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The third millennium BP crisis of the central African rainforest is not sufficiently understood. The low resolution of most pollen profiles and a large plateau of the calibration curve aggravate the exact dating of the event, and its causal climatic parameters are debated. We present a high-resolution pollen profile from the swamp site Nyabessan in the southern Cameroonian rainforest, covering the period 3100-2300 cal yr BP. Between 3100 and 2500 cal yr BP, the climate was favourable for a regional evergreen forest with Caesalpiniaceae and Lophira and a local Raphia swamp forest. Around 2500/2400 cal yr BP, a significant decrease of mature forest and swamp forest taxa and an increase of pioneers indicate that the rain forest was seriously disturbed and replaced by secondary formations. The dominance of Trema orientalis, a pioneer well adapted to seasonal desiccation, points to a much more accentuated seasonality after 2500 cal yr BP, which seems to be linked to a southwards shift of the ITCZ during the northern hemisphere winter months. We propose that the rain forest crisis between 2500 and 2200 cal BP created favourable conditions for farming and paved the way for a major expansion of Bantu speaking populations.  相似文献   
The presence of decapod crustaceans in the Pliocene and Pleistocene (MIS 5e) fossil record of Santa Maria Island (Azores Archipelago) is herein reviewed. Our study raises the number of fossil decapods from this island from one species to 10 taxa (three for the Pliocene and seven for the Last Interglacial). Four of these 10 taxa are reported for the first time in the fossil record, worldwide. A new species of a mud shrimp is also described (Upogebia azorensis n. sp.). Our study suggests that the Plio–Pleistocene decapod assemblages of the Azores did not differ significantly from modern ones, being dominated by species that are today widespread across the Webbnesia ecoregion, the Mediterranean Sea, and the eastern Atlantic shores, including the Azores. As far as can be judged from the limited fossil record, apparently no tropical crab species with a Cabo Verdean/Senegalese provenance reached the Azores during windows of opportunity associated with Glacial Termination 2 or with the initial setting of the Last Interglacial period. This contribution increases the total number of marine taxa reported for the Pliocene and Pleistocene outcrops of Santa Maria Island to 218 and 155, respectively, highlighting the scientific relevance of its palaeontological heritage.  相似文献   
This study proposes multi‐criteria group decision‐making to address seismic physical vulnerability assessment. Granular computing rule extraction is combined with a feed forward artificial neural network to form a classifier capable of training a neural network on the basis of the rules provided by granular computing. It provides a transparent structure despite the traditional multi‐layer neural networks. It also allows the classifier to be applied on a set of rules for each incoming pattern. Drawbacks of original granular computing (GrC) are covered, where some input patterns remained unclassified. The study was applied to classify seismic vulnerability of the statistical units of the city of Tehran, Iran. Slope, seismic intensity, height and age of the buildings were effective parameters. Experts ranked 150 randomly selected sample statistical units with respect to their degree of seismic physical vulnerability. Inconsistency of the experts' judgments was investigated using the induced ordered weighted averaging (IOWA) operator. Fifty‐five classification rules were extracted on which a neural network was based. An overall accuracy of 88%, κ = 0.85 and R2 = 0.89 was achieved. A comparison with previously implemented methodologies proved the proposed method to be the most accurate solution to the seismic physical vulnerability of Tehran.  相似文献   
Abstract. Samples of Blennius incognitus from three differently polluted locations on the Istrian west coast (Adriatic Sea, Yugoslavia) were collected in early July during the spawning season. The gut content was analyzed employing the occurrence and point (relative volumetric) method. This fish grazes the surface of the rocky substratum. Inhabiting small benthic animals are ingested together with algae and detritus. The diet depends on the composition and condition of the covering phytal and its inhabiting fauna. A decrease of available animal food seems to intensify grazing on the substrate. A sexual dimorphism in the feeding habit during the reproductive period exists. Females feed more on animals; males feed more on substrate and in cases also on eggs of their own species.  相似文献   
The late Precambrian Shadli Metavolcanics of SE Egypt constitute a slightly metamorphosed bimodal sequence that has been previously interpreted as manifesting volcanic activity at an island arc. We report the first Rb-Sr geochronologic, trace element (including REE), and Nd isotopic data for these rocks. Two types of basalt are recognized, the stratigraphically lower suite having compositions like N-MORB ferrobasalt while the overlying basalt is similar to slightly fractionated E-MORB. The two basalt types were derived from melting of a strongly depleted source, most likely within the upper 60–75 km of the upper mantle. The origin of the felsic melts is problematic, and these could either have fractionated from a mafic melt or resulted from melting of juvenile crust. The mafic and felsic lavas yield a Rb-Sr isochron age of 712±24 Ma that probably represents the time of volcanic eruption. The trace element characteristics of both mafic and felsic members of the Shadli Metavolcanics show few of the hallmarks of subduction-related melts, and we reject the hypothesis that these formed at an island arc. Instead, the field and geochemical data are most consistent with the hypothesis that these rocks originated in a magmatic rift, where the eruption of large volumes of lava accompanied large-scale lithospheric extension. This inference suggests that the tectonic setting of the important 700–715 Ma crust-forming event in NE Africa and Arabia needs to be critically reexamined.
