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It is known that there is a front-like structure at the mixed layer depth (MLD) distribution in the subtropical gyre, which is called the MLD front, and is associated with the formation region of mode water. In the present article, the generation mechanism of the MLD front is studied using an idealized ocean general circulation model with no seasonal forcing. First, it is shown that the MLD front occurs along a curve where u g ·∇T s = 0 is satisfied (u g is the upper ocean geostrophic velocity vector, T s is the sea surface temperature and ∇ is the horizontal gradient operator). In other words, the front is the boundary between the subduction region (u g ·∇T s > 0) and the region where subduction does not occur (u g ·∇T s < 0). Second, we have investigated subduction of low potential vorticity water at the MLD front, which has been pointed out by past studies. Since u g ·∇T s = 0 at the MLD front, the water particles do not cross the outcrop at the MLD front. The water that is subducted at the MLD front has come from the deep mixed layer region where the sea surface temperature is higher than that at the MLD front. The temperature of the water in the deep mixed layer region decreases as it is advected eastward, attains its minimum at the MLD front where u g ·∇T s = 0, and then subducts under the warmer surface layer. Since the deep mixed layer water subducts beneath a thin stratified surface layer, maintaining its thickness, the mixed layer depth changes abruptly at the subduction location.  相似文献   
In drylands, water deficit is the primary factor limiting plant growth. In the present study, surface energy balance and plant growth (above‐ground and below‐ground biomass) were measured continuously during the 2002 growing season in semiarid grassland in the northern part of Kazakhstan, Central Asia. Although there was above normal total rainfall during the 2002 growing season (May–November; 244 mm over 183 days), there was a dry period during July and August. Evaporative water was effectively supplied by precipitation and surface soil moisture during the wet season (May and June), during which time above‐ground biomass increased. During the early stages of the dry period, mature plants were likely to tap deeper sources of soil moisture, representing stored snowmelt water. As the soil moisture content decreased during the summer dry period due to the high levels of evapotranspiration and lack of precipitation, the evaporative fraction and above‐ground biomass rapidly decreased, whereas the below‐ground biomass increased. These results suggest that in summer, soil moisture acts to store water, and that soil moisture is essential for plant growth as a direct source of water during the dry period in natural grasslands in the Kazakhstan steppe. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
We carried out precise crustal strain observation using a laser strainmeter system at the Rokko-Takao station in Kobe, Japan from 1989 to 1997. The long-term strain record is characterized by remarkable annual changes of the order of 2–3×10−6 and linear strain accumulation of −4.4×10−7/year (in contraction). The annual strain changes are inversely proportional to temperature changes that precede the strain changes by about 1 month. The apparent annual strain changes were mainly caused by refractive-index changes in the light path due to the ambient temperature changes. After eliminating the annual temperature effect, linear strain accumulation is corrected to be −6.3−6.7×10−7/year. Residual strains show the oscillating behavior, in which the oscillating cycle seems to become shorter and shorter as time goes by. During the period, a destructive earthquake of M=7.2 occurred near the Kobe City on 17 January 1995. We investigated the oscillating behavior in secular variations of ground-strains by introducing the deterministic approach of earthquake prediction to search for the “critical point” of the occurrence of an earthquake in the extended power law equation. However, we could not obtain a unique solution to determine eight unknown parameters including the “critical point”. This may be mainly due to lack of data for 4 months from August to November in 1994 by the failure of the laser source before the occurrence of earthquake on 17 January 1995. After removing environmental effects and tidal components, we carefully re-examined strain changes in 7 days and 1 day before the occurrence of the earthquake, but we could not detect anomalous strain changes exceeding 1×10−8 before the earthquake.  相似文献   
