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In this study we report similar biotic response patterns in planktic foraminiferal assemblages, whether in association with volcanism, impacts or climate change at the end of the Cretaceous and early Tertiary. During and after each type of catastrophe two groups dominate high stress assemblages: (1) the small Guembelitria species, which are interpreted as having thrived in eutrophic surface waters where other species rarely survived; and (2) the low oxygen tolerant small Heterohelix species, which thrived at times of an expanding oxygen minimum zone associated with high nutrients and a stratified water column. The ecosystem collapse appears to be primarily the result of high macro- and micronutrient influx (from impacts, volcanism and erosion) leading to eutrophication and phytoplankton blooms (i.e., primary producers) that result in toxic conditions for foraminifera. Once nutrients decrease due to consumption by phytoplankton, the first opportunistic foraminifera, the Guembelitria, appear and graze on phytoplankton, rapidly reproduce (heterochronic acceleration) and increase populations exponentially. With nutrient depletion Guembelitria populations rapidly decrease leading to ecologic niches for other generalists and ecosystem recovery. Small low O2 tolerant heterohelicid populations mark this second stage, followed by small trochospiral and planispiral species. With further environmental recovery, increasing competition, niche development, and restoration of a well-stratified watermass, oligotrophic conditions are restored opening habitats for large, highly specialized species and a return to normal diverse assemblages. Such highly stressed ecological successions are observed in association with mantle plume volcanism in the Indian Ocean, Andean volcanism in Argentina and shallow inland seas in Egypt and Madagascar during the late Maastrichtian, the K-T impact, volcanism during the early Danian, and intense upwelling and climate extremes. We present a simple model to explain the ecological succession and recovery phases that follow major biotic perturbations.  相似文献   
The El Cobre deposit is located in eastern Cuba within the volcanosedimentary sequence of the Sierra Maestra Paleogene arc. The deposit is hosted by tholeiitic basalts, andesites and tuffs and comprises thick stratiform barite and anhydrite bodies, three stratabound disseminated up to massive sulphide bodies produced by silicification and sulphidation of limestones or sulphates, an anhydrite stockwork and a siliceous stockwork, grading downwards to quartz veins. Sulphides are mainly pyrite, chalcopyrite and sphalerite; gold occurs in the stratabound ores. Fluid inclusions measured in sphalerite, quartz, anhydrite and calcite show salinities between 2.3 and 5.7 wt% NaCl eq. and homogenisation temperatures between 177 and 300°C. Sulphides from the stratabound mineralisation display δ 34S values of 0‰ to +6.0‰, whilst those from the feeder zone lie between −1.4‰ and +7.3‰. Sulphides show an intra-grain sulphur isotope zonation of about 2‰; usually, δ 34S values increase towards the rims. Sulphate sulphur has δ 34S in the range of +17‰ to +21‰, except two samples with values of +5.9‰ and +7.7‰. Sulphur isotope data indicate that the thermochemical reduction of sulphate from a hydrothermal fluid of seawater origin was the main source of sulphide sulphur and that most of the sulphates precipitated by heating of seawater. The structure of the deposit, mineralogy, fluid inclusion and isotope data suggest that the deposit formed from seawater-derived fluids with probably minor supply of magmatic fluids.  相似文献   
San Quirce is an open-air archaeological site situated on a fluvial terrace in the Duero basin (Palencia, northern Iberia). This paper presents new and consistent chronologies obtained for the sedimentary sequence using post-infrared infrared stimulated luminescence (pIR-IR) dating of K-feldspars and single-grain thermally transferred optically stimulated luminescence (TT-OSL) dating of quartz. The new dating results indicate that the sequence is older than ~200 000 years and place San Quirce Level III within marine isotope stages (MIS) 8 and 7, between 274 ± 13 ka and 238 ± 13 ka. The main lithic assemblage at San Quirce comes from Level III. The predominant tool types found in this level are hammerstones, manuports and flakes, with a small proportion of cores and a significant presence of denticulates. Adaptation to local environmental conditions resulted in distinctive cultural habits, which were embedded in the cultural tradition of hominins occupying the site during the final third of the Middle Pleistocene. San Quirce preserves a simple cultural tradition that was employed by local hominins to engage in a diverse array of activities, and highlights the cultural diversity that appears to have been a characteristic feature of the Lower to Middle Palaeolithic transition 300–200 ka.  相似文献   
