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We present the results of a thrust fault reactivation study that has been carried out using analogue (sandbox) and numerical modelling techniques. The basement of the Pannonian basin is built up of Cretaceous nappe piles. Reactivation of these compressional structures and connected weakness zones is one of the prime agents governing Miocene formation and Quaternary deformation of the basin system. However, reactivation on thrust fault planes (average dip of ca. 30°) in normal or transtensional stress regimes is a problematic process in terms of rock mechanics. The aim of the investigation was to analyse how the different stress regimes (extension or strike-slip), and the geometrical as well as the mechanical parameters (dip and strike of the faults, frictional coefficients) effect the reactivation potential of pre-existing faults.

Results of analogue modelling predict that thrust fault reactivation under pure extension is possible for fault dip angle larger than 45° with normal friction value (sand on sand) of the fault plane. By making the fault plane weaker, reactivation is possible down to 35° dip angle. These values are confirmed by the results of numerical modelling. Reactivation in transtensional manner can occur in a broad range of fault dip angle (from 35° to 20°) and strike angle (from 30° to 5° with respect to the direction of compression) when keeping the maximum horizontal stress magnitude approximately three times bigger than the vertical or the minimum horizontal stress values.

Our research focussed on two selected study areas in the Pannonian basin system: the Danube basin and the Derecske trough in its western and eastern part, respectively. Their Miocene tectonic evolution and their fault reactivation pattern show considerable differences. The dominance of pure extension in the Danube basin vs. strike-slip faulting (transtension) in the Derecske trough is interpreted as a consequence of their different geodynamic position in the evolving Pannonian basin system. In addition, orientation of the pre-existing thrust fault systems with respect to the Early to Middle Miocene paleostress fields had a major influence on reactivation kinematics.

As part of the collapsing east Alpine orogen, the area of the Danube basin was characterised by elevated topography and increased crustal thickness during the onset of rifting in the Pannonian basin. Consequently, an excess of gravitational potential energy resulted in extension (σv > σH) during Early Miocene basin formation. By the time topography and related crustal thickness variation relaxed (Middle Miocene), the stress field had rotated and the minimum horizontal stress axes (σh) became perpendicular to the main strike of the thrusts. The high topography and the rotation of σh could induce nearly pure extension (dip-slip faulting) along the pre-existing low-angle thrusts. On the contrary, the Derecske trough was situated near the Carpathian subduction belt, with lower crustal thickness and no pronounced topography. This resulted in much lower σv value than in the Danube basin. Moreover, the proximity of the retreating subduction slab provided low values of σh and the oblique orientation of the paleostress fields with respect to the master faults of the trough. This led to the dominance of strike-slip faulting in combination with extension and basin subsidence (transtension).  相似文献   

