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Optical and near-IR signatures of water ice on the Moon's surface were sought in the permanently shadowed regions near its poles. Significant amounts of multiply-scattered radiation partly illuminate primary shadows cast by craters and other features. If there is water ice in the permanently shadowed regions of the Moon's surface, its spectral signature should appear in this multiply-scattered light. This investigation can be done most effectively with observations obtained by spacecraft, because most selenocentric positions occupied by the Earth will also be occupied by the Sun at some point in time, and because the lunar poles are seen only obliquely to a terrestrial observer. Images obtained by Clementine are particularly well-suited to this task, because the spacecraft's polar orbit allowed images of the poles to be acquired on nearly every orbit, resulting in literally thousands of images taken within a few degrees of each pole, and because the filters on the ultraviolet-visual camera (UVVIS) and the near infrared camera (NIR) occur at major absorption bands or within important continuum features of water ice. Approximately 5800 images obtained by the UVVIS camera and 1800 images obtained by the NIR camera were calibrated and combined into coadded mosaics to create multispectral maps of the lunar poles with the highest possible signal-to-noise. Unfortunately, analysis of our UVVIS mosaics indicates that any possible signal from multiply-scattered light in primary shadows was overwhelmed by instrumental stray light. For the NIR camera, we were able to determine the normalized reflectance of several regions that were identified by Margot et al. (1999, Science284, 1658-1660) as permanent shadows. We have identified one permanently shadowed crater with a 1.5-μm band spectral signature indicative of between 2.5 and 21% fractional coverage of H2O frost. However, the same region shows a 2.0 μm spectral signature that is inconsistent with the presence of any water.  相似文献   
Tree-ring reconstructed dry season rainfall in Guatemala   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Climate Dynamics - Drought in Guatemala has negative consequences for agriculture and potable water supplies, particularly in regions of the country with highly seasonal rainfall. General...  相似文献   
Linking meteorites to their asteroid parent bodies remains an outstanding issue. Space-based dust characterization using impact ionization mass spectrometry is a proven technique for the compositional analysis of individual cosmic dust grains. Here we investigate the feasibility of determining asteroid compositions via cation mass spectrometric analyses of their dust ejecta clouds during low (7–9 km s−1) velocity spacecraft flybys. At these speeds, the dust grain mass spectra are dominated by easily ionized elements and molecular species. Using known bulk mineral volume abundances, we show that it is feasible to discriminate the common meteorite classes of carbonaceous chondrites, ordinary chondrites, and howardite–eucrite–diogenite achondrites, as well as their subtypes, relying solely on the detection of elements with ionization efficiencies of ≤700 or ≤800 kJ mol−1, applicable to low (~7 km s−1) and intermediate (~9 km s−1) flyby speed scenarios, respectively. Including the detection of water ion groups enables greater discrimination between certain meteorite types, and flyby speeds ≥10 km s−1 enhance the diagnostic capabilities of this technique still further. Although additional terrestrial calibration is required, this technique may allow more unequivocal asteroid-meteorite connections to be determined by spacecraft flybys, emphasizing the utility of dust instruments on future asteroid missions.  相似文献   
Sea level rise, especially combined with possible changes in storm surges and increased river discharge resulting from climate change, poses a major threat in low-lying river deltas. In this study we focus on a specific example of such a delta: the Netherlands. To evaluate whether the country’s flood protection strategy is capable of coping with future climate conditions, an assessment of low-probability/high-impact scenarios is conducted, focusing mainly on sea level rise. We develop a plausible high-end scenario of 0.55 to 1.15 m global mean sea level rise, and 0.40 to 1.05 m rise on the coast of the Netherlands by 2100 (excluding land subsidence), and more than three times these local values by 2200. Together with projections for changes in storm surge height and peak river discharge, these scenarios depict a complex, enhanced flood risk for the Dutch delta.  相似文献   
