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The reef‐associated fish genus Hypoplectrus (Serranidae), endemic to the western Atlantic Ocean, represents an ideal model to study speciation within a potentially highly dispersive (marine) ecosystem, because it consists of a complex of at least 10 morphs differentiated primarily by coloration. Although several recent studies on genetics, diet, and fertilization reveal little to no difference between the Hypoplectrus color morphs, there is still not a full understanding of what keeps these morphs distinct or drives their variation. Ecological information is needed alongside the genetic information to better understand this variation. Based on presence/absence records from scientific literature and direct observations in coral reefs, this work examined the distribution of the genus Hypoplectrus in the Greater Caribbean region. Some color morphs occurred simultaneously at given locations, but others showed geographic restrictions. Using cluster and nMDS analyses, we found three major groupings according to distribution: (i) widespread (Hypoplectrus puella, Hypoplectrus unicolor, and Hypoplectrus nigricans), (ii) less widespread (Hypoplectrus indigo, Hypoplectrus gummigutta, Hypoplectrus chlorurus, Hypoplectrus aberrans, and Hypoplectrus guttavarius), and (iii) geographically confined or segregated (Hypoplectrus gemma, Hypoplectrus providencianus). Geographic sections selected for the Greater Caribbean (eastern, western and northern) were dominated by at least three widely distributed Hypoplectrus morphs. New geographic records of some color morphs were documented and compared to previous established distribution ranges in the Greater Caribbean.  相似文献   
Understanding site formation processes is crucial for interpreting archaeological context patterns and hominin behaviour as these affect the preserved condition of a site and the integrity of archaeological remains. The fluvio‐lacustrine sequences in the Nihewan Basin of North China are rich sources of early Pleistocene archaeological sites, which offer an important opportunity to investigate human evolution and adapted behaviours in East Asia. Although many Palaeolithic sites have been reported from the Nihewan Basin, North China, few of them focus on site formation processes before interpreting the hominin behaviour patterns. Here, we present a site formation study of four archaeological layers (Layers 6D, 6C, 6B and 6A) in Trench 1 from the Donggutuo (namely DGT‐T1) site in the Nihewan Basin with an age of 1.1 Ma. Through the study of sedimentary contexts, spatial distributions of artefacts and fossils, intra‐assemblage category ratios, debitage size distributions, lithic abrasion, artifact orientation and planar dip, our results show that all the layers had been disturbed by low‐energy sheet wash across the lake shore setting, but to differing extents. The post‐depositional disturbance caused by water decreased from the lower to the upper layers, from Layer 6D to Layer 6A. This indicates that the archaeological remains in DGT‐T1 have not been subject to significant natural modifications and are thus suitable for studying early hominin behaviour in North China. Copyright © 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The problem of zonal jet formation and cyclone–anticyclone asymmetry in decaying rotating turbulence is addressed using both laboratory experiments and numerical simulations with a high-resolution shallow water model in a spherical geometry. Experiments are performed at different Rossby and Froude numbers and applying a rigid wall as meridional boundary in the numerical scheme to mimic the experimental apparatus. The formation of a zonally banded flow pattern, i.e. meridionally confined easterly/westerly jets, has observed; both experimental and numerical results confirmed that this tendency is favoured by high-planetary vorticity gradients. Also, in the experiments characterized by large rotation speeds and small Rossby deformation radius, an initial symmetric distribution of relative vorticity is found to evolve towards a dominance of anticyclonic structures, indicating a breaking of the cyclone–anticyclone symmetry. This aspect has deepened by numerically analysing the sensitivity of the temporal variations of the asymmetry index with respect to the position of the meridional confinement as well as the effect of relaxing the divergence of the fluid (i.e. non-divergent case) to zero. Results suggested that experiments characterized by the higher rotation speed and the lower fluid thickness are better reproduced by a divergent model with a high-latitude meridional boundary.  相似文献   
