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A variety of proposed activities to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions will impact on scarce water resources, which are coming under increasing pressure in many countries due to population growth and shifting weather patterns. However, the integrated analysis of water and carbon impacts has been given limited attention in greenhouse mitigation planning. In this Australian case study, we analyse a suite of 74 mitigation measures ranked as highest priority by one influential analysis, and we find that they have highly variable consequences for water quantity. We find: (1) The largest impacts result from land-based sequestration, which has the potential to intercept large quantities of water and reduce catchment yields, estimated to exceed 100 Mm3/MtCO2-e of carbon mitigated (100,000 l per tonne CO2-e). (2) Moderate impacts result from some renewable power options, including solar thermal power with a water cost estimated at nearly 4 Mm3/MtCO2-e. However, the water impacts of solar thermal power facilities could be reduced by designing them to use existing power-related water supplies or to use air or salt-water cooling. (3) Wind power, biogas, solar photovoltaics, energy efficiency and operational improvements to existing power sources can reduce water demand through offsetting the water used to cool thermal power generation, with minor savings estimated at 2 Mm3/MtCO2-e and amounting to nearly 100 Mm3 of water saved in Australia per annum in 2020. This integrated analysis significantly changes the attractiveness of some mitigation options, compared to the case where water impacts are not considered.  相似文献   
Numerous approaches exist for the prediction of the settlement improvement offered by the vibro-replacement technique in weak or marginal soil deposits. The majority of the settlement prediction methods are based on the unit cell assumption, with a small number based on plane strain or homogenisation techniques. In this paper, a comprehensive review and assessment of the more popular settlement prediction methods is carried out with a view to establishing which method(s) is/are in best agreement with finite element predictions from a series of PLAXIS 2D axisymmetric analyses on an end-bearing column. The Hardening Soil Model in PLAXIS 2D has been used to model the behaviour of both the granular column material and the treated soft clay soil. This study has shown that purely elastic settlement prediction methods overestimate the settlement improvement for large modular ratios, while the methods based on elastic–plastic theory are in better agreement with finite element predictions at higher modular ratios. In addition, a parameter sensitivity study has been carried out to establish the influence of a range of different design parameters on predictions obtained using a selection of elastic–plastic methods.  相似文献   
This study assessed the hydrocarbon generation potentials/timing of the Awgu source rock horizons encountered in Igbariam-1, Iji-1 and Ajire-1 wells drilled in the southern Benue Trough; using one-dimensional (1D) Genesis Zetaware basin modelling software. This software enabled the integration of burial and thermal influences on Awgu source rocks with kinetic parameters. Thermal and burial history models indicate that the Awgu source horizons encountered at 3249m in Igbariam-1 well (northern part of the basin), expelled 85mg/gtoc of oil and 12 mg/gtoc of gas and hydrocarbon generation began in early Eocene with maximum expulsion in the mid-Eocene (52my) at the rate of 7mg/gtoc/my. To the south of the basin, the Awgu source horizons were encountered at greater depths in Iji-1 and Ajire-1 wells and hydrocarbon generation began in the mid-Palaeocene and peaked in the late Palaeocene (58my) at the rate of 32–38mg/gtoc/my. This resulted in an increase in generated hydrocarbon volume to the south due to (a) increased burial depth and early maturation, and (b) changing source lithofacies -more marine. The fault system linking potential reservoirs such as the Agbani sandstone and the overlying Owelli sandstone to the source rock suggests a possible migration of the generated hydrocarbons to those reservoirs at that time.  相似文献   
INTRODUCTION Microfossilsaregenerallythemostversatileand “useful”offossilsforbothcorrelationandagedeter minationandpaleoenvironmentalanalysis.Among microfossilstheforaminiferaarepre eminent(Fig. 1).Wefindinthesamesample—beitoutcropor subsurface,onshor…  相似文献   

