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Over the past 35 years, the Upper Penticton Creek (UPC) Watershed Experiment has supported forest hydrology research in south-central British Columbia (BC), Canada. This paper provides a synthesis of research results, highlights the challenges facing UPC and identifies new research directions. Clearcutting approximately 50% of two small, snow-dominated (Dfb Koppen classification) watersheds advanced the timing of snowmelt-generated high flows and decreased late-summer low flows, relative to predictions based on pre-treatment regressions. Changes in high flows did not have a significant effect on stream channels due to low stream power, coarse substrate, and limited riparian disturbance. Changes in summer low flows reduced modelled useable fish habitat by 20%–50%. Evaporation averaged 52% of the annual precipitation in the mature forest, was reduced to 30% in a clearcut, and recovered to 40% and 47% in a 10 and 25 year-old stand, respectively. Groundwater recharge to the bedrock was estimated at 19% of annual precipitation, indicating that, even with the large uncertainty associated with this estimate, deep groundwater should not be ignored in the water balance. Suspended sediment, turbidity, and colour increased post-logging; however, chemical surface water quality did not change. Aquatic community structure changed post-logging; and although this affected the processing of organic matter, the effects on habitat quality were considered minimal. The information gained at UPC has supported provincial policies, management guidelines, forest stewardship plans and watershed risk assessments. The undisturbed control watershed, re-growing treatment watersheds and ongoing long-term hydrometric monitoring continue to provide opportunities for future research addressing issues such as the effects of young forests on streamflow and hydrologic recovery, and the influence of climate change on the hydrologic regime.  相似文献   
Joint application of the Mo isotope paleoredox proxy and Re-Os deposition-age geochronometer to euxinic black shales has potential for tracing the evolution of ocean redox chemistry over geological time. Here, we report new Re-Os and Mo isotope data for the Mesoproterozoic Velkerri Formation (Roper Group) and Paleoproterozoic Wollogorang Formation (Tawallah Group), McArthur Basin, northern Australia. New Re-Os ages of 1361 ± 21 Ma (2σ, n = 14, mean square of weighted deviates [MSWD] = 1.3, Model 1) and 1417 ± 29 Ma (2σ, n = 12, MSWD = 1.3, Model 1) constrain the depositional age of the Velkerri Formation and its contained biomarkers, as well as acritarchs and microfossils from the Roper Group. Black shales from the upper Velkerri Formation have high Mo abundances (105-119 ppm) and degree of pyritization [DOP] values (0.90-0.92) implying quantitative conversion of molybdate (MoO42−) to thiomolybdate (MoS42−) in overlying bottom waters. The average δ97/95Mo (0.72 ± 0.10‰, 2σ, n = 6) of these shales is consistent with previous data, but represents a significantly more precise determination for global seawater δ97/95Mo at 1.4 Ga. This value is lighter than present-day seawater by ∼0.85‰ and reflects expanded strongly euxinic deep ocean conditions ([H2S]aq > 11 μM) relative to oxic, suboxic, and weakly/intermittently euxinic ([H2S]aq < 11 μM) marine deposition in the 1.4 Ga oceans. Mass-balance modelling suggests Mo removal into strongly euxinic and oxic sediments may have comprised 30-70% and less than 15%, respectively, of the oceanic Mo sink at 1.4 Ga as opposed to 5% and 35% today, respectively.The Re-Os radioisotope system in organic-rich shales serves as a test for post-depositional alteration that could affect the usefulness of paleoredox tracers such as Mo stable isotopes. Re-Os isotope data for the Wollogorang Formation black shales are scattered and yield a highly imprecise date of 1359 ± 150 Ma (2σ, n = 21, MSWD = 85, Model 3). This age is younger than U-Pb zircon ages from interbedded tuffs that constrain the age of deposition at ca. 1730 Ma. In conjunction with previous petrological, geochemical, and paleomagnetic data, the Re-Os isotope data suggest hydrothermal fluid flow through the Wollogorang Formation, possibly associated with formation of the ca. 1640 Ma McArthur River Pb-Zn-Ag sedimentary exhalative deposit, resulted in post-depositional mobilization of Re and Os. Based on the degree of deviation of the Re-Os data from a 1730 Ma reference line, open-system behavior of Re and Os was greatest near the base of the black shale unit. Wollogorang Formation black shales are enriched in Mo (41-58 ppm), but are characterized by variable δ97/95Mo (0.3-0.8‰) and DOP (0.57-0.92). The lightest δ97/95Mo values occur near the base of the black shale unit. Based on the Re-Os systematics, hydrothermal fluids have probably overprinted the authigenic δ97/95Mo signature in those shales. However, the heaviest δ97/95Mo values in the Wollogorang Formation come from stratigraphically higher shales, and are similar to those observed for the Velkerri Formation, and thus may reflect seawater δ97/95Mo at 1.73 Ga.  相似文献   
