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Peter J. McGoldrick Reid R. Keays Bob B. Scott 《Geochimica et cosmochimica acta》1979,43(8):1303-1311
Radiochemical neutron activation analysis for Tl in a number of young pillow basalts, hydrothermally altered basalts and associated hydrothermal and hydrogenous Mn crusts from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge and adjacent regions of the North Atlantic indicate that Tl is a sensitive indicator of both S saturation of silicate melts and of rock/seawater interactions. Rb-Cs-K-Tl trend lines for fresh MAR basalts (whose melts remained saturated with S during silicate fractionation) are distinctly different to Hawaiian basalts whose melts lost S during or prior to eruption, but were saturated with S at an earlier stage. Varying degrees of Tl enrichment are found in the hydrogenous Mn nodules (91,000 ppb), hydrothermal Mn crusts (2300–32,000 ppb), palagonitized glass (300–2700 ppb), hydrothermally altered basalts (1140–4560 ppb), and even slightly altered pillow interiors (11–45 ppb) relative to the fresh glasses (6–12 ppb). This enrichment has taken place due to incorporation of Tl into secondary silicate phases along with the alkalis and also due to co-precipitation of Tl with ferromanganese oxides and hydroxides. Thallium enrichment in the hydrothermal products is interpreted as being due to cooling and oxidation of hydrothermal fluids as these approached the sea floor. Haloes of Tl-enriched country rock may occur around sulfide deposits in which seawater has acted as the ore fluid. 相似文献
Massive sediment deposition on the Mississippi River Delta establishes reducing conditions sufficient to bring about Mn dissolution in the top millimeters of sediment. As a result, significant fluxes of dissolved Mn pass from the Delta sediments to the overlying water column. This process is examined by study of chemical partitioning of Mn in river particulates and Delta sediments and from interstitial water chemistry. Remobilized Mn is actively transported away from the Delta area with aluminosilicate detritus thereby providing “excess” Mn to the deep Gulf of Mexico at the expense of the Delta sediments. 相似文献
Longitudinal variations of energetic charged particle precipitation into the jovian sub-auroral atmosphere are modeled based on weak diffusion scattering and variations in the local loss-cone size associated with asymmetries in the VIP-4 magnetic field model. Our scattering model solutions suggest that low latitude observations of enhanced H3+ and X-ray emissions are at least partially due to precipitating energetic particles. The correlation between model results and observations is best in the northern hemisphere at low L (1.5), where the surface magnetic field variation is largest and observations have the highest resolution. Weaker correlations in the southern hemisphere and at higher latitudes, particularly for H3+ emissions, are likely due to the presence of other energy sources, lack of resolution in the observations and limitations in the sub-auroral surface magnetic field model. 相似文献
“传统”农业景观旅游保护困局的反思(英文) 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
BobMc KERCHER 《资源与生态学报(英文版)》2013,4(3):242-249
全球范围对"文化景观"重新燃起兴趣需要从多维方式来解释。传统栖息地,人民和他们在特殊环境里的生活方式的价值改变过程是和与遗产地有关的"文化、社会和经济建设"的引入密不可分的。自上世纪90年代开始,文化景观作为一种新型遗产列入联合国教科文组织世界遗产名录,它强调人类与环境相互作用的重要性,需要了解景观在时空上的动态性。观念的变化产生了对标志性景观和传统社区的"动态保护"。从交叉学科的视角来理解这一交互过程对规划和保护可持续遗产景观至关重要。遍及全世界的各试点项目和案例研究都引起了关于遗产景观的可持续性和旅游的至高无上作用的批判性反思。全球重要农业文化遗产(GIAHS)能否受益于旅游产生的经济资源,需要基于研究的方法来分析机会和预期,评估其战略政策和自上而下的政策。 相似文献
The computational requirements in the simulations of geopotential estimation from satellite gravity gradiometry are discussed. Fast algorithms for spherical harmonic synthesis and least squares accumulation on a vectorizing supercomputers are presented. Using these methods, in a test case estimation of 2595 coefficients of a degree and order 50 gravity field, sustained program execution speeds of 275 Mflops (87 % peak machine speed) on a single processor of a CRAY Y-MP were achieved, with spherical harmonics computation accounting for less than 1 % of total cost. From the results, it appears that brute-force estimation of a degree and order 180 field would require 537 Million Words of memory and 85 hours of CPU time, assuming mission duration of 1 month, and execution speed of 1 Gflops. Both memory size and execution speed requirements are within the capabilities of modern multi-processor supercomputers. 相似文献
Sediments from San Antonio Bay, the northwest Gulf of Mexico, and the Mississippi River Delta were acid leached and analyzed
for Fe, Mn, Pb, Zn, Cd, Cu and Ni by atomic absorption spectrophotometry. In order to account for differences in sediment
clay, carbonate, and organic matter content, metal concentrations were normalized to Fe. Significant linear correlations of
metals to Fe were obtained for unpolluted sediments and deviations from these “natural” statistical populations were found
for areas thought to have metal input caused by man.
San Antonio Bay sediments show little evidence of metal pollution despite 70 years of shell dredging in the bay. However,
the San Antonio-Guadalupe River system, the bay's prime sediment source, has 10% to 50% higher than natural levels of Pb,
Cd and Cu.
Sediments from a 1500 km2 area of the Mississippi River Delta have Pb and Cd concentrations 10% to 100% higher than expected levels. The vertical distribution
of Pb and Cd in these sediments suggests that inputs have occurred during the past 30 to 40 years. We find no indication of
metal pollution in other areas of the Delta or along the continental shelf of the northwest Gulf of Mexico. 相似文献