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SedNetNZ is used to model the effect of erosion control undertaken under the Sustainable Land Use Initiative (SLUI) and predict the effect of climate change on sediment load in the Manawatū–Whanganui region. Sediment load in 2004 is estimated at 13.4?Mt?yr?1; by 2018, ≈5000?km2 of land had farm plans implemented and annual sediment load reduced by 6.2% of the 2004 load. If SLUI stops at the 2018 level of implementation, by 2038 it is predicted to achieve a 15.7% reduction in annual sediment load. If SLUI continues to implement farm plans, 7949?km2 of land will be treated by 2043 and annual sediment load could be reduced by a further 14.7%. Climate change is predicted to substantially increase sediment loads. By 2043 annual sediment load for the region is predicted to increase, compared to 2004, by between 8.3 and 23.7%. However, this can largely be offset by SLUI works. By 2090 an annual sediment load increase of between 53 and 224% due to climate change is predicted. The results suggest climate warming may dominate changes in sediment load in the future.  相似文献   
Meteoritical Bulletin 101 contains 2639 meteorites accepted by the Nomenclature Committee in 2012, including 1 fall (Battle Mountain), with 2308 ordinary chondrites, 156 carbonaceous chondrites, 63 HED achondrites, 17 relict meteorites, 16 Rumuruti chondrites, 15 enstatite chondrites, 15 ureilites, 10 iron meteorites, 9 lunar meteorites, 9 primitive achondrites, 8 ungrouped achondrites, 7 mesosiderites, 4 Martian meteorites, and 2 Pallasites, and with 1812 from Antarctica, 437 from Asia, 301 from Africa, 43 from South America, 21 from Europe (including Russia), 21 from North America, 3 from Oceania, and 1 from unknown. Information about approved meteorites can be obtained from the Meteoritical Bulletin Database (MBD) available on line at http://www.lpi.usra.edu/meteor/ .  相似文献   
Thallium stable isotope ratio and mass fraction measurements were performed on sixteen geological reference materials spanning three orders of magnitude in thallium mass fraction, including both whole rock and partially separated mineral powders. For stable isotope ratio measurements, a minimum of three independent digestions of each reference material was obtained. High‐precision trace element measurements (including Tl) were also performed for the majority of these RMs. The range of Tl mass fractions represented is 10 ng g?1 to 16 μg g?1, and Tl stable isotope ratios (reported for historical reasons as ε205Tl relative to NIST SRM 997) span the range ?4 to +2. With the exception – attributed to between‐bottle heterogeneity – of G‐2, the majority of data are in good agreement with published or certified values, where available. The precision of mean of independent measurement results between independent dissolutions suggests that, for the majority of materials analysed, a minimum digested mass of 100 mg is recommended to mitigate the impact of small‐scale powder heterogeneity. Of the sixteen materials analysed, we therefore recommend for use as Tl reference materials the USGS materials BCR‐2, COQ‐1, GSP‐2 and STM‐1; CRPG materials AL‐I, AN‐G, FK‐N, ISH‐G, MDO‐G, Mica‐Fe, Mica‐Mg and UB‐N; NIST SRM 607 and OREAS14P.  相似文献   
The Origins of Yakutian Eclogite Xenoliths   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
Owing to the association with diamonds, eclogite xenoliths havereceived disproportionate attention given their low abundancein kimberlites. Several hypotheses have been advanced for theorigin of eclogite xenoliths, from the subduction and high-pressuremelting of oceanic crust, to cumulates and liquids derived fromthe upper mantle. We have amassed a comprehensive data set,including major- and trace-element mineral chemistry, carbonisotopes in diamonds, and Rb–Sr, Sm–Nd, Re–Os,and oxygen isotopes in ultrapure mineral and whole-rock splitsfrom eclogites of the Udachnaya kimberlite pipe, Yakutia, Russia.Furthermore, eclogites from two other Yakutian kimberlite pipes,Mir and Obnazhennaya, have been studied in detail and offercontrasting images of eclogite protoliths. Relative to eclogitesfrom southern Africa and other Yakutian localities, Udachnayaeclogites are notable in the absence of chemical zoning in mineralgrains, as well as the degree of light rare earth element (LREE)depletion and unradiogenic Sr; lack of significant oxygen, sulfur,and carbon isotopic variation relative to the mantle; and intermineralradiogenic isotopic equilibration. Several of these eclogitescould be derived from ancient, recycled, oceanic crust, butmany others exhibit no evidence for an oceanic crustal protolith.The apparent lack of stable-isotope variation in the Udachnayaeclogites could be due to the antiquity of the samples and consequentlack of deep oceanic and biogenically diverse environments atthat time. Those eclogites that are interpreted to be non-recycledhave compositions characteristic of Group A eclogites from otherlocalities that also have been interpreted as being directlyfrom the mantle. At least two separate and diverse isotopicreservoirs are suggested by Nd isotopic whole-rock reconstructions.Most samples were derived from typical depleted mantle. However,two groups of three samples each indicate both enriched mantleand possible ultra-depleted mantle present beneath Yakutia duringthe late Archean and early Proterozoic. The vast majority ofeclogites studied from the Obnazhennaya pipe also exhibit characteristicsof Group A eclogites and are probably derived directly fromthe mantle. However, the eclogites from the Mir kimberlite aremore typical of other eclogites world-wide and show convincingevidence of a recycled, oceanic crustal affinity. We concurwith the late Ted Ringwood that eclogites can be formed in avariety of ways, both within the mantle and from oceanic crustalresidues. KEY WORDS: diamonds; eclogite xenoliths; isotopic composition; REE; Yakutia  相似文献   
A technique, referred to as SARTopo, has been developed for obtaining surface height estimates with 10 km horizontal resolution and 75 m vertical resolution of the surface of Titan along each Cassini Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) swath. We describe the technique and present maps of the co-located data sets. A global map and regional maps of Xanadu and the northern hemisphere hydrocarbon lakes district are included in the results. A strength of the technique is that it provides topographic information co-located with SAR imagery. Having a topographic context vastly improves the interpretability of the SAR imagery and is essential for understanding Titan.SARTopo is capable of estimating surface heights for most of the SAR-imaged surface of Titan. Currently nearly 30% of the surface