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The spatial and temporal changes in hydrology and pore water elemental and 87Sr/86Sr compositions are used to determine contemporary weathering rates in a 65- to 226-kyr-old soil chronosequence formed from granitic sediments deposited on marine terraces along coastal California. Soil moisture, tension and saturation exhibit large seasonal variations in shallow soils in response to a Mediterranean climate. These climate effects are dampened in underlying argillic horizons that progressively developed in older soils, and reached steady-state conditions in unsaturated horizons extending to depths in excess of 15 m. Hydraulic fluxes (qh), based on Cl mass balances, vary from 0.06 to 0.22 m yr−1, resulting in fluid residence times in the terraces of 10-24 yrs.As expected for a coastal environment, the order of cation abundances in soil pore waters is comparable to sea water, i.e., Na > Mg > Ca > K > Sr, while the anion sequence Cl > NO3 > HCO3 > SO4 reflects modifying effects of nutrient cycling in the grassland vegetation. Net Cl-corrected solute Na, K and Si increase with depth, denoting inputs from feldspar weathering. Solute 87Sr/86Sr ratios exhibit progressive mixing of sea water-dominated precipitation with inputs from less radiogenic plagioclase. While net Sr and Ca concentrations are anomalously high in shallow soils due to biological cycling, they decline with depth to low and/or negative net concentrations. Ca/Mg, Sr/Mg and 87Sr/86Sr solute and exchange ratios are similar in all the terraces, denoting active exchange equilibration with selectivities close to unity for both detrital smectite and secondary kaolinite. Large differences in the magnitudes of the pore waters and exchange reservoirs result in short-term buffering of the solute Ca, Sr, and Mg. Such buffering over geologic time scales can not be sustained due to declining inputs from residual plagioclase and smectite, implying periodic resetting of the exchange reservoir such as by past vegetational changes and/or climate.Pore waters approach thermodynamic saturation with respect to albite at depth in the younger terraces, indicating that weathering rates ultimately become transport-limited and dependent on hydrologic flux. Contemporary rates Rsolute are estimated from linear Na and Si pore weathering gradients bsolute such that
Dissolution?Cprecipitation phenomena induced by CO2 injection to Altmark Permian sandstone were observed through laboratory experiments carried out under simulated reservoir conditions (125?°C and 50 bars of pressure). The rock sample was collected from the Altmark gas reservoir, which is being considered for enhanced gas recovery. Two sets of experiments were performed with pulverized rock samples in a closed batch reactor with either pure water (run 1) or 3?M aqueous NaCl solution (run 2) and reacted with injected CO2 for 3, 5, and 9?days. The liquid samples were analyzed by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectroscopy and total reflection X-ray fluorescence, where the latter proved to be a feasible alternative to conventional analytical techniques, especially since only small sample volumes (about 10???l) are needed. Chemical analysis for both fluids (water and NaCl brine) indicated a significant dissolution of calcite and anhydrite in the solution, which might be a crucial process during CO2 injection. The brine solution enhanced the dissolution of calcite and anhydrite compared to pure water at the beginning of the reaction. Moreover, the progressive higher Si4+/Al3+ molar ratios (in average by a factor of 3) in the brine experiments indicated quartz dissolution. Thermodynamic calculations of mineral saturation indices highlighted the dissolution of the Ca-bearing minerals, which was in agreement with experimental results. Modeling enabled an evaluation of the dissolution processes of minerals in a low-salinity region, yet hindrances to model more saline conditions emphasize the need for further laboratory studies in order to parameterize models for deep aquifer conditions.  相似文献   
Lincolns municipal wellfield consists of 44 wells developed in an alluvial aquifer adjacent to the Platte River near Ashland, Nebraska Induced recharge from the river is the primary source of water for the wellfield. Wafer samples were collected on a periodic basis from the Platte River arid two transects of monitoring wells. These samples were analyzed for the herbicide atrazine, which was used as a tracer of induced recharge in this stream-aquifer system. Atrazine concentrations in the river and aquifer were much less than 1.0 ppb during late fall and winter, but increased to as high as 18.9 ppb during spring and summer, associated with runoff from upgradient agricultural lands. There was approximately a 21-day lag time from the first detection of increasing atrazine concentration in the river to the first detection in monitoring wells immediately adjacent to the river. This lag time was relatively constant throughout the year and from one year to the next, even with major fluctuations of river stage and wellfield production. This consistency of lag time indicated that the travel times from the river to the first set of monitoring wells immediately adjacent to the river were fairly constant.
Paths of preferential flow were identified in the aquifer at a depth of 25 to 35 feet below land surface. This aquifer zone appeared to play a significant role in movement of water from beneath the river into the wellfield.