The use of geophysical methods in metrology is a significant tool within the wide research topic of landscape archaeology context. Since 2011, the Ancient Appia Landscapes Project aims to recognize dynamics, shapes and layout of the ancient settlement located along the Appia road east of Benevento, and cyclical elements and human activities that influenced the choice of landscapes. The integration of geophysical data with an archaeological infra-site analysis allowed us to investigate the area of Masseria Grasso, about 6 km from Benevento (Campania region, Italy). In this framework, an archaeogeophysical approach (Geomagnetic and Ground Penetrating Radar) was adopted for detecting anomalies potentially correlated with buried archaeological evidences. The geomagnetic results have given a wide knowledge of buried features in a large survey highlighting significant anomalies associated with the presence of buildings, roads and open spaces. These geophysical results permitted us to define the first archaeological excavations and, successively, a detailed Ground Penetrating Radar approach has been provided highlighting the rooms and paved spaces. The overlap between archaeological dataset and geophysical surveys has also allowed recognizing the path of the ancient Appia road near the city of Benevento and hypothesize the settlement organization of the investigated area, which has been identified with the ancient Nuceriola.  相似文献   
Miocene continental saltpans are scattered in the Central Valley of the Atacama Desert, one of the driest regions on Earth. These evaporitic deposits are hydrologically inactive, and are detached from groundwater brines or aquifers. The surface of the saltpans, also known as salars, comprises desiccation polygons, commonly with nodular salt structures along their sides. The morphology and bulk mineralogy of salt polygons differs between and within salars, and the shape and internal structure of salt nodules varies between different polygon types. Based on field observation, and mineralogy and crystallography data, we generated a conceptual model for the genesis and evolution of these surface features, whereby rare rainfall events are responsible for the transformation of desiccation salt polygons and the initial formation of salt nodules along polygon borders. In addition, frequent, but less intense, deliquescence events further drive the evolution of salt nodules, resulting in a characteristic internal structure that includes laminations, and changes in porosity and crystal morphologies. As a result, and despite the extreme dryness, the surfaces of fossil salars are dynamic on timescales of several years to decades, in response to daily cycles in atmospheric moisture, and also to rare and meager rainfall events. We propose that fossil salars in the Atacama Desert represent an end stage in the evolution of evaporitic deposits under extreme and prolonged dryness. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
To date, studies of the stability of subsurface ice in the McMurdo Dry Valleys of Antarctica have been mainly based on climate-based vapor diffusion models. In University Valley (1800 m), a small glacier is found at the base of the head of the valley, and adjacent to the glacier, a buried body of massive ice was uncovered beneath 20–40 cm of loose cryotic sediments and sandstone boulders. This study assesses the origin and stability of the buried body of massive ice by measuring the geochemistry and stable O–H isotope composition of the ice and applies a sublimation and molecular diffusion model that accounts for the observed trends. The results indicate that the buried massive ice body represents an extension of the adjacent glacier that was buried by a rock avalanche during a cold climate period. The contrasting δ18O profiles and regression slope values between the uppermost 6 cm of the buried massive ice (upward convex δ18O profile and SD-18O = 5.1) and that below it (progressive increase in δ18O and SD-18O = 6.4) suggest independent post-depositional processes affected the isotope composition of the ice. The upward convex δ18O profile in the uppermost 6 cm is consistent with the ice undergoing sublimation. Using a sublimation and molecular diffusion model, and assuming that diffusion occurred through solid ice, the sublimation rate needed to fit the measured δ18O profile is 0.2 ? 10? 3 mm yr? 1, a value that is more similar to net ice removal rates derived from 3He data from cobbles in Beacon Valley till (7.0 ? 10? 3 mm yr? 1) than sublimation rates computed based on current climate (0.1–0.2 mm yr?1). We suggest that the climate-based sublimation rates are offset due to potential ice recharge mechanisms or to missing parameters, particularly the nature and thermo-physical properties of the overlying sediments (i.e., temperature, humidity, pore structure and ice content, grain size).  相似文献   
