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Abstract Microprobe analysis of the continuous chemical evolution of coexisting biotite-garnet and biotite-garnet-staurolite has been undertaken from interbedded micaschists of the volcanodetrital group of the Vilaine. A thermobarometric study using pertinent mineralogical equilibria reveals a complex P-T evolution, continuous throughout time, from high pressure, medium temperature (kyanite zone) to medium pressure, high temperature (sillimanite zone), then low pressure, medium temperature (andalusite zone). The T, P, fH2o and XH2o variations have been calculated from coexisting biotite-garnet pairs, and from the equilibria: paragonite (in white mica) + quartz ± albite (in plagioclase) + Al silicate + H2O; and, 3 anorthite ± grossular + 2 Alsilicate + quartz. The P-T evolution is correlated with the continuous change in composition of minerals (using P–XMg and T–XMg diagrams) and with the evolution of assemblages. This continuous P-T-time evolution, correlated with the successive formation of S1-S2 foliations, allows us to propose a P-T-time-deformation path for the micaschists and to relate the growth of its mineral components to tectonic processes.  相似文献   
Geology and the liberation of Normandy, France, 1944   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Allied victory in Europe in May 1945 marked the end of an 11-month campaign which began with the invasion of Normandy on 6 June 1944 - D-Day. Geologists participated in both the planning and operational phases of the campaign. Geological factors influenced the trafficability of the Normandy beaches, site selection for temporary airfields, quarrying for road metal and development of potable water supplies, and were also involved in ground response to aerial bombardment, vehicular movement cross-country and characteristics of both sea floor and river beds. Little-known applications of geology thus contributed to the final victory.  相似文献   

The deposition of chemical elements in a catchment occurs through three different processes: wet, dry and cloud deposition. Total deposition cannot be inferred from measurements made with open-field raingauges, and still constitutes a challenge to scientific method. The chemical composition of samples from an open-field raingauge (bulk precipitation) was analysed over a period of several years in a small Mediterranean catchment in the Maures Massif, France. The input of chloride measured in this way was two times lower than the output, despite the fact that this element is reputed to be conservative, which means input and output should roughly balance. This implies that input has previously been underestimated. Analysis of the bulk precipitation data was carried out taking into account both the history of rain events and of sampling. This study allowed the relative parts of the different deposition processes to be quantified. Dry deposition can provide from 20% to more than 80% of the anthropogenic and terrigenic elements (Ca2+, Mg2+, K+, NO3 ?, SO4 2-, SiO2) to the rain samples. The occult deposition of marine elements on the catchment area (50% of total deposition) was found to be mostly due to cloud deposition during wet periods.  相似文献   
The magnetotelluric phase in the medium of incidence over a good conductor varies from its value at the conductor surface, usually close to 45°, to the characteristic standing-wave phaseshift of 90° over a distance of a few conductor skin-depths, much shorter than the vacuum wavelength at the frequencies considered. Over the top of a graben or at the surface of a two-layer structure the basement can be looked upon as the matrix. If the graben or the overburden is a better conductor it will carry an extra current density in phase with the electric field, thus giving rise to an additional magnetic field also in phase with the electric field. This drives the argument of the surface impedance toward smaller values. For a more resistive graben or overburden the current is depressed, corresponding to a reduction of the surface magnetic field by an amount in phase with the electric field. This effect drives the phase of the impedance to values above the characteristic 45° of a uniform conductor.  相似文献   
The suitability of VLF ground surveys in the investigation of shallow two-dimensional structures is analyzed. For such structures the polar formalism is derived, necessary in practice since the transmitters are generally not in the structural strike or profile. A simple vertical dike is considered to demonstrate the striking anisotropy which can be expected over such a structure, in particular the high apparent resistivity along the direction of a well-conducting dike and the low resistivity across it. The theory is then confronted with the practical example of an asymmetrical vertical dike resulting from a strike-slip fault. Modelling of the survey results is very successful and yields good confirmation of the polar behaviour. VLF ground surveys thus provide a quick and powerful tool for the study of geological accidents within about 100 m of the surface.  相似文献   
