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Geochemical signals of bulk sedimentary organic matter from three cores from Lake Tanganyika provided information about both internal processes and terrestrial inputs to the lake. Indications of land use change were detected in the geochemical records of the watersheds, and the timing of these changes was consistent with historical records of population demographics. While C:N ratios suggested that the distance from shore might be important in influencing the relative amount of allochthonous vs. autochthonous material, all cores were dominated by autochthonous organic matter. In general, nitrogen isotopes were more positive at disturbed sites, indicating inputs of enriched soil nitrate that was subsequently taken up by phytoplankton. In contrast, carbon isotopes did not reflect land use patterns, and a post-1950s decline in carbon isotope ratios found in all cores may indicate a lake-wide decrease in productivity. These interpretations were consistent with pollen and climate records. 相似文献
Adriana Beltrn-Przekurat Roger A. Pielke Sr. Debra P.C. Peters Keirith A. Snyder Albert Rango 《Journal of Arid Environments》2008,72(10):1897-1910
Our goal was to evaluate effects of broad-scale changes in vegetation from grasslands to shrublands over the past 150 years on near-surface atmosphere over the Jornada Experimental Range in the northern Chihuahuan Desert, using a regional climate model. Simulations were conducted using 1858 and 1998 vegetation maps, and data collected in the field. Overall, the vegetation shift led to small changes in sensible heat (SH) and an increase in latent heat (LH). The impacts of shrub encroachment depended on shrubland type: conversion from grass to mesquite cools the near-surface atmosphere and from grass to creosotebush warms it. Higher albedo of mesquite relative to grasses reduced available energy, which was dissipated mainly as LH due to the deeper root system in mesquite. In creosotebush-dominated areas, a decrease in albedo, an increase in roughness length and displacement height contributed to the SH increase and warmer temperatures. Sensitivity simulations showed that an increase in soil moisture content enhanced shrub LH and a reduction in mesquite cover enhanced the temperature differences. The observed shift in vegetation led to complex interactions between land and surface fluxes, demonstrating that vegetation itself is a weather and climate variable as it significantly influences temperature and humidity. 相似文献
Exact solutions have been obtained for a massive fluid sphere under the extreme causality condition (dP/dρ)=1. Radial pulsational stability of these structures has been discussed. It is found that for pulsationally stable configurations the surface to central density ratio is greater than 0.30, the maximum values for surface and central redshifts are 0.85 and 3.40 respectively in the extreme case, and the maximum mass and size are respectively 4.8M ⊙ and 20.1 km. It has also been shown that these structures are gravitationally bound, with a maximum binding energy per unit rest mass equal to 0.25 for a surface to central density ratio ?0.40. Slow rotation of these configurations has also been considered, and the relative drag and moment of inertia have been calculated. These results have been applied to the Crab pulsar and the mass of the pulsar has also been calculated based upon this model. 相似文献
Distinctive planktonic foraminiferal assemblages which characterize particular late Quaternary sapropel layers in deep basin sediments from the eastern Mediterranean Sea have been identified using cluster analysis. Three distinct clusters allow for identification and intercore correlation of the nine sapropels deposited during the last 250,000 yr. Cluster 1, representing sapropel layers S1 and S9, exhibits low abundances of Neogloboquadrina dutertrei and high abundances of Globigerinoides ruber; Cluster 2, which groups S3, S5, and S7, contains high abundances of G. ruber, N. dutertrei, and Globigerina bulloides, and Cluster 3, which includes samples from S4, S6, and S8, is marked by extremely abundant N. dutertrei and G. bulloides, and rare G. ruber. Analysis of sedimentation rates in 14 cores reveals the following approximate ages for the sapropel layers: S2 = 52,000 yr B.P.; S3 = 81,000–78,000 yr B.P.; S4 = 100,000–98,000 yr B.P.; and S5 = 125,000–116,000 yr B.P. As previously suggested, sedimentation rates on the Mediterranean Ridge were determined to be relatively constant during the last 127,000 yr. In contrast, basin sedimentation rates have fluctuated markedly from lower rates during interglacial stage 5 to higher rates during the last glacial episode. These glacial/interglacial differences are most pronounced in the northern Ionian Basin, because of increased terrigenous sediment deposition during glacial episodes. Unusually high biogenic sedimentation rates occurred in an arc south of Crete during the deposition of sapropel S5, probably due to higher productivity in this region. 相似文献
The relationships of population and forest trends 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
The relationship between national trends in forest area and population is reviewed at the global scale. Evidence of an inverse relationship is confirmed. The relationship, however, may have weakened in recent decades, and it has clearly undergone a reversal in some countries during the nineteenth to twentieth centuries. The theme of a changing relationship through time is thus developed, as is that of an asymmetrical relationship in the sense that the forest area is likely to stabilize before population. On the basis of modelling from the current demographic relationship, the global forest area should stabilize before the middle of the twenty-first century. 相似文献
Isaac Wirgin Blake Konkle Mark Pedersen Cheryl Grunwald Jim Williams Simon C. Courtenay 《Estuaries and Coasts》1996,19(4):913-922
Quantification of levels of cytochrome P4501A (CYP1A) gene expression in sentinel species of fishes has been proposed as a management tool to evaluate contamination of aquatic systems. Based on preliminary studies, we hypothesized that differences in CYP1A mRNA inducibility among individuals, populations, or species might lead to spurious conclusions when using this approach in environmental monitoring programs. To address this possibility, we quantitated and compared CYP1A mRNA induction levels in four species of common Atlantic Coast estuarine fish: smooth flounder, hogchoker, striped bass, and Atlantic tomcod, which were treated with model chemicals (beta naphthoflavone (β-NF), or benzo[a]pyrene at 10 ppm) known to induce CYP1A mRNA, or were exposed to contaminated environments. Species-specific CYP1A DNA probes were generated from PCR (polymerase chain reaction) amplification of genomic DNA using conserved oligonucleotide primers, and, along with cloned rainbow trout and Atlantic tomcod CYP1A cDNA probes were used to quantify CYP1A mRNA levels in northern blot analyses. Successful PCR amplification of CYP1A hybridizable DNA fragments was observed for all four species. Results from northern blot analyses showed large differences in CYP1A mRNA induction among species; only Atlantic tomcod exhibited significant induction of CYP1A mRNA for both chemically treated (97-fold) and environmentally exposed fish (34-fold). Significant, although lower, levels of induction were observed in β-NF treated (14-fold) smooth flounder, but not in environmentally exposed smooth flounder. Only low levels (not significant) of CYP1A gene induction were detected in hogchokers and striped bass. We conclude that CYP1A mRNA inducibility differed significantly among fish taxa perhaps due to differences in regulation of gene expression, suggesting that careful selection of sentinel species should be exercised prior to the use of CYP1A mRNA induction in environmental monitoring programs. However, the significance of differences in CYP1A mRNA inducibility in relation to higher level biological endpoints has yet to be determined. 相似文献
Gold partitioning in melt-vapor-brine systems 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
Adam C. Simon Mark R. Frank Philip A. Candela Christoph A. Heinrich 《Geochimica et cosmochimica acta》2005,69(13):3321-3335
We used laser-ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry to measure the solubility of gold in synthetic sulfur-free vapor and brine fluid inclusions in a vapor + brine + haplogranite + magnetite + gold metal assemblage. Experiments were conducted at 800°C, oxygen fugacity buffered at Ni-NiO (NNO), and pressures ranging from 110 to 145 MPa. The wt% NaCl eq. of vapor increases from 2.3 to 19 and that of brine decreases from 57 to 35 with increasing pressure. The composition of the vapors and brines are dominated by NaCl + KCl + FeCl2 + H2O. Gold concentrations in vapor and brine decrease from 36 to 5 and 50 to 28 μg/g, respectively, and the calculated vapor:brine partition coefficients for gold decrease from 0.72 to 0.17 as pressure decreases from 145 to 110 MPa. These data are consistent with the thermodynamic boundary condition that the concentration of gold in the vapor and brine must approach a common value as the critical pressure is approached along the 800°C isotherm in the NaCl-KCl-FeCl2-HCl-H2O system.We use the equilibrium constant for gold dissolution as AuOH0, extrapolated from lower temperature and overlapping pressure range, to calculate expected concentrations of AuOH0 in our experimental vapors. These calculations suggest that a significant quantity of gold in our experimental vapors is present as a non-hydroxide species. Possible chloridogold(I) species are hypothesized based on the positively correlated gold and chloride concentrations in our experimental vapors. The absolute concentration of gold in our synthetic vapor, brine, and melt and calculated mass partition coefficients for gold between these physicochemically distinct magmatic phases suggests that gold solubility in aqueous fluids is a function of aqueous phase salinity, specifically total chloride concentration, at magmatic conditions. However, though we highlight here the effect of salinity, the combination of our data with data sets from lower temperatures evinces a significant decrease in gold solubility as temperature drops from 800°C to 600°C. This decrease in solubility has implications for gold deposition from ascending magmatic fluids. 相似文献
Eclogites within exhumed continental collision zones indicate regional burial to depths of at least 60 km, and often more than 100 km in the coesite‐stable, ultra‐high pressure (UHP) eclogite facies. Garnet, omphacitic pyroxene, high‐Si mica, kyanite ± coesite should grow at the expense of low‐P minerals in most felsic compositions, if equilibrium obtained at these conditions. The quartzofeldspathic rocks that comprise the bulk of eclogite facies terranes, however, contain mainly amphibolite facies, plagioclase‐bearing assemblages. To what extent these lower‐P minerals persisted metastably during (U)HP metamorphism, or whether they grew afterwards, reflects closely upon crustal parameters such as density, strength and seismic character. The Nordfjord area in western Norway offers a detailed view into a large crustal section that was subducted into the eclogite facies. The degree of transformation in typical pelite, paragneiss, granitic and granodioritic gneiss was assessed by modelling the equilibrium assemblage, comparing it with existing parageneses in these rocks and using U/Th–Pb zircon geochronology from laser ablation ICPMS to establish the history of mineral growth. U–Pb dates define a period of zircon recrystallization and new growth accompanying burial and metamorphism lasting from 430 to 400 Ma. Eclogite facies mafic rock (~2 vol.% of crust) is the most transformed composition and records the ambient peak conditions. Rare garnet‐bearing pelitic rocks (<10 vol.% of crust) preserve a mostly prograde mineral evolution to near‐peak conditions; REE concentrations in zircon indicate that garnet was present after 425 Ma and feldspar broke down after 410 Ma. Felsic gneiss – by far the most abundant rock type – is dominated by quartz + biotite + feldspar, but minor zoisite/epidote, phengitic white mica, garnet and rutile point to a prograde HP overprint. Relict textures indicate that much of the microstructural framework of plagioclase, K‐feldspar, and perhaps biotite, persisted through at least 25 Ma of burial, and ultimately UHP metamorphism. The signature reaction of the eclogite facies in felsic rocks – jadeite/omphacite growth from plagioclase – cannot be deduced from the presence of pyroxene or its breakdown products. We conclude that prograde dehydration in orthogneiss leads to fluid absent conditions, impeding equilibration beyond ~high‐P amphibolite facies. 相似文献