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Summary Some results of the geothermal investigations carried out in Albania are treated here. The position of the Albanides in the Alpine Mediterranean orogenic belt and the method of temperature recording in deep oil and gas wells and also in mines is briefly described. The geothermal data have been analysed and coordinated with knowledge of the regional geology of the tectonic zones of the Albanides. The characteristics of thermal spring waters are briefly described.Presented at the International Meeting on Terrestrial Heat Flow and the Structure of Lithosphere, Bechyn Castle, Czech Republic, September 2 – 7, 1991.  相似文献   
Piston cores in Tongue of the Ocean, Bahamas, revealed an alternating sequence of periplatform ooze and bankderived turbidites of the past 5 glacial and interglacial periods. By using the point-count method we have analyzed the composition of the turbidite sediment. Variations in the bank-derived fraction are clearly linked to the glacial-interglacial cycles. Nonskeletal components (pellets; ooids; grapestones) are most abundant in interglacial turbidites, while skeletal components (calcareous algae; peneroplids and reef builders) dominate in glacial turbidites. We attribute this pattern to the exposure and flooding of the surrounding carbonate platforms during Late Quaternary sea-level cycles. Because nonskeletal sediment is produced in the interior of the platforms, its growth and subsequent export to the flanks are at a maximum when the banks are flooded, i.e. during interglacial periods. During glacials, skeletal grains dominate because the banks are exposed and carbonate production is limited to a narrow belt of skeletal sands and fringing reefs. The resulting compositional signal appeared to have a good correlation with aragonite variations in the periplatform ooze between the turbidites. Further, compositional variation parallels the change in turbidite frequency described earlier (»highstand bundling«). Frequency and composition of turbidites are both unaffected by diagenesis and therefore provide an excellent monitor of sealevel fluctuations.
Zusammenfassung In Kolbenlotkernen aus der Tongue of the Ocean, Bahamas, bestehen die jüngsten fünf Glaziale und Interglaziale aus einer Wechselfolge von Periplattform-Schlamm und Turbiditen mit Flachwasser-Material. Die Zusammensetzung der neritischen Kornfraktion in den Turbiditen wurde durch Punktzählung ermittelt. Sie schwankt deutlich im Verlauf eines glazialen Zyklus. Abiogene Komponenten (Pellets, Ooide, Traubenklumpen) dominieren in den interglazialen Turbiditen, während Biogene (Kalkalgen, peneroplide Foraminiferen und Riffbildner) in glazialen Turbiditen vorherrschen. Wir erklären diese Schwankungen mit dem Auftauchen und Überfluten der Bahama Bänke während der jungquartären Schwankungen des Meeresspiegels. Die abiogenen Komponenten werden auf der Innenseite der Plattformen gebildet. Ihre Produktion und Export zu den Plattformflanken erreichen daher ein Maximum während der interglazialen Hochstände des Meeres. In den Glazialen dominieren biogene Komponenten, weil die Plattformen trocken liegen und die Karbonat-Produktion auf einen schmalen Streifen von Saumriffen und Biogensanden beschränkt ist.Die Zusammensetzung der Turbidite variiert im gleichen Rhythmus wie der Aragonitgehalt der zwischengeschalteten Periplattform-Schlamme. Überdies korreliert die Zusammensetzung gut mit der Häufigkeitsverteilung der Turbidite. Während der Interglaziale sind Turbidite häufiger als während der Glaziale (»Hochstand-Bündel«). Häufigkeitsverteilung und Zusammensetzung der Turbidite zusammen ergeben ein gutes, durch Diagenese nicht verwischbares Abbild der Schwankungen des Meeresspiegels.