Aquifer dispersivity was calculated using a method described by Hoehn and Santschi (1987). Macrodispersivity (AL) was shown to increase linearly over the scale of the wellfield. Calculated values of AL were within limits of other reported values for this type of aquifer material and agreed well with values reported by Hoehn and Santschi (1987); These findings will be extremely beneficial for planning and management of the municipal wellfield.  相似文献   
Massive sulfides recovered from the Kebrit Deep carbonaceous sedimentary succession represent black smoker fragments, novel to any Red Sea brine pool deposit. Chimneys, which were also observed in situ near the seawater/brine interface of the Kebrit Deep pool, are primarily comprised of Fe-, Zn- and Pb-bearing phases, and are often tar and asphalt impregnated. Cu-sulfides are virtually absent from parageneses, contrasting rift-related smoker and Red Sea metalliferous sediment deposits. Concentration of nickel in discrete bravoite points to a basalt/seawater leaching process as a source for most metals. The sedimentary package, which probably hosts Cu-mineralization in lower stockworks of the smoker deposit, is considered the major source of lead. Prevention of boiling of hydrothermal fluids, passing through a succession of organic-rich carbonate and clay horizons prior to discharge, is essential for smoker formation. Shaban Deep sedimentary-hosted massive sulfides are less frequent, with pyrite being the dominant ore mineral. Sulfur isotope data indicate both high temperature inorganic as well as biogenic sulfate (seawater and/or evaporite) reduction in sulfide-forming processes. Cogenetic sulfates formed from residual, bacteriogenically reduced seawater sulfate. Rather low sulfide/sulfate precipitation temperatures of 110–130 °C for the Kebrit brine pool and 100 °C for Shaban Deep massive sulfides are evident.  相似文献   
In this study male largemouth bass (LMB) were exposed to the naturally occurring androgens, dihydrotestosterone (DHT) or 11-ketotestosterone (11-KT) in order to identify genes that are differentially regulated by these steroid hormones. Using subtractive hybridization on livers of fish treated with DHT against vehicle control, many novel LMB genes were cloned. These genes were added to our gene library and arrayed. Six genes were up-regulated and five were down-regulated by both androgens. But, each androgen also regulated specific genes. One gene that was identified as a potential androgen marker was spermidine-spermine-N1-acetyltransferase that was up-regulated by both androgens. Determining which genes are responsive to natural androgens will help to identify biochemical pathways that are impacted.  相似文献   
The data deduced from the UV-spectroscope on theCopernicus satellite strongly suggest that the most important ionization source in interstellar space near the solar system is a UV radiation field originating from B-stars. Adopting this hypothesis, we have used the ionization state of several elements in the interstellar medium observed byCopernicus to determine the required radiation field. From this, the degree of ionization of elements that could not be observed byCopernicus is estimated.It is shown that this interpretation of thecopernicus data can be made consistent with neutral interstellar hydrogen densities inferred from extraterrestrial L observations and with electron densities deduced from pulsar dispersion measures. Furthermore, it is shown that the ratio of neutral interstellar helium to neutral interstellar hydrogen is likely to be 2 to 3 times as large as the cosmic abundance ratio of these elements. The possibility that this ratio is about 10 times as large, meaning equal interstellar neutral hydrogen and helium densities near the solar system, cannot be ruled out. It would, however, require an interstellar radiation temperature near 9000 K. A comparison of the intensity of the interplanetary back scattered He 584 Å and the H 1216 Å radiation would lead to a direct determination of this ratio provided the solar radiation at these lines is known.  相似文献   
Two photogrammetric aerial surveys were carried out over the summit area of the basaltic shield volcano Piton de la Fournaise (Indian Ocean), one survey in 1981 and the second one in 1984. During this time, only two eruptions occurred; both the December 4, 1983, and the January 18, 1984, eruptions opened fissures on the southwestern part of the summit. Because of the slight and erratic ground deformation measured on the dry-tilt network, by continuous tilt stations, and within the geodetic network between 1981 and November 1983, and between February 1984 and June 1984, ground deformations revealed by the two photogrammetric surveys can be essentially associated with the two eruptions. Large displacement vectors were obtained, up to 40 cm. Horizontal displacement vectors indicate a northeastward ground deformation of the southwestern part of the cone where the effusive vents opened. A more diffuse uplift along the main fracture zones that cut the volcanic edifice was observed, while east of these fractures only slight—less than 10 cm—and opposite displacements were observed. This displacement field can be associated with the main geological structures of the dome of Piton de la Fournaise volcano. Some consequences of the observed displacement field may be outlined for the volcanic observational ground deformation networks. To estimate the displacement field revealed by the photogrammetric surveys, a simple model of dyke intrusion has been computed. This model is based on dislocations and takes into account the main fracture zones. Good agreement is observed between computed and observed data in the area of the effusive vents. Some disagreement remains in the northwestern part of the survey area, where horizontal deformations are small and erratic, and also in the northern part, where an uplift was observed that can be associated with the northern active fracture zones.  相似文献   
