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首先提出了在平面坐标下进行航海雷达同频干扰噪声处理;再采用卷积运算方法和Otsu算法分割航海雷达原始数据中的同频干扰噪声信号;最后应用横向均值运算方法处理同频干扰噪声。这种处理方法在对同频干扰进行降噪处理的同时,保留了含有溢油信息的海浪杂波信号,为航海雷达溢油监测技术的研究提供了更为准确的基础数据。  相似文献   
产学合作网络是长三角创新共同体建设的重要方面,而当前经济地理学相关研究集中在“本地/全球”二元尺度讨论上,缺乏多尺度产学合作效应的比较分析。基于IncoPat专利数据,本文从尺度和效应视角探讨了长三角创新产学合作与企业创新绩效的关系,得到以下结论:①长三角创新产学合作的空间格局呈现以省会城市为中心的星芒状结构,核心城市占据的网络优势地位能够助力其在网络中获取创新资源,并且高校资源的不均衡分布特征进一步巩固了省会城市的优势地位,使得长三角创新产学合作格局具有明显的路径依赖特征。②本省与长三角区域尺度创新产学合作对企业创新绩效的影响要显著高于其他尺度。从区域尺度客观看待高校在空间创新进程中的作用尤为重要。③长三角创新产学合作的平均距离与企业创新绩效间呈现显著的倒“U”型关系,并且工科院校产学合作的作用和极值点均要大于综合院校和其他院校。由此,本文提出以下建议:一方面应该加快推进以区域尺度创新产学合作为重点的产学合作体系建设;另一方面应当强化薄弱地区产学合作的多尺度耦合网络建设,着力提升薄弱地区的网络地位。  相似文献   
Abstract. The production of the hymenosomatid crab Elamenopsis kempi was calculated for a period of 18 months from a subtidal area of the Garmat-Ali river, southern Iraq. The highest average individual somatic energy was attained in spring. Maximum population biomass and production were attained by the summer cohort and the minimum values were exhibited by the overwintering cohort. The fluctuations of the average population biomass were followed throughout the sampling period. Average total annual population production was 13.2 g DW · m-2· a-1 and the P/B ratio was 5.9. These values were compared with those of the most common crustaceans in the region.  相似文献   
There is an emerging requirement for processing global navigation satellite system (GNSS) signals indoor where the signal is very weak and subjected to spatial fading. Typically, longer coherent integration intervals provide the additional processing gain required for the detection and processing of such weak signals. However, the arbitrary physical motion of the handset imputed by the user limits the effectiveness of longer coherent integration intervals due to the spatial decorrelation of the multipath-faded GNSS signal. In this paper, limits of coherent integration due to spatial decorrelation are derived and corroborated with experimental verification. A general result is that the processing gain resulting from direct coherent integration saturates after the antenna has moved through a certain distance, which for typical indoor propagation, is about half a carrier wavelength. However, a refined Doppler search coupled with a prolonged coherent integration interval extends this limit, which is effectively a manifestation of selective diversity.  相似文献   
Natural Hazards - Landslides can cause extensive damage, particularly those triggered by earthquakes. The current study used back propagation of an artificial neural network (ANN) to conduct risk...  相似文献   
通过建立波浪作用下锚碇沉管管段运动的时域数值计算模型,对锚碇沉管的运动响应及锚碇缆受力特性进行了研究。应用集中质量法求解锚碇缆力,应用四阶Runge-Kutta法求解管段时域运动方程,计算了在不同沉深、不同周期、不同波高和不同波向条件下沉管管段的运动幅值和锚碇缆力。数值计算的结果表明:锚碇沉管的锚碇缆对沉管管段的运动起到一定的约束作用,在沉放深度较浅、波浪周期较大时,锚碇缆对沉管管段运动幅度的制约更为明显。通过五种布缆方式的计算与分析,探讨了布缆方式对沉管管段运动响应及锚碇缆受力的影响,并给出了较为合理的布缆方案。  相似文献   
Knowledge about the spatial distribution of the fracture density and the azimuthal fracture orientation can greatly help in optimizing production from fractured reservoirs. Frequency-dependent seismic velocity and attenuation anisotropy data contain information about the fractures present in the reservoir. In this study, we use the measurements of velocity and attenuation anisotropy data corresponding to different seismic frequencies and azimuths to infer information about the multiple fracture sets present in the reservoir. We consider a reservoir model with two sets of vertical fractures characterized by unknown azimuthal fracture orientations and fracture densities. Frequency-dependent seismic velocity and attenuation anisotropy data is computed using the effective viscoelastic stiffness tensor and solving the Christoffel equation. A Bayesian inversion method is then applied to measurements of velocity and attenuation anisotropy data corresponding to different seismic frequencies and azimuth to estimate the azimuthal fracture orientations and the fracture densities, as well as their uncertainties. Our numerical examples suggest that velocity anisotropy data alone cannot recover the unknown fracture parameters. However, an improved estimation of the unknown fracture parameters can be obtained by joint inversion of velocity and attenuation anisotropy data.  相似文献   