Trace elements in the Geological Survey of Japan carbonate reference materials Coral JCp-1 and Giant Clam JCt-1 were determined by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry after digestion with 2% v/v HNO3. A standard addition method was adopted in this determination in order to neutralise the Ca matrix effect. In addition, Sc, Y, In and Bi were used as internal standards to control the matrix effect and correct instrumental drift. Of the eighteen elements measured in JCp-1, precisions for fourteen elements, including Cu, Cd and Ba, were better than 10% RSD and concentrations ranged from 0.002 μg g-1 (Cs) to 8.02 μg g-1 (Ba). The concentrations of measured trace elements in JCt-1, except for Cu, were lower than those in JCp-1. Precisions for all elements with concentrations higher than 0.04 μg g-1 in JCt-1 were also better than 10% RSD and concentrations were found to be between 0.001 μg g-1 (Cs) and 4.84 μg g-1 (Ba). The concentrations of more than fifteen trace elements in the aragonite reference materials are reported here for the first time. Both reference materials are suitable for use in geochemical studies of environmental reconstruction based upon biogenic carbonate materials.  相似文献   
The global carbon cycle, one of the important biogeochemical cycles controlling the surface environment of the Earth, has been greatly affected by human activity. Anthropogenic nutrient loading from urban sewage and agricultural runoff has caused eutrophication of aquatic systems. The impact of this eutrophication and consequent photosynthetic activity on CO2 exchange between freshwater systems and the atmosphere is unclear. In this study, we focused on how nutrient loading to lakes affects their carbonate system. Here, we report results of surveys of lakes in Japan at different stages of eutrophication. Alkalization due to photosynthetic activity and decreases in PCO2 had occurred in eutrophic lakes (e.g., Lake Kasumigaura), whereas in an acidotrophic lake (Lake Inawashiro) that was impacted by volcanic hot springs, nutrient loading was changing the pH and carbon cycling. When the influence of volcanic activity was stronger in the past in Lake Inawashiro, precipitation of volcanic-derived iron and aluminum had removed nutrients by co-precipitation. During the last three decades, volcanic activity has weakened and the lake water has become alkalized. We inferred that this rapid alkalization did not result just from the reduction in acid inputs but was also strongly affected by increased photosynthetic activity during this period. Human activities affect many lakes in the world. These lakes may play an important part in the global carbon cycle through their influence on CO2 exchange between freshwater and the atmosphere. Biogeochemical changes and processes in these systems have important implications for future changes in aquatic carbonate systems on land.  相似文献   
Neocalanus flemingeri, Neocalanus plumchrus, Neocalanus cristatus and Eucalanus bungii are large and dominant mesozooplankton occurring throughout the subarctic Pacific. They are an important trophic link and transporter of organic matter to the mesopelagic zone. Vertical distributions of these copepods were investigated from March to October 2000 in the Oyashio region of the western subarctic Pacific. Neocalanus plumchrus and N. flemingeri were distributed in the surface layer (0–50 m) and N. cristatus and E. bungii in the subsurface layer (50–100 m). However, when examined in detail, clear seasonal and vertical differences were observed. Neocalanus plumchrus was concentrated in the top 20 m from late April to the end of July, and N. flemingeri showed a little deeper distribution from May to July. Neocalanus cristatus showed a deeper distribution than that of grazing individuals of E. bungii from April to early July, but grazing individuals of E. bungii (C3–C6) showed a deeper distribution than that of N. cristatus from the end of July to October. Early copepodites of E. bungii were distributed much shallower than late copepodite stages and overlapped with copepodites of N. plumchrus and N. flemingeri. These results suggest that the four species of large copepods have established habitat segregation by season, vertical distribution and food resource partitioning in the Oyashio region as well as other regions of the North Pacific.  相似文献   
The first iron (Fe) – fertilization experiment in the western North Pacific was carried out using SF6 to trace the Fe-fertilized water mass. A solution in 10,800 liters of seawater of 350 kg of Fe and 0.48 M of SF6 tracer was released into the mixed layer over a 8 × 10 km area. On the first underway transects through the patch after the Fe release, we observed a significant increase of dissolved Fe (ave. 2.89 nM). The fertilized patch was traced for 14 days by on-board SF6 analysis. A Lagrangian frame of reference was maintained by the use of a drogued GPS buoy released at the center of the patch. The patch moved westward at a rate of 6.8 km d−1. Mixed layer depth increased from 8.5 to 15 m during the experiment. Horizontal diffusivity was determined