The Moon likely accreted from melt and vapor ejected during a cataclysmic collision between Proto-Earth and a Mars-sized impactor very early in solar system history. The identical W, O, K, and Cr isotope compositions between materials from the Earth and Moon require that the material from the two bodies were well-homogenized during the collision process. As such, the ancient isotopic signatures preserved in lunar samples provide constraints on the bulk composition of the Earth. Two recent studies to obtain high-precision 142Nd/144Nd ratios of lunar mare basalts yielded contrasting results. In one study, after correction of neutron fluence effects imparted to the Nd isotope compositions of the samples, the coupled 142Nd-143Nd systematics were interpreted to be consistent with a bulk Moon having a chondritic Sm/Nd ratio [Rankenburg K., Brandon A. D. and Neal C. R. (2006) Neodymium isotope evidence for a chondritic composition of the Moon. Science312, 1369-1372]. The other study found that their data on the same and similar lunar mare basalts were consistent with a bulk Moon having a superchondritic Sm/Nd ratio [Boyet M. and Carlson R. W. (2007) A highly depleted Moon or a non-magma origin for the lunar crust? Earth Planet. Sci. Lett.262, 505-516]. Delineating between these two potential scenarios has key ramifications for a comprehensive understanding of the formation and early evolution of the Moon and for constraining the types of materials available for accretion into large terrestrial planets such as Earth.To further examine this issue, the same six lunar mare basalt samples measured in Rankenburg et al. [Rankenburg K., Brandon A. D. and Neal C. R. (2006) Neodymium isotope evidence for a chondritic composition of the Moon. Science312, 1369-1372] were re-measured for high-precision Nd isotopes using a multidynamic routine with reproducible internal and external precisions to better than ±3 ppm (2σ) for 142Nd/144Nd ratios. The measurements were repeated in a distinct second analytical campaign to further test their reproducibility. Evaluation of accuracy and neutron fluence corrections indicates that the multidynamic Nd isotope measurements in this study and the 3 in Boyet and Carlson [Boyet M. and Carlson R. W. (2007) A highly depleted Moon or a non-magma origin for the lunar crust? Earth Planet. Sci. Lett.262, 505-516] are reproducible, while static measurements in the previous two studies show analytical artifacts and cannot be used at the resolution of 10 ppm to determine a bulk Moon with either chondritic or superchondritic Sm/Nd ratios. The multidynamic data are best explained by a bulk Moon with a superchondritic Sm/Nd ratio that is similar to the present-day average for depleted MORB. Hafnium isotope data were collected on the same aliquots measured for their 142Nd/144Nd isotope ratios in order to assess if the correlation line for 142Nd-143Nd systematics reflect mixing processes or times at which lunar mantle sources formed. Based on the combined 142Nd-143Nd-176Hf obtained we conclude that the 142Nd-143Nd correlation line measured in this study is best interpreted as an isochron with an age of 229+24−20Ma after the onset of nebular condensation. The uncertainties in the data permit the sources of these samples to have formed over a 44 Ma time interval. These new results for lunar mare basalts are thus consistent with a later Sm-Nd isotope closure time of their source regions than some recent studies have postulated, and a superchondritic bulk Sm/Nd ratio of the Moon and Earth. The superchondritic Sm/Nd signature was inherited from the materials that accreted to make up the Earth-Moon system. Although collisional erosion of crust from planetesimals is favored here to remove subchondritic Sm/Nd portions and drive the bulk of these bodies to superchondritic in composition, removal of explosive basalt material via gravitational escape from such bodies, or chondrule sorting in the inner solar system, may also explain the compositional features that deviate from average chondrites that make up the Earth-Moon system. This inferred superchondritic nature for the Earth similar to the modern convecting mantle means that there is no reason to invoke a missing, subchondritic reservoir to mass balance the Earth back to chondritic for Sm/Nd ratios. However, to account for the subchondritic Sm/Nd ratios of continental crust, a second superchondritic Sm/Nd mantle reservoir is required.  相似文献   
