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The flow of organic matter along the main navigation channel of Ria Formosa, Portugal, was assessed using determinations of suspended particulate matter (SPM), particulate organic matter (POM), and chlorophyll a (chla) concentrations in conjunction with stable isotope values of primary producers, particulate matter, and two filter feeders. SPM in the lagoon is dominated by inorganic particles comprising 80% of total weight with organic matter averaging about 20%. The algal component of the POM averaged about 5% with the remainder comprised of detritus. The δ13C values of primary producers ranged from ?9.1‰ in the intertidal seagrassZostera noltii to ?30.7‰ in the red seaweedBostrychia scorpioides revealing underlying differences in the mechanisms of carbon uptake. The δ13C value ofB. scorpioides, which develops entangled on the salt marsh speciesSpartina maritima, suggests that its main source of inorganic carbon is atmospheric CO2. The δ13C values of the high marsh macrophyteSarcocornia perennis significantly increased with distance from the ocean while δ13C values ofZ. noltii decreased, probably because higher decomposition of organic matter at inner stations lowers the δ13CO2 value in the water. The δ15N values of Ulvales, seagrasses, and marsh plants significantly increased from outer stations to inner stations. This increase may be due either to recycling of nitrogen (N) within the marsh (with loss of light N2 or NH4) or to inputs of isotopically heavy N from sewage. The δ15N values of particulate matter showed an opposite trend, which indicates higher microbial degradation of organic matter at the inner lagoon. The data demonstrate that the seston in the lagoon is a mixture of detritus from lagoon primary producers with a minor contribution of microalgae. The filter feeders are most likely assimilating a mixture of phytoplankton and microphytobenthos. Digestion of lagoon seston is selective. The δ15N values of both muscle and digestive gland of filter feeders showed the opposite gradient of particulate matter indicating that the depleted δ15N of SPM at inner stations was not assimilated or even ingested. Stable isotopes values did not differ between the filter-feeders—the musselMytilus galloprovincialis collected on buoys and the clamTapes decussatus collected in the sediment—suggesting a considerable mixture of benthic-pelagic organic matter throughout the water column. Assessment of the changes in isotopic decomposition of detritus as it decays is required to refine our understanding of organic matter transfers in detrital food webs.  相似文献   
Stichtite, a rare (14 known localities worldwide) hydrated carbonate-hydroxide of Mg and Cr with ideal formula Mg6Cr2 (OH)16 CO3 · 4H2O, occurs exclusively in Cr-rich serpentinites of ophiolites or greenstone belts. Physical properties (hardness = 1.5–2, specific gravity = 2.16–2.2, perfect basal [0001] cleavage, grain size commonly < 100 μm) resemble talc, but the mineral has an attractive purple to lilac color; chemical analyses demonstrate it to be a non-silicate. Stichtite generally occurs as irregular to rounded masses (< 1 cm – 30 cm across) and as veinlets (< 1 mm – > 2 cm wide) within serpentinite. Macroscopic and microscopic textures, such as crosscutting veinlets and stringers, demonstrate that stichtite formation invariably post-dated serpentinization. In some specimens stichtite surrounds relict grains of Cr-rich spinel; in others stichtite has completely replaced euhedral or subhedral chromites. Chemical analyses of stichtites reveal substantial substitution of Al and Fe3+ for Cr in specimens from many localities, reflecting a possible compositional continuum between stichtite and rhombohedral polymorphs hydrotalcite (Mg6Al2 (OH)16 CO3 · 4H2O) and pyroaurite (Mg6Fe2 (OH)16 CO3 · 4H2O). We report the first electron microprobe analyses of stichtites from seven localities, and summarize all available published chemical data. Stichtites very likely inherited part of their trivalent cation chemistry from precursor Cr-rich spinels, but stichtite growth apparently post-dated characteristic “ferritchromit” alteration, as demonstrated by the depletion of Al and enrichment in Fe3+ in stichtite relative to primary chromite core compositions. Stichtite appears to form by reaction between serpentine and altered chromite, during addition of substantial fluid, either as separate H2O and CO2 phases, or as a mixed volatile phase. Such reactions must involve removal of substantial SiO2, possibly by transport and remote deposition of silica by throughgoing aqueous and carbonic fluid. Received: 4 April 1996 / Accepted: 16 September 1996  相似文献   
Geological mapping and diamond exploration in northern Quebec and Labrador has revealed an undeformed ultramafic dyke swarm in the northern Torngat Mountains. The dyke rocks are dominated by an olivine-phlogopite mineralogy and contain varying amounts of primary carbonate. Their mineralogy, mineral compositional trends and the presence of typomorphic minerals (e.g. kimzeyitic garnet), indicate that these dykes comprise an ultramafic lamprophyre suite grading into carbonatite. Recognized rock varieties are aillikite, mela-aillikite and subordinate carbonatite. Carbonatite and aillikite have in common high carbonate content and a lack of clinopyroxene. In contrast, mela-aillikites are richer in mafic silicate minerals, in particular clinopyroxene and amphibole, and contain only small amounts of primary carbonate. The modal mineralogy and textures of the dyke varieties are gradational, indicating that they represent end-members in a compositional continuum.

