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1 IntroductionHuman activitieshavebeen stronglyaffecting theworld river sedimentsupply to the oceans since the19thor20thcentury(StanleyandW arne,1993;Fanos,1995;Sm ithandW inkley,1996;Stanley,1996;Yang,Shi,etal.,2004;Yang,Zhao,etal.,2002).Thesedi-m enttra…  相似文献   
南海是西太平洋最大的边缘海, 通过一系列的海峡与西太平洋和印度洋相联通, 其不同时空尺度的海洋环流动力过程及其生态环境效应是南海区域海洋学研究的重要内容。自20世纪50年代末全国第一次海洋普查开始, 我国对海洋调查的支持力度不断加大, 以科学考察船为代表的海洋科学观测平台建设不断加强; 进入新千年以来, 国内海洋科考船依托的各主要研究所和院校本着开放的理念, 先后组织多单位联合进行海上观测。尤其是最近10年, 国家自然科学基金委员会支持实施了船时共享航次计划, 进一步促进了国内海洋界的交流和合作, 南海区域海洋学的相关研究取得了很多重要的成果。从多尺度环流动力学的角度出发, 本文简要回顾了南海海洋观测的发展历程, 并初步总结了近些年来南海关键科学问题的研究进展, 包括南海和西太平洋的水体交换过程、南海中小尺度过程、多尺度相互作用及其生态环境效应等; 并且在现有的研究基础上, 对未来南海的观测和科学问题提出若干思考与展望。  相似文献   
土地增减挂钩项目的质量检查的传统流程需到实地逐一核实,检查周期长。本文提出一种基于无人机航摄的检查技术流程,结合研发的野外实地调绘软件系统,提出一种新型的基于无人机航摄的增减挂钩项目质量检查流程,并基于DOM检查构建指标评价体系。流程优化了传统外业检查流程,实现地块的全覆盖内业检查和外业的实时取证,确保成果耕地质量指标的准确性,对土地增减挂钩项目给予客观评价。评价体系的应用选取广西几个县增减挂钩为研究对象,探究体系评价的合理性,初步确定该方法基本可行。  相似文献   
佳木斯基准气候站是使用聚焦式日照计进行日照时数观测的台站.聚焦式日照计由固定在弧型支架两端的实心玻璃球、金属槽、纬度刻度或底座等构成.它是利用太阳光经玻璃球聚焦后烧灼日照纸留下的焦痕来记录日照时数的.通过对OSSMO2004版软件审核日照时数提出的日照时数偏小问题,分析原因及解决办法.  相似文献   
Sea ice is a sensitive indicator of climate change and an important component of climate system models. The Los Alamos Sea Ice Model 5.0(CICE5.0) was introduced to the Beijing Climate Center Climate System Model(BCC_CSM) as a new alternative to the Sea Ice Simulator(SIS). The principal purpose of this paper is to analyze the impacts of these two sea ice components on simulations of basic Arctic sea ice, atmosphere, and ocean states. Two sets of experiments were conducted with the same configurations except for the sea ice component used, i.e., SIS and CICE. The distributions of sea ice concentration and thickness reproduced by the CICE simulations in both March and September were closer to actual observations than those reproduced by SIS simulations, which presented a very thin sea ice cover in September. Changes in sea ice conditions also brought about corresponding modifications to the atmosphere and ocean circulation. CICE simulations showed higher agreement with the reference datasets than did SIS simulations for surface air temperature, sea level pressure, and sea surface temperature in most parts of the Arctic Ocean. More importantly, compared with simulations with SIS, BCC_CSM with CICE revealed stronger Atlantic meridional overturning circulation(AMOC), which is more consistent with actual observations. Thus, CICE shows better performance than SIS in BCC_ CSM. However, both components demonstrate a number of common weaknesses, such as overestimation of the sea ice cover in winter, especially in the Nordic Sea and the Sea of Okhotsk. Additional studies and improvements are necessary to develop these components further.  相似文献   
褚晓琳  唐议  陈勇 《海洋通报》2019,38(2):132-140
