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The discrimination between distinct remote compressions and multiple local stress deviations within a single compressive stress field has been carried out in the central-eastern Iberian Chain, by using structural criteria, computing palaeostress directions, identifying and ‘filtering’ stress deviations, and analysing time relationships. A probabilistic analysis based on a systematic comparison of real and expected frequencies of coexistence of two compressions is applied by means of the χ 2 Test. This allows us to identify those tectonic compressions that behave as independent events from the probabilistic point of view. The results suggest that among five initially defined compression directions only three can be considered as representative of distinct (although partially superposed) externally applied intraplate stress fields: Iberian s.l. (NE-SW), Betic s.l. (NW-SE), and Pyrenean (N-S to NNE-SSW).  相似文献   
Introduction: immigrants and transnational experiences in world cities   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Wei Li  Carlos Teixeira 《GeoJournal》2007,68(2-3):93-102
Today, in the early 21st century, goods, information, services, financial capital and human beings are flowing across national borders at an ever-accelerating rate. In this context, transnationalism has become a key paradigm in the study of international migration and urbanism. This theme issue on “Immigrants and transnational experiences in world cities” explores these new trends in contemporary international migration, with respect to transnational communities and geographies, in articles grouped according to four themes: international migration and world cities; highly-skilled and low-skilled immigrants; economic impacts; and immigrant experiences in world cities.  相似文献   
Atacamite, a copper hydroxychloride, is an important constituent of supergene oxide zones of copper deposits in northern Chile, whereas in similar deposits elsewhere, it is rare. In Chile, it has generally been assumed to be a primary constituent of the supergene zones. There are two difficulties with this supposition. The first is that atacamite requires saline water for its formation, whereas supergene oxidation was caused by percolating, oxygenated meteoric water, mainly rainwater. The second is that atacamite dissolves rapidly or undergoes phase change when exposed to fresh water. Supergene enrichment of copper deposits in northern Chile extended over a long period, 44 to 9 Ma, being terminated by the onset of hyperaridity. During this period, there was at least intermittent rainfall, exposing previously formed atacamite to dissolution or phase change. Furthermore, atacamite-bearing oxide zones in several deposits are directly overlain by thick Miocene alluvial gravels; the stream waters that transported these gravels would have permeated the oxide zones. In some deposits, atacamite-bearing assemblages occur both in the oxide zones and in contiguous gravels. We suggest that atacamite-bearing oxide assemblages are more likely to have been a replacement of preexisting oxide phases after the onset of hyperaridity at about 9 Ma. A hyperarid climate made possible evaporation and concentration of chloride in meteoric waters. In this paper, we discuss another source of saline waters to modify oxide zones. Dewatering of the Domeyko Basin expelled brines along faults, some of which had earlier guided the location of porphyry deposits. At the Spence porphyry copper deposit, saline waters, which δD vs δ 18O isotope analyses identify as basinal brines, are presently rising through the deposit, then flowing away along the base of the covering gravels. Compositions of these waters lie within the stability fields of atacamite and brochantite, the two minerals that comprise the oxide zone. Evidence is presented for other porphyry deposits, Radomiro Tomic and Gaby Sur, that basinal brines may have been involved in the late formation of atacamite.  相似文献   
During the Late Jurassic–Early Oligocene interval, widespread hydrothermal copper mineralization events occurred in association with the geological evolution of the southern segment of the central Andes, giving rise to four NS-trending metallogenic belts of eastward-decreasing age: Late Jurassic, Early Cretaceous, Late Paleocene–Early Eocene, and Late Eocene–Early Oligocene. The Antofagasta–Calama Lineament (ACL) consists of an important dextral strike-slip NE-trending fault system. Deformation along the ACL system is evidenced by a right-lateral displacement of the Late Paleocene–Early Eocene metallogenic belts. Furthermore, clockwise rotation of the Early Cretaceous Mantos Blancos copper deposit and the Late Paleocene Lomas Bayas porphyry copper occurred. In the Late Eocene–Early Oligocene metallogenic belt, a sigmoidal deflection and a clockwise rotation is observed in the ACL. The ACL is thought to have controlled the emplacement of Early Oligocene porphyry copper deposits (34–37 Ma; Toki, Genoveva, Quetena, and Opache), whereas it deflected the Late Eocene porphyry copper belt (41–44 Ma; Esperanza, Telégrafo, Centinela, and Polo Sur ore deposits). These observations suggest that right-lateral displacement of the ACL was active during the Early Oligocene. We propose that the described structural features need to be considered in future exploration programs within this extensively gravel-covered region of northern Chile.  相似文献   