The Torngat ultramafic lamprophyres are characterized by high but variable MgO (10–25 wt.%), CaO (5–20 wt.%), TiO2 (3–10 wt.%) and K2O (1–4 wt.%), but low SiO2 (22–37 wt.%) and Al2O3 (2–6 wt.%). Higher SiO2, Al2O3, Na2O and lower CO2 content distinguish the mela-aillikites from the aillikites. Whereas the bulk rock major and trace element concentrations of the aillikites and mela-aillikites overlap, there is no fractional crystallization relation between them. The major and trace element characteristics imply related parental magmas, with minor olivine and Cr-spinel fractionation accounting for intra-group variation.

The Torngat ultramafic lamprophyres have a Neoproterozoic age and are spatially and compositionally closely related with the Neoproterozoic ultramafic lamprophyres from central West Greenland. Ultramafic potassic-to-carbonatitic magmatism occurred in both eastern Laurentia and western Baltica during the Late Neoproterozoic. It can be inferred from the emplacement ages of the alkaline complexes and timing of Late Proterozoic processes in the North Atlantic region that this volatile-rich, deep-seated igneous activity was a distal effect of the breakup of Rodinia. This occurred during and/or after the rift-to-drift transition that led to the opening of the Iapetus Ocean.  相似文献   

Modern subaerial sand beds deposited by major tsunamis and hurricanes were compared at trench, transect, and sub-regional spatial scales to evaluate which attributes are most useful for distinguishing the two types of deposits. Physical criteria that may be diagnostic include: sediment composition, textures and grading, types and organization of stratification, thickness, geometry, and landscape conformity.

Published reports of Pacific Ocean tsunami impacts and our field observations suggest that sandy tsunami deposits are generally < 25 cm thick, extend hundreds of meters inland from the beach, and fill microtopography but generally conform to the antecedent landscape. They commonly are a single homogeneous bed that is normally graded overall, or that consists of only a few thin layers. Mud intraclasts and mud laminae within the deposit are strong evidence of tsunami deposition. Twig orientation or other indicators of return flow during bed aggradation are also diagnostic of tsunami deposits. Sandy storm deposits tend to be > 30 cm thick, generally extend < 300 m from the beach, and will not advance beyond the antecedent macrotopography they are able to fill. They typically are composed of numerous subhorizontal planar laminae organized into multiple laminasets that are normally or inversely graded, they do not contain internal mud laminae and rarely contain mud intraclasts. Application of these distinguishing characteristics depends on their preservation potential and any deposit modifications that accompany burial.

