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The second(O2) observational campaign of gravitational waves(GWs) organized by the LIGO/Virgo Collaborations has led to several breakthroughs such as the detection of GW signals from merger systems involving black holes or neutrons stars. During O2, 14 GW alerts were sent to the astronomical community with sky regions mostly covering over hundreds of square degrees. Among them, six were finally confirmed as real astrophysical events. Since 2013, a new set of ground-based robotic telescopes called Ground-based Wide Angle Camera system(GWAC) project and its pathfinder mini-GWAC has been developed to contribute to the various challenges of multi-messenger and time domain astronomy. The GWAC system is built up in the framework of the ground-segment system of the SVOM mission that will be devoted to the study of the multi-wavelength transient sky in the next decade. During O2, only the mini-GWAC telescope network was fully operational. Due to the wide field of view and fast automatic follow-up capabilities of the mini-GWAC telescopes, they were adept to efficiently cover the sky localization areas of GW event candidates. In this paper, we present the mini-GWAC pipeline we have set up to respond to GW alerts and we report our optical follow-up observations of eight GW alerts detected during the O2 run. Our observations provided the largest coverage of the GW localization areas with a short latency made by any optical facility. We found tens of optical transient candidates in our images, but none of those could be securely associated with any confirmed black hole – black hole merger event. Based on this first experience and the near future technical improvements of our network system, we will be more competitive in detecting the optical counterparts from some GW events that will be identified during the upcoming O3 run, especially those emerging from binary neutron star mergers.  相似文献   
盐城市雾发生规律及其预报   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
依据盐城市1980 ̄1996年的雾资料进行了气候分析,将雾发生的天气形势归纳为弱高压和气旋倒槽两种类型;在此基础上,对单站要素进行了指标分析,由给出的5条指标采用概率加法原理进行雾发生的分析判断;并在气象信息综合分析处理系统(Micaps)上建立了春运期间雾预报系统,在实际应用中取得了较好的效果。  相似文献   
1975年8月上旬河南特大暴雨的研究   总被引:39,自引:5,他引:39  
本文研究了1975年8月上旬发生在河南省的一次持续性强暴雨。暴雨由深入内陆后停滞少动、强度维持不消的7503号台风造成。本文从尺度相互作用的观点着重分析了暴雨发生的大尺度条件及暴雨对大尺度环境的反馈作用,在此基础上给出了暴雨发生发展的天气学模式,讨论了暴雨维持的机制。  相似文献   
研究了365nm波长紫外线辐射中国对虾精子对其顶体反应和受精能力的影响。结果表明,低剂量紫外线辐射促进精子发生顶体反应,大剂量辐射使精子丧失发生顶体反应的生理机能并死亡。365nm波长紫外线能够透过精荚和纳精囊盖,对其内精子起到杀伤作用。精液稀释液在紫外线下辐射5~8s,仍有部分精子具有受精能力,但胚胎在早期阶段即死亡。人工诱导雌核发育的过程中,紫外线辐射精液稀释液5~8s,可获得遗传物质失活的精子(激活源)。经透射电镜观察分析,紫外线对精子遗传物质的损伤是一种使染色质变性的化学作用。  相似文献   
2008年6-8月T639、ECMWF及日本模式中期预报性能检验   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
蔡芗宁 《气象》2008,34(11):111-116
为更好地应用T639模式中期预报产品,对2008年6-8月T639 模式进行天气学检验,并与ECMWF、日本模式进行了对比分析.结果表明:3种模式均对亚洲中高纬环流形势的调整和演变具有较好的预报性能.综合来看,ECMWF模式对各系统及要素的预报最接近实况;日本模式和T639模式稍差,稳定性不如ECMWF模式;特别是T639模式对0808号台风凤凰(FUNG-WONG)路径及强度的预报与实况差异较大,而ECMWF及日本模式预报相对准确.  相似文献   
工程地质学发展趋势刍议   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
环境工程地质学是工程地质学发展的新阶段,它囊括并发展了工程地质学的所有问题。作为研究工程建设与地质环境相互作用的环境工程地质学,有待于进一步发展为工程环境灾害学──一方面,由于各种自然环境恶化和灾害间的相关性和因果性(环境恶化链、灾害链),研究似宜不限于地质环境和灾害(当然后者仍是重点),而适当扩大至土地环境、水环境和社会环境。作为一门应用地质学的环境工程地质学及其母学科工程环境灾害学将具有力学、地理、经济三大支柱,首先力求地质学与地理学的相互渗透和融合。另一方面,由于各种人类活动间的相关性和因果性(活动链),所研究的人类活动似宜不限于工程建设和运行,而适当扩大至采矿和水事活动,包括开采地下水和排污。后者引起的环境恶化和灾害尤为严重,正酿成危机。其根本出路不仅在于科技进步,而且在于文化调节,力求科技与文化的相互渗透和融合。  相似文献   
福建沿海沉积物中硫化物的分布   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
测定了福建沿海179个表层沉积物样品中硫化物的含量,潮间带含量范围为2.50—152.03mg·kg-1,浅海含量范围为2.50—291.97mg·kg-1。  相似文献   
地震信息对薄砂岩储层特性的描述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
徐怀民  赵景龙 《地质论评》1993,39(5):433-441
近年来,以地震信息为主进行油气藏描述,这是当前对石油勘探的重点攻关课题.本文结合我国陆上和海域部分油田或含油气构造的实际资料,运用地震信息为主,结合测井、地质及钻井等资料,对储层进行综合解释。同时,提出了用多地震信息计算薄层厚度的基本公式,根据地区性岩性和地震资料的差异,使用了确定性地质统计和Coringing分析两种方法进行储层物性参数的预测,文中给出大量的实例说明各种储层参数描述方法和应用效果。  相似文献   
Spectroscopic Study of Natural Diamonds in China   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
It has become clear in recent years that the important substitutional impurities in diamond are nitrogen,hydrogen and boron(Bibby,D.M.,1982).The physical and chemical properties of diamond are determined by the content and form of occurence of nitrogen based on which diamonds are generally classified.The well-known experiments concerning the mutual transformation of the forms the origin of diamond.by Evans.T.Et al.(1982) have provided a theoretic basis for the origin of diamond.Since 1979,spectroscopic investigation of natural diamonds from different areas in china has been carried out using UV-visible and IR spectrophotometer,EPR and cathodoluminescence techniques.We have conducted the classification of natural cathodoluminescence techniques.We have conducted the classification of natural diamonds in China and studies on the forms of nitrogen and hydrogen,the radiation damage and their geological implications.Spectroscopic characteristics of natural diamonds in china and their geological implications are discussed in this paper.  相似文献   
辽宁岫岩县偏岭地区晚大石桥期沉积环境及构造古地理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
偏岭地区大石桥组三段自下而上分为6个岩性层,每层都有不同的岩性组合特征.碳酸盐岩的CaO/MgO比值具有指示沉积环境的作用.通过分析该段地层的岩性组合特征,并结合不同层位的CaO/MgO比值,推断出偏岭地区在晚大石桥期的沉积环境演变过程为干旱湖、封闭海湾→开阔浅海→滨海→干旱湖、封闭海湾→浅海(偶为潮间或滨岸)→滨海、浅海交互环境.  相似文献   
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