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现今柴达木盆地的形成,中生代以来的构造运动起到了关键性作用,但是柴达木地块在中生代以前的演化也具有重要的意义。基于前人的研究,系统论述了柴达木在中生代以前的发展演化。柴达木盆地存在一个统一的前震旦系克拉通基底,基底存在双重结构,包括元古宙结晶基底和古生代褶皱基底。柴盆周边古老山体出露有下元古界区域热变质作用形成的达肯大坂群和金水口群,以及中上元古界的小庙群、冰沟群和丘吉东沟群。柴盆基底多登—小柴旦一线可能存在一个东西向的"中央断裂带",断裂带西北部的基底塑型强、埋深大,新生界地层发育;而东南部基底具刚性,埋深较浅,第三系不发育,地表主要为第四系盖层。自显生宙以来柴达木的演化,是与新元古代联合古陆的裂解,再到二叠纪中期北半球劳亚古陆形成的大地构造演化背景一致的;寒武纪时,柴达木地块还处于南半球低纬度,后逐渐向北漂移,至二叠纪时已位于北纬12.7°。关于柴达木盆地的形成,特别是中生代后逐渐演化为现今盆—山模式,主要是受到周边断裂带的控制,即柴北缘断裂带、东昆仑断裂带和阿尔金断裂带。因此,柴达木地块的演化,是在与周边地块不断适应、调整过程中实现的。  相似文献   
一种基于TMI观测结果的海表温度反演算法   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
基于星载微波仪器观测结果反演海表温度,能很好地克服云对反演结果的干扰,实现对海表温度全天候的监测.文中利用热带测雨卫星所搭载的微波成像仪的观测结果,建立了一种新的适用于非降水条件下的海表温度反演算法.作为一种半经验统计算法,它以辐射传输方程为基础,通过理论模拟计算,建立海表温度与微波成像仪多通道亮温之间的关系,较好地反...  相似文献   
A global trajectory tracking controller is presented for underactuated AUVs with only surge force and yaw moment in the horizontal plane. A transformation is introduced to represent the tracking error system into a cascade form. The global and uniform asymptotic stabilization problem of the resulting cascade system is reduced to the stabilization problem of two subsystems by use of the cascade approach. For the stabilization of the subsystem involving the yaw moment, a control law is proposed based on the feedback linearization method. Another subsystem is stabilized by designing a fuzzy sliding mode controller which can offer a systematical means of constructing a set of shrinking-span and dilating-span membership functions. In order to demonstrate the practicability of the proposed controller, control constraints, parameter uncertainties, and external disturbances are considered according to practical situation of AUVs. Simulation results show very good tracking performance and robustness of the proposed control schemes.  相似文献   
In order to explore the train of thought for China‘s urbanizing development and coordinated rural eco-nomic development, and to find good ways of solving rural problems through urbanization, this paper absorbs the push-and-pull forces theory and the systematic dynamic theory in the traditional population migration theories, views urbanization as a dynamic system, makes research on the push-and-pull mechanism of urbanization. The pulling power of urbanization is analyzed according to two aspects, the agglomeration effect and the radiation effect of cities. The agglomeration effect provides continuous propelling force for urbanization, and the radiation effect further accelerates the urbanization process by pushing forward the development of rural economy. Of course, the slow de-velopment of urbanization can result in the hindrance to rural economic development.  相似文献   
西施舌器官的发生和形成   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
本文叙述采用“直接法”、连续又系统地观察西族舌幼虫至幼贝器官的发生和形成的细微,变的全过程,有全套显微绘图和摄影并详细文字说明,特别是对雅贝与幼贝的晶杆囊、平衡囊和三对神经节的形成之描述,是国内,外的首例。  相似文献   