The distinctions between tsunami and storm deposits are related to differences in the hydrodynamics and sediment-sorting processes during transport. Tsunami deposition results from a few high-velocity, long-period waves that entrain sediment from the shoreface, beach, and landward erosion zone. Tsunamis can have flow depths greater than 10 m, transport sediment primarily in suspension, and distribute the load over a broad region where sediment falls out of suspension when flow decelerates. In contrast, storm inundation generally is gradual and prolonged, consisting of many waves that erode beaches and dunes with no significant overland return flow until after the main flooding. Storm flow depths are commonly < 3 m, sediment is transported primarily as bed load by traction, and the load is deposited within a zone relatively close to the beach.  相似文献   

The lacustrine Peterson Limestone of western Wyoming and southeastern Idaho comprises six lithofacies throughout its 20,000 km2 aerial extent. These are: (1) calcareous sandstone and shale, (2) red nodular limestone, (3) pink sandy micrite, (4) biomicrite, (5) graded silty micrite, and (6) limestone conglomerate. The first two represent floodplain deposition and paleosols, whereas the remaining are shallow nearshore and deeper lacustrine sediments.This sequence was developed in a large fresh, hardwater lake surrounded by fluvial systems and associated flood plains in a warm temperate climate. Well-oxidized sandy terrigenous rocks, together with calcareous paleosol nodules, indicate that flood-plain deposition both preceded and was concurrent with lacustrine carbonate deposition. Micrite and biomicrite formed in deeper parts of the basin while sandy and silty carbonate accumulated in shallower lake-margin areas. Less-calcareous shale units which are interbedded with deeper-water carbonate were deposited either during rapid basin subsidence and deepening of the lake center or during periods of slower carbonate precipitation. Turbidity currents and subaqueous debris flows generated along steeper lake margins, resulted in the deposition of rhythmic layers of graded silty micrite and diamictic limestone conglomerate in the deepest part of the basin. The carbonate-rich sediments comprising these two lithofacies were originally deposited on shallow lake-margin benches and subsequently were transported downslope toward the lake center.Comparison with other carbonate-precipitating lacustrine systems indicates that this lake was not like modern playas. Although no known modern lacustrine system is precisely like Lake Peterson, the flora, fauna, composition, and distribution of facies within modern temperate-region lakes most closely resemble those of the Peterson Limestone.  相似文献   
The Jurassic Ferrar dolerite sills of the McMurdo Dry Valleys,Antarctica represent the plumbing system for flood basalt eruptionsassociated with the breakup of Gondwana. Among the Ferrar sills,the 350–450 m thick cumulate-textured Basement Sill isdifferentiated into a Lower Marginal Zone (LMZ) gabbronorite,a thick Lower Zone (LZ) orthopyroxene–plagioclase orthocumulatepyroxenite, a strongly layered mela- to leuco-gabbronorite MiddleZone (MZ), a thick Upper Zone (UZ) gabbronorite with ferrogabbroicpods, and an Upper Marginal Zone (UMZ) gabbronorite. Texturesand mineral compositions in the LZ pyroxenite and MZ–UZgabbronorites are nearly identical, the main distinction beingthe greater relative proportion of plagioclase in the MZ–UZgabbronorites, and of pigeonite in the UZ. Most orthopyroxenein the LZ, MZ and UZ occurs as sub-euhedral, normally zonedprimocrysts, commonly with rounded plagioclase inclusions. Plagioclaseis usually sub-euhedral and normally zoned, but can containsodic cores interpreted to be xenocrystic. Orthopyroxene andfeldspar compositions thoughout the sill are generally fairlyuniform, and resemble the compositions of micro-phenocrystsin the chilled margins. We infer that the sill was filled bya c. 1250°C slurry of orthopyroxene + plagioclase phenocrystsor primocrysts that subsequently unmixed in response to buoyancyforces. The LZ websterite contains numerous anorthosite to gabbronoriteschlieren, veins and pipes (< 2 m diameter), which we interpretas fossil segregation channels. Textures and mineral compositionsin these felsic channels are very similar both to UZ and MZgabbronorites, and to the groundmass separating accumulatedorthopyroxene primocrysts in the LZ and MZ. We infer that plagioclase-charged,hydrous pore melt from the pyroxenite may have segregated, pooledand ascended through these conduits to feed growth of the UZgabbronorite. Detailed mapping shows that the pipes are separatedby about 15 m on average. Calculations suggest that this numberdensity of conduits could have drained the LZ cumulates of theirinterstitial melt + plagioclase in about 8 days. Sequences (eachc. 5–10 m thick) of layered leuco-gabbronorite in theMZ could represent intra-cumulate sills that formed from plagioclase-richslurries ascending in segregation channels. Fe–Ti-richpyroxenitic veins and pods (some pegmatitic) and an unusualcoarse-grained plagioclase facies occur at the contacts betweenmassive leuco-gabbronorite layers in the MZ. Discordant ferro-pegmatitepods and dykes occur throughout the UZ. We interpret these Fe-richpegmatoidal rocks as evolved residual melts expelled from thecompacting gabbronoritic cumulates of the MZ and UZ. KEY WORDS: Ferrar; cumulates; differentiation; Antarctica; layering  相似文献   
