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水平分辨率对DEM流域特征提取的影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
选取石质山地与黄土丘陵过渡区宛川河流域作为研究区,利用1∶5万、水平分辨率10~100 m栅格DEM提取流域特征参数进行分析。结果表明:DEM水平分辨率对数字河网的提取精度有影响,提取的流域面积差别很小,河流长度、河道总长、河道坡度以及河网密度有偏差,流域平均坡度变化明显,长度和坡度特征参数的变化导致流域汇流时间及滞时不一致。  相似文献   
The accuracy of the Mexican National Forest Inventory (NFI) map is derived in four distinct ecogeographical areas, using an assessment design tailored for the project. A main achievement of the design was to integrate the high diversity of classes encompassed at the most detailed subcommunity level of the classification scheme within a cost‐controlled statistically sound assessment. A hybrid double sampling strategy was applied to the 2.5 million‐ha study area. A total of 5955 reference sites were verified against their NFI map label. The availability of detailed quasi‐synchronous reference data for the 2000 Landsat‐derived NFI and the high diversity of mapped classes allowed a careful thematic analysis on the selected regions, relevant for national extrapolation. Global accuracy estimates of 64–78 per cent were registered among the four ecogeographical areas (two with mainly temperate climate and the other two with mainly tropical climate), with the lower accuracy levels found in areas more densely covered with forests. According to the estimates, the NFI map tends to underestimate the presence of temperate forest (especially oak) and overestimate the presence of tropical forest in the areas investigated. The analysis of confusions reveals difficulties in unambiguously interpreting or labelling forests with secondary vegetation, herbaceous and/or shrub‐like vegetation as well as distinguishing between aquatic vegetation types. The design proved useful from the perspective of accuracy assessments of regional maps in biodiverse regions.  相似文献   
为适应中国民用航天遥感从科学试验向业务服务模式转变,更好地探索、了解与解决应用需求与航天遥感系统对接等方面遇到的技术问题,促进航天遥感统筹协调可持续发展,中国适时于2004年成立了国家航天局航天遥感论证中心。10余年来,论证中心以航天遥感系统为研究对象,系统开展了面向应用的航天遥感科学论证概念、理论方法、技术工程与应用研究。本文是论证中心团队长期从事航天遥感科学论证研究与实践的系统总结,介绍了遥感论证初步认知、遥感论证关注问题、遥感论证理论体系与模型方法集、遥感论证能力建设及遥感论证实践等方面内容,给出了遥感论证定义并详细分析了研究范围和内容,提出了由知识维、进程维和逻辑维所组成的遥感论证作用域3维空间结构,指出社会发展加快和信息化水平提高,带动整个航天遥感数据信息链向更大规模、更短响应时间周期、更综合数据集成、更高数据质量、更加智能化方向发展,航天遥感系统将进入新的"智慧遥感"发展阶段。得益于十余年来中国民用航天快速发展,我们经历了风云三号新型载荷校飞、多角度多光谱偏振遥感器论证、环境星应用工程论证等实践,取得了多方面理论方法的突破,并应用到2030民用航天发展规划、高分辨率对地观测系统、国家自然灾害空间信息基础设施、国家民用空间基础设施中长期发展、2030中国综合地球观测系统规划等论证当中。经过不断实践,快速迭代,形成了遥感论证理论体系及相应的十大模型方法,包括遥感信息流模型、遥感信息特征模型、遥感信息应用模型、遥感信息量分析模型、遥感数据工程模型、航天遥感系统结构模型、航天遥感系统状态描述模型、航天遥感系统质量模型、航天遥感系统发展动力模型及能力体系模型。这些模型方法全面反映了航天遥感系统特征、结构、状态、发展动力、条件等,可广泛用于对航天遥感系统进行顶层设计、规划、考察、分析、评价、预测,并开展实践探索。  相似文献   
Soft-sediment deformation structures are common on passive continental margins, in trenches at subduction zones, and in strike-slip environments. Rocks from all these tectonic environments are incorporated into orogens, where soft-sediment deformation structures should be common. However, recognizing soft-sediment structures is difficult where superimposed tectonic structures are present. In seeking characteristic features of soft-sediment deformation, it is important to separate questions that relate to physical state (lithified or unlithified) from those that address the overall kinematic style (rooted or gravity driven). One recognizable physical state is liquefaction, which produces sand that has much lower strength than interbedded mud. Hence structures which indicate that mud was stronger than adjacent sand at the time of deformation can be used as indicators of soft-sediment deformation. These include angular fragments of mud surrounded by sand, dykes of sand cutting mud, and most usefully, folded sandstone layers displaying class 3 geometry interbedded with mud layers that show class 1 geometry. All these geometries have the potential to survive overprinting by later superimposed tectonic deformation; when preserved in deformed sedimentary rocks at low metamorphic grade they are indicators of liquefaction of unlithified sediment during deformation.  相似文献   