As the highest part of the central Andean fold‐thrust belt, the Eastern Cordillera defines an orographic barrier dividing the Altiplano hinterland from the South American foreland. Although the Eastern Cordillera influences the climatic and geomorphic evolution of the central Andes, the interplay among tectonics, climate and erosion remains unclear. We investigate these relationships through analyses of the depositional systems, sediment provenance and 40Ar/39Ar geochronology of the upper Miocene Cangalli Formation exposed in the Tipuani‐Mapiri basin (15–16°S) along the boundary of the Eastern Cordillera and Interandean Zone in Bolivia. Results indicate that coarse‐grained nonmarine sediments accumulated in a wedge‐top basin upon a palaeotopographic surface deeply incised into deformed Palaeozoic rocks. Seven lithofacies and three lithofacies associations reflect deposition by high‐energy braided river systems, with stratigraphic relationships revealing significant (~500 m) palaeorelief. Palaeocurrents and compositional provenance data link sediment accumulation to pronounced late Miocene erosion of the deepest levels of the Eastern Cordillera. 40Ar/39Ar ages of interbedded tuffs suggest that sedimentation along the Eastern Cordillera–Interandean Zone boundary was ongoing by 9.2 Ma and continued until at least ~7.4 Ma. Limited deformation of subhorizontal basin fill, in comparison with folded and faulted rocks of the unconformably underlying Palaeozoic section, implies that the thrust front had advanced into the Subandean Zone by the 11–9 Ma onset of basin filling. Documented rapid exhumation of the Eastern Cordillera from ~11 Ma onward was decoupled from upper‐crustal shortening and coeval with sedimentation in the Tipuani‐Mapiri basin, suggesting climate change (enhanced precipitation) or lower crustal and mantle processes (stacking of basement thrust sheets or removal of mantle lithosphere) as possible controls on late Cenozoic erosion and wedge‐top accumulation. Regardless of the precise trigger, we propose that an abruptly increased supply of wedge‐top sediment produced an additional sedimentary load that helped promote late Miocene advance of the central Andean thrust front in the Subandean Zone.  相似文献   
Results are given of a programme of K-Ar age determinations from an equatorial weathering profile beneath the Mid-Jurassic unconformitiy of Anøya, northern Norway. A model is presented where the original age of weathering is considered as Lower Carboniferous with partial resetting of ages during subsequent diagenesis. It is concluded that the Kaolinite of the weathering profile became a closed system of40Ar diffusion in late Triassic times, and that a sufficient thickness of Mesozoic-Tertiary strata was never developed to occasion the resetting of the ages. The implication of the results is that a former thick cover of Upper Palaezoic age formerly existed in the region which was effectively removed by erosion in late Triassic — early Jurassic times. The results of the study are reviewed in a context of North Atlantic palaeogeographical evolution.
Zusammenfassung Aus einem fossilen Bodenprofil unterhalb der mitteljurassischen Diskordanz in Nordnorwegen wurden K-Ar-Alter bestimmt, die auf eine Verwitterung während des Unterkarbons hinweisen. Während der folgenden Diagenese sind die Alter teilweise neu eingestellt worden. Dabei zeigt sich, daß der Kaolinite des ursprünglichen Bodenprofils erst ab Obertrias einem für Ar40-Diffusion geschlossenen System angehört. Es folgt weiter, daß während des Mesozoikums und Tertiärs keine größere Sedimentbedeckung mehr über diesen Profilen möglich war, wohingegen eine erhebliche Mächtigkeit von jungpaläozoischen Sedimenten ehedem vorlag, die während der Obertrias abgetragen wurde. Diese Beobachtungen können mit der paläogeographischen Entwicklung des Nord-Atlantik in Zusammenhang gebracht werden.