The design of a spar buoy, employed as one component of a current monitoring system deployed during 1980 in Davis Strait, and some of its response characteristics to ocean waves are presented. The buoy was 36.5 ft (11.13 m) in length with upper and lower masts 0.5ft (15.2 cm) in diameter and buoyancy hulls, centrally located, 2 ft (61.0 cm) in diameter. Power for the system was supplied from lead‐acid batteries in a ballast tank on the lower end. Telemetry electronics were located in a 1‐ft (30.5‐cm) diameter case on the upper end, below the antenna. The buoy weighed about 1,635 lb (746kg) and could be man‐handled at sea with relatively light lifting equipment. It had a damped period of 16s and a significant heave response of about 62% of the significant wave height of the forcing spectrum. Scale model tests indicated that the buoy would be operational in heavy sea swell up to about 20ft in height with pitching angles of less than 10° off vertical. Observations at sea have shown that the buoy followed swell waves better than the 62% heave response figure would imply and had negligible pitching motions except during severe storms. The design was judged to be successful in providing a stable base for VHF transmission and is recommended for use in other applications.  相似文献   
The level of Kluane Lake in southwest Yukon Territory, Canada, has fluctuated tens of metres during the late Holocene. Contributions of sediment from different watersheds in the basin over the past 5,000 years were inferred from the elemental geochemistry of Kluane Lake sediment cores. Elements associated with organic material and oxyhydroxides were used to reconstruct redox fluctuations in the hypolimnion of the lake. The data reveal complex relationships between climate and river discharge during the late Holocene. A period of influx of Duke River sediment coincides with a relatively warm climate around 1,300 years BP. Discharge of Slims River into Kluane Lake occurred when Kaskawulsh Glacier advanced to the present drainage divide separating flow to the Pacific Ocean via Kaskawulsh and Alsek rivers from flow to Bering Sea via tributaries of Yukon River. During periods when neither Duke nor Slims river discharged into Kluane Lake, the level of the lake was low and stable thermal stratification developed, with anoxic and eventually euxinic conditions in the hypolimnion.  相似文献   
In this study, we combined grain size and geochemical analyses with radioisotope analysis of lead-210 (210Pb), caesium-137 (137Cs) and radiocarbon (14C) ages to reconstruct the sedimentation history of two urbanised coastal lagoons in south-east Australia. Towradgi and Fairy Lagoons were both found to exhibit slow initial sedimentation of less than 1 mm year−1 prior to anthropogenic influences. Land clearing in the catchments increased runoff and erosion in the creeks feeding into the estuaries, and has resulted in progradation of fluvial material into the estuarine systems with a marked increase in sedimentation to between 2 and 7 mm year−1. The upper 20–50 cm of the sediment column in both lagoons contained elevated concentrations of heavy metals such as Pb, Cu, Ni and Zn. This pollution trend was found to be consistent with the history of industrialisation and urbanisation in the region, which expanded rapidly post World War 2. The total metal concentrations were consistent with other urbanised/industrialised estuaries around the world. Despite the fairly disturbed nature of these coastal lagoons, the use of 210Pb, 137Cs and 14C dating in combination with bulk geochemical analyses allowed detailed reconstruction of sedimentation history.  相似文献   
Solid-state 27Al, 29Si and 23Na MAS NMR spectra have been obtained for an Al,Si ordered low albite to low microcline ion exchange series for which unit-cell parameters and 29Si NMR data have previously been reported. 27Al δi vary continuously with composition from 63.4 (±0.5) ppm for albite to 58.9 (±0.5) ppm for microcline, and parallel the 29Si chemical shifts assigned to the T2m-site. The 27Al and 29Si chemical shifts for this series correlate well with composition-dependent lattice parameters, most notably cell volume and the angle [201]1b. The linewidths of the 29Si and 27Al resonances indicate a significant amount of structural disorder in the intermediate compositions due to Na, K substitution. The 1 σ width of the distribution of average Si-O-T angles for each T-site is estimated to be about 1° for the Or33 sample. The average 23Na δi varies monotonically from -8.5 (±1) ppm for albite to -24.3 (±1)ppm for Or83. Similarly, the average 23Na