We used earthquake catalogs recorded by Guangdong Seismological Network from 2008 to 2014 to resolve the spatial variations of b-values in the coastal area of Guangdong, particularly in three key research areas(Yangjiang, Heyuan, and offshore Nanao Island) with strong seismicity. Our results revealed that b-values exhibited significant spatial variations, and zones with low b-values could indicate the most likely seismogenic area of large earthquakes. We observed three clear low b-value patches in the offshore Nanao Island. We found a distinct high b-value peak at the depth of 11 km and two minimum peaks at about 14 and 7–8 km in the Yangjiang area. The overall b-values generally decrease with depth in the Heyuan area. The spatial variations of b-values reflect tectonic anomalies; that is, the ‘low-high-low' distribution of b-values in the offshore Nanao Island and the Yangjiang area may indicate the anomaly of the crustal structure with a weak layer. The b-values of reservoir-induced seismicity are obviously lower than that induced by tectonism. This finding indicates that the reservoir area is generally at high stress state under the condition of high pore pressure. We inferred that large earthquakes might be prone to occur at 10–12 km depth in the offshore Nanao Island, at 12–15 km depth in the Yangjiang area, and at the lower part of the seismic activity zone in the Heyuan area. Moreover, the upstream area of the Xinfengjiang reservoir is the most likely area of future large earthquakes in the Heyuan area.  相似文献   
在分析河南黄淮平原土壤和小麦籽实中Cu含量分布特征的基础上,利用单项污染指数法对研究区小麦籽实中Cu的污染状况进行评价。其结果为:研究区小麦籽实中Cu的单项污染指数Pi的平均值为0.473,说明研究区小麦籽实未受Cu的污染。Cu的状况良好。进一步讨论了土壤中Cu的含量与小麦籽实中Cu含量间的关系。认为小麦籽实中Cu的积累与土壤中的总Cu无明显的相关关系,而与土壤中的有效态Cu含量具有明显的相关性。据此,将土壤有效态Cu作为土壤Cu生态安全评价的指标。并建立了小麦籽实Cu与土壤有效Cu的响应关系模型,确定了土壤中有效Cu的安全界限值。  相似文献   
高分辨率遥感影像在岩墙地质体信息提取中的应用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
高分辨率遥感影像可明显表现地物的几何结构和纹理特征,从而使得在较小空间尺度上观察地物细节变化、进行大比例尺遥感制图成为可能。利用高分辨率QuickBird遥感影像,对新疆巴楚县麻扎尔塔格山地区的岩墙进行计算机辅助地质解译,共获得1227条岩墙。结合GIS空间分析方法获得了解译岩墙长度、走向分布等特征。结果表明:该地区76%的解译岩墙走向为NNW(135°~180°);QuickBird能够满足1∶2.5万地质调查的要求;通过地质分析综合解译结果获得了麻扎尔塔格岩体内部存在发育岩墙、岩墙形成应晚于内部的正长岩体的新认识。探讨并验证了高分辨率遥感影像在中小规模地质体解译中的可行性和有效性。  相似文献   
休闲行为的产生条件一直受到国内外地理学者的重视,邻里建成环境作为结构性制约因素,在休闲行为研究的交叉学科中开始受到重视,但是关注其对休闲行为影响的时间差异的研究严重不足;此外相关研究多从是否产生休闲行为或活动量的角度去验证,缺乏建成环境对休闲空间特征影响的衡量。基于时间地理学理论,以广州市为案例地,结合居民的出行活动日志调查与人口普查数据、土地利用数据、建筑POI普查数据,探讨居民休闲行为时空特征及居住地的邻里建成环境对其产生的影响。研究发现:工作日,居民外出型休闲活动时间呈现出高度集中特征,高度集中于12:00~14:00,活动集聚的时空区域是12:00~14:00、4 km内;休息日,居民外出型休闲活动时间集聚的集中性减弱,活动持续时间增长;活动集聚的时空区域是9:00~20:00、1 km内。邻里建成环境的不同维度指标对休闲活动距离的作用时段与影响程度存在差异。工作日上午并无影响显著的因素;中午,休闲距离主要受到道路交叉口数量和商业中心可达性的负向影响;下午,休闲距离受到道路交叉口数量先负向后正向的影响。休息日上午,休闲距离主要受开敞空间用地比例的负向影响;中午,受开敞空间用地比例、公交站点数和到最近开敞空间距离的负向影响,土地利用混合度则是呈现先正向后负向的影响;下午,受道路交叉口数量和公交站点数的负向影响、休闲设施数量的正向影响。从作用机制来看,休息日是休闲机会和时间成本作用占主导,工作日是休闲环境作用占主导。  相似文献   
海峡两岸旅游管理比较研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
中国大陆和台湾的旅游业都有良好的发展前景,由于体制和区情的不同,两地在旅游发展和旅游管理上有着诸多差异;由于文化上的同根同源,两地在旅游发展与管理上也存在着互补共融的关系.如何处理好竞争与合作、经济利益和可持续发展之间的关系,成为两岸学术界和旅游业工作者共同关注的课题.通过重点比较两岸在旅游管理方面的特点,找出了两岸的差异及差异存在的部分原因,以期能为两岸旅游业取长补短、互相促进、共同发展提供有价值的参考.  相似文献   
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