The goal of this study is to investigate the uncertainty of an urban sewer system’s response under various rainfall and infrastructure scenarios by applying a recently developed nonparametric copula-based simulation approach to extreme rainfall fields. The approach allows for Monte Carlo simulation of multiple variables with differing marginal distributions and arbitrary dependence structure. The independent and identically distributed daily extreme rainfall events of the corresponding urban area, extracted from nationwide high resolution radar data stage IV, are the inputs of the spatial simulator. The simulated extreme rainfall fields were used to calculate excess runoff using the Natural Resources Conservation Service’s approach. New York City is selected as a case study and the results highlight the importance of preserving the spatial dependence of rainfall fields between the grids, even for simplified hydrologic models. This study estimates the probability of combined sewer overflows under extreme rainfall events and identifies the most effective locations in New York City to install green infrastructure for detaining excess stormwater runoff. The results of this study are beneficial for planners working on stormwater management and the approach is broadly applicable because it does not rely on extensive sewer system information.  相似文献   
The necessity of estimating the degree and spatial extent of positive impacts with regard to protecting communities and properties through potential flood control projects can be considered one of the main reasons for performing flood modeling. This paper presents an overall systematic approach based on the simulation of some extreme event conditions, using a hydrological model to generate the resulting river flows and then using a hydraulic modeling exercise to decide upon floodplain evolution in the case-study area, Bostanli river basin, which has been under the threat of flooding for many years. The potential serviceability of the planned Bostanli Dam in the study area was examined by using the HEC-HMS and HEC-RAS modeling tools, both integrated with GIS functions for spatial operations. The results indicate that the dam construction as planned would have a somewhat positive impact as a potential flood control measure, since it seems to decrease the flood peaks of 68.9 and 158.7 m3/s (that would potentially be generated by 100- and 500-year storm events under current conditions) to 65.5 and 150.7 m3/s (when the dam is in operation), respectively. However, this seems to contribute little to the overall flood mitigation performance in the basin.  相似文献   
In this study, we used data recorded by two consecutive passive broadband deployments on the Gulf of Aden northern margin, Dhofar region, Sultanate of Oman. The objective of these deployments is to map the young eastern Gulf of Aden passive continental margin crust and upper mantle structure and rheology. In this study, we use shear-wave splitting analysis to map lateral variations of upper mantle anisotropy beneath the study area. In this study, we found splitting magnitudes to vary between 0.33 and 1.0 s delay times, averaging about 0.6 s for a total of 17 stations from both deployment periods. Results show distinct abrupt lateral anisotropy variation along the study area. Three anisotropy zones are identified: a western zone dominated by NW–SE anisotropy orientations, an eastern zone dominated with NE–SW anisotropy orientations, and central zone with mixed anisotropy orientations similar to the east and west zones. We interpret these shorter wavelength anisotropy zones to possibly represent fossil lithospheric mantle anisotropy. We postulate that the central anisotropy zone may be representing a Proterozoic suture zone that separates two terranes to the east and west of it. The anisotropy zones west and east were being used indicative of different terranes with different upper mantle anisotropy signatures.  相似文献   
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