to granite for the intermediate protoliths and granite for the tonalitic protoliths. Under fluid‐absent conditions the melt fertility of the different protoliths is largely controlled by the relative proportions of hornblende and quartz at high grade, with the intermediate compositions being the most fertile. The least fertile rocks are the most leucocratic tonalites due to their relatively small proportions of hydrous mafic phases such as hornblende or biotite. In the metabasic rocks, melt production becomes limited by the complete consumption of quartz to higher temperatures. The use of phase equilibrium forward‐modelling provides a thermodynamic framework for understanding melt production, melt loss and intracrustal differentiation during the Archean.  相似文献   
The soil solution sampling by ceramic cups allows pesticide transfer monitoring in the soil during long times. The ageing of material involves a bias in the sampling results. In laboratory, the comparison of two types of ceramic suction cups, new and installed in situ during four years, shows a modification of the hydrodynamic properties and a possible evolution of the adsorption capacity of the matrix. The passage rate, as well qualitative as quantitative, is better for the old material. Recommendations about site management are finally exposed. To cite this article: N. Domange et al., C. R. Geoscience 336 (2004).  相似文献   
Dehydration (vapour absent) partial melting reactions in the Earth's crust produce a hydrous granitic melt phase, new anhydrous minerals that are mostly pyroxenes, and new plagioclase more calcic than the initial plagioclase. These solid phases of the melt reaction are restite. If the restite is carried to high levels in the crust as a component of the magma, cooling and crystallisation to granite will result in back reactions in which the H2O in the melt phase is consumed and is not then available to form a hydrothermal solution. Even in magmas in which some restite has been removed there will be some back reaction and again less H2O. Only fractional crystallisation will enrich the H2O in the magma in sufficient amounts to form a substantial quantity of hydrothermal solution and possible mineralisation.  相似文献   
Currently observed climate warming in the Arctic has numerous consequences. Of particular relevance, the precipitation regime is modified where mixed and liquid precipitation can occur during the winter season leading to rain‐on‐snow (ROS) events. This phenomenon is responsible for ice crust formation, which has a significant impact on ecosystems (such as biological, hydrological, ecological and physical processes). The spatially and temporally sporadic nature of ROS events makes the phenomenon difficult to monitor using meteorological observations. This paper focuses on the detection of ROS events using passive microwave (PMW) data from a modified brightness temperature (TB) gradient approach at 19 and 37 GHz. The approach presented here was developed empirically for observed ROS events with coincident ground‐based PMW measurements in Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada. It was then tested in Nunavik, Quebec, with the Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer for the Earth Observing System (AMSR‐E). We obtained a detection accuracy of 57, 71 and 89% for ROS detection for three AMSR‐E grid cells with a maximum error of 7% when considering all omissions and commissions with regard to the total number of AMSR‐E passes throughout the winter period. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Wachler  Benno  Seiffert  Rita  Rasquin  Caroline  Kösters  Frank 《Ocean Dynamics》2020,70(8):1033-1052
Ocean Dynamics - Tidally dominated coasts are directly affected not only by projected rise in mean sea level, but also by changes in tidal dynamics due to sea level rise and bathymetric changes. By...  相似文献   
The seismic industry is increasingly acquiring broadband data in order to reap the benefits of extra low‐ and high‐frequency contents. At the low end, as the sharp low‐cut decay gets closer to zero frequency, it becomes harder for a well tie to estimate the low‐frequency response correctly. The fundamental difficulty is that well logs are too short to allow accurate estimation of the long‐period content of the data. Three distinctive techniques, namely parametric constant phase, frequency‐domain least squares with multi‐tapering, and Bayesian time domain with broadband priors, are introduced in this paper to provide a robust solution to the wavelet estimation problem for broadband seismic data. Each of these techniques has a different mathematical foundation that would enable one to explore a wide range of solutions that could be used on a case‐by‐case basis depending on the problem at hand. A case study from the North West Shelf Australia is used to analyse the performance of the proposed techniques. Cross‐validation is proposed as a robust quality control measure for evaluating well‐tie applications. It is observed that when the seismic data are carefully processed, then the constant phase approach would likely offer a good solution. The frequency‐domain method does not assume a constant phase. This flexibility makes it prone to over‐fitting when the phase is approximately constant. Broadband priors for the time‐domain least‐squares method are found to perform well in defining low‐frequency side lobes to the wavelet.  相似文献   
With the adoption of an ‘expanded chronology’ for the Middle Pleistocene, based on the greater number of warm and cold episodes evident in the marine oxygen isotope record from deep ocean cores, has come the recognition of a meaningful progression of artefact types, something that could not be achieved with reference to the previous ‘compressed chronology’. In Britain, at least, it has been established that Levallois knapping techniques appeared in MIS 9–8, that bout coupé handaxes are indicative of MIS 3 and, rather more tentatively, that assemblages with twisted ovate handaxes in significant numbers represent MIS 11 occupation. Added to these key markers, it is now possible to suggest that further tool types occur preferentially in deposits of particular age: assemblages with significant proportions of cleavers and ‘ficron’ handaxes appear to be correlated with deposits formed at around the time of the MIS 9 interglacial. This newly recognized patterning within the Lower and Middle Palaeolithic record differs markedly from the previous use, in the mid‐20th century, of archaeological typology as a means of dating Pleistocene sequences, which was based on a relative refinement of tool making that is now recognized to be unrelated to age. Indeed, the authors would wish to emphasize that, even with reference to the new scheme presented here, the archaeological record should only be seen as dating evidence ‘of last resort’.  相似文献   
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