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The characterization of pore-space connectivity in porous media at the sediment/water interface is critical in understanding contaminant transport and reactive biogeochemical processes in zones of groundwater and surface-water exchange. Previous in situ studies of dual-domain (i.e., mobile/less-mobile porosity) systems have been limited to solute tracer injections at scales of meters to hundreds of meters and subsequent numerical model parameterization using fluid concentration histories. Pairing fine-scale (e.g., sub-meter) geoelectrical measurements with fluid tracer data over time alleviates dependence on flowpath-scale experiments, enabling spatially targeted characterization of shallow sediment/water interface media where biogeochemical reactivity is often high. The Dual-Domain Porosity Apparatus is a field-tested device capable of variable rate-controlled downward flow experiments. The Dual-Domain Porosity Apparatus facilitates inference of dual-domain parameters, i.e., mobile/less-mobile exchange rate coefficient and the ratio of less mobile to mobile porosity. The Dual-Domain Porosity Apparatus experimental procedure uses water electrical conductivity as a conservative tracer of differential loading and flushing of pore spaces within the region of measurement. Variable injection rates permit the direct quantification of the flow-dependence of dual-domain parameters, which has been theorized for decades but remains challenging to assess using existing experimental methodologies.  相似文献   
 Near-surface sediment geoacoustic and physical properties were measured from a variety of unconsolidated carbonate sediments in the Lower Florida Keys. Surficial values of compressional and shear speed correlate with sediment physical properties and near-surface acoustic reflectivity. Highest speeds (shear 125–150 m s-1; compressional 1670–1725 m s-1) are from sandy sediments near Rebecca Shoal and lowest speeds (shear 40–65 m s-1; compressional 1520–1570 m s-1) are found in soft, silty sediments which collect in sediment ponds in the Southeast Channel of the Dry Tortugas. High compressional wave attenuation is attributed to scattering of acoustic waves from heterogeneity caused by accumulation of abundant shell material and other impedance discontinuities rather than high intrinsic attenuation. Compared to siliciclastic sediments, carbonate sediment shear wave speed is high for comparable values of sediment physical properties. Sediment fabric, rather than changes due to the effects of biogeochemical processes, is responsible for these differences.  相似文献   
In four years BATSE has observed more than 1000 gamma-ray bursts, making unprecedented measurements of their spatial and brightness distributions. These measurements and their implications for the origin of gamma-ray bursts are reviewed.  相似文献   
The BATSE Spectroscopy Detectors (SDs) each have a thin beryllium window which allows detection of photons down to 5 keV. Until recently, exploitation of low-energy SD discriminator data has been held up by a lack of knowledge of its energy coverage. A recent series of in-flight changes in the instrument configuration has allowed the SD discriminators to be calibrated fairly accurately. With this in hand, we have surveyed BATSE GRBs for such features as X-ray precursors and after-glows in the roughly 5-10 keV band. For a large percentage of the BATSE bursts, no emission is observed in this energy band. In some cases where low-energy emission has been observed, ratios of flux histories indicate differential spectral evolution. In addition, we have obtained joint spectral fits between the low-energy data and the regular SD data, showing that a single spectral model is sometimes insufficient to fit the entire energy range.  相似文献   
It is suggested that convective scaling, with appropriate extensions, provides the most useful framework for estimating the effects of urban-scale surface inhomogeneities on diffusion in convective conditions. Strong contrasts in surface heat flux exist between cropland, forests, urban areas, and water or marshland surfaces. It is argued that a typical fetch for convective turbulence to readjust to changed heat (or buoyancy) input from the surface below is 2(U/w *)h, where U is the mean wind speed in the mixing layer, w * is the convective scaling velocity, and h is the mixing depth. In contrast, the fetch required for wind speed to readjust to new underlying surface roughness is of the order (U/u *)2h/2, where u * is the friction velocity.The ratio w */U is the best index of diffusion rates in moderately to very unstable conditions. General urban effects on heat flux, h, and U are discussed separately, then their combined effects on w */U are estimated. While this ratio can double over a large city during light winds, its increase is much less for small cities, or during moderate winds. Finally, some examples of heat flux in- homogeneities causing stationary convective features are presented. Steady downdrafts associated with these features are of the order of 0.4w *, and could significantly increase surface concentrations from elevated sources.On assignment from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce.This paper is based on a presentation made at the AMS Specialty Conference on Air Quality Modeling of the Urban Boundary Layer, in Baltimore, late 1983.  相似文献   