The spatial and temporal distributions of rain-on-snow (ROS) events across the Canadian Arctic Archipelago (CAA) remain poorly understood owing to their sporadic nature in time and space. This situation motivated the development of remote sensing detection algorithms. This paper uses a large meteorological dataset across the CAA to adapt an existing ROS-detection algorithm developed in a previous study by our group. Results highlight the spatial distribution and evolution of ROS occurrences reported since 1985 at 14 weather stations across the CAA. Results show that >600 ROS events were inventoried since 1985, for which >70% were classified as pure rain (liquid form) and 30% as mixed precipitation (solid/liquid). Of the pure rain events, 75% occurred during spring, 14% during fall, 8% during summer and <1% during winter. Such events can have significant impacts on ungulate grazing conditions through the creation of ice layers, causing serious problems for caribou calf survival, especially during the migration period. This paper introduces an adaptation for larger scale Arctic application of a detection algorithm (sensitivity analysis on the detection threshold) with an error of ~5%. The validation, however, remains limited due to a short study period and limited number of sites.  相似文献   
Supergene copper mineralisation (SCM) processes occur during the unroofing of porphyry copper deposits. However, the geomorphological stage during which the main mineralisation occurs is still under debate. Here, we present 24 new thermochronological data from Cenozoic intrusives and compare them with the evolution of supergene mineralisation from the Centinela Mining District in the Atacama Desert. Our results indicate a two‐step cooling path: a rapid Late Eocene exhumation followed by a slow denudation. Previously published supergene mineralisation ages cluster after the main Upper Oligocene exhumation period. Ours is the first study that establishes the relationship between exhumation and supergene processes on the scale of a single mining district. It confirms that SCM took place during pediplanation, likely a required condition for efficient SCM under arid climatic conditions, in contrast to wet tropical environments where SCM occurs during rapid relief growth but has limited preservation potential.  相似文献   
This paper presents new evidence from the Dhamar highlands, Yemen, of paleohydrologic response to fluctuations in Holocene climate. Stratigraphic, geochemical, and chronological analyses of highland peat and lacustrine deposits contribute to knowledge of the timing of early Holocene moisture changes on the Arabian Peninsula, providing a backdrop to understanding early cultural development in the Arabian highlands. The location of the Dhamar highlands, characterized by intermontane valleys surrounded by the highest mountains on the Arabian Peninsula and adjacent to the Indian Ocean is ideal for examining the influence of the Indian Ocean Monsoon (IOM) on the moisture history of this region. Fluctuations in the lacustrine and paleosol records of the Dhamar highlands reflect both local changes in paleohydrology and regional influences on the Holocene paleoclimatic conditions in southwest Arabia. In addition, a peat deposit with a radiocarbon age of 10,253 – 10,560 cal yr BP documents some of the earliest Holocene high moisture conditions on the Arabian Peninsula.  相似文献   
Digital building information is important during a building's lifecycle, it is needed from first design until demolition. The two domains that mainly contribute are AEC (architecture, engineering, and construction) during design, construction, and operation, and GIS as a supporting discipline for analysis and further integration of the building's environment. However, there is a challenge in information exchange between the two domains, resulting in the remodeling of digital building information in GIS. In this article, we identify three major data sources from the AEC domain and show transformation processes to enable the integration of such models into the geographical environment in the form of one transition model. Furthermore, we show that this model can either be used directly or exported in the form of de facto standards that allow for further analysis.  相似文献   
Abstract– In this edition of The Meteoritical Bulletin, a total of 506 newly approved meteorite names with their relevant data are reported. These include 354 from northwest Africa, 31 from the Americas, 15 from Antarctica (Koreamet), 85 from Asia, 20 from Australia, and 1 from Europe. Among these meteorites are 2 falls, Grimsby (Canada) and Santa Lucia (2008) (Argentina). Also described are a CM with low degree of alteration, new ungrouped chondrites and achondrites, and 4 Martian meteorites.  相似文献   
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