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Sources and chronologies of metal contamination were studied in sediment cores of three lakes of the Rouyn-Noranda mining area (Québec, Canada) affected by atmospheric deposition of anthropogenic contaminants. One of the three lakes also received acid mine drainage. The sediments were dated using 210Pb and 137Cs and analysed for stable Pb isotope ratios and for total concentrations of 15 elements (Ag, Al, Au, Ca, Cu, Cd, Fe, Hg, Mn, Ni, P, Pb, S, Ti, Zn). Stable lead isotopic signatures helped to determine the quantitative contributions of different industrial Pb sources to our sampling sites. This source apportionment showed the dominant influence of the Rouyn-Noranda copper smelter in airborne Pb emissions for the decades following 1926, when industrialization began in the region. The smelter source had a low ratio of 206Pb/207Pb ranging between 0.90 and 1.05, as typical of the Abitibi Archean sulphides. The relationships between element (metal) sedimentary fluxes and anthropogenic Pb fluxes allowed us to infer the origin of the anthropogenic source. These relationships strongly suggest that the copper smelter was (and may still be) an atmospheric source of Cd, Cu, Pb, Zn, Ag and Hg to the surrounding lakes. Our study indicates that the efforts made by the Rouyn-Noranda copper smelter to reduce airborne emissions of metals have been translated in reduced atmospheric metal loadings to the surrounding lakes.  相似文献   
After decades of repose, Puyehue-Cordón Caulle Volcano (Chile) erupted in June 2011 following a month of continuously increasing seismic activity. The eruption dispersed a large volume of rhyolitic tephra over a wide area and was characterized by complex dynamics. During the initial climactic phase of the eruption (24–30 h on 4–5 June), 11–14-km-high plumes dispersed most of the erupted tephra eastward towards Argentina, reaching as far as the Atlantic Ocean. This first eruptive phase was followed by activity of lower intensity, leading to the development of a complex stratigraphic sequence, mainly due to rapid shifts in wind direction and eruptive style. The resulting tephra deposits consist of 13 main layers grouped into four units. Each layer was characterized based on its dispersal direction, sedimentological features, and on the main characteristics of the juvenile fraction (texture, density, petrography, chemistry). The lowest part of the eruptive sequence (Unit I), corresponding to the tephra emitted between 4 and 5 June, is composed of alternating lapilli layers with a total estimated volume of ca. 0.75 km3; these layers record the highest intensity phase, during which a bent-over plume dispersed tephra towards the southeast-east, with negligible up-wind sedimentation. Products emitted during 5–6 June (Unit II) signaled an abrupt shift in wind direction towards the north, leading to the deposition of a coarse ash deposit in the northern sector (ca. 0.21 km3 in volume), followed by a resumption of easterly directed winds. A third phase (Unit III) began on 7 June and resulted in tephra deposits in the eastern sector and ballistic bombs around the vent area. A final phase (Unit IV) started after 15 June and was characterized by the emission of fine-grained white tephra from ash-charged plumes during low-level activity and the extrusion of a viscous lava flow. Timing and duration of the first eruptive phases were constrained based on comparison of the dispersal of the main tephra layers with satellite images, showing that most of the tephra was emitted during the first 72 h of the event. The analyzed juvenile material tightly clusters within the rhyolitic field, with negligible chemical variations through the eruptive sequence. Textural observations reveal that changes in eruption intensity (and consequently in magma ascent velocity within the conduit) and complex interactions between gas-rich and gas-depleted magma portions during ascent resulted in vesicular clasts with variable degrees of shear localization, and possibly in the large heterogeneity of the juvenile material.  相似文献   
Polychlorobiphenyls (PCB) and organochlorine (OC) pesticides are endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs). The Italian Ministry of Environment has undertaken a program (1999-2001) to measure levels of contaminants in top marine predators and to develop sensitive biomarkers for the evaluation of toxicological risk in these species. In 1999, 15 swordfishes (Xiphias gladius) taken from the Mediterranean Sea along the Sicilian coast (Strait of Messina, Italy) and in the Atlantic Ocean along the Azores Islands, and analysed for 34 congeners of PCBs and 27 organochlorine (OC) pesticides in gonad, muscle, liver and blubber tissues. In the tissues of Mediterranean swordfishes the sum of the determined PCBs congeners ranged from 4.61 to 4651.17 ng g(-1) on fresh tissue basis. Among organochlorine pesticides DDE, DDT and DDD (TDE) predominated with an overall range of 2.37-4734.56 ng(-1) w.w. In particular p,p'-DDE had concentrations appearing up to 3900 ng(-1), with the highest values found in fatty tissues, such as blubber. In the liver of Azores Island swordfishes lower levels of summation PCBs (8.43-294.17 ng/g w.w.) and summation DDTs (<0.01-217.44 ng/g w.w.) were determined.  相似文献   
This research was carried out with the aim to explore the heterotrophic microbial population of two sediments in different oxic conditions of the Lake of Lugano (Lago di Lugano). The values of the viable bacterial counts found in our sediment samples were typical for an eutrophic lake.The increase in the proportion of anaerobic to aerobic bacteria at 30 °C observed in the sediment samples of Agno may reflect the depletion of oxygen concentrations in the water column.The generaAeromonas, Pseudomonas, Bacillus andClostridium, as well as strains belonging to the Coryneform-group, represented the major taxonomic groups of heterotrophic bacterial communities in the water-sediment interface.  相似文献   