Redox hot spots occurring as metal-rich anoxic groundwater discharges through oxic wetland and river sediments commonly result in the formation of iron (Fe) oxide precipitates. These redox-sensitive precipitates influence the release of nutrients and metals to surface water and can act as ‘contaminant sponges’ by absorbing toxic compounds. We explore the feasibility of a non-invasive, high-resolution magnetic susceptibility (MS) technique to efficiently map the spatial variations of magnetic Fe oxide precipitates in the shallow bed of three rivers impacted by anoxic groundwater discharge. Laboratory analyses on Mashpee River (MA, USA) sediments demonstrate the sensitivity of MS to sediment Fe concentrations. Field surveys in the Mashpee and Quashnet rivers (MA, USA) reveal several discrete high MS zones, which are associated with likely anoxic groundwater discharge as evaluated by riverbed temperature, vertical head gradient, and groundwater chemistry measurements. In the East River (CO, USA), widespread cobbles/rocks exhibit high background MS from geological ferrimagnetic minerals, thereby obscuring the relatively small enhancement of MS from groundwater induced Fe oxide precipitates. Our study suggests that, in settings with low geological sources of magnetic minerals such as lowland rivers and wetlands, MS may serve as a complementary tool to temperature methods for efficiently mapping Fe oxide accumulation zones due to anoxic groundwater discharges that may function as biogeochemical hot spots and water quality control points in gaining systems.  相似文献   
Considering heterogeneity in porous media pore size and connectivity is essential to predicting reactive solute transport across interfaces. However, exchange with less‐mobile porosity is rarely considered in surface water/groundwater recharge studies. Previous research indicates that a combination of pore‐fluid sampling and geoelectrical measurements can be used to quantify less‐mobile porosity exchange dynamics using the time‐varying relation between fluid and bulk electrical conductivity. For this study, we use macro‐scale (10 s of cm) advection–dispersion solute transport models linked with electrical conduction in COMSOL Multiphysics to explore less‐mobile porosity dynamics in two different types of observed sediment water interface porous media. Modeled sediment textures contrast from strongly layered streambed deposits to poorly sorted lakebed sands and cobbles. During simulated ionic tracer perturbations, a lag between fluid and bulk electrical conductivity, and the resultant hysteresis, is observed for all simulations indicating differential loading of pore spaces with tracer. Less‐mobile exchange parameters are determined graphically from these tracer time series data without the need for inverse numerical model simulation. In both sediment types, effective less‐mobile porosity exchange parameters are variable in response to changes in flow direction and fluid flux. These observed flow‐dependent effects directly impact local less‐mobile residence times and associated contact time for biogeochemical reaction. The simulations indicate that for the sediment textures explored here, less‐mobile porosity exchange is dominated by variable rates of advection through the domain, rather than diffusion of solute, for typical low‐to‐moderate rate (approximately 3–40 cm/day) hyporheic fluid fluxes. Overall, our model‐based results show that less‐mobile porosity may be expected in a range of natural hyporheic sediments and that changes in flowpath orientation and magnitude will impact less‐mobile exchange parameters. These temporal dynamics can be assessed with the geoelectrical experimental tracer method applied at laboratory and field scales.  相似文献   
Tests of models for high-frequency seafloor backscatter   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The interaction of high-frequency sound with the seafloor is inherently a stochastic process. Inversion techniques must, therefore employ good stochastic models for bottom acoustic scattering. An assortment of physical models for bottom backscattering strength is tested by comparison with scattering strength data obtained at 40 kHz at three shallow water sites spanning a range of sediment types from fine silt to coarse sand. These acoustic data are accompanied by sediment physical property data obtained by core sample analysis and in situ probes. In addition, stereo photography was used to measure the power spectrum of bottom relief on centimeter scales. These physical data provided the inputs needed to test the backscatter models, which treat scattering from both the rough sediment-water interface and the sediment volume. For the three sites considered here, the perturbation model for scattering from a slightly rough fluid seafloor performs well. Volume scattering is predicted to be weak except at a site having a layer of methane bubbles  相似文献   
Fiber-optic distributed temperature sensing (FO-DTS) has proven to be a transformative technology for the hydrologic sciences, with application to diverse problems including hyporheic exchange, groundwater/surface-water interaction, fractured-rock characterization, and cold regions hydrology. FO-DTS produces large, complex, and information-rich datasets. Despite the potential of FO-DTS, adoption of the technology has been impeded by lack of tools for data processing, analysis, and visualization. New tools are needed to efficiently and fully capitalize on the information content of FO-DTS datasets. To this end, we present DTSGUI, a public-domain Python-based software package for editing, parsing, processing, statistical analysis, georeferencing, and visualization of FO-DTS data.  相似文献   
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