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To determine some of the environmental effects that influence the relative proportions of pigments in algae, high pressure liquid chromatographic (HPLC) analysis was employed to determine the relative amounts of common photosynthetic pigments in batch cultures of the diatoms,Fragilaria crotonensis andThalassiosira pseudonana, and the green algae,Scenedesmus abundans, andHaematococcus pluvialis, illuminated for 12 hours each day. Similar analyses were conducted in five-day experiments during which cultures ofF. crotonensis andS. quadricauda were kept in continuous darkness. Comparing the results to those for controls continuing to receive the daily illumination indicated that the diatoms and green algae react similarly to light deficiency. The relative amounts of the main accessory pigment in the diatoms, fucoxanthin, and that in the green alga, apparently lutein, decreased as a reaction to a lack of illumination, while the total chlorophyll level in algae of both groups remained nearly constant. Quantitative differences induced by the experimental conditions were considerably less that those observed among different species of diatom or among the different green algae, however. Finally, cultures ofS. quadricauda were analyzed and then kept for 43 days without the addition of any nutrients. A proportion of the culture was kept for this period in perpetual darkness while another continued to receive 12 hours of illumination. The results show that considerable changes occur as the cultures age, and that these changes occur more slowly in the darkness. Some consequences of these findings for phytoplankton production studies based on analyses of photosynthetic pigments are discussed.  相似文献   
Upward continuation of Markov type anomalous gravity potential models   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Linear gravity field state space models are still a useful tool to model the anomalous gravity field in vector gravimetry, airborne gravimetry, inertial geodesy and navigation. This paper deals with an idea ofJordan and Heller (1978) to solve analytically the upward continuation problem of Markov gravity models.In contrary to the standard Markov shaping filter approach the height dependency of the covariance function, i.e. variance factor and correlation length as function of height, is strictly introduced in state space and not neglected. Using some basic integral transforms, a general upward continuation integral is derived for the n-th order Markov process. The upward continuation integral is solved for the special and practically important case of 2nd order Markov process in very detail. This leads to the introduction of the special sine and cosine integral functions into the the mathematical covariance model. The features of the covariance model are analyzed analytically and the height dependency is discussed numerically.  相似文献   
A technique has been developed and tested to analyse 207Pb/206Pb apparent ages by thermal evaporation of radiogenic lead directly from untreated whole zircon grains (0.3 mm). The evaporation analyses are performed in the double-filament arrangement of a thermal ion mass spectrometer (ThIMS). The method is a powerful tool to distinguish between different lead components occurring in the same grain because differing activation energies of the competing lead components cause their sequential evaporation from the zircons. The evaporation of test samples results in 207Pb/206Pb apparent ages in good agreement with U/Pb ages known from literature: single zircons from a granite of the Marble Mountains/California yield an age of crystallization of 1,410±30 Ma; Ceylon zircons from heavy-mineral bearing gravels yield 560± 40 Ma as age of crystallization of the pegmatitic gravel sources; individuals from a heterogeneous zircon population of a diatexite from the Southern Schwarzwald/SW-Germany indicate metamorphic zircon formation around 500 Ma and the existence of Middle-Proterozoic relics (1.95±0.05 Ga).The evaporation analyses revealed closed-system U/Pb evolution of the crystalline domains of all investigated zircons irrespective of discordancy-trends documented by U/Pb analyses on related zircon concentrates. Therefore the majority of discordia-lines derived from U/Pb isotope distributions of zircon samples are supposed to be due to phase mixing. Lead components from the crystalline domains are concordant end members of the mixing arrays. Open-system behaviour and U/Pb fractionation should be attributed only to phases with low Pb activation energies eg. metamict zircon domains or intergrown non-zircon minerals.  相似文献   