Western Anatolia hosts many low-to-moderate and high-temperature geothermal sources in which active faults play a dominant role to control the recharge and the discharge of geothermal fluid. In this study, we used the two-dimensional geoelectric structure of Kütahya Hisarcık geothermal field, and created a conceptual hydrogeophysical model that includes faults, real topographical variations and geological units. The temperature distribution and fluid flow pattern are also investigated. The depth extension of Hisarcık Fault, electrical basement and low resistivity anomalies related to the presence of geothermal fluid are determined by using resistivity studies in the area. Numerical simulations suggest that Hisarcık fault functioning as a fluid conduit primarily enables hot fluid to be transported from depth to the surface. It is shown that the locations of predicted outflow vents coincide with those of hot springs in the area.  相似文献   
灰岩分布区易发生岩溶塌陷等地质灾害,高密度电阻率法是岩溶地质调查的重要手段。以某一段穿越岩溶发育区的公路为例,应用高密度电法对区内暗河、槽谷型岩溶塘、落水洞等灾害地质体进行了探测,结果显示拟建路段覆盖层厚度大约为2~20 m,基岩内岩溶极发育,岩石地表起伏大,溶沟、溶槽、岩溶塌陷、落水洞发育;岩石中溶蚀裂隙、溶洞发育。表明高密度电阻率法能够有效地判定岩溶的发育情况,可以为地质灾害评估提供科学客观的依据。  相似文献   
为明确消落区土壤养分对植物生长的影响,通过室内栽培试验,研究三峡库区秭归消落区土壤3种氮磷水平下4种草本植物—鬼针草(Bidens pilosa)、苍耳(Xanthium sibiricum)、水蓼(Polygonum hydropiper)、藜(Chenopodium album)长势及氮、磷计量特征.结果表明,消落区土壤中生长的植物氮含量为7.98~19.4 mg/g,磷含量为0.740~3.880 mg/g,氮磷比为3.48~13.70,判别植物生长受氮限制.外源氮磷的添加促进植物氮、磷含量明显升高,但氮磷比没有明显变化;外源氮磷添加解除植物受氮的限制作用.4种植物对消落区土壤低氮环境具有一定的适应能力.比较消落区土壤中4种植物长势,鬼针草生物量、相对生长率、根茎生物量比最高,氮磷养分丰富对鬼针草生长促进作用最明显,表明鬼针草更易于在氮、磷贫乏的三峡库区消落区形成优势群落.  相似文献   
Bi-weekly water quality data from seven monitoring stations located within Tahtali Watershed, ?zmir, Turkey and digital land use/land cover data of the same watershed are analyzed in this study. To examine the changes in land use associated with urbanization, the satellite images of the main pool of the Tahtali reservoir prior to filling and subsequent to filling, respectively, are analyzed. Aerial photos of the basin taken in 1995 (October) are compared with images taken in 2005 (November) from the IKONOS satellite through use of several GIS techniques. New residential buildings, greenhouses, and industrial buildings are presented in separate layers, and changes in basin activities are quantified. The effects of urbanization on the water quality are investigated through statistical analysis. The seasonal Kendall test is applied to the water quality parameters monitored bi-weekly at seven stations within the basin for the duration 1997–2005. There was no trend in phosphorus, but there was a negative trend in boron and nitrate and a positive trend in the parameters of biological oxygen demand (BOD) and chemical oxygen demand (COD). The improvement in nitrate concentrations is attributed to the new regulations on the use of fertilizers in greenhouses. However, increase of BOD and COD concentrations is related to the growing settlement areas and industrial zones, which point to the insufficient wastewater treatment within the basin. Soil erosion within the basin is also quantified by the universal soil loss equation using available maps. Estimated total soil loss rate increased about 2.5 times that of 1995 when the changed land use composition in 2005 is considered in the calculations.  相似文献   

黄河对渤海海底沉积物贡献量巨大,但黄河物质进入渤海后向北扩散的范围尚不明确。本文对位于辽东湾北部海域岩芯总长为62.68 m的JXC-1孔1.2 Ma以来沉积物稀土元素进行测试分析,结合岩性、粒度参数和测年数据,研究了钻孔稀土元素垂向变化的影响因素,并对其物质来源变化进行了探讨。研究表明,沉积环境变化导致沉积物粒度和物质组成差异,钻孔沉积物的ΣREE与粒度变化有一定的相关性,但ΣLREE/ΣHREE、(La/Yb)NδEu等参数不受粒度控制。稀土元素分异参数有效示踪了物质来源,经对比,JXC-1孔沉积物分异参数特征与南部的黄河和北部的辽河(原双台子河)、大辽河沉积物较为一致,而与滦河和复州河有明显不同;结合判别函数(FD),推测JXC-1孔沉积物早更新世晚期以来主要来由南部的黄河和北部的辽河、大辽河搬运而来。分析结果表明,17.00 m以上层位为晚更新世沉积,0~2.00 m、4.00~11.00 m和14.00~16.00 m可能为海相地层,渤海环流将黄河入海物质向东北扩散的一支输送至辽东湾北部,同时接受潮流作用输送的北部辽河和大辽河细粒物质,但总体以黄河输送物质占主导;17.00 m以下层位主要为早更新世晚期以来的陆相沉积,以湖相环境为主,物源受距离河口远近和沉积物通量影响。36.00~48.00 m和58.00~70.30 m为湖相高水位期,古黄河水系流路可能位于现今流路以北的区域,受湖流等沉积动力影响,黄河输送物质扩散范围较广,对钻孔沉积物影响较大;在48.00~58.00 m低水位时期,钻孔沉积物以距离较近的北部辽河和大辽河输送物质占主导。16.40~36.00 m主要为河流相,物源复杂,但在26.00~36.00 m层位明显受辽河和大辽河影响较大。上述分析结果显示黄河东流入海(渤海古湖)以后,受海洋环流、距离河口远近和湖泊沉积动力等因素控制,携带沉积物扩散范围可以到达40.5°N左右或者以北的区域。本文的研究结果对辽东湾海域海底沉积物物源是一个新的认识,对黄河贯通、渤海环流及第四纪环境演化研究提供了新的证据。

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