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Rapid shifts in past climate recorded in polar ice sheets have elicited various explanations relating to either thermohaline circulation changes by ice-rafting or natural greenhouse gas concentrations modulated by climatic conditions in the tropics. To compare the tropical paleoclimate record with the polar record, one must choose sediment cores from highly productive ocean regions. Necessarily, such regions reflect the wind records in the tropics, because high productivity is associated with upwelling driven by winds. Comparing tropical precipitation records with high-latitude records is, however, a more difficult task because sediments recording paleoprecipitation usually have low sedimentation rates, and offer coarser resolution relative to polar ice cores. Here, we present δ 18O data of three planktonic species of Foraminifera (a proxy for precipitation) from such a sediment core, spanning the past 35 ka for the equatorial Indian Ocean, which falls under the southwest monsoon (SWM) realm. Results show that minimum SWM precipitation occurred at the Last Glacial Maximum, with a subsequent increase at Termination IA. During the Holocene, SWM precipitation intensified uniformly up to the core top (∼2.2 ka b.p.), as revealed by generally decreasing δ 18O values. Variations in precipitation are consistent with climate changes recorded in polar ice sheets. Although the different resolutions of the two records preclude a rigorous comparison, abrupt cooling/warming events appear to be accompanied by sudden reduction/enhancement in (SWM) rainfall. Thus, mechanisms with time scales much shorter than a millennium, such as natural greenhouse warming (e.g., CH4 concentration), controlled by emissions from the tropics, could have played a major role in high-latitude climate change.  相似文献   
Extensive potassium and phosphorous-rich mineralization occurs on the outer continental shelf of the southern and west coasts of South Africa and Nambia. This article reviews the potential of exploiting these deposits in an environmentally sound manner for the manufacture of fertilizer. At present, reserves of potash and phosphate fertilizer are exploited from terresterial deposits, the majority being surface mined. The use of fertilizer in South Africa has shown no growth in the past 13 years, and, in some years, usage has even declined. On average, over the last decade, South Africa has consumed 2 million Mt of fertilizer (including nitrogen) per annum, the vast majority of phosphate fertilizer being produced by FOSKOR from the Phalaborwa Igneous Complex. Potash fertilizer is imported into South Africa. Although fertilizer consumption is expected to decrease in the short-term, there are good future prospects for the domestic and international fertilizer market. Considerable research into both glauconitic (containing K 2 O) and phosphatic deposits along the southern African continental shelf indicate that these sedimentary deposits have a complex genesis and mineralization. Of the total K 2 O reserves of 1300 million Mt on the southern African margin, 1000 million Mt is located off the southern African west coast, and the remainder situated on the Agulhas Bank. The largest glauconite concentration ( ±300 million Mt K 2 O) off southern Africa lies west of Saldanha Bay, South Africa. The distribution of P 2 O 5 off southern Africa is dominated by the vast deposit between Walvis Bay and Luderitz, Nambia. This reserve is estimated to contain 1000 million Mt of greater than 5% P 2 O 5 in a relatively small area of about 10000 km2. The phosphorite deposit south of Saldanha Bay constitutes a reserve of ±3500 million Mt of apatite and the deposit on the Agulhas Bank comprises 5500 million Mt. The phosphate deposit off Saldanha Bay occurs as an extensive, low to medium grade deposit. Although vast resources of potash and phosphatic minerals occur along the southern African outer continental shelf the expensive nature of marine exploitation may render most of these deposits, especially the phosphates, subeconomic. The low price of fertilizer andextensive natureontheonland deposits, although confined to asmallnumber of countries, mean that it will not be financially viable to extract these deposits. Assuming high grade glauconitic sand with the right composition can be located, the high market price indicates good future prospects for these potash deposits.  相似文献   
Data on the Tsushima Current and its neighboring coastal current are analyzed to examine short-term variability of the currents and storm events due to typhoons. A three current-meter array was deployed in a strong current region of the east Tsushima channel during summer in 1983 and 1984, and other two current-meter arrays in the eastern coastal area of the channel (the Sea of Genkai) in the summer and autumn in 1983. The observations of coastal current show that the kinetic energy of the subtidal current component was larger in summer than in autumn by a factor of about 2. A comparison of the wind stresses and the estimated values of mixed layer depth in the summer and autumn season suggest that this seasonal change is closely associated with that of the mixed layer depth rather than with that of the wind stress. The Tsushima Current was greatly influenced by two storm events: its speed increased by a factor of 2 in one event and decreased to nearly zero in the other. Such a large variation of mean current during the storm was observed only for the Tsushima Current and not for the coastal current, suggesting that the Tsushima Current may temporarily change its regular course as a result of a storm.  相似文献   
根据1992年6月-1994年6月国内外发表资料,评述海洋藻类活性物质研究的生物技术及最新成果。认为,海洋生物活性物质研究的重心正转向与海洋生物技术有关的研究。运用生物技术筛选、提取并生产藻类活性物质已经成为这一领域的主流。综合文献表明,藻类活性物质的生物技术正走向成熟,大量的活性物质被发现,光生物反应器将成为主要的下游生产技术,通过藻类基因工程生产药物已初现端倪。  相似文献   

