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The ground motion hazard for Sumatra and the Malaysian peninsula is calculated in a probabilistic framework, using procedures developed for the US National Seismic Hazard Maps. We constructed regional earthquake source models and used standard published and modified attenuation equations to calculate peak ground acceleration at 2% and 10% probability of exceedance in 50 years for rock site conditions. We developed or modified earthquake catalogs and declustered these catalogs to include only independent earthquakes. The resulting catalogs were used to define four source zones that characterize earthquakes in four tectonic environments: subduction zone interface earthquakes, subduction zone deep intraslab earthquakes, strike-slip transform earthquakes, and intraplate earthquakes. The recurrence rates and sizes of historical earthquakes on known faults and across zones were also determined from this modified catalog. In addition to the source zones, our seismic source model considers two major faults that are known historically to generate large earthquakes: the Sumatran subduction zone and the Sumatran transform fault. Several published studies were used to describe earthquakes along these faults during historical and pre-historical time, as well as to identify segmentation models of faults. Peak horizontal ground accelerations were calculated using ground motion prediction relations that were developed from seismic data obtained from the crustal interplate environment, crustal intraplate environment, along the subduction zone interface, and from deep intraslab earthquakes. Most of these relations, however, have not been developed for large distances that are needed for calculating the hazard across the Malaysian peninsula, and none were developed for earthquake ground motions generated in an interplate tectonic environment that are propagated into an intraplate tectonic environment. For the interplate and intraplate crustal earthquakes, we have applied ground-motion prediction relations that are consistent with California (interplate) and India (intraplate) strong motion data that we collected for distances beyond 200 km. For the subduction zone equations, we recognized that the published relationships at large distances were not consistent with global earthquake data that we collected and modified the relations to be compatible with the global subduction zone ground motions. In this analysis, we have used alternative source and attenuation models and weighted them to account for our uncertainty in which model is most appropriate for Sumatra or for the Malaysian peninsula. The resulting peak horizontal ground accelerations for 2% probability of exceedance in 50 years range from over 100% g to about 10% g across Sumatra and generally less than 20% g across most of the Malaysian peninsula. The ground motions at 10% probability of exceedance in 50 years are typically about 60% of the ground motions derived for a hazard level at 2% probability of exceedance in 50 years. The largest contributors to hazard are from the Sumatran faults.  相似文献   
-- We investigate the impact of different rupture and attenuation models for the Cascadia subduction zone by simulating seismic hazard models for the Pacific Northwest of the U.S. at 2% probability of exceedance in 50 years. We calculate the sensitivity of hazard (probabilistic ground motions) to the source parameters and the attenuation relations for both intraslab and interface earthquakes and present these in the framework of the standard USGS hazard model that includes crustal earthquakes. Our results indicate that allowing the deep intraslab earthquakes to occur anywhere along the subduction zone increases the peak ground acceleration hazard near Portland, Oregon by about 20%. Alternative attenuation relations for deep earthquakes can result in ground motions that differ by a factor of two. The hazard uncertainty for the plate interface and intraslab earthquakes is analyzed through a Monte-Carlo logic tree approach and indicates a seismic hazard exceeding 1 g (0.2 s spectral acceleration) consistent with the U.S. National Seismic Hazard Maps in western Washington, Oregon, and California and an overall coefficient of variation that ranges from 0.1 to 0.4. Sensitivity studies indicate that the paleoseismic chronology and the magnitude of great plate interface earthquakes contribute significantly to the hazard uncertainty estimates for this region. Paleoseismic data indicate that the mean earthquake recurrence interval for great earthquakes is about 500 years and that it has been 300 years since the last great earthquake. We calculate the probability of such a great earthquake along the Cascadia plate interface to be about 14% when considering a time-dependent model and about 10% when considering a time-independent Poisson model during the next 50-year interval.  相似文献   
A comparison between the variation trend of alkaline basaltic magmas within the CaO-MgO-Al2O3-SiO2 system and experimentally estimated phase relations for this system at high pressures, suggests an olivine reaction relationship, which may explain the transition from primary magmas in equilibrium with olivine to alkaline basaltic magmas in which olivine does not form at high pressures. This reaction relationship is considered to be due to a transition from positive to negative crystallization with respect to olivine along the four phase curve where olivine, diopside, pyrope garnet and liquid are initially in equilibrium. The bimineralic, eclogitic character of alkaline basaltic compositions at high pressures is interpreted as being due to the presence of a thermal minimum on the three phase surface, where dioside and pyrope garnet are in equilibrium with liquid.  相似文献   
The potential for in situ biodegradation of tert‐butyl alcohol (TBA) by creation of aerobic conditions in the subsurface with recirculating well pairs was investigated in two field studies conducted at Vandenberg Air Force Base. In the first experiment, a single recirculating well pair with bromide tracer and oxygen amendment successfully delivered oxygen to the subsurface for 42 d. TBA concentrations were reduced from approximately 500 μg/L to below the detection limit within the treatment zone and the treated water was detected in a monitoring transect several meters downgradient. In the second experiment, a site‐calibrated model was used to design a double recirculating well pair with oxygen amendment, which successfully delivered oxygen to the subsurface for 291 d and also decreased TBA concentrations to below the detection limit. Methylibium petroleiphilum strain PM1, a known TBA‐degrading bacterium, was detectable at the study site but addition of oxygen had little impact on the already low baseline population densities, suggesting that there was not enough carbon within the groundwater plume to support significant new growth in the PM1 population. Given favorable hydrogeologic and geochemical conditions, the use of recirculating well pairs to introduce dissolved oxygen into the subsurface is a viable method to stimulate in situ biodegradation of TBA or other aerobically degradable aquifer contaminants.  相似文献   
The Middle Jurassic Todilto Member of the Wanakah Formation is a carbonate and gypsum unit inset into the underlying aeolian Entrada Sandstone in the San Juan Basin. Field and thin section study of the uppermost Entrada and Todilto at Ghost Ranch, New Mexico, identified Todilto facies and their relationship to remnant Entrada dune topography. Results support the previous interpretation that the Entrada dunes, housed in a basin below sea level, were rapidly flooded by marine waters. Mass wasting of the dunes gave rise to sediment‐gravity flows that largely buried remnant dune topography, leaving ca 12 m of relief that defined the antecedent condition for Todilto deposition. Previously interpreted as seasonal varves deposited in a stratified water body, the Todilto is reinterpreted as a microbial biolaminite. Most diagnostic are organic‐rich laminae with structures characteristic of filamentous microbes and containing trapped aeolian silt, and clotted‐texture laminae with a fabric associated with calcification of extracellular polymeric substances. The spatial arrangement of Todilto facies is controlled by the dune palaeotopography. A continuous basal laminated mudstone thickens over the dune crest, reflecting the optimum conditions for microbial mat development, and is interpreted to have been deposited when marine waters submerged the topography. Subsequent drying caused emergence of the crestal area, and formation of tepee structures and a dissolution breccia. Gypsiferous mudflats and periodic ponds occupied the dune flanks and interdune area, with gypsum concentrated within the interdune area. Entrada sands remained unstable during Todilto deposition with common injection structures into the Todilto, and a remnant slope caused the downslope movement and folding of Todilto strata on the upper lee face. Although some expansion of the gypsum occurred in the subsurface, facies architecture fostered development of a dissolution front adjacent to the interdune gypsum body with section collapse of gypsiferous limestone on the dune flanks.  相似文献   
Repeatability of seismic data plays a crucial role in time‐lapse seismic analysis. There are several factors that can decrease the repeatability, such as positioning errors, varying tide, source variations, velocity changes in the water layer (marine data) and undesired effects of various processing steps. In this work, the complexity of overburden structure, as an inherent parameter that can affect the repeatability, is studied. A multi‐azimuth three‐dimensional vertical‐seismic‐profiling data set with 10 000 shots is used to study the relationship between overburden structure and repeatability of seismic data. In most repeatability studies, two data sets are compared, but here a single data set has been used because a significant proportion of the 10 000 shots are so close to each other that a repeatability versus positioning error is possible. We find that the repeatability decreases by a factor of approximately 2 under an overburden lens. Furthermore, we find that the X‐ and Y‐components have approximately the same sensitivity to positioning errors as the Z‐component (for the same events) in this three‐dimensional vertical‐seismic‐profiling experiment. This indicates that in an area with complex overburden, positioning errors between monitor and base seismic surveys are significantly more critical than outside such an area. This study is based on a three‐dimensional three‐component vertical‐seismic‐profiling data set from a North Sea reservoir and care should be taken when extrapolating these observations into a general four‐dimensional framework.  相似文献   
We studied sediment cores from Lake Vens (2,327 m asl), in the Tinée Valley of the SW Alps, to test the paleoseismic archive potential of the lake sediments in this particularly earthquake-sensitive area. The historical earthquake catalogue shows that moderate to strong earthquakes, with intensities of IX–X, have impacted the Southern Alps during the last millennium. Sedimentological (X-ray images, grain size distribution) and geochemical (major elements and organic matter) analyses show that Lake Vens sediments consist of a terrigenous, silty material (minerals and organic matter) sourced from the watershed and diatom frustules. A combination of X-ray images, grain-size distribution, major elements and magnetic properties shows the presence of six homogenite-type deposits interbedded in the sedimentary background. These sedimentological features are ascribed to sediment reworking and grain sorting caused by earthquake-generated seiches. The presence of microfaults that cross-cut the sediment supports the hypothesis of seismic deposits in this system. A preliminary sediment chronology is provided by 210Pb measurement and AMS 14C ages. According to the chronology, the most recent homogenite events are attributable to damaging historic earthquakes in AD 1887 (Ligure) and 1564 (Roquebillière). Hence, the Lake Vens sediment recorded large-magnitude earthquakes in the region and permits a preliminary estimate of recurrence time for such events of ~400 years.  相似文献   
Structures not previously described from the southern part of the Permian rift-system in the Oslo-district, Norway, are presented. These indicate that the larvikite massif is a ring complex consisting of numerous individual sections which are roughly circular and repeatedly cut each other in a manner that suggests sequential shifting of centres of igneous activity towards the west. The compositions of these sections vary from quartzbearing varieties in the earliest parts through intermediate types to larvikite and lardalite with excess nepheline in the youngest parts.As this complex covers almost the total width of the Oslo rift-system, it forms an important profile across the graben structure. It suggests unilateral westward migration of centres of igneous activity in this region, viewed either as magma injection or cauldron subsidence and therefore provides additional information regarding the origin and evolution of the Oslo paleo-rift system.
Zusammenfassung Die Arbeit behandelt bisher nicht beschriebene Strukturen im südlichen Teil des permischen Bruchsenkungsgebietes im Oslogebiet in Norwegen. Sie zeigen, daß das Larvikit-Massiv einen ringförmigen Komplex bildet aus zahlreichen, ungefähr zirkulären und untereinander diskordanten Teilbereichen. Die Lage der Diskordanzen erlaubt die Annahme, einer westlich gerichteten sukzessiven Verlagerung der Zentren magmatischer Aktivität. Mit abnehmendem Alter dieser Teilbereiche verändert sich deren Mineralbestand von quartzführend über intermediär hin zur larvikitischen und lardalitischen Zusammensetzung mit Nephelinüberschuß.Da dieser Komplex fast den gesamten Bereich des Osloer Bruchsenkungsgebietes deckt, stellt er ein wichtiges Profil durch die Grabenstruktur dar. Dieses läßt plausibel erscheinen, daß die Zentren der magmatischen Vorgänge der Gegend einem einheitlich westgerichteten Trend gefolgt sind gleichviel, ob man in ihnen großräumige Vorgänge ringförmiger Magmen-intrusion sieht oder zylindrische Kesselbrüche (Cauldrons). Die in der Arbeit dargelegten Ergebnisse sind somit geeignet, die Frage des Ursprungs und der Entwicklung des Osloer Bruchsenkungsgebietes weiter zu erhellen.

Résumé Une nouvelle analyse structurale de massif de larvikite au sud du rift permien d'Oslo, Norvège, montre que ce massif forme un complexe annulaire comprenant de nombreuses composantes à peu pres circulaires et discordantes entre elles. Les segments se recoupent successivement indiquant un déplacement des centres d'activité magmatique vers l'ouest. Les larvikites passent de types à composition acide avec quartz dans les premiers segments, à des types intermédiaires puis a des compositions sousatourée avec néphéline en excess dans les segments les plus jeunes.Comme le massif occupe presque toute la largeur du rift d'Oslo il constitue une coupe importante de cette fosse paléozoique. Sa structure suggère une migration continue vers l'ouest des centres d'activité volcanique pour autant qu'on y voie des intrusions annulaires de magma, ou des effondrements successifs de la caldeira. Ce résultat apporte une information nouvelle sur l'origine et l'évolution du rift permien d'Oslo au sud de la Norvège.

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