This paper deals with vegetative reproduction by multicellular propagules in Rhodophyta. An extensive examination of the relevant literature shows that this phenomenon in Rhodophyta is not well known. A propagule is here defined as a vegetative multicellular structure which spontaneously detaches from the parent thallus and gives rise to a new individual. The origin and morphological features of multicellular propagules are examined in the various known propagule‐forming species. The importance of multicellular propagules as both overwintering and resting organs and as a taxonomic feature is also shown. Their role in increasing local populations and/or for long‐distance dispersal is discussed. The relative abundance of vegetative reproduction by multicellular propagules versus sexual reproduction, as well as the advantages of this additional mode of reproduction, are shown and discussed. The production of multicellular propagules may contribute to the capacity of species to increase populations, to weather unpredictable environmental changes, to survive in conditions that would be lethal for entire thalli, and to reach new habitats. As resting organs, they may also be responsible for long‐distance dispersal and may account for the introduction of some alien species. Accordingly, propagule‐forming species are probably more competitive than taxa that do not produce such propagules. These considerations should be taken into account in future studies of the biology, ecology and demography of Rhodophyta.  相似文献   
We report here major, trace element and Sr–Nd–Pb isotopic data for a new set of basaltic lavas and melt inclusions hosted in Mg-rich olivines (Fo86–91) from Mota Lava, in the Banks islands of the Vanuatu island arc. The results reveal the small-scale coexistence of typical island-arc basalts (IAB) and a distinct type of Nb-enriched basalts (NEB) characterized by primitive mantle-normalized trace element patterns without high-field-strength element (HFSE) depletion. The IAB show trace element patterns with prominent negative HFSE anomalies acquired during melting of mantle sources enriched with slab-derived, H2O-rich components during subduction. In contrast, the NEB display trace element features that compare favourably with enriched-mid-ocean ridge basalt (MORB) and the most enriched basalts from the Vanuatu back-arc troughs. Both their trace element and Nd–Sr isotopic compositions require partial melting of an enriched-MORB-type mantle source, almost negligibly contaminated by slab-derived fluids (~0.2 wt%). The coexistence of these two distinct types of primitive magma, at the scale of one volcanic island and within a relatively short span of time, would reflect a heterogeneous mantle source and/or tapping of distinct mantle sources. Direct ascent of such distinct magmas could be favoured by the extensive tectonic setting of Mota Lava Island, allowing decompression melting and sampling of variable mantle sources. Significantly, this island is located at the junction of the N–S back-arc troughs and the E–W Hazel Home extensional zone, where the plate motion diverges in both direction and rate. More broadly, this study indicates that crustal faulting in arc contexts would permit basaltic magmas to reach Earth’s surface, while preserving the geochemical heterogeneity of their mantle sources.  相似文献   
We perform a comparative analysis of regional and global earthquake catalogs currently available for the territory of Italy. We consider: (a) instrumental seismic catalogs provided by the Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Roma (INGV) for earthquake forecasting experiment in Italy within the Collaboratory for the Study of Earthquake Predictability (CSEP); (b) Global Hypocenters’ Data provided by the USGS/NEIC, which is currently used in the real-time earthquake prediction experiment by CN and M8S algorithms in Italy, and (c) seismological Bulletin provided by the International Seismological Centre (ISC). We discuss advantages and shortcomings of these catalogs in the context of intermediate-term middle-range earthquake prediction problem in Italy, including the possibility of the catalog’s combined or integrated use. Magnitude errors in the catalog can distort statistics of success-to-failure scoring and eventually falsify testing results. Therefore, the analysis of systematic and random errors in magnitude presented in Appendixes can be of significance in its own right.  相似文献   
A fairly detailed structural model of the lithosphere-asthenosphere system (thickness, S- and P-wave velocities of the crust and of the uppermost mantle layers) has been defined in the Calabrian Arc region (Southern Tyrrhenian Sea, Calabria and the northwestern part of the Ionian Sea) in Southern Italy using seismic data from literature as a priori constraints of the nonlinear inversion of surface-wave data. The main features identified by this study are: (1) A very shallow (less then 10 km deep) crust-mantle transition in the Southern Tyrrhenian Sea and a very low vs just below a very thin lid, in correspondence of the submarine volcanic bodies Magnaghi, Marsili and Vavilov, while the vs in the lid is quite high in the area that separates Marsili from Magnaghi-Vavilov; (2) a shallow and very low vs layer in the uppermost mantle in the areas of the Aeolian Islands, Vesuvius, Phlegraean Fields and Ischia, which represents their shallow-mantle magma source; (3) a thickened continental crust and lithospheric doubling in Calabria; (4) a crust about 25-km thick and a mantle velocity profile versus depth consistent with the presence of a continental rifted lithosphere, now thermally relaxed, in the investigated part of the Ionian Sea; (5) the subduction towards northwest of the Ionian lithosphere below the Southern Tyrrhenian Sea; (6) the subduction of the Adriatic/Ionian lithosphere underneath the Vesuvius and Phlegraean Fields.  相似文献   
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