The oyster Crassostrea rhizophorae is a bivalve abundant in Venezuelan estuaries and consumed by local populations. No known values have been reported on trace metals in oysters from the central Venezuelan coast. We report the concentrations of Al, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb, Sr, V and Zn in the soft parts of C. rhizophorae, which were collected bimonthly between March 2008 and March 2009, at two sampling areas from the Central Venezuelan Coast: Buche estuary and Mochima estuary. Our results show that for each metal there is a similar temporal variation pattern. The concentrations of the heavy metals reported in this work are useful as reliable baselines and can be used for comparison in future environment studies. Concentrations in C. rhizophorae from the Buche estuary can be interpreted to be high on a global scale for Cd, Cu, Ni and Mn, indicating atypically raised bioavailabilities.  相似文献   
Water Resources - With conventional monitoring at low-frequency, biological responses to weather-related events are missed. In this paper, we examine the chlorophyll-a concentrations in a shallow...  相似文献   
Because the Hercynian overprint was extremely weak, the Sierra de Córdoba (southeastern Ossa-Morena Zone, OMZ) provides an excellent opportunity to study the tectonic evolution of sequences deposited close to the Late Neoproterozoic–Early Palaeozoic boundary. In order to put constraints on the sources and geodynamic significance of the Late Proterozoic magmatism, a representative set of 18 igneous rocks, and 3 interbedded sedimentary rocks from the San Jerónimo Formation have been studied for major and trace element geochemistry and for the Sm–Nd isotopic systematics. The igneous rocks are generally porphyritic to microporphyritic andesites, with abundant plagioclase (±amphibole) phenocrysts. With the exception of two intrusive rocks, possibly not related to the Late Proterozoic episode, all the samples display positive Nd550 Ma values, ranging from +2.9 to +7.6. Most of them, with +4<Nd550 Ma<+6, exhibit LREE enrichment, high La/Nb ratios, and elevated Zr/Nb ratios ranging from 21 to 32. There is no obvious correlation between the shape of REE patterns, La/Nb ratios and Nd550 Ma values, precluding simple models of late-stage interaction with typical crustal components having low Nd and high LREE/HREE and La/Nb ratios. Based on their major element composition and enriched, continental crust-like trace element characteristics, combined with distinctly positive Nd initial values, the Córdoba andesites document an episode of crustal growth through the addition of calc-alkaline magmas, extracted from a mantle reservoir which was strongly depleted in LREE on a time-integrated basis. The occurrence of interlayered sediments of continental provenance (negative Nd values) does not favour a purely ensimatic arc setting, remote from continental land masses, for this subduction-related magmatism, but the geochemical data suggest an active margin environment located on relatively juvenile crust. In any case, the Córdoba andesites document the addition of materials chemically similar to the bulk continental crust which were extracted from mantle sources with strong time-integrated LREE depletion. Therefore, they provide evidence for crustal growth related to Cadomian orogenic events during Late Proterozoic times.  相似文献   
The application of a powerful evolutionary optimization technique for the estimation of intrinsic formation constants describing geologically relevant adsorption reactions at mineral surfaces is introduced. We illustrate the optimization power of a simple Genetic Algorithm (GA) for forward (aqueous chemical speciation calculations) and inverse (calibration of Surface Complexation Models, SCMs) modeling problems of varying degrees of complexity, including problems where conventional deterministic derivative-based root-finding techniques such as Newton–Raphson, implemented in popular programs such as FITEQL, fail to converge or yield poor data fits upon convergence. Subject to sound a priori physical–chemical constraints, adequate solution encoding schemes, and simple GA operators, the GA conducts an exhaustive probabilistic search in a broad solution space and finds a suitable solution regardless of the input values and without requiring sophisticated GA implementations (e.g., advanced GA operators, parallel genetic programming). The drawback of the GA approach is the large number of iterations that must be performed to obtain a satisfactory solution. Nevertheless, for computationally demanding problems, the efficiency of the optimization can be greatly improved by combining heuristic GA optimization with the Newton–Raphson approach to exploit the power of deterministic techniques after the evolutionary-driven set of potential solutions has reached a suitable level of numerical viability. Despite the computational requirements of the GA, its robustness, flexibility, and simplicity make it a very powerful, alternative tool for the calibration of SCMs, a critical step in the generation of a reliable thermodynamic database describing adsorption equilibria. The latter is fundamental to the forward modeling of the adsorption behavior of minerals and geologically based adsorbents in hydro-geological settings (e.g., aquifers, pore waters, water basins) and/or in engineered reactors (e.g., mining, hazardous waste disposal industries).  相似文献   
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