Ocean emissions of inorganic and organic iodine compounds drive the biogeochemical cycle of iodine and produce reactive ozone-destroying iodine radicals that influence the oxidizing capacity of the atmosphere. Di-iodomethane (CH2I2) and chloro-iodomethane (CH2ICl) are the two most important organic iodine precursors in the marine boundary layer. Ship-borne measurements made during the TORERO (Tropical Ocean tRoposphere Exchange of Reactive halogens and Oxygenated VOC) field campaign in the east tropical Pacific Ocean in January/February 2012 revealed strong diurnal cycles of CH2I2 and CH2ICl in air and of CH2I2 in seawater. Both compounds are known to undergo rapid photolysis during the day, but models assume no night-time atmospheric losses. Surprisingly, the diurnal cycle of CH2I2 was lower in amplitude than that of CH2ICl, despite its faster photolysis rate. We speculate that night-time loss of CH2I2 occurs due to reaction with NO3 radicals. Indirect results from a laboratory study under ambient atmospheric boundary layer conditions indicate a k CH2I2+NO3 of ≤4 × 10?13 cm3 molecule?1 s?1; a previous kinetic study carried out at ≤100 Torr found k CH2I2+NO3 of 4 × 10?13 cm3 molecule?1 s?1. Using the 1-dimensional atmospheric THAMO model driven by sea-air fluxes calculated from the seawater and air measurements (averaging 1.8 +/? 0.8 nmol m?2 d?1 for CH2I2 and 3.7 +/? 0.8 nmol m?2 d?1 for CH2ICl), we show that the model overestimates night-time CH2I2 by >60 % but reaches good agreement with the measurements when the CH2I2 + NO3 reaction is included at 2–4 × 10?13 cm3 molecule?1 s?1. We conclude that the reaction has a significant effect on CH2I2 and helps reconcile observed and modeled concentrations. We recommend further direct measurements of this reaction under atmospheric conditions, including of product branching ratios.  相似文献   
A conceptual model of the transboundary Milk River Aquifer (MRA), extending across the Canada–USA border, was developed based on literature, focused fieldwork and a three-dimensional geological model. The MRA corresponds to the Virgelle Member of the Milk River Formation (Eagle Formation in Montana, USA) and it is an important groundwater resource over a large area (25,000 km2). The Virgelle outcrops near the international border and along the Sweet Grass Arch in Montana. The down-gradient limit of the MRA is the unconformity separating the Virgelle from the gas-bearing sandy shale of the Alderson Member. The MRA is confined above by the Pakowki/Claggett Formations aquitards and below by the Colorado Group aquitard. The MRA contains higher transmissivity areas resulting in preferential flowpaths, confirmed by natural geochemical tracers. Tritium and 14C delineate restricted recharge areas along the outcrops on both sides of the international border. Drastic decreases in horizontal hydraulic gradients indicate that the Milk River intercepts a large proportion of groundwater flowing to the north from the recharge area. Downgradient of the Milk River, groundwater movement is slow, as shown by 36Cl residence times exceeding 1 Ma. These slow velocities imply that groundwater discharge downgradient of the Milk River is via vertical leakage through the Colorado Group and upward along buried valleys, which act as drains and correspond to artesian areas. When confined, the MRA contains a fossil groundwater resource, not significantly renewed by modern recharge. Groundwater exploitation thus far exceeds recharge, a situation requiring properly managed MRA groundwater depletion.  相似文献   
We are carrying out a programme to measure the evolution of the stellar and dynamical masses and M/L ratios for a sizeable sample of morphologically-classified disk galaxies in rich galaxy clusters at 0.2 < z < 0.9. Using FORS2 at the VLT we are obtaining rotation curves for the cluster spirals so that their Tully-Fisher relation can be studied as a function of redshift and compared with that of field spirals. We already have rotation curves for ∼ 10 cluster spirals at z = 0.83, and 25 field spirals at lower redshifts and we plan to increase this sample by one order of magnitude. We present here the first results of our study, and discuss the implications of our data in the context of current ideas and models of galaxy formation and evolution. This revised version was published online in September 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
