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The physical nature of motions with scales intermediate between approximately isotropic turbulence and quasi-linear internal gravity waves is not understood at the present time. Such motions play an important role in the energetics of small scales processes, both in the ocean and in the atmosphere, and in vertical transport of heat and constituents. This scale range is currently interpreted either as a saturated gravity waves field or as a buoyancy range of turbulence.We first discuss some distinctive predictions of the classical (Lumley, Phillips) buoyancy range theory, recently improved (Weinstock, Dalaudier and Sidi) to describe potential energy associated with temperature fluctuations. This theory predicts the existence of a spectral gap in the temperature spectra and of an upward mass flux (downward buoyancy and heat fluxes), strongly increasing towards large scales. These predictions are contrasted with an alternate theory, assuming energetically insignificant buoyancy flux, proposed by Holloway.Then we present experimental evidences of such characteristic features obtained in the lower stratosphere with an instrumented balloon. Spectra of temperature, vertical velocity, and cospectra of both, obtained in homogeneous, weakly turbulent regions, are compared with theoretical predictions. These results are strongly consistent with the improved classical buoyancy range theory and support the existence of a significant downward heat flux in the buoyancy range.The theoretical implications of the understanding of this scale range are discussed. Many experimental evidences consistently show the need for an anisotropic theory of the buoyancy range of turbulence.  相似文献   
Spherical harmonic coefficients (SHCs) for the daily magnetic variation fields (solar and lunar) and the main field of the earth are usually estimated by the method of least squares applied to a truncated spherical harmonic series. In this paper, an integral method for computing the SHCs for the solar quiet daily magnetic variation fieldSq is described and applied toSq data for May and June 1965. TheSq SHCs thus derived are then compared with the results obtained using both unweighted and weighted versions of the least squares method. The weighting used tends to orthogonalize the least squares terms. The integral and weighted least squares results agree closely for terms up to order 4 and degree 30, but both disagree considerably for the higher degree terms with the results of the unweighted least squares. Errors introduced by the numerical integration can be shown to be small, hence the disagreement between integral and unweighted least squares coefficient sets arises from improper weighting. Also, it is concluded that discrepancies between the geomagnetic northward and eastward component-derived coefficient sets arise from either time-dependent external sources that produce non-local-time, based fields or nonpotential sources and not from truncation of the spherical harmonic series as has previously been suggested.Deceased.  相似文献   
It is well-known that the amplitude and phase of theSq(H) variation show considerable variability from day to day. In this paper we consider one aspect of the phase variability—that associated with AQDs. AQDs (or abnormal quiet days) are defined as magnetically quiet days where the maximum excursion ofH at a mid-latitude station on the poleward side of the focus occurs outside the normal time range 0830–1330 LST. Such days exhibit properties, many of which appear quite distinct from the properties of the normalSq(H) variation. The properties of AQDs, and the proposals that have been made to explain them, are considered in detail. The consequences of these proposals and some problems which need to be addressed in order to obtain a fuller understanding of the dynamics of the ionosphere on AQDs are also discussed.  相似文献   
Predictive relations are developed for peak ground acceleration (PGA) from the engineering seismoscope (SRR) records of the 2001 Mw 7.7 Bhuj earthquake and 239 strong-motion records of 32 significant aftershocks of 3.1 ≤ Mw ≤ 5.6 at epicentral distances of 1 ≤ R ≤ 288 km. We have taken advantage of the recent increase in strong-motion data at close distances to derive new attenuation relation for peak horizontal acceleration in the Kachchh seismic zone, Gujarat. This new analysis uses the Joyner-Boore’s method for a magnitude-independent shape, based on geometrical spreading and anelastic attenuation, for the attenuation curve. The resulting attenuation equation is,
where, Y is peak horizontal acceleration in g, Mw is moment magnitude, rjb is the closest distance to the surface projection of the fault rupture in kilometers, and S is a variable taking the values of 0 and 1 according to the local site geology. S is 0 for a rock site, and, S is 1 for a soil site. The relation differs from previous work in the improved reliability of input parameters and large numbers of strong-motion PGA data recorded at short distances (0–50 km) from the source. The relation is in demonstrable agreement with the recorded strong-ground motion data from earthquakes of Mw 3.5, 4.1, 4.5, 5.6, and 7.7. There are insufficient data from the Kachchh region to adequately judge the relation for the magnitude range 5.7 ≤ Mw ≤ 7.7. But, our ground-motion prediction model shows a reasonable correlation with the PGA data of the 29 March, 1999 Chamoli main shock (Mw 6.5), validating our ground-motion attenuation model for an Mw6.5 event. However, our ground-motion prediction shows no correlation with the PGA data of the 10 December, 1967 Koyna main shock (Mw 6.3). Our ground-motion predictions show more scatter in estimated residual for the distance range (0–30 km), which could be due to the amplification/noise at near stations situated in the Kachchh sedimentary basin. We also noticed smaller residuals for the distance range (30–300 km), which could be due to less amplification/noise at sites distant from the Kachchh basin. However, the observed less residuals for the longer distance range (100–300 km) are less reliable due to the lack of available PGA values in the same distance range.  相似文献   
Engineering vibration monitoring by GPS: long duration records   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Monitoring the performance of any structure requires real-time measurements of the change of position of critical points.Different techniques can be used for this purpose,each one offering advantages and disadvantages.The technique based on satellite positioning systems(GPS,GLONASS and the future GALILEO)seems to be very promising at least for long period structures.The GPS in particular provides sampling rates that are able to track dynamic displacements with high accuracy.Its service ability is indepen...  相似文献   