Hydrogenolysis with rhodium-on-charcoal was found to be an effective method for degrading different types of macromolecular material of geological origin. Between 6 and 70% of coals, kerogens and humic substances were transferred into low-molecular-weight soluble materials. The reaction products contained a series of monomeric and dimeric lignin-derived compounds which strongly suggest intact fossil lignin as their source. The substitutional patterns of the released phenols reflect the type and amount of terrestrial organic matter input and diagenetic alterations.In addition to the lignin constituents, a complete suite of hydrocarbons differing from those of the low-molecular-weight fraction was obtained after hydrogenolysis of the sample material. Hydrocarbons released by the hydrogenolytic degradation technique were attached to the polymeric matrix as monoor polyethers. Deuterium was used in the degradation experiment to evaluate the sites of chemical bonds by which 4-methylsteranes and hopanes are attached to the kerogen matrix. These experiments suggested a linkage of the released molecules with ring A and the side-chain, respectively.  相似文献   
Lead isotopes of K-feldspars from five granites of the SE-Schwarzwald and from metamorphites are positively correlated in 207/204 as well- as 208/204- vs. 206/204-diagrams. The linear alignments may be due to correlated laststage lead isotope evolution (lead-lead isochron) and result in a secondary isochron model age of nearly 3 Ga for the Southern Schwarzwald basement. This calculation implies a long-lasting undisturbed lead isotope evolution in the Schwarzwald basement since the Archaean. This is not supported however by geochronological studies. On the other hand the data together with U/Pb-analyses of whole rock samples from metamorphites are consistent with pre-Hercynian mantle lead addition to the basement. This presumably happened during early Paleozoic polymetamorphism. The interpretation of the lead isotope correlations as mantle-crust mixing lines needs a rather homogeneous pre-Hercynian mantle lead of the MORB-type, delivered to the crust probably in part by ascending volatile phases. Thus geodynamical models are supported which involve subduction of oceanic crust or mantle pluming during the early Paleozoic. In Part I of this report, the trends in Schwarzwald lead isotopes are discussed as secondary isochrons and as mixing lines. Constraints are derived for a pre-Hercynian mantlecrust interaction and for lead redistribution by the Hercynian basement activation.  相似文献   
An end member of the tourmaline series with a structural formula □(Mg2Al)Al6(BO3)3[Si6O18](OH)4 has been synthesized in the system MgO-Al2O3-B2O3-SiO2-H2O where it represents the only phase with a tourmaline structure. Our experiments provide no evidence for the substitutions Al → Mg + H, Mg → 2H, B + H → Si, and AlAl → MgSi and we were not able to synthesize a phase “Mg-aluminobuergerite” characterized by Mg in the (3a)-site and a strong (OH)-deficiency reported by Rosenberg and Foit (1975). The alkali-free tourmaline has a vacant (3a)-site and is related to dravite by the □ + Al for Na + Mg substitution. It is stable from at least 300°C to about 800°C at low fluid pressures and 100% excess B2O3, and can be synthesized up to a pressure of 20 kbars. At higher temperatures the tourmaline decomposes into grandidierite or a boron-bearing phase possibly related to mullite (“B-mullite”), quartz, and unidentified solid phases, or the tourmaline melts incongruently into corundum + liquid, depending on pressure. In the absence of excess B2O3 tourmaline stability is lowered by about 60°C. Tourmaline may coexist with the other MgO-Al2O3-B2O3-SiO2-H2O phases forsterite, enstatite, chlorite, talc, quartz, grandidierite, corundum, spinel, “B-mullite,” cordierite, and sinhalite depending on the prevailing PTX-conditions.The (3a)-vacant tourmaline has the space group R3m with a =15.90 A?, c = 7.115 A?, and V = 1557.0 A?3. However, these values vary at room temperature with the pressure-temperature conditions of synthesis by ±0.015 A? in a, ±0.010 A? in c, and ±4.0 A?3 in V, probably as a result of MgAl order/disorder relations in the octahedral positions. Despite these variations intensity calculations support the assumed structural formula. Refractive indices are no = 1.631(2), nE = 1.610(2), Δn = 0.021. The infrared spectrum is intermediate between those of dravite and elbaite. The common alkali and calcium deficiencies of natural tourmalines may at least partly be explained by miscibilities towards (3a)-vacant end members. The apparent absence of (3a)-vacant tourmaline in nature is probably due to the lack of fluids that carry boron but no Na or Ca.  相似文献   