The Moa-Baracoa and Mayarí-Cristal massifs (eastern Cuba) are two ophiolitic complexes mainly constituted by harzburgite tectonites and minor dunites, cut by gabbroic dykes. The Moa-Baracoa massif exhibits a well developed Moho transition zone and an incomplete crustal section made up of layered gabbros and tectonically emplaced pillow basalts. A plutonic crustal section is absent in the Mayarí-Cristal massif and mantle tectonites are in tectonic contact with arc-related volcanic rocks. Mantle peridotites are very refractory in terms of modal composition, whole rock major element and HREE contents implying that Moa-Baracoa and Mayarí-Cristal harzburgites are residues after high degrees (20–30%) of partial melting. The relative enrichment of Th, Nb, Ta and LREE in peridotites is due to re-equilibration of melting residues with percolating melts. Peridotites lost on average 6 wt% of relative MgO by intense seafloor weathering. REE contents and Mg# of melts in equilibrium with cumulate gabbros from the Moho transition zone and crustal section of the Moa-Baracoa massif coincide with those of the spatially-related pillow basalts. On the other hand, no geochemical relation has been inferred between melt in equilibrium with Mayarí-Cristal segregate and the spatially-related arc volcanics. Our results indicate that the Mayarí-Baracoa Ophiolitic Belt formed at an original back-arc spreading centre. The Moa-Baracoa massif represents a portion of MORB-like lithosphere located nearby a back-arc mid-ocean spreading ridge, and the Mayarí-Cristal massif represents a piece of transitional (MORB to IAT) mantle located closer to the paleo-volcanic arc than Moa-Baracoa.  相似文献   
This paper presents the first SHRIMP zircon age data from bentonitic ash fall layers intercalated with the Irati sedimentary rocks, as well as palynofossils retrieved from the PETROBRAS-Six mine, Paraná State, southern Brazil. The Permian Irati Formation is one the most important oil source horizons within the Paraná Basin, and consists mainly of siltstones, gray claystones, as well as organic-rich claystones intercalated with limestones. Zircon morphology based on cathodoluminescence images includes two different populations: a dominant population of euhedral, prismatic, elongate to acicular grains which are most likely related to an ash fall volcanism; and a population of rounded to large prismatic grains, that were interpreted as detrital grains. SHRIMP analysis performed on the euhedral and prismatic grains revealed an age of ca. 278.4 ± 2.2 Ma (7 points with 95% confidence) interpreted as the crystallization age of the volcanic eruption. Based on this new dating, the Irati Formation should be placed on the Lower Permian (Cisuralian), Artinskian in age, modifying substantially the traditional ages previously attributed to this unit. The palynofossils from this level include key species of the Lueckisporites virkkiae Zone (such as L. virkkiae, L. densicorpus, L. stenotaeniatus, Weylandites lucifer, Alisporites splendens). Typical species of this zone also occur in African and other South American (Argentina) Permian strata, allowing stratigraphical correlations. The origin of the ash falls is not clearly defined. It may be related either to calc-alkaline arc magmatism associated to the Sanrafaelica Orogeny (275 and 250 Ma) or to bimodal volcanic events associated to an early intracontinental rift developed within southwestern Gondwana at ca. 278 My. The dating of this unit is significative to calibrate biostratigraphic schemes along the Paraná Basin, as well as equivalent zones in Gondwana areas, mainly in its Occidental portion.  相似文献   
The Antucoya porphyry copper deposit (300 Mt at 0.45% total Cu) is one of the largest deposits of a poorly known Early Cretaceous porphyry belt in the Coastal Cordillera of northern Chile. It is related to a succession of granodioritic and tonalitic porphyritic stocks and dikes that were emplaced within Jurassic andesitic rocks of the La Negra Formation immediately west of the N–S trending sinistral strike-slip Atacama Fault Zone. New zircon SHRIMP U–Pb data indicate that the porphyries of Antucoya crystallized within the time span from 142.7 ± 1.6 to 140.6 ± 1.5 Ma (±2 σ), and late, unmineralized, NW–SE trending dacite dikes with potassic alteration and internal deformation crystallized at 141.9 ± 1.4 Ma. The Antucoya porphyry copper system appears to be formed after a change of stress conditions along the magmatic arc from extensional in the Late Jurassic to transpressive during the Early Cretaceous and provides support for an Early Cretaceous metallogenic episode of porphyry-type mineralization along the Coastal Cordillera of northern Chile.  相似文献   
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