by the change of SF6 concentration in the patch. The horizontal diffusivity increased during the experiment. We evaluate here the fate of Fe in a Fe-fertilized patch using the dilution rate determined from sulphur hexafluoride (SF6) concentration. Dissolved Fe concentrations subsequently decreased rapidly to 0.15 nM on Day 13. However, the dissolved Fe half-life of 43 h was relatively longer than in previous Fe-enrichment studies, and we observed a larger increase of the centric diatom standing stock and corresponding drawdown of macro-nutrients and carbon dioxide than in the previous studies. The most important reason for the larger response was the phytoplankton species in the western North Pacific. In addition, the smaller diffusivity and shallower mixed layer were effective to sustain the higher dissolved Fe concentration compared to previous experiments. This might be one reason for the larger response of diatoms in SEEDS.  相似文献   
A well-preserved radiolarian fauna from a clastic unit of the Khabarovsk accretionary complex (southern part of the Badzhal accretionary wedge terrane in the Russian Far East) is assigned to the basal part of the Pseudodictyomitra carpatica zone. The age of the fauna is most likely late Tithonian. This is the first reliable dating of the clastic unit and makes it possible to constrain the timing of subduction accretion in the Badzhal terrane. The Khabarovsk complex is correlated chronologically with the Bikin and Samarka terranes (Russian Far East), Mino, Southern Chichibu and North Kitakami terranes (Japan), and Nadanhada terrane (northeast China).  相似文献   
The extended Canadian Middle Atmosphere Model (extended CMAM) is a general circulation model, which extends from the surface to about 210 km. Spatial complex spectral analysis is applied to horizontal winds simulated by the extended CMAM to obtain semidiurnal tidal amplitudes and phases (from e5 to w5) in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere (MLT) region. The dominant w2 migrating component and the presence of eight nonmigrating tides (w3, w4, w5, e1, e2, e3, e4 and e5) in the mid-latitudes are identified. Components w1 and s0, which tend to maximize at high latitudes, will be discussed separately in a later paper. The migrating semidiurnal tide (w2) has amplitudes reaching over 20 m s−1 for both zonal and meridional winds in the mid-latitude region. Its form compares well to the published results. The amplitudes of nonmigrating semidiurnal tides are non-negligible compared with the migrating semidiurnal tides. The amplitudes for w3 and e2 exceed 12 and 8 m s−1, respectively.Comparisons are made with four nonmigrating semidiurnal components (w3, w4, e1 and e2) derived from the TIMED Doppler interferometer (TIDI) wind measurements between 85 and 105 km altitude and between 45°S and 45°N latitude. Overall, the basic CMAM and TIDI latitudinal structures of the amplitudes agree well and the agreement between the annual mean amplitudes varies with component. Relative to the TIDI results, the CMAM seasonal variations of w4 are in good agreement, of e2 are in reasonable agreement, of w3 are in partial agreement and of e1 are in poor agreement.The 11 semidiurnal components from the model are superimposed to generate the total semidiurnal winds at Jakarta (6°S, 106°E) and Kototabang (0°, 100°E) and are compared with measurements from two equatorial meteor radar stations at these sites. The relative contributions of components to the reconstructed amplitude vary from month to month. The CMAM reconstructions are generally larger than the radar results by a factor varying between one and two. The phases in the radar data are typically stationary with respect to height, whereas they generally decrease with height in the CMAM reconstruction.  相似文献   
We investigated frequency-magnitude distribution (FMD) of acoustic emissions (AE) occurring near an active mining front in a South African gold mine, using a catalog developed from an AE network, which is capable of detecting AEs down to M W  ?5. When records of blasts were removed, FMDs of AEs obeyed a Gutenberg?Richter law with similar b values, not depending on post-blasting time from the initial 1-min interval through more than 30 h. This result denies a suggestion in a previous study (Richardson and Jordan Bull Seismol Soc Am, 92:1766–1782, 2002) that new fractures generated by blasting disturb the size distribution of background events, which they interpreted as slip events on existing weak planes. Our AE catalog showed that the GR law with b ~ 1.2 was valid between M W  ?3.7 and 0 for AEs around the mining front. Further, using the mine’s seismic catalog, which covers a longer time period of the same area, we could extend the validity range of the GR law with the same b value up to M W 1.  相似文献   
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