The carbonatite at Magnet Cove, Arkansas, USA contains a great variety and abundance of magmatic and hydrothermal inclusions that provide an informative, though fragmentary, record of the original carbonatite melt and of late hydrothermal solutions which permeated the complex in postmagmatic time. These inclusions were studied by optical and scanning electron microscopy. Primary magmatic inclusions in monticellite indicate that the original carbonatite melt contained approximately 49.7 wt% CaO, 16.7% CO2, 15.7% SiO2, 11.4% H2O, 4.4% FeO+Fe2O3, 1.1% P2O5 and 1.0% MgO. The melt was richer in SiO2 and iron oxides than the carbonatite as now exposed; this is attributed to crystal settling and relative enrichment of calcite at shallower levels. The density of the carbonatite melt as revealed by the magmatic inclusions was approximately 2.2–2.3 g/cc. Such a light melt should separate rapidly from any denser parent material and could be driven forcibly into overlying crustal rocks by buoyant forces alone. Fluid inclusions in apatite suggest that a separate (immiscible) phase composed of supercritical CO2 fluid of low density coexisted with the carbonatite magma, but the inclusion record in this mineral is inconclusive with respect to the nature of any other coexisting fluids. Maximum total pressure during CO2 entrapment was about 450 bars, suggesting depths of 1.5 km or less for apatite crystallization and supporting earlier proposals of a shallow, subvolcanic setting for the complex. Numerous secondary inclusions in the Magnet Cove calcite contain an intriguing variety of daughter minerals including some 19 alkali, alkaline earth and rare earth carbonates, sulfates and chlorides few of which are known as macroscopic phases in the complex. The exotic fluids from which the daughter minerals formed are inferred to have cooled and diluted through time by progressive mixing with local groundwaters. These fluids may be responsible for certain late veins and elemental enrichments associated with the complex.  相似文献   
Chemical partitioning data are of fundamental interest to exploration geochemists. This paper is one of the few studies which has investigated the relative proportions of the rare elements in various soil extracts. The dispersion of trace elements from weathering pegmatites in Powhatan Country, Virginia, was found to be restricted to the immediate vicinity of the pegmatites. A sequential extraction procedure was used to measure the distribution of Be, La, Nb, Sn, U, Li, and Ni,among the following fractions of the B soil horizons: exchangeable, Fe and Mn oxyhydroxide, residual, and aqua regia digestion. The elements Sn, Be, Li, and U were found to be associated with soils over the complex Herbb No. 2 pegmatite, whereas La and Ni were generally associated with the background soils.A geochemical exploration model was developed using stepwise discriminant function analysis to determine the combination of elements and soil extracts that best differentiates between complex pegmatitic, simple pegmatitic, and background soils. Log-transformed aqua regia extract concentrations of Sn, La, U, and Li were the most effective variables when used to separate complex pegmatitic from simple pegmatitic soils.  相似文献   
Traditional approaches to monitoring aquatic systems are often limited by the need for data collection which often is time-consuming, expensive and non-continuous. The aim of the study was to map the spatio-temporal chlorophyll-a concentration changes in Malilangwe Reservoir, Zimbabwe as an indicator of phytoplankton biomass and trophic state when the reservoir was full (year 2000) and at its lowest capacity (year 2011), using readily available Landsat multispectral images. Medium-spatial resolution (30 m) Landsat multispectral Thematic Mapper TM 5 and ETM+ images for May to December 1999–2000 and 2010–2011 were used to derive chlorophyll-a concentrations. In situ measured chlorophyll-a and total suspended solids (TSS) concentrations for 2011 were employed to validate the Landsat chlorophyll-a and TSS estimates. The study results indicate that Landsat-derived chlorophyll-a and TSS estimates were comparable with field measurements. There was a considerable wet vs. dry season differences in total chlorophyll-a concentration, Secchi disc depth, TSS and turbidity within the reservoir. Using Permutational multivariate analyses of variance (PERMANOVA) analysis, there were significant differences (p < 0.0001) for chlorophyll-a concentration among sites, months and years whereas TSS was significant during the study months (p < 0.05). A strong positive significant correlation among both predicted TSS vs. chlorophyll-a and measured vs. predicted chlorophyll-a and TSS concentrations as well as an inverse relationship between reservoir chlorophyll-a concentrations and water level were found (p < 0.001 in all cases). In conclusion, total chlorophyll-a concentration in Malilangwe Reservoir was successfully derived from Landsat remote sensing data suggesting that the Landsat sensor is suitable for real-time monitoring over relatively short timescales and for small reservoirs. Satellite data can allow for surveying of chlorophyll-a concentration in aquatic ecosystems, thus, providing invaluable data in data scarce (limited on site ground measurements) environments.  相似文献   
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