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In Brazil, intense coal exploitation activities have led to environmental deterioration, including soil mortification, water contamination, loss of ecosystem, and atmospheric contamination. In addition,considerable quantities of sulfur-rich residues are left behind in the mining area; these residues pose grave environmental issues as they undergo sulfide oxidation reactions. When sulfur oxides come in contact with water, extreme acid leachate is produced with great proportions of sulfate, and hazardous elements(HEs), which are identified as coal drainage(CMD). CMD is an environmental pollution challenge, particularly in countries with historic or active coal mines. To prevent CMD formation or its migration, the source must be controlled; however, this may not be feasible at many locations. In such scenarios, the mine water should be collected, treated, and discharged. In this study, data from 2005 to2010 was gathered on the geochemistry of 11 CMD discharges from ten different mines. There are several concerns and questions on the formation of nanominerals in mine acid drainage and on their reactions and interfaces. The detailed mineralogical and geochemical data presented in this paper were derived from previous studies on the coal mine areas in Brazil. Oxyhydroxides, sulfates, and nanoparticles in these areas possibly go through structural transformations depending on their size and formation conditions. The geochemistry of Fe-precipitates(such as jarosite, goethite, and hematite) existent in the CMD-generating coal areas and those that could be considered as a potential source of hazardous elements(HEs)(e.g., Cr) were also studied because these precipitates are relatively stable in extremely low pH conditions. To simplify and improve poorly ordered iron, strontium, and aluminum phase characterization, field emission scanning electron microscopy(FE-SEM), high-resolution transmission electron microscopy(HR-TEM), micro-Raman spectroscopy, and X-ray diffraction(XRD) and sequential extraction(SE) studies were executed on a set CMD samples from the Brazilian mines. This study aimed to investigate the role of both nanomineral and amorphous phase distribution throughout the reactive coal cleaning rejects profile and HEs removal from the water mine to provide holistic insights on the ecological risks posed by HEs, nanominerals, amorphous phases, and to assess sediments in complex environments such as estuaries.  相似文献   
The Lake Izabal Basin in Guatemala is a major pull-apart basin along the sinistral Polochic Fault, which is part of the North American and Caribbean plate boundary. The basin infill contains information about the tectonic and sedimentological processes that have imparted a significant control on its sedimentary section. The inception of the basin has been linked to the relative importance of the Polochic Fault in the tectonic history of the plate boundary; yet, its sedimentological record and its inception age have been poorly documented. This study integrates diverse datasets, including industry reports, well logs and reports, well cuttings, vintage seismic data, outcrop observations and geochronological data to constrain the initial infill and age of inception of the basin. The integrated data show that during the Oligocene–Miocene, a marine carbonate platform was established in the region which was later uplifted and eroded in the early Miocene. The fluvial–lacustrine deposits above this carbonate platform are part of the initial infill of the basin and are constrained with zircon weighted-mean 206Pb/238U ages of 12.060 ± 0.008 from a volcanic tuff ~30 m above the unconformity. Sandstone, mudstone and coal dominate the interval from 12 to 4 Ma, with an increase in conglomerate correlating to the uplift of the Mico Mountains and San Gil Hill at 4 Ma. Fault switch activity between the Polochic and Motagua faults has been hypothesized to explain total offset along the Polochic Fault and the geologic and geodetic slip rates along the two faults. The 12 Ma age determined for the initial infill of the basin confirms this hypothesis. Consequently, our study confirms that at ~12 Ma the Polochic Fault served as the main fault of the plate boundary with inferred slip rates ranging from 13 to 21 mm/yr with a strong possibility that the Polochic Fault was, at some point between 15 Ma and 7 Ma, the only active fault of the plate boundary. The results of this study show that tectonic records preserved in sediments of strike-slip basins improve the understanding of the relative significance of individual faults and the implications with respect to strain partitioning throughout its tectonic history.  相似文献   
Recolonization dynamics from disturbance on a Philippine mixed seagrass meadow, containing species spanning more than 10-fold in rhizome elongation rates and reproductive effort, was examined by following the recovery of a 1,200 m2 gap over 2.5 yr. The objective was to assess the contribution of contrasting species to the recovery process and to evaluate the importance of sexual versus vegetative colonization. Large, slow-growing species,Thalassia hemprichii andEnhalus acoroides, that produce large, broadly-dispersed seeds dominated sexual colonization with a total of 2,643 and 210 seedlings, respectively, recruiting to the area. Despite very rapid turnover of sexual recruits, the high frequency of seedling establishment ensured successful development of new patches in areas devoid of vegetation, leading to a scattered and evenly distributed presence of vegetation inside the gap. The small seagrass speciesCymodocea rotundata andHalodule uninervis, characterized by fast rhizome elongation rates but low reproductive output and limited seed dispersal, were the major contributors to the overall 450 m2 increase in vegetation cover through fast lateral extension (144±6 cm yr−1) from meadow edge and surviving patches, forming a compact vegetation cover in one edge of the denuded area. We conclude that contrasting recruitment strategies in the mixed-species seagrass community examined have implications for colonization potential at different spatial scales. Fast clonal growth is only an efficient mechanism for colonization of disturbances within established meadows (small gaps), whereas the large species, which combined high reproductive output with high seed dispersal capacity, may act to accelerate the colonization process in large gaps or distant from established meadows.  相似文献   