Altogether 64 predominantly biological traits were coded for more than 600 macroinvertebrate species from European rivers. The main question was: Are biological traits able to reflect “biological functionality” in large rivers and if so, is it possible to deduce an assessment system based on functionality? Analysis of the raw trait structure of all species indicates that these traits are not completely independent from their higher systematic units. To avoid mis-interpretations when judging from mixtures of habitats (β-biocoenosis) we used for our investigations only sample series from -biocoenosis, pre-tested by a mathematical criterion of homogeneity. Within -biocoenosis, traits are shown to be able to compensate for drastic changes with respect to species number and species composition along a river continuum, demonstrating their functional quality. Long-term changes in the trait and species structures of German waterways were studied using multivariate methods, based on an analysis of 142 sampling series. A shift from traits typical for K-strategists to traits typical for r-strategists was detected to be the main background variable. The rK-strategy is regarded as a true functional character of species. We calculated the relative positions of all trait-coded species on this rK-scale, and plotted the functional diversity of our samples against the structural diversity of the species from several river systems. Rivers extremely dominated by r-strategists show a deficit in functional diversity. Rivers dominated by K-strategists also show deficits, possibly in concordance with modern ecological theories such as the intermediate disturbance theory. The quantitative proportions of extreme r- to K-Strategists in -biocoenosis can be used as a general disturbance measure.  相似文献   
We simulated entrainment of carbonates (calcite, dolomite) in silicate impact melts by 1-bar laser melting of silicate–carbonate composite targets, using sandstone, basalt, calcite marble, limestone, dolomite marble, and iron meteorite as starting materials. We demonstrate that carbonate assimilation by silicate melts of variable composition is extremely fast (seconds to minutes), resulting in contamination of silicate melts with carbonate-derived CaO and MgO and release of CO2 at the silicate melt–carbonate interface. We identify several processes, i.e., (1) decomposition of carbonates releases CO2 and produces residual oxides (CaO, MgO); (2) incorporation of residual oxides from proximally dissociating carbonates into silicate melts; (3) rapid back-reactions between residual CaO and CO2 produce idiomorphic calcite crystallites and porous carbonate quench products; (4) high-temperature reactions between Ca-contaminated silicate melts and carbonates yield typical skarn minerals and residual oxide melts; (5) mixing and mingling between Ca- or Ca,Mg-contaminated and Ca- or Ca,Mg-normal silicate melts; (6) precipitation of Ca- or Ca,Mg-rich silicates from contaminated silicate melts upon quenching. Our experiments reproduce many textural and compositional features of typical impact melts originating from silicate–carbonate targets. They reinforce hypotheses that thermal decomposition of carbonates, rapid back-reactions between decomposition products, and incorporation of residual oxides into silicate impact melts are prevailing processes during impact melting of mixed silicate–carbonate targets. However, by comparing our results with previous studies and thermodynamic considerations on the phase diagrams of calcite and quartz, we envisage that carbonate impact melts are readily produced during adiabatic decompression from high shock pressure, but subsequently decompose due to heat influx from coexisting silicate impact melts or hot breccia components. Under certain circumstances, postshock conditions may favor production and conservation of carbonate impact melts. We conclude that the response of mixed carbonate–silicate targets to impact might involve melting and decomposition of carbonates, the dominant response being governed by a complex variety of factors.  相似文献   
Physical models are a well‐established tool in education to strengthen hydrological understanding. They facilitate the straightforward visualization of hydrological processes and allow the communication of hydrological concepts, research and questions of general interest to the public. In order to visualize the water cycle in a landscape of postglacial sediments, in particular the subsurface part, a physical model was constructed. In two videos, (1) a detailed construction manual and (2) visualization examples of hydrological concepts and processes are presented. With our contribution, we like to encourage professionals in the field of hydrology to share methods and tools of knowledge transfer and communication of hydrological concepts. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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