Journal of Seismology - A multi-layer perceptron (MLP) technique is used to train on the response spectra for various strike angles, dip angles, and rake angles. Fixing the magnitude and depth of...  相似文献   
Sediment and biota samples were collected from Msimbazi and Kizinga rivers and from the coastal marine environment of Dar es Salaam during both dry and wet seasons. The samples were analyzed for various organochlorine pesticide residues using GC-ECD and GC-MS. Dieldrin, p,p-DDT, p,p-DDE, p,p-DDD, o,p-DDT and γ-HCH were detected at significantly greater concentrations above the method detection limits. Recoveries of pesticide residues ranged 86.5–120% in sediments and 62–102% in biota. The average concentrations of total DDT in sediments for the two seasons were almost the same. Biota samples showed significant difference in levels of residues depending on mode of feeding and age of analyzed biota. p,p-DDT to total DDT ratios in all matrices indicated recent use of DDT. The levels of residues in sediments suggest possible adverse effects to humans consuming biota that are directly exposed to the sediments. This effect, which is associated with bio-concentration of residues in the tissues of edible aquatic biota, should not affect wildlife. In spite of concern on the adverse effect to humans posed by pesticide residues in sediments, edible biota from the examined water bodies were found to be safe for human consumption.  相似文献   
In the 1960s, E. Schreiber and his colleagues pioneered the use of hot-pressed polycrystalline aggregates for studies of the pressure and temperature dependence of the elastic wave velocities in minerals. We have extended this work to the high-pressure polymorphs of mantle minerals by developing techniques to fabricate large polycrystalline specimens in a 2000-ton uniaxial split-sphere apparatus. A new cell assembly has been developed to extend this capability to pressures of 20 GPa and temperatures of 1700°C. Key elements in the new experimental design include: a telescopic LaCrO3 forT>1200°C; Toshiba Tungaloy grade F tungsten carbide anvils; and the use of homogeneous glasses or seeded powder mixtures as starting material to enhance reactivity and maximize densities. Cell temperatures are linearly related to electrical power to 1700°C and uniform throughout the 3 mm specimens. Pressure calibrations at 25°C and 1700°C are identical to 15 GPa. Cylindrical specimens of the beta and spinel phases of Mg2SiO4, stishovite (SiO2-rutile), and majorite-pyrope garnets have been synthesized within their stability fields in runs of 1–4 hr duration and recovered at ambient conditions by simultaneously decompressing and cooling along a computer-controlledP-T path designed to preserve the high-pressure phase and to relax intergranualar stress in the polycrystalline aggregate. These specimens are single-phased, fine-grained (<5 micron), free of microcracks and preferred orientation, and have bulk densities greater than 99% of X-ray density. The successful fabrication of these high-quality polycrystalline specimens has made possible experiments to determine the pressure dependence of acoustic velocities in the ultrasonics laboratory of S. M. Rigden and I. Jackson at the Australian National University.CHiPR: NSF Science and Technology Center for High Pressure Research.  相似文献   
Meteoric waters from cold springs and streams outside of the 1912 eruptive deposits filling the Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes (VTTS) and in the upper parts of the two major rivers draining the 1912 deposits have similar chemical trends. Thermal springs issue in the mid-valley area along a 300-m lateral section of ash-flow tuff, and range in temperature from 21 to 29.8°C in early summer and from 15 to 17°C in mid-summer. Concentrations of major and minor chemical constituents in the thermal waters are nearly identical regardless of temperature. Waters in the downvalley parts of the rivers draining the 1912 deposits are mainly mixtures of cold meteoric waters and thermal waters of which the mid-valley thermal spring waters are representative. The weathering reactions of cold waters with the 1912 deposits appear to have stabilized and add only subordinate amounts of chemical constituents to the rivers relative to those contributed by the thermal waters. Isotopic data indicate that the mid-valley thermal spring waters are meteoric, but data is inconclusive regarding the heat source. The thermal waters could be either from a shallow part of a hydrothermal system beneath the 1912 vent region or from an incompletely cooled, welded tuff lens deep in the 1912 ash-flow sheet of the upper River Lethe area.Bicarbonate-sulfate waters resulting from interaction of near-surface waters and the cooling 1953–1968 southwest Trident plug issue from thermal springs south of Katmai Pass and near Mageik Creek, although the Mageik Creek spring waters are from a well-established, more deeply circulating hydrothermal system. Katmai caldera lake waters are a result of acid gases from vigorous drowned fumaroles dissolving in lake waters composed of snowmelt and precipitation.  相似文献   
Selected samples of dissolved organic matter (DOM) isolated by ultrafiltration (UDOM) have been analyzed by thermochemolysis in the presence of tetramethylammonium hydroxide (TMAH). This technique cleaves ester and ether bonds of bio‐ and geological macromolecules and releases monomer subunits and methylates them in situ as their methyl ethers and methyl esters. Compared with conventional pyrolysis, TMAH thermochemolysis avoids decarboxylation of preexisting carboxylic moieties and produces aromatic acids as their methyl esters. Various phenolic derivatives, which might originate from incorporated lignin‐derived structures, from the highly aliphatic and resistant biopolymer cutan and also from proteinaceous materials, were identified among the products produced from UDOM upon thermochemolysis. The presence of lignin derivatives in UDOM indicates input of organic matter derived from terrestrial sources. Various aromatic acids, perhaps representing the final steps in the oxidation of the side‐chain during microbial oxidation of lignin, were released upon TMAH thermochemolysis, suggesting they are structural constituents of the UDOM. Different ratios of lignin‐derived materials, commonly determined using the CuO oxidation method, such as the Δ value, indicative of the amount of lignin present, the acid/aldehyde ratio (Ad/Al)G, indicative of the extent of oxidative degradation of the lignin component, and the syringyl/guaiacyl (S/G) and p‐hydroxyphenyl/guaiacyl (P/G) ratios, indicative of the contribution for the different types of lignin, were determined.  相似文献   
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