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In 1984, on a transect covering the whole Baltic Sea and parts of the adjacent North Sea, 160 water samples were taken and analysed for their concentrations of particulate and dissolved metals. In addition, the suspended materials were investigated for their elemental bulk composition.The particulate fractions represented from about 5% (Cd, Cu and Ni) to 50% (Fe and Pb) of the total (particulate plus dissolved) concentrations. For some elements (Ba, Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn), the particulate matter from the surface microlayer was enriched with respect to those suspended materials taken from 0.2 m depth. This could reflect the atmospheric input of metal-rich aerosols. In anoxic deep waters, maximum contents of Zn (6400 μg g−1), Cu (1330 μg g−1) and Cd (12 μg g−1) were observed in the particulate matter, indicating sulphidic forms. On the other hand, under oxic conditions the distribution coefficients (Kd) decreased with the water depth (Cd, Fe and Pb).Relative to global background levels, the particulate matter contained metal “excesses” amounting to more than 90% of the total contents (Cd, Mn, Pb and Zn). Automated electron probe X-ray microanalysis (EPXMA) revealed that the elemental composition of sediments is mainly governed by post-depositional processes of early diagenesis and is only weakly related to the composition of suspended matter in the overlying water body. For instance, in relation to surface mud sediments of the central Baltic net-sedimentation basins, Zn, Cd, Cu and Mn had 30–100% higher levels in the suspended materials. The general pattern of metal contents of particulate matter taken from 10 m depth on a transect between the Bothnian Bay and the North Sea were—possibly as a result of anthropogenic inputs—rather similar for Pb, Zn and Cu. For Fe and Mn, the distribution patterns along the transect were probably governed by the natural loading characteristics and by the biogeochemistry of those elements.  相似文献   
The following points are discussed:
(i)  The dependence of the angular velocity, , on the spatial coordinates near the lower boundary, R c, of the solar convection zone (SCZ) can be obtained from an integration with respect to r of a sound approximation to the azimuthal equation of motion. Here P 2 (cos ) is the second-order Legendre polynomial and is the polar angle. Estimates of 0, 2 (the primes denote derivatives with respect to r), based on the best available values for the Reynolds stresses and anisotropic viscosity coefficients, suggest that 0 < 0,=">2 0 for r = R c. Since a reliable theory of anisotropic turbulent coefficients does not exist at present, positive values of 0 are conceivable.
(ii)  In the lower SCZ the latitudinal variations of the superadiabatic gradient vanish if is constant along cylinders. The uniformity of the superadiabatic gradient is, however, inconsequential: the physically meaningful rotation law is the one that insures the uniformity of the convective flux.
(iii)  With the exception of the polar regions, the angular momentum transport in thin azimuthal convective rolls is towards the equator.
(iv)  It is suggested that buoyancy uncorrelates horizontally separated regions in the lower SCZ preventing the generation of magnetic fields with small wave numbers: in consequence, the cycle magnetic field must be generated in a region of weak buoyancy whereas the lower SCZ generates a weak rather stochastic magnetic field. The dependence on rotation of these two types of magnetic field could differ.
(v)  In the context of helioseismology it is customary to expand the perturbations (induced by rotation) of the eigenfrequencies in the following form: , where the notation is standard. The observations reveal that to a good approximation a 1 is independent of l. It is shown that this is the case if is constant with r. For a simple viscous, rotating fluid in the steady state (r) is constant with r if the angular momentum loss vanishes. Let J(ri dr) be the angular momentum of a thin shell of radius r and thickness dr. Since , the constancy of (r) implies that each shell of radius r has the same angular momentum as if the Sun were rotating uniformly with an angular velocity given by . It is discussed whether, alternatively, the observations simply indicate that 0(r) is a slowly varying function of r.
Operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc. under contract with the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   
The unexpectedly large scale height of Io's ionosphere (Kliore, A., et al., 1975, Icarus24, 407–410) together with the relatively large molecular weight of the likely principal constituent, SO2 (Pearl, J., et al., 1979, Nature280, 755–758), suggest a high ionospheric temperature. Electrical induction in Io's ionosphere due to the corotating plasma bound to the Jovian magnetosphere is one possible source for attainment of such high temperatures. Accordingly, unipolar induction models were constructed to calculate ionospheric joule heating numerically. Heating rates produced by highly simplified models lie in the range 10?9 to 10?8 W/m3. These heating rates are lower than those determined from uv photodissociative heating models (Kumar, S., 1980, Geophys. Res. Lett.7, 9–12) at low levels in the ionosphere but are comparable in the upper ionosphere. The low electrical heating rate throughout most of the ionosphere is due to the power limitation imposed by the Alfvén wings which complete the electrical circuit (Neubauer, F.M., 1980, J. Geophys. Res.85, 1171–1178). Contrary to the pre-Voyager calculations of Cloutier, P. A., et al. (1978, Astrophys. Space Sci.55, 93–112), our numerical results show that the J × B force density due to unipolar induction currents in the ionosphere is much less than the gravitational force density when the combined mass of the neutral species is included. The binding and coupling of the ionosphere is principally due to the relatively dense (possibly localized) neutral SO2 atmosphere. In regions where the ions and neutrals are collisionally coupled the ionosphere will not be stripped off by the J × B forces. However at a level above that (to which the ions move by diffusion only) the charged species would be removed. Thus there appears to be no need to postulate the existence of an intrinsic Ionian magnetic field as suggested by Kivelson, M. G., et al. (79, Science 205, 491–493) and Southwood, S. J., et al. (1980, J. Geophys. Res., in press) in order to retain the observed ionosphere.  相似文献   
The work of searching, recovering and quality control of ancient sea-level measurements at Brest is presented. This work enables us to complete a study carried out by Cartwright in 1972, which showed a decrease in the tidal M2 semi-diurnal amplitude of 1% per century. After including these ancient data, as well as the last four decades of observations in the analysis, our results show an increase of the amplitude of M2 after 1960 and a decrease before 1880, suggesting a long-period oscillation rather than a steady secular trend. To cite this article: N. Pouvreau et al., C. R. Geoscience 338 (2006).  相似文献   
The discovery of crude oils and condensates at ever higher temperatures casts doubt on the validity of the usual geochemical modelling approach, that uses empirical reactions and rate constants. The solution used to account for such a high thermal stability is presently to adjust the rate parameters, but the physical meaning and scientific value of such a strategy can be questioned. We have developed a mechanistic model consisting of 5200 lumped free radical reactions to describe the thermal evolution of a mixture of 52 organic species meant to represent light petroleum. Rate constants used are those available in the literature or estimated using well established thermochemistry-reactivity correlations. Chemical structures included in the model are linear, branched and cyclic hydrocarbons, hydro- and alkyl-aromatics, PAHs, and three heteroatomic compounds. Reactions include cracking and alkylation chains and inhibiting and accelerating reactions from the various reactants. This model has been applied to several mixtures with various proportions of reaction inhibitors and accelerators, and to a composition representing a light mature oil. From the results obtained, we conclude that mature oils will be stable up to 240–260 °C, depending on their composition, and that the thermal cracking of oil to gas is not possible under reasonable basin conditions. The kinetics of petroleum cracking are thus much slower than generally recognized.  相似文献   
Palaeomagnetic study, carried out in the Moscovian (~305 Ma) formation in the Edjeleh anticline, shows the existence of three magnetisation components. Two of them are probably Cenozoic and Permian remagnetisations. The third component determined by both well defined ChRMs and remagnetisation circles analysis passes the fold test. Because the folding started before or during the Stephano-Autunian, this third component is the primary magnetisation. Its palaeomagnetic pole (28.3°S, 58.9°E), close to other poles from the Saharan platform obtained from neighbouring periods but without palaeomagnetic tests, confirms the age of these last data. To cite this article: B. Bayou et al., C. R. Geoscience 334 (2002) 81–87.  相似文献   
In eastern North Island New Zealand, oblique subduction of the Pacific Plate beneath the Australian Plate is associated with strain partitioning. Dextral along-strike component of displacement occurred first at Early Miocene major faults within the eastern fore-arc domain. These faults were active from Early Miocene to Pliocene times. Since Pliocene times, most of the movement occurs at western faults such as the Wellington Fault. The latter joins the back-arc domain to the north. The jump of wrench faulting is related to the oblique opening of the back-arc domain. Both phenomena are impeded southwards by the Hikurangi oceanic plateau entering the subduction zone. To cite this article: J. Delteil et al., C. R. Geoscience 335 (2003).  相似文献   
Classification of artificial (man-made) ground   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The legacy inherited from anthropogenic processes needs to be addressed in order to provide reliable and up-to-date ground information relevant to development and regeneration in the urban environment. The legacy includes voids as well as anthropogenic deposits (artificial ground). Their characteristics derive from former quarrying and mining activities industrial processes creating derelict ground, variably consolidated made ground, and contaminated groundwater and soils. All need to be systematically assessed to inform the planning process and provide the basis for engineering solutions. Site-specific investigation needs to be conducted on the back of good quality geoscientific data. This comes from ‘field’ survey, remotely sensed data interpretation, historical maps, soil geochemical sampling, and geotechnical investigation. Three-dimensional and, in the future, four dimensional, characterization of superficial deposits is required to reach an understanding of the potential spatial lithological variability of artificial ground and the geometry of important surfaces, i.e. the boundary conditions. The classification scheme for artificial ground outlined in this paper and adopted by the British Geological Survey, will help in achieving this understanding.  相似文献   
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