Many organic compounds or their precursorsfound in meteorites originated in the interstellar or circumstellarmedium and were later incorporated intoplanetesimals during the formation of thesolar system. There they either survivedintact or underwent further processing tosynthesize secondary products on themeteorite parent body.The most distinct feature of CI and CM carbonaceouschondrites, two typesof stony meteorites, is their high carbon content(up to 3% of weight), either in theform of carbonates or of organic compounds. The bulkof the organic carbon consistsof an insoluble macromolecular material with a complexstructure. Also present is asoluble organic fraction, which has been analyzedby several separation and analyticalprocedures. Low detection limits can be achievedby derivatization of the organicmolecules with reagents that allow for analysisby gas chromatography/massspectroscopy and high performance liquidchromatography. The CM meteoriteMurchison has been found to contain more than70 extraterrestrial amino acids andseveral other classes of compounds includingcarboxylic acids, hydroxy carboxylicacids, sulphonic and phosphonic acids, aliphatic,aromatic and polar hydrocarbons,fullerenes, heterocycles as well as carbonylcompounds, alcohols, amines and amides.The organic matter was found to be enriched indeuterium, and distinct organiccompounds show isotopic enrichments of carbon andnitrogen relative to terrestrialmatter.  相似文献   
DNA depurination and amino acid racemization take place at similar rates in aqueous solution at neutral pH. This relationship suggests that amino acid racemization may be useful in accessing the extent of DNA chain breakage in ancient biological remains. To test this suggestion, we have investigated the amino acids in insects entombed in fossilized tree resins ranging in age from <100 years to 130 million years. The amino acids present in 40 to 130 million year old amber-entombed insects resemble those in a modern fly and are probably the most ancient, unaltered amino acids found so far on Earth. In comparison to other geochemical environments on the surface of the Earth, the amino acid racemization rate in amber insect inclusions is retarded by a factor of >10(4). These results suggest that in amber insect inclusions DNA depurination rates would also likely be retarded in comparison to aqueous solution measurements, and thus DNA fragments containing many hundreds of base pairs should be preserved. This conclusion is consistent with the reported successful retrieval of DNA sequences from amber-entombed organisms.  相似文献   
Stable carbon isotope measurements of the organic matter associated with the carbonate globules and the bulk matrix material in the ALH84001 Martian meteorite indicate that two distinct sources are present in the sample. The delta 13C values for the organic matter associated with the carbonate globules averaged -26% and is attributed to terrestrial contamination. In contrast, the delta 13C values for the organic matter associated with the bulk matrix material yielded a value of -15%. The only common sources of carbon on the Earth that yield similar delta 13C values, other then some diagenetically altered marine carbonates, are C4 plants. A delta 13C value of -15%, on the other hand, is consistent with a kerogen-like component, the most ubiquitous form of organic matter found in carbonaceous chondrites such as the Murchison meteorite. Examination of the carbonate globules and bulk matrix material using laser desorption mass spectrometry (LDMS) indicates the presence of a high molecular weight organic component which appears to be extraterrestrial in origin, possibly derived from the exogenous delivery, of meteoritic or cometary debris to the surface of Mars.  相似文献   
A method of geochronology based on the chemical racemization of amino acids has been developed within the last few years. The various amino acids that make up the proteins of all living organisms consist virtually entirely of thel-enantiomer. After death, thel-enantiomer for each amino acid is slowly racemized over geological time and eventually forms an equilibrium mixture consisting of equal amounts of thed- andl-enantiometer. The increase in D/L ratio can be used to obtain a measure of the time that has elapsed since the organism died. The range of applicability of this method is the Pleistocene and may eventually be useful throughout the Pliocene in some cases. This paper presents a review of the literature on these applications as well as several suggested areas for future research.Unlike radionuclide decay rates, chemical reaction rates are sensitive to changes in such common environmental parameters as temperature, pH, solvent-medium, etc. For this reason, kinetic studies have been conducted at elevated temperatures in various “fossil-types” in order to simulate the changes that occur over long periods of time at the low temperatures found on the surface of the earth. Such studies, while of somewhat limited value for precise extrapolation, do nevertheless provide valuable information on which to base the theoretical concepts necessary for a complete understanding of the geochemical implications of the racemization reaction.Skeletal remains form the most suitable fossils for chronological study. Proteinaceous material is found embedded within the carbonate exoskeletons of invertebrates and the phosphatic endoskeletons of vertebrates. Most of the geochemical racemization studies have been conducted on foraminiferal shells and on bones. However, some work has also been reported on shells of other invertebrates, marine and lacustrine clays, and a few abiogenic concretions.Since the racemization reaction is temperature dependent, it has been used as a paleothermometer to estimate the average temperature to which bones and shells of independently known age have been exposed since their deposition. These average temperatures as a function of time have then been converted into estimates of the magnitude of the Holocene postglacial/Wisconsin glacial temperature change on land. They have also been used to obtain estimates of the “time-averaged” thermal gradient in deep-sea sediments using foraminifera isolated from the sediments.  相似文献   
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are important components of the interstellar medium and carbonaceous chondrites, but have never been identified in the reducing atmospheres of the outer solar system. Incompletely characterized complex organic solids (tholins) produced by irradiating simulated Titan atmospheres reproduce well the observed UV/visible/IR optical constants of the Titan stratospheric haze. Titan tholin and a tholin generated in a crude simulation of the atmosphere of Jupiter are examined by two-step laser desorption/multiphoton ionization mass spectrometry. A range of two- to four-ring PAHs, some with one to four alkylation sites are identified, with net abundance approximately 10(-4) g g-1 (grams per gram) of tholins produced. Synchronous fluorescence techniques confirm this detection. Titan tholins have proportionately more one- and two-ring PAHs than do Jupiter tholins, which in turn have more four-ring and larger PAHs. The four-ringed PAH chrysene, prominent in some discussions of interstellar grains, is found in Jupiter tholins. Solid state 13C NMR spectroscopy suggests approximately equal to 25% of the total C in both tholins is tied up in aromatic and/or aliphatic alkenes. IR spectra indicate an upper limit in both tholins of approximately equal to 6% by mass in benzenes, heterocyclics, and PAHs with more than four rings. Condensed PAHs may contribute at most approximately 10% to the observed detached limb haze layers on Titan. As with interstellar PAHs, the synthesis route of planetary PAHs is likely to be via acetylene addition reactions.  相似文献   
Determination of alloThr/Thr ratios in foraminiferal tests ranging in age from Recent to ~ 700,000 yr B.P. has shown that threonine epimerization ratios approach a steady-state value of ~0.2. This is well below the equilibrium ratio of ~0.9 as measured in buffered aqueous solutions. It has also been found that the initial rate of decomposition of threonine in fossil foraminfera is about an order of magnitude faster than would be predicted on the basis of extrapolation from high temperature kinetic studies on free threonine in buffered aqueous solution. These results are apparently a consequence of metal cation catalysis of both the decomposition and the epimerization of free threonine, which is being continually released by the slow hydrolysis of peptide and proteinaceous material present in the fossil shells.  相似文献   
Investigation of amino acid racemization in fossil bones and teeth from the Olduvai Gorge region, Tanzania, indicates that aspartic acid racemization can be used to date samples which are less than ~80,000–100,000 years old in this area. In older samples, significant secondary aspartic acid is apparently present and thus these samples have lower than expectedD/L aspartic acid ratios. Isoleucine in older samples, however, is apparently syngenetic with the samples, so the epimerization of isoleucine to alloisoleucine can be used with certain limitations to date fossil bones and teeth from the older stratigraphic sections in the Olduvai region.  相似文献   
If we are to find unequivocal evidence for life on Mars, we will need new ways to search for it. Jeff L Bada and the MOD team describe the innovative strategy developed for the ExoMars mission.  相似文献   
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