Environmental sustainability and the long-term wellbeing of Māori (the indigenous people of New Zealand) are interdependent and degradation of landscapes risks the progressive degradation of Māori wellbeing. The present study developed an analysis framework based on Ki Uta Ki Tai (holistic-mountains to the sea- management philosophy advocated by Ngāi Tahu) for exploring relationships between landcover and Māori values to enable predictions of cultural values through space and time. We used this framework to predict how two Māori values (Overall Health and Cultural Land Use) have been altered as a result of landcover change between 2001–2012 in three Canterbury catchments. The area of native vegetation declined while exotic pasture increased between 2001–2012, and there were corresponding declines in both cultural health scores. These results suggest that the change in landcover has reduced the ability of the landscape to support Māori values. This framework for assessing changes in Māori values with respect to changing environmental conditions may identify opportunities for Māori to better engage in land use management decisions.  相似文献   
The most widely used mathematical model to represent flow-induced in-line forces on structures is based on the Morison1 equation. The present paper investigates the validity of using an extension of Morison's equation for non-stationary structures, by comparing predictions with results from a simple laboratory experiment. An elastically-mounted circular cylinder is placed in the sinusoidal flow of a U-tube, and responds in-line with the flow. Cylinder forces and responses are recorded over a range of Keulegan Carpenter numbers up to 35. An equation of motion is solved simply by using relative coordinates and by employing equivalent linearisation. The linear results are compared over a wide variation of parameters with solutions using the full nonlinear equation. Thereafter experimental results are compared with linear predictions.  相似文献   
Three outdoor plastic tanks were filled with North Sea water. The water was filtered free of algae and inoculated with the diatom Thalassiosira rotula. Under nearly natural nutrient supply an exponential plankton growth occurred with realistic cell concentrations. The flexible tanks (3–4 m3, 4–5 m deep) were exposed in the German Bight at a station in the outer harbour of Helgoland. The concentration changes of dissolved free amino acids (DFAA) were determined. The direct determination method applied permitted an analysis in picomole range without loss and with good reproducibility. The preliminary concentration of DFAA amounted to 0.2 μmol dm−3 in all three cultures, increasing during the development of T. rotula to 0.9–1.3 μmol dm−3 and decreasing in the stationary phase back again to smaller values. A high degree of temporal variation in DFAA was observed in all three cultures. In spite of these rapid changes in concentration, a good parallel development could be shown for all cultures, which extended as far as the spectra of the amino acids. Relationships between DFAA and other parameters of the culture-systems were examined.  相似文献   
Geomorphic, stratigraphic, and faunal observations of submarine slide scars that occur along the flanks of Monterey Canyon in 2.0–2.5 km water depths were made to identify the processes that continue to alter the surface of a submarine landslide scar after the initial slope failure. Deep-sea chemosynthetic biological communities and small caves are common on the sediment-free surfaces of the slide scars, especially along the headwall. The chemosynthetic organisms observed on slide scars in Monterey Canyon undergo a faunal succession based in part on their ability to maintain their access to the redox boundaries in the sediment on which they depend on as an energy source. By burrowing into the seafloor, these organisms are able to follow the retreating redox boundaries as geochemical re-equilibration occurs on the sole of the slide. As these organisms dig into the seafloor on the footwall, they often generate small caves and weaken the remaining seafloor. While chemosynthetic biological communities are typically used as indicators of fluid flow, these communities may be supported by methane and hydrogen sulfide that are diffusing out of the fresh seafloor exposed at the sole of the slide by the slope failure event. If so, these chemosynthetic biological communities may simply mark sites of recent seafloor exhumation, and are not reliable fluid seepage indicators.  相似文献   
Mesoscale eddies are frequently observed in the Greenland and Barents Seas' marginal ice zone (MIZ). The objective of this study was to investigate the hypothesis that acoustic hotspots along the ice-edge region are due to mesoscale eddy currents interacting with the broken-up ice floes in the MIZ. To test this hypothesis, ambient-noise case studies were carried out during the MIZEX 85-87 and SIZEX 89 field experiments. In each experiment, ice-edge eddies were localized visually from aircraft and by use of satellite remote-sensing data obtained in near real time. Sonobuoys were, thereafter, deployed by fix-wing aircraft and helicopters in selected eddy areas. Ambient-noise data, recorded over several hours by aircraft, were analyzed estimating averaged ambient-noise levels at four selected frequencies: 40, 100, 315, and 1000 Hz. The analysis showed high mean levels and large gradients in ambient noise near ice-edge eddies and during strong wind and wave forcing against the ice edge. The conclusion of this study is that mapping of the ice edge and localization of mesoscale ocean processes using remote sensing from space will provide important input to ambient-noise prediction in the MIZ.  相似文献   
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