Ground-based GPS and weather stations time series for the period 2010–2012 of precipitable water vapor (PWV), relative humidity (RH), and surface temperature (T) of half-hourly resolution are analyzed to demonstrate their value for dynamical analyses and weather forecasting. Three sample stations in the USA from the SoumiNet network are considered, which have rather continuous data for the last 3 years and a few missing values. Results for the three stations reveal the following features: (1) PWV time behavior is dominated by the annual cycle superimposed on high-frequency fluctuations with missing daily cycle, indicating a prevailing large-scale transport source of precipitable water at these sites; (2) RH is characterized by the daily cycle and high-frequency variability, while the annual cycle is missing; (3) T mainly varies following the annual and diurnal cycles; and (4) all variables show similar scaling properties of their variance spectra, S(f)?~?f β , with a high-frequency regime of red noise type scaling (β?~?2) up to a day and long-term persistence beyond a week (β?~?0.5), with a week-long frequency interval of transition. Detrended fluctuation analysis of relative humidity indicates a clear long-term persistence scaling covering more than three decades. Implications of these findings on weather forecasting and climate modeling are discussed.  相似文献   
The population dynamics and gametogenesis of the non‐indigenous polychaete species Branchiomma luctuosum Grube, 1869 (Annelida, Sabellidae) has been investigated at three sites in the Taranto Seas (Ionian Sea, Mediterranean Sea). The species, probably introduced from the Red Sea, has been reported in the Mediterranean Sea since 1983. The species is hermaphrodite, and the reproductive season is between June and October when the largest mean size of oocytes was recorded together with the presence of mature spermatozoa. Small oocytes are present in specimens reaching about 20–25 mm in length. Therefore oogenesis seems to begin early during the first year of life, but the first reproduction can occur when the worms attain a larger size and are at least 6 months of age. Although most of the individuals reproduce seasonally within a discrete period, some individuals can reproduce in different periods during the year, the oogenesis of individuals not being synchronous. A life span of at least 2 years is highlighted, with a faster growth rate during the first months (about 20 mm per month) decreasing to about 10 mm from the 3rd to the 8th months and slowing down again after the worm reaches 100 mm in size. Some differences in growth performance are discussed, enhanced by comparing the sites located at greater depth (5–7 m) and those located at 0.5 m depth, together with the possible interactions of this alien species with the autochthonous sabellid Sabella spallanzanii.  相似文献   
We analyse the K -band Hubble diagram for a sample of brightest cluster galaxies (BCGs) in the redshift range 0< z <1. In good agreement with earlier studies, we confirm that the scatter in the absolute magnitudes of the galaxies is small (0.3 mag). The BCGs exhibit very little luminosity evolution in this redshift range: if q 0=0.0, we detect no luminosity evolution; for q 0=0.5, we measure a small negative evolution (i.e., BCGs were about 0.5 mag fainter at z =1 than today). If the mass in stars of these galaxies had remained constant over this period of time, substantial positive luminosity evolution would be expected: BCGs should have been brighter in the past, since their stars were younger. A likely explanation for the observed zero or negative evolution is that the stellar mass of the BCGs has been assembled over time through merging and accretion, as expected in hierarchical models of galaxy formation. The colour evolution of the BCGs is consistent with that of an old stellar population ( z for>2) that is evolving passively. We can thus use evolutionary population synthesis models to estimate the rate of growth in stellar mass for these systems. We find that the stellar mass in a typical BCG has grown by a factor ≃2 since z ≃1 if q 0=0.0, or by factor ≃4 if q 0=0.5. These results are in good agreement with the predictions of semi-analytic models of galaxy formation and evolution set in the context of a hierarchical scenario for structure formation. The models predict a scatter in the luminosities of the BCGs that is somewhat larger than the observed one, but that depends on the criterion used to select the model clusters.  相似文献   
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