Reshetnyk  V.  Skorov  Yu.  Vasyuta  M.  Bentley  M.  Rezac  L.  Agarwal  J.  Blum  J. 《Solar System Research》2021,55(2):106-123
Solar System Research - The paper considers the free molecular flow of gas through the dusty porous surface layer of a comet nucleus. The study is based on computer models of generation of a porous...  相似文献   
The extremely porous structure and low strength of most comets and their fragments is opposed to the properties observed in relatively pristine chondritic asteroids, even although both are sharing important chemical similitude. Laboratory experiments and observational evidence suggest that the original extremely porous aggregates that were born from the protoplanetary-disk-forming materials were highly retentive of water and organic compounds present in their forming environment. After consolidation, many of them experienced a particular dynamic history. Some bodies, quickly scattered during the formation of the giant planets and later stored in the Kuiper Belt (KB) or the Oort Cloud (OC) regions, would have suffered a lower degree of impact processing than previously thought. In such category would be comet 81P/Wild 2, whose materials have not experienced aqueous alteration. Other bodies originally volatile-rich that were transiting other regions with higher impact rate were experiencing progressively significant compaction processing, together with subsequent aqueous alteration and loss of volatiles. The release of water from hydrated minerals or interior ices, participated in soaking the forming materials, and transforming their initial mineralogy and physical properties. As a consequence of the physico-chemical evolution promoted by impact processing of undifferentiated bodies, most of the bodies present in the inner solar system are not representative of the planetesimals. Thus, highly porous progenitors and their fragments are the preferential sources of water and organics to the early Earth, even in higher amounts than previously thought.  相似文献   
Forty-one metric tons of the mineral wollastonite (CaSiO3) was applied to an 11.8 hectare watershed at the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest (HBEF; White Mountains, New Hampshire, USA) with the goal of restoring the Ca estimated to have been depleted from the soil exchange complex by acid deposition. This experiment provided an opportunity to gain qualitative information on whole watershed hydrologic flow paths by studying the response of stream water chemistry to the addition of Ca. Because the Ca/Sr and 87Sr/86Sr ratios of wollastonite strongly contrast that of other Ca sources in the watershed, the wollastonite-derived Ca can be identified and its amount estimated in various ecosystem components. Stream water chemistry at the HBEF varies seasonally due to shifts in the proportion of base flow and interflow. Prior to the wollastonite application, seasonal variations in 87Sr/86Sr ratios indicated that 87Sr/86Sr was higher during base flow than interflow, due largely to greater amounts of biotite weathering along deeper flow paths. After the application, Ca/Sr and 87Sr/86Sr changed markedly as the high Ca/Sr and low 87Sr/86Sr wollastonite dissolved and mixed with stream water. The Ca addition provided information on the response times of various flow paths and ion exchange processes to Ca addition in this small upland watershed. During the first year after the addition, wollastonite applied to the near stream zone dissolved and was partially immobilized by cation exchange sites in the hyporheic zone. In the second and third years after the addition we infer that much of this Ca and Sr was subsequently desorbed from the hyporheic zone and was exported from the watershed in stream flow. In the fourth through ninth years after the addition, Ca and Sr from wollastonite that had dissolved in upland soils was transported to the stream by interflow during wet periods when the ground water table was elevated. Between years three and nine the minimum annual Ca/Sr ratio (in late summer base flow) increased, providing evidence that Ca and Sr had increasingly infiltrated to the deepest flow paths. Strong seasonal variations in Ca/Sr and 87Sr/86Sr ratios of stream water resulted from the wollastonite addition to upland forest soils, and these ratios have become sensitive to changing flow paths during the annual cycle. Most notably, high flow events now produce large excursions in stream geochemistry toward the high Ca/Sr and low 87Sr/86Sr ratios of wollastonite. Nine years after the application we estimate that ∼360 kg of Ca from wollastonite has been exported from the watershed in stream flow. The rate of export of Ca from wollastonite dissolution has stabilized at about 11 kg of Ca per year, which accounts for ∼30% of the dissolved Ca in the stream water. Given that 19 metric tons of Ca were applied to the watershed, and assuming this current rate of loss, it should take over 1000 years for this added Ca to be transported from the watershed.  相似文献   
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