目前鲨鱼养护管理问题已引起国际社会的广泛关注,《鲨鱼养护管理国际行动计划》和《濒危野生动植物种国际贸易公约》等国际文件从生态系统保护和贸易管控角度对鲨鱼问题做出规定。为了顺应国际社会加强鲨鱼养护管理的趋势,RFMOs出台了一系列决议和措施。对此,作为远洋渔业大国的我国应针对目前履行RFMOs管理规定中存在的问题,尽早做好各项准备,以彰显我国渔业大国的负责任态度,更好地维护我国远洋渔业合法权益。第一,对外加大宣传,树立我国远洋渔业的正面形象;第二,加强远洋渔业从业人员培训,强化远洋渔船监管;第三,加强国际渔业法律科学人才队伍建设,提升在国际渔业管理中的话语权和主导权;第四,转变我国渔业法规指导理念,确立以养护为主的渔业管理基本方针。  相似文献   
浅地层剖面在富钴结壳调查研究中的应用   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
文中以Topas PS018系统为例简要介绍浅地层剖面仪的工作原理和系统组成,重点介绍浅地层剖面在大洋富钴结壳资源调查研究中的应用情况。浅地层剖面资料与联合作业的海底视像、岩芯取样等资料进行对比和分析,发现浅地层剖面能够有效识别基岩、板状结壳、砾状结壳、砂、沉积物等不同底质类型,对浅地层剖面资料进行深入挖掘能够提取出富钴结壳矿区界线信息。  相似文献   
单环刺螠纤溶酶的分离纯化及其性质的初步研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
从单环刺中制得单一组分的纤溶活性纤溶酶,并对其性质进行初步研究.单环刺体组织液经离心,超滤,离子交换层析,凝胶过滤等方法进行分离纯化,制得单一洗脱峰酶组分,经Native-PAGE电泳分析,SDS-PAGE电泳分析和飞行质谱分析,鉴定了酶制品纯度和相对分子量,进行了体外溶血栓试验.所得纯品UFEIa水解酪蛋白的比活力为442.0 U/mg,纯化倍数为12.1倍,回收率为27.0%.UFEIa为单一组分,相对分子量约23 800 Da.体外溶血栓实验表明此纤溶活性蛋白酶与蚓激酶相比具有很好的溶血栓活性.  相似文献   
重锤式拖网取样器是对现行常规拖网的技术改进。通过理论模型设计与机械加工试验,研制出了一套重锤机械结构。该机构在拖网取样时利用钢缆拉力蓄积能量拉动内部拉杆,并通过销轴机构释放能量加速冲击芯块,撞击壳体产生巨大的瞬时冲击力,拽动拖网破碎岩石,然后使用复位弹簧使机构复位,重新工作。可以使常规拖网取样器和牵引钢缆更加安全,并大大提高拖网作业的成功率与效率。  相似文献   
Synoptic features in/around thermal fronts and cross-frontal heat fluxes in the southern Huanghai./Yellow Sea and East China Sea (HES) were examined using the data collected from four airborne expendable bathythermograph surveys with horizontal approxmately 35 km and vertical 1 m(from the surface to 400 m deep) spacings. Since the fronts are strongly affected by HES current system, the synoptic thermal features in/around them represent the interaction of currents with surrounding water masses. These features can not be obtained from climatological data. The identified thermal features are listed as follows : ( 1 ) multiple boundaries of cold water, asymmetric thermocline intrusion, locally-split front by homogeneous water of approxmately 18 ℃, and mergence of the front by the Taiwan Warm Current in/around summertime southern Cheju - Changjiang/Yangtze front and Tsushima front; (2) springtime frontal eddy-like feature around Tsushima front; (3) year-round cyclonic meandering and summertime temperature-inversion at the bottom of the surface mixed layer in Cheju - Tsushima front; and (4) multistructure of Kuroshio front. In the Kuroshio front the mean variance of vertical temperature gradient is an order of degree smaller than that in other HES fronts. The southern Cheju- Changjiang front and Cheju -Tsushima front are connected with each other in the summer with comparable cross-frontal temperature gradient. However, cross-frontal heat flux and lateral eddy diffusivity are stronger in the southern Cheju - Changjiang front. The cross-frontal heat exchange is the largest in the mixing zone between the modified Huanghai Sea bottom cold water and the Tsushima Warm Current, which is attributable to enhanced thermocline intrusions.  相似文献   
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