Zusammenfassung Die spätpräkambrischen Shadli-Metavulkanite in der südöstlichen Eastern Desert von Ägypten sind eine schwach metamorphe bimodale Basalt-Rhyodazit-Abfolge, die bisher als Ausdruck eines Inselbogen-Vulkanismus gedeutet wurde. Zwei Basalt-Typen können aufgrund ihrer unterschiedlichen chemischen Zusammensetzung unterschieden werden: der stratigraphisch untere Typ ist ein N-MORB ähnlicher Ferrobasalt, während der überlagernde Typ Charakteristika eines leicht fraktionierten E-MORB aufweist. Die beiden Basaltvarietäten werden von stark an inkompatiblen Elementen verarmten Schmelzen aus den oberen 60–75 km des Mantels abgeleitet. Die Entstehung der sauren Metavulkanite ist nicht eindeutig geklärt; sowohl Fraktionierung aus einer mafischen Schmelze als auch Aufschmelzung juveniler Kruste vom Inselbogen-Typ sind denkbar. Die mafischen und felsischen Gesteine definieren zusammen ein Rb-Sr-Isochronenalter von 712 ± 24 Ma, das wir als den Zeitraum der Eruption deuten. Die Spurenelement-Verteilung der Shadli-Metavulkanite weist keine der charakteristischen Merkmale von Subduktionsmagmatismus auf, und wir sehen daher keinen direkten Zusammenhang mit einer Inselbogen-Entwicklung. Wir interpretieren den Shadli-Vulkanismus als Resultat eines Riftprozesses in junger kontinentaler Kruste, ähnlich dem Rio Grande-Rift oder dem Afar-Dreieck, wo starke Lithosphärendehnung die Förderung großer Lavamengen ermöglichte. Diese Interpretation stellt das einfache Schema einer panafrikanischen Krustenbildung durch Inselbogen-Addition im arabisch-nubischen Schild in Frage und erfordert eine Neubewertung bisheriger Modellvorstellungen.

Résumé Les roches volcaniques faiblement métamorphisées du Précambrien tardif de Shadli dans le Sud-Est de l'Egypte se caractérisent par une séquence bimodale qui était jusqu'ici interprétée comme résultant d'un volcanisme d'arc insulaire. Nous présentons ici les premières données isotopiques (Rb-Sr, Nd) obtenues pour ces roches ainsi que des données d'éléments en trace (y compris les Terres Rares). Deux types principaux de basaltes peuvent être distingués: les basaltes qui se trouvent dans la partie inférieure de la colonne stratigraphique, ont une composition comparable aux ferrobasaltes de type N-MORB, tandis que les roches se trouvant dans la partie supérieure de la séquence s'apparentent plutôt aux E-MORB légèrement fractionnés. Les deux types de basalte proviennent de la fusion partielle d'un manteau fortement appauvri, et ce à une profondeur probable de 60 à 75 km dans le manteau supérieur. L'origine des laves acides pose, quant à elle, quelques problèmes: elles peuvent s'être formées par cristallisation fractionnée à partir d'un liquide basique, ou alors elles sont le produit de la fusion partielle d'une croûte juvénile. La combinaison des données Rb-Sr obtenues pour les roches acides et basiques permet l'obtention d'une isochrone définissant un âge de 712 ± 24 Ma. Cet âge est interprété comme datant les éruptions volcaniques. Les données d'éléments en traces obtenues pour les laves basiques et acides ne présentent aucune des caractéristiques associées au volcanisme d'arc insulaire. Par conséquent, nous rejetons l'hypothèse selon laquelle les roches volcaniques de Shadli se seraient formées dans un contexte d'arc insulaire. Les données géochimiques et de terrain seraient plutôt en accord avec une hypothèse selon laquelle les roches volcaniques métamorphiques de Shadli se seraient formées dans une zone de rift où de très volumineux épanchements de laves auraient succédé à une extension à grande échelle de la lithosphère. Cette interprétation des données nous conduit à suggérer un réexamen critique du contexte tectonique entourant la période de formation crustale se situant entre 700 a 715 Ma, dans le nord-est de l'Afrique ainsi qu'en Arabie.

Shadli, - , — , . : , N — MORB MORB, . , , 60–75 . ; , . , Rb/Sr, 712 ± 24 . , . Shadli ; , Shadli, , , , . - ; .
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