nuclear quadrupole coupling constant decreases from 2.60 to 1.15 (±0.05) MHz and the asymmetry parameter of the electric field gradient increases from 0.25 to 0.6 with increasing K-content from albite to Or83. The observed variations in the quadrupole coupling parameters are consistent with simple electrostatic calculations. Higher resolution 23Na spectra of the intermediate compositions obtained at 11.7 T indicate the presence of an inhomogeneous linebroadening which is related to the distribution of Na-environments. A model based on a random distribution of local compositions does not simulate the spectra, suggesting that the distribution of Na is skewed toward Na-rich clusters. Observation of the 23Na NMR lineshape of Or49 after short periods of heat treatment indicate that 23Na NMR is very sensitive to the changes in the Na, K distribution accompanying the early stages of exsolution. Reversible changes occur after heating at 530° C for 3 h, whereas heating at 600° C produces no changes, possibly bracketing the position of the coherent spinodal for Al, Si ordered alkali feldspars at this composition.  相似文献   
One important, almost ubiquitous, tool for understanding the surfaces of solid bodies throughout the solar system is the study of impact craters. While measuring a distribution of crater diameters and locations is an important tool for a wide variety of studies, so too is measuring a crater's “depth.” Depth can inform numerous studies including the strength of a surface and modification rates in the local environment. There is, however, no standard data set, definition, or technique to perform this data-gathering task, and the abundance of different definitions of “depth” and methods for estimating that quantity can lead to misunderstandings in and of the literature. In this review, we describe a wide variety of data sets and methods to analyze those data sets that have been, are currently, or could be used to derive different types of crater depth measurements. We also recommend certain nomenclature in doing so to help standardize practice in the field. We present a review section of all crater depths that have been published on different solar system bodies which shows how the field has evolved through time and how some common assumptions might not be wholly accurate. We conclude with several recommendations for researchers which could help different data sets to be more easily understood and compared.  相似文献   
The mechanism of thermochemical sulfate reduction (TSR) was investigated by separately heating n-C24 with three different sulfates (CaSO4, Na2SO4, MgSO4) in sealed gold tubes at 420 °C and measuring the stable carbon isotope values of hydrocarbon (C1-C5) and non-hydrocarbon (CO2) products. Extensive TSR was observed with the MgSO4 reactant as reflected by increasing concentrations of H2S, 13C depleted CO2 and relatively low concentrations of H2 (compared to the control). H2S yields were already very high at the first monitoring time (12 h) when the temperature had just reached 420 °C, suggesting that TSR had commenced well prior to this temperature. Only trace amounts of n-C24 and secondary C3-C5 alkanes were detected at 12 h, reflecting the efficient TSR utilization of the reactant and lower molecular weight alkane products. Ethane levels were still relatively high at 12 h, but declined thereafter as it was subject to TSR in the absence of higher molecular weight alkanes which had already been utilized. Methane yields were consistently high throughout the 48 h MgSO4 treatment. The temporal decrease in the concentrations of alkanes available for TSR may also contribute to the sharp enhancement of CO2 after 36 h. Absence or dampening of the molecular and isotopic trends of MgSO4 TSR was observed with Na2SO4 and CaSO4 respectively, directly reflecting the levels of TSR reached using these sulfate treatments.For all treatments, the δ13C values of C1-5n-alkanes showed an increase with both molecular weight and treatment time. MgSO4 TSR led to a 5-10‰ increase in the δ13C values of the C1-C5 hydrocarbons and a 20‰ decrease in the δ13C value of CO2. The significant 13C depletion of the CO2 may be due to co-production of 13C enriched MgCO3, although this remains unproven as the δ13C of MgCO3 was not measured. The difference in the δ13C values of ethane and propane (Δδ13CEP) increased in magnitude with the degree of TSR, and this trend could be used to help evaluate the occurrence and extent of TSR in subsurface gas reservoirs.  相似文献   
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