Seventeen co-existing blue and blue-green amphibole pairs fromamphibolites of zones I, II and III of Ile de Groix have beenanalysed by electron microprobe. The size of the miscibilitygap, related to variations of compositions of blue and associatedblue-green amphiboles in well defined P and T conditions, asa function of whole rock compositions, is shown. Blue amphibolesare glaucophanes of relatively homogeneous composition (0.018< Ca/(Ca + Na) < 0.102); associated blue-green amphibolesshow larger substitutions, from actinolitic hornblendes to pargasitichornblendes (0.43 < Ca/(Ca + Na) < 0.81). A comparisonwith pairs crystallized in other physical conditions shows variationsin blue amphiboles with P, in blue-green amphiboles with T,inside glaucophane schist facies. The miscibility gap seemsto be the narrowest for glaucophane schist facies conditions,which are near the greenschist facies boundary: P 8 kb, T 450 °C.  相似文献   
Two geophysical methods [resistivity soundings and spontaneous potentials (SP)] are used to investigate aquifers in the Quaternary volcanic formations of the Chaîne des Puys (France). The interpretation of the resistivity soundings required a specific work of determination of the resistivity of the formations concerned. The basement topography, characterized by axial horst and graben structures and perpendicular palaeovalleys, was revealed. SP was developed experimentally in the field and theoretically. It is shown that the SP anomalies can be considered as double-layer potentials, with their source on the aquifers' interfaces. The most significant of them is the water table, which creates an SP anomaly of similar but inverted form. SP anomalies due to flows in unconfined aquifers, in palaeovalleys, and in volcanic ranges are computed and compared with the observed ones. These two methods have determined the extent and the boundary conditions of the different hydrogeological basins and have determined the major drainage axes and the groundwater flow pattern.  相似文献   
A VOLUME IN HONOUR OF THE WORK OF MICHAEL J. O'HARA, ON THE OCCASION OF HIS 70TH BIRTHDAY The 20th century was eventful inall areas of Earth Science. Continental drift and sea-floorspreading became embodied in the theory of plate tectonics,isotopically heterogeneous mantle was recognized as a by-productof plate tectonics, large igneous provinces were identifiedas possibly originating from mantle plumes - the list goes on.One thing these revolutions have in common is the process ofscientific debate - which Mike O'Hara has stimulated vigorouslyin the field of  相似文献   
Extensive sampling of the Antisana volcano in Ecuador (NorthernVolcanic Zone of the Andes) has revealed the presence of adakite-likerocks throughout the edifice, i.e. rocks with geochemical characteristicsclose, but not identical, to those of slab melts. Two main volcanicgroups have been distinguished, characterized by two distinctevolutionary trends. The AND group, mostly composed of andesites,shows the clearest adakitic characteristics such as high La/Yband Sr/Y ratios and low heavy rare earth element (HREE) contents.The CAK group, composed of high-K andesites and dacites, displaysless pronounced adakitic-like characteristics. Although themore basic rocks of each group are difficult to distinguishon many geochemical diagrams, a geochemical study shows thatthe evolution of the AND and CAK groups is dominated by differentpetrogenetic processes. The isotopic characteristics of theCAK rocks suggest that evolution of this group is dominatedby a limited assimilation–fractional crystallization processwithin the granitic continental basement of the cordillera.In the AND group, the abundances of incompatible elements, suchas Nb or HREE, suggest that the series was produced by a partialmelting process in a mantle rich in garnet, amphibole and/orclinopyroxene. Such a mantle source has been demonstrated (experimentallyand by exhumed mantle xenoliths) to be produced in subductionzones where slab melts react with and metasomatize the mantlewedge. In Ecuador, magmas erupted in the Western Cordillera(trenchward relative to Antisana volcano) are true adakites,suggesting that slab melts can be responsible for the metasomatismof the mantle wedge beneath the NVZ in Ecuador. If mantle convectioncan drag down this modified mantle beneath Antisana volcano,destabilization of metasomatic amphibole at appropriate pressuresin this modified garnetiferous mantle can adequately explainthe formation and the geochemical features of Antisana lavas. KEY WORDS: subduction; adakite; metasomatism; Ecuador; AFC; Sr and Nd isotopes  相似文献   
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