Résumé On a déterminé les âges K-Ar, donnés par un sol d'alteration formé pendant le Carbonifère inférieur et sous-jacent à la discordance du jurassique moyen, au nord de la Norvège. Les âges ont été en partie de nouveau déterminés, lors des diagénèses suivantes. Il en ressort que la Kaolinite du profil du sol originel n'appartient à un système fermé de diffusion Ar40 qu'à partir du Trias supérieur. Il s'ensuit qu'un recouvrement sédimentaire épais n'a pu se déposer sur ce profil au cours du Secondaire et du Tertiaire, tandis qu'une épaisseur considérable de sédiments du Paléozoique supérieur existait, enlevès ensuite par érosion au Trias supérieur. Ces observations peuvent être mises en rapport avec le développement paléogéographique de l'Atlantique-Nord.

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Oil and gas platforms (platforms) provide high-relief habitat in the northern Gulf of Mexico’s hypoxic zone that are important to associated fishes. Hypoxia develops near the bottom and reef-associated fishes utilize vertical structure in the well-oxygenated waters overlaying hypoxia. A video array was used to profile the water column and to estimate abundances and depth distributions of fishes before, during, and after summer hypoxia at platforms experiencing intense (seaward) and mild hypoxia (shoal). Gray snapper abundance increased at shoal platforms (10× greater after vs. before the hypoxia season), while abundance remained stable at seaward platforms. However, there was no significant relationship between gray snapper abundance and oxygen concentrations. Sheepshead, Atlantic spadefish, blue runner, and Atlantic bumper abundances varied throughout the summer, but there was no significant effect of hypoxia. Occupation of bottom waters by fishes was consistent throughout the study period at shoal platforms, but fishes were rarely observed in the bottom 3 m and congregated in the water immediately above the hypoxic layer when hypoxia was present at seaward platforms. Nevertheless, patterns of fish abundances were not driven by the presence or absence of hypoxia. The vertical dimension of platforms is a unique and key aspect of their ecological value, especially in the hypoxic zone, and should be considered for artificial reef management.  相似文献   
It is increasingly recognized that effective river management requires a catchment scale approach. Sediment transport processes are relevant to a number of river functions but quantifying sediment fluxes at network scales is hampered by the difficulty of measuring the variables required for most sediment transport equations (e.g. shear stress, velocity, and flow depth). We develop new bedload and total load sediment transport equations based on specific stream power. These equations use data that are relatively easy to collect or estimate throughout stream networks using remote sensing and other available data: slope, discharge, channel width, and grain size. The new equations are parsimonious yet have similar accuracy to other, more established, alternatives. We further confirm previous findings that the dimensionless critical specific stream power for incipient particle motion is generally consistent across datasets, and that the uncertainty in this parameter has only a minor impact on calculated sediment transport rates. Finally, we test the new bedload transport equation by applying it in a simple channel incision model. Our model results are in close agreement to flume observations and can predict incision rates more accurately than a more complicated morphodynamic model. These new sediment transport equations are well suited for use at stream network scales, allowing quantification of this important process for river management applications. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
A hydrological investigation was conducted in a small headwater peatland located in the Experimental Lakes Area, north-western Ontario, Canada, to determine the subsurface and surface flow paths within the peatland, and between the peatland and an adjacent forested upland during baseflow and storm flow conditions. Distinct zones of groundwater recharge and discharge were observed within the peatland. These zones are similar to those found in much larger flow systems even though the peatland was only influenced by local groundwater flow. Groundwater emerging in seeps and flowing beneath the peatland sustained the surface wetness of the peatland and maintained a constant baseflow. The response of the peatland stream to summer rain events was controlled by peatland water table position when the basin was dry and antecedent moisture storage on the uplands when the basin was wet. The magnitude and timing of peak runoff during wet conditions were controlled by the degree of hydrological connectivity between the surrounding upland terrain and the peatland. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The Plio-Pleistocene volcanic rocks of the Bohemian Massif comprise a compositional spectrum involving two series: an older basanitic series (6.0–0.8 Ma) and a younger, melilititic series (1.0–0.26 Ma). The former consists of relatively undifferentiated basaltic rocks, slightly silica-undersaturated, with Mg# ranging from 62 to almost primitive mantle-type values of 74. The major and trace element characteristics correspond to those of primitive intra-plate alkaline volcanic rocks from a common sub-lithospheric mantle source (European Asthenospheric Reservoir – EAR) including positive Nb, and negative K and Pb anomalies. 87Sr/86Sr ratios of 0.7032–0.7034 and 143Nd/144Nd of 0.51285–0.51288 indicate a moderately depleted mantle source as for other mafic rocks of the central European volcanic province with signs of HIMU-like characteristics commonly attributed to recycling of subducted oceanic crust in the upper mantle during the Variscan orogeny. The melilititic series is characterized by higher degrees of silica-undersaturation, and high Mg# of 68–72 values, compatible with primitive-mantle-derived compositions. The high OIB-like Ce/Pb (19–47) and Nb/U (32–53) ratios indicate that assimilation of crustal material was negligible. In both series, concentrations of incompatible elements are mildly elevated and 87Sr/86Sr ratios (0.7034–0.7036) and 143Nd/144Nd ratios (0.51285–0.51288) overlap. Variations in incompatible element concentrations and isotopic compositions in the basanitic series and melilititic series can be explained by a lower degree of mantle melting for the latter with preferential melting of enriched mantle domains. The Sr and Nd isotopic compositions of both rock series are similar to those of the EAR. Minor differences in geochemical characteristics between the two series may be attributed to: (i) to different settings with respect to crust and lithospheric mantle conditions in (a) Western Bohemia (WB) and (b) Northeastern Bohemia (NEB) and the Northern Moravia and Silesia (NMS) areas, (ii) a modally metasomatized mantle lithosphere in WB in contrast to cryptically metasomatized domains in the NEB and NMS, (iii) different degrees of partial melting with very low degrees in WB but higher degrees in NEB and NMS. The geochemical and isotopic similarity between the Plio-Pleistocene volcanic rocks and those of the late Cretaceous and Cenozoic (79–6 Ma) suggests that their magmas came from compositionally similar mantle sources, that underwent low degrees of melting over an interval of ∼80 Ma. The Oligocene to Miocene basanitic series that accompanied the Plio-Pleistoicene basanitic series in the NMS region indicate that they shared a common mantle source. There is no geochemical evidence for thermal erosion of the lithospheric mantle or significant changes in mantle compositions within the time of a weak thermal perturbation in the asthenospheric mantle. These perturbations were caused by a dispersed mantle plume or passively upwelling asthenosphere in zones of lithospheric thinning.  相似文献   
The MESSENGER spacecraft flyby of Mercury on 14 January 2008 provided a new opportunity to study the intrinsic magnetic field of the innermost planet and its interaction with the solar wind. The model presented in this paper is based on the solution of the three-dimensional, bi-fluid equations for solar wind protons and electrons in the absence of mass loading. In this study we provide new estimates of Mercury’s intrinsic magnetic field and the solar wind conditions that prevailed at the time of the flyby. We show that the location of the boundary layers and the strength of the magnetic field along the spacecraft trajectory can be reproduced with a solar wind ram pressure Psw = 6.8 nPa and a planetary magnetic dipole having a magnitude of 210 RM3 − nT and an offset of 0.18 RM to the north of the equator, where RM is Mercury’s radius. Analysis of the plasma flow reveals the existence of a stable drift belt around the planet; such a belt can account for the locations of diamagnetic decreases observed by the MESSENGER Magnetometer. Moreover, we determine that the ion impact rate at the northern cusp was four times higher than at the southern cusp, a result that provides a possible explanation for the observed north-south asymmetry in exospheric sodium in the neutral tail.  相似文献   
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