Résumé Dans le »Tongue of the Ocean« (Bahamas), des sondages à piston effectués dans les sédiments des cinq dernières périodes glaciaires et interglaciaires montrent une alternance de turbidites et de boues déposées en périphérie de plate-forme. La composition de la fraction néritique des turbidites, dé terminée par la méthode du compteur de points, montre une relation claire avec les cycles glaciaires. Les composants abiogènes (pellets, ooïdes, grapestones) dominent dans les turbidites interglaciaires, tandis que les composants biogènes (algues calcaires, foraminifères de type pénéroplide et organismes constructeurs) sont prépondérants dans les turbidites glaciaires. Nous attribuons cette répartition aux émersions et submersions successives du banc des Bahamas, consécutives aux variations du niveau de la mer au Quaternaire récent. Comme les composants abiogènes ont été formés sur la partie interne de la plate-forme, leur développement et leur transport vers les flancs étaient maximaux lorsque le banc était submergé, au cours des périodes interglaci aires. Par contre, les composants biogènes dominaient pendant les épisodes glaciaires, où la plate-forme était exondée et où la production de carbonate était restreinte à une zone étroite de récifs frangeants et de sables biogènes. Ces variations dans la composition des turbidites présentent une bonne corrélation avec la teneur en anhydrite des boues de périphérie de plate-forme intercalées entre les turbidites. Il existe également une bonne corrélation avec la fréquence des turbidites, plus élevée pendant les interglaciaires. La fréquence et la composition des turbidites ne sont pas affectées par la diagenèse et constituent donc un excellent témoin des fluctuations du niveau de la mer.

, «» , , . . . / , , / , , .. , . - . . . , . , . , . , / «Hochstand-Bndel» /. , .
Coral reefs which are an important resource to coastal communities and nation at large are adversely affected by rate of sediment flux to the reefs. However, there is little information on seasonal trend in sediment flux and its impact at the reefs off Zanzibar. Two years’ monthly data on sedimentation at Chumbe and Bawe reefs were used to assess seasonal variability in sediment flux and its implication on the coral status. Sediment flux to the Bawe reefs for the duration of the study ranged from 0.2 to 41.5 mg cm−2 d−1, while it ranged from 0.8 to 65.8 mg cm−2 d−1 at the Chumbe reefs. Sediment fluxes at Bawe reefs were highest between November and March, while they were highest between April and September at Chumbe reefs. Generally, sediment fluxes at Bawe reefs were low compared to those at Chumbe. The total sediment input to the reefs ranged from 4615 to 123,403 kg d−1 for Bawe reefs and 2750 to 79,636 kg d−1 for Chumbe reefs. High sediment fluxes at Bawe reefs between November and March; and the Chumbe reefs between April and September can be attributed to water currents and wind pattern in the east African region which are under the influence of the monsoons. The observed trend suggests that the period for coral transplant as a management option for the two sites should be different. Coral transplant can be undertaken in such a way that stress of the corals due to sedimentation can be felt after they have overcome stress from transplant process and temperature. The results from this study contribute to the much needed information for coral transplant, restoration, and management.  相似文献   
Properties of the so-called strange modes occurring in linear stability calculations of stellar models are discussed. The behaviour of these modes is compared for two different sets of stellar models, for very massive zero-age main-sequence stars and for luminous hydrogen-deficient stars, both with high luminosity-to-mass ratios. We have found that the peculiar behaviour of the frequencies of the strange modes with the change of a control parameter is caused by the pulsation amplitude of a particular eigenmode being strongly confined to the outer part of the envelope, around the density inversion zone. The frequency of a strange mode changes because the depth of the confinement zone changes with the control parameter. Weakly non-adiabatic strange modes tend to be overstable because the amplitude confinement quenches the effect of radiative damping. On the other hand, extremely non-adiabatic strange modes become overstable because the perturbation of radiation force (gradient of radiation pressure) provides a restoring force that can be out of phase with the density perturbation. We discuss this mechanism by using a plane-parallel two-zone model.  相似文献   
We present new near-infrared integral field spectroscopy and adaptive optics imaging of the nucleus of NGC 1068. Using the stellar CO absorption features in the H and K bands, we have identified a moderately extincted stellar core centered on the nuclear position and of intrinsic size ~50 pc. We show that this nuclear stellar core is probably 5-16 × 108 years in age and contributes at least 7% of the total nuclear luminosity of ~1 × 1011 L⊙. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
Two classes of volcanic plumes on Io   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Comparison of Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 images of the south polar region of Io has revealed that a major volcanic eruption occured there during the period between the two spacecraft encounters. An annular deposit ~1400 km in diameter formed around the Aten Patera caldera (311°W, 48°S), the floor of which changed from orange to red-black. The characteristics of this eruption are remarkably similar to those described earlier for an eruption centered on Surt caldera (338°W, 45°N) that occured during the same period, also at high latitude, but in the north. Both volcanic centers were evidently inactive during the Voyager 1 and 2 encounters but were active sometime between the two. The geometric and colorimetric characteristics, as well as scale of the two annular deposits, are virtually identical; both resemble the surface features formed by the eruption of Pele (255°W, 18°S). These three very large plume eruptions suggest a class of eruption distinct from that of six smaller plumes observed to be continously active by both Voyagers 1 and 2. The smaller plumes, of which Prometheus is the type example, are longer-lived, deposit bright, whitish material, erupt at velocities of ~0.5 km sec?1, and are concentrated at low latitudes in an equatorial belt around the satellite. The very large Pele-type plumes, on the other hand, are relatively short-lived, deposit darker red materials, erupt at ~1.0 km sec?1, and (rather than restricted to a latitudinal band) are restricted in longitude from 240° to 360°W. Both direct thermal infrared temperature measurements and the implied color temperatures for quenched liquid sulfur suggest that hot spot temperatures of ~650°K are associated with the large plumes and temperatures <400°K with the small plumes. The typical eruption duration of the small plumes is at least several years; that of the large plumes appears to be of the order of days to weeks. The two classes therefore differ by more than two orders of magnitude in duration of eruption. Based on uv, visible, and infrared spectra, the small plumes seem to contain and deposit SO2 in their annuli whereas the large plumes apparently do not. Two other plumes that occur at either end of the linear feature Loki may be intermediate or hybrid between the two classes, exhibiting attributes of both. Additionally, Loki occurs in the area of overlap in the regional distributions of the two plume classes. Two distinct volcanic systems involving different volatiles may be responsible for the two classes. We propose that the discrete temperatures associated with the two classes are a direct reflection of sulfur's peculiar variation in viscosity with temperature. Over two temperature ranges (~400 to 430°K and >650°K), sulfur is a low-viscosity fluid (orange and black, respectively); at other temperatures it is either solid or has a high viscosity. As a result, there will be two zones in Io's crust in which liquid sulfur will flow freely: a shallow zone of orange sulfur and a deeper zone of black sulfur. A low-temperature system driven by SO2 heated to 400 to 400°K by the orange sulfur zone seems the best model for the small plumes; a system driven by sulfur heated to >650°K by hot or even molten silicates in the black sulfur zone seems the best explanation for the large plume class. The large Pele-type plumes are apparently concentrated in a region of the satellite in which a thinner sulfur-rich crust overlies the tidally heated silicate lithosphere, so the black sulfur zone may be fairly shallow in this region. The Prometheus-type plumes are possibly confined to the equatorial belt by some process that concentrates SO2 fluid in the equatorial crust.  相似文献   
The current error of 0.0025 on the lunar homogeneity parameterI/MR 2 is dominated by the uncertainties in theC 20 andC 22 gravity harmonics. This error level is equivalent to a 4.20 gm cm–3 density uncertainty for a lunar interior model having a core 300 km in radius. Covariance analyses are performed using Doppler data from the relay satellite of the proposed Lunar Polar Orbiter mission to determine an optimum reduction strategy which obtains an order of magnitude improvement in the gravity estimates. Error studies show the long-arc reduction method obtains results which are an order of magnitude more accurate than the short-arc technique. The nominal 4000 km circular orbit of the relay satellite is very sensitive to the unmodeled effects of gravity harmonics of degree 5 through 9. Results from this orbital geometry indicate that it may not be possible to achieve the desired order of magnitude accuracy improvement. A modified orbit having the identical orbital conditions as the nominal one, but with a larger semi-major axis of 7000 km is studied. Results show the desired order of magnitude improvement can be achieved when a complete fourth degree and order model and some fifth and sixth degree terms are estimated while considering the unmodeled effects of the remaining harmonics through degree and order eight. Studies also show a 50% additional improvement inC 22 can be achieved if differential differenced Doppler is also processed with the direct Doppler. The improved uncertainty inI/MR 2 reduces the core density error from 4.20 gm cm–3 to 0.1 gm cm–3 for the case of a lunar density model having a 300 km core radius.Contribution #2885 of the Division of Geological and Planetary Sciences, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California 91125, U.S.A.  相似文献   
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