In riser structural systems, the region where the riser is connected to the platform is critical due to the development of high stress levels. To reduce the stress concentration in this region, bend stiffeners and stress joints are used in order to provide a gradual stiffness transition between the riser and the platform. The present paper presents an optimization design approach for bend stiffeners and stress joints, using a slender beam procedure for the connection joint analysis and an evolution strategies multi-objective optimization algorithm. This approach produces similar results when compared to a finite element analysis of the complete riser, but with significant reduction of computational costs. Numerical examples are presented, showing the efficiency and robustness of the suggested methodology.  相似文献   
The granulites of the Juiz de Fora complex occur within thick basement thrust slices associated with the Pan-African shortening process in the central segment of the Ribeira belt. Five lithological units of the Intermediate tectonic domain of the belt can be identified on the basis of detailed geological mapping: a) orthogranulites, b) orthogneisses; c) kinzigite; d) intrusive garnet charnockite and e) amphibolite facies metasediments of probable Meso to Neoproterozoic age, correlated to the cover of the belt. Petrological data indicate high temperatures and intermediate to low lithostatic pressure conditions for the Paleoproterozoic granulite facies metamorphism. Textures and CO2-rich fluid inclusions are probably related to an IBC path. Geochemical data do not show relevant compositional change as a result of the granulite metamorphism. Two calc-alkaline suites and tholeiitic to alkaline basic rocks can be related to compressional and extensional settings, respectively. The overall composition of the granulites, the lack of substantial LILE depletion as well as the composition of the fluid inclusion points to granulitization process driven by CO2-rich fluids. Orthogranulites gave rise to banded gneisses as a result of the Pan-African retrograde metamorphism and intense deformation. The U and Th depletion detected in few rocks is possibly related with the hydrated conditions of the retrograde reactions.  相似文献   
The role of microorganisms in the transfer of carbon of marine systems is very important in open oligotrophic oceans. Here, we analyze the picoplankton structure, the heterotrophic bacterioplankton activity, and the predator-prey relationships between heterotrophic bacteria and nanoflagellates during two large scale cruises in the Central Atlantic Ocean (∼29°N to ∼40°S). Latitud cruises were performed in 1995 between March-April and October-November. During both cruises we crossed the regions of different trophic statuses; where we measured different biological variables both at the surface and at the deep chlorophyll maximum (DCM). The concentration of chlorophyll a varied between 0.1 and 0.8 mg m−3, the abundance of heterotrophic bacteria varied between <1.0 × 105 and >1.0 × 106 cells ml−1, and that of heterotrophic nanoflagellates between <100 and >1.0 × 104 cells ml−1. The production of heterotrophic bacteria varied more than three orders of magnitude between <0.01 and 24 μgC L−1 d−1; and the growth rates were in the range <0.01-2.1 d−1. In the Latitud-II cruise, Prochlorococcus ranged between <103 and >3 × 105 cells ml−1, Synechococcus between <100 and >1.0 × 104 cells ml−1, and picoeukaryotes between <100 and >104 cells ml−1.Two empirical models were used to learn more about the relationship between heterotrophic bacteria and nanoflagellates. Most bacterial production was ingested when this production was low, the heterotrophic nanoflagellates could be controlled by preys during Latitud-I cruise at the DCM, and by predators in the surface and in the Latitud-II cruise. Our results were placed in context with others about the structure and function of auto- and heterotrophic picoplankton and heterotrophic nanoplankton in the Central Atlantic Ocean.  相似文献   
A number of methods have been proposed that utilize the time‐domain transformations of frequency‐dependent dynamic impedance functions to perform a time‐history analysis. Though these methods have been available in literature for a number of years, the methods exhibit stability issues depending on how the model parameters are calibrated. In this study, a novel method is proposed with which the stability of a numerical integration scheme combined with time‐domain representation of a frequency‐dependent dynamic impedance function can be evaluated. The method is verified with three independent recursive parameter models. The proposed method is expected to be a useful tool in evaluating the potential stability issue of a time‐domain analysis before running a full‐fledged nonlinear time‐domain analysis of a soil–structure system in which the dynamic impedance of a soil–foundation system is represented with a recursive parameter model. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Attitude motion of a satellite subjected to gravitational and aerodynamic torques in a circular orbit is investigated. In special case, when the center of pressure of aerodynamic forces is located on one of the principal central axes of inertia of the satellite, all equilibrium orientations are determined. Necessary and (or) sufficient conditions of stability are obtained for each equilibrium orientation. Evolution of domains where stability conditions take place is investigated. All bifurcation values of parameters corresponding to qualitative change of domains of stability are determined.  相似文献   
A detailed procedure using non-ionic macropourous XAD-8 and XAD-4 resins is presented for the isolation and fractionation of aerosol water-soluble organic compounds (WSOC) from aerosol samples. The procedure entails adsorption of WSOC fraction onto XAD-8 and XAD-4 resins, desalting of the adsorbed organic material with ultra-pure water, elution of the retained organic matter with 40% MeOH solution and freeze-drying. Due to resin’s different properties and to certain hydrophobic/hydrophilic interactions between the resin polymers and the organic matter, two major fractions were obtained; namely the XAD-8 and the XAD-4 eluates. The XAD-8 eluate, which accounts for 55–60% of total aerosol WSOC, is represented by partially acidic compounds with significant hydrophobic moieties. The XAD-4 fraction holds few conjugated systems and a higher content of hydrophilic structures with low molecular size, and accounts for 9% of total WSOC. The isolated WSOC sub-fractions were nearly free from inorganic species, and successful recoveries of organic matter from the resins were accomplished. With this procedure the XAD-8 eluate yields a mixture representative of those WSOC that are highly conjugated compounds in atmospheric aerosols. It also allows a successful characterisation of the organic material by advanced analytical techniques without the interference of inorganic species present in the original sample of atmospheric particles.  相似文献   
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