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The eastern oyster, Crassostrea virginica, is a prominent ecosystem engineer, whose reefs exhibit strikingly consistent morphologies at multiple spatial scales throughout its North American range. These distinct morphologies are thought to form by interactions of nascent reef structures with hydrodynamics. We carried out two field studies to determine if historical reef configurations applied in a restoration context would improve reef persistence and restoration outcomes. We collected seabed and water column observations across constructed reefs of three orientations representative of those found historically throughout the oyster’s range: parallel or perpendicular to tidal currents or circular. Areas adjacent to reefs were sites of fine sediment trapping, with lower flow velocities, evidence of particle settling, and more fine sediments on the seabed relative to off-reef reference sites. The water column above the reef crest exhibited higher acoustic backscatter, higher flow velocities, and larger particles in suspension, consistent with local erosion of flocculated fine sediment from the reef crest. Perpendicular reefs produced conditions that were more conducive to reef persistence and improved oyster performance, including high flow velocities and enhanced resuspension of sediments from the reef, compared to parallel or circular reefs. Particle trapping in areas between reefs has the potential to inhibit reef growth between existing reef structures, providing support for hypotheses of landscape-scale reef pattern formation. Oyster reef restoration efforts can benefit from this improved understanding of biophysical interactions arising from reef orientation that contribute to sediment dynamics on constructed oyster reefs.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Es wird unterschieden zwischen Einschlüssen, auf dieSorbys Grundannahme zutrifft, daß eine homogene Phase, wie Wasser, Salzlösung oder CO2, eingeschlossen wurde, die Blasen also von dem Gas der eingeschlossenen Flüssigkeit gebildet werden, und solchen Einschlüssen, in denen fremdes Gas mit eingeschlossen wurde.Sorby-Einschlüsse können zur Temperaturbestimmung herangezogen werden, wenn entweder der Druck am Bildungsort bekannt ist oder sein Einfluß vernachlässigt werden kann, weil der Füllungsgrad so hoch ist, daß die Libelle schon bei niederen Temperaturen verschwindet. Ist fremdes Gas in der Flüssigkeit gelöst eingeschlossen worden und erst beim Abkühlen frei geworden, so ist der Schluß von der Füllungstemperatur auf die Bildungstemperatur noch unsicherer als bei Sorby-Einschlüssen, weil über den zu erwartenden großen Einfluß des Druckes noch nichts bekannt ist.Ist fremdes Gas als Gasblase eingeschlossen worden, so kann die Füllungstemperatur sehr weit von der Bildungstemperatur abweichen und beim Erwärmen sogar zuerst größer werden. Solche Nicht-Sorby-Einschlüsse sind zu erkennen durch Messung des Füllungsgrades und Vergleich der zugehörigen Füllungstemperatur mit der von Wasser bzw. CO2 bei gleichem Füllungsgrad.Die Frage, aus was die Einschlüsse bestehen, ist nicht nur für die Temperaturbestimmung von Wert, sondern auch für viele Fragen der Gesteinsbildung und -umbildung. Es wird auf die schon vonBrewster 1826 angegebene Methode der Bestimmung der Brechungszahl mit Hilfe der Totalreflexion hingewiesen.Alle diese Bemerkungen gelten sowohl für primäre wie für sekundäre Einschlüsse.Die Dekrepitationsmethode kann weder primäre und sekundäre Einschlüsse unterscheiden noch die Natur des Einschlusses, noch auch den Füllungsgrad berücksichtigen.  相似文献   
Topographic data from the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) captures the permanent deformation of a prominent highstand of Mono Lake, California USA. Deformation of the Dechambeau Ranch highstand shoreline was measured using the elevation of the beach berm—shoreline bluff break-in-slope. Point source models and a boundary element dike model were used to approximate the source of deformation underneath the northern end of the Mono Craters. The point source model could not adequately explain the observed deformation. The dike model yielded the best results for a NW trending dike dipping 60° NE and inflated to widths greater than 60 m. The results suggest that the geometry of the source is more complex than a simple vertical dike and that the deformation is better explained with a dipping dike following a normal fault, or an elongated cryptodome.  相似文献   
Abstract– Pyroxenes are among the most common minerals in the solar system and are ideally suited for remote geochemical analysis because of the sensitivity of their distinctive spectra to mineral composition. Fe2+ is responsible for the dominant pyroxene absorptions in the visible and near‐infrared, but substitutions of other cations such as Ca2+ change the crystal structure and site geometries and thus the crystal field splitting energies of the Fe cations. To define spectral systematics resulting from major pyroxene cations (Ca2+, Mg2+, and Fe2+), we focus on a suite of pyroxenes synthesized with only Ca2+, Mg2+, and Fe2+ in the two octahedral sites, specifically examining the effect of Ca2+ on pyroxene absorption bands. The modified Gaussian model is used to deconvolve pyroxene spectra into component bands that can then be linked directly to crystal field absorptions. In orthopyroxenes and low‐Ca clinopyroxenes, Ca2+‐content has a strong and predictable effect on the positions of the absorption bands. At a threshold of Wo30, the crystal field environment stagnates and the M2 bands cease to change significantly as more Ca2+ is added. At Wo50, when most of the M2 sites are filled by Ca2+, band positions do not change drastically, although the presence and strengths of the 1 and 2 μm bands are affected by even trace amounts of Fe2+ in the M2 site. It is thus apparent that next‐nearest neighbors and the distortions they impose on the pyroxene lattice affect the electronic states around the Fe2+ cations and control absorption band properties.  相似文献   
Voyager 1 imaging data have been used to investigate the color and morphology of several radial flow-like features at Ra Patera, a broad volcanic structure at approximately 8° latitude and 325° longitude on the Galilean satellite Io (J1). It was found that downstream progressions of flow color and morphology are consistent with lava of a predominately sulfur composition cooling radiatively and erupting in the range of 470 to 520°K at effusion rates at 1010 to 1011 cm3/sec. This implies global resurfacing rates by volcanic flows on Io of the order of 1 cm/year. Calculated energy content and effusion rates for flows at Ra Patera, using the physical parameters of sulfur, are of the order of the largest known terrestial basaltic eruptions and are consistent with calculations of globally available energy.  相似文献   
One of the products derived from the gravity field and steady-state ocean circulation explorer (GOCE) observations are the gravity gradients. These gravity gradients are provided in the gradiometer reference frame (GRF) and are calibrated in-flight using satellite shaking and star sensor data. To use these gravity gradients for application in Earth scienes and gravity field analysis, additional preprocessing needs to be done, including corrections for temporal gravity field signals to isolate the static gravity field part, screening for outliers, calibration by comparison with existing external gravity field information and error assessment. The temporal gravity gradient corrections consist of tidal and nontidal corrections. These are all generally below the gravity gradient error level, which is predicted to show a 1/f behaviour for low frequencies. In the outlier detection, the 1/f error is compensated for by subtracting a local median from the data, while the data error is assessed using the median absolute deviation. The local median acts as a high-pass filter and it is robust as is the median absolute deviation. Three different methods have been implemented for the calibration of the gravity gradients. All three methods use a high-pass filter to compensate for the 1/f gravity gradient error. The baseline method uses state-of-the-art global gravity field models and the most accurate results are obtained if star sensor misalignments are estimated along with the calibration parameters. A second calibration method uses GOCE GPS data to estimate a low-degree gravity field model as well as gravity gradient scale factors. Both methods allow to estimate gravity gradient scale factors down to the 10−3 level. The third calibration method uses high accurate terrestrial gravity data in selected regions to validate the gravity gradient scale factors, focussing on the measurement band. Gravity gradient scale factors may be estimated down to the 10−2 level with this method.  相似文献   
Knowledge of the optical constants of elemental sulfur has potential applications to Venus, Jupiter, Io, Amalthea, and the Earth. The real part, n, of the index of refraction of liquid sulfur (at 133°C) and of solid orthorhombic sulfur (at 25°C) for the wavelength range 0.4–2.0 μm were measured ellipsometrically. The imaginary part, k, of the refractive index of liquid sulfur was obtained by transmittance measurements at the same temperature and wavelength range. The reflectance of semi-infinite slabs of solid and liquid sulfur is calculated using the measured n and k values. We confirm that sulfur melts on Io would be classified as “black” by the Voyager imaging system.  相似文献   
Abstract– A method is described for imaging in 3‐D the interiors of meteoritic chromite grains and their inclusions using synchrotron radiation X‐ray tomographic microscopy. In ordinary chondrites, chromite is the only common mineral that survives long‐term weathering on Earth. Information about the silicate matrix of the original meteorite, however, can be derived from mineral inclusions preserved in the protecting chromite. The inclusions are crucial in the classification of fossil meteorites as well as sediment‐dispersed chromite grains from decomposed meteorites and larger impacts, as these are used for characterizing the past influx of material to Earth, but have previously been difficult to locate. The method is non‐destructive and time efficient for locating inclusions. The method allowed quantitative and morphological studies of both host chromite grains and inclusions in three dimensions. The study of 385 chromite grains from eight chondrites (H4–6, L4–6, LL4, LL6) reveals that inclusions are abundant and equally common in all samples. Almost two‐thirds of all chromite grains contain inclusions, regardless of group and type. The study also shows that the size of the inclusions and the host chromite grains, as well as the number of inclusions, within the host chromite grains vary with petrographic type. Thus, the petrographic type of the host of a suite of chromite grains can be determined based solely on inclusion content. The study also revealed that the amount of fractures in the host chromite can be correlated to previously assigned shock stages for the various chondrites. The study has thus shown that the features and inclusions of fossil chromite grains can give similar information about a former host meteorite as do studies of an unweathered whole meteorite, meaning that this technique is essential in the studies of ancient meteorite flux to Earth.  相似文献   
Si87/Sr86 ratios have been determined for lavas and py lastic rocks from three basalt-andesite centers along the Lesser Antilles arc—Mt. Misery on the island of St. Kitts, Soufriere on the island of St. Vincent, and Carriacou, an island of The Grenadines. The average Si87/Sr86 content of these rocks is 0.7038 for Mt. Misery, 0.7041 for Soufriere, and 0.7053 for Carriacou. All the Sr87/Sr86 values from each center are the same within analytical uncertainty (±0.0002). The constancy of strontium isotopic data within each center supports the hypothesis that basalts and andesites for each specific center investigated are generated from the same source — in agreement with petrographic and major- and minor-element data. Strontium isotopic compositions and elemental concentrations, particularly of strontium and nickel, indicate that this source was mantle peridotite and that the relationship between the respective basalts and andesites is probably fractional crystallization.Publication authorized by the Director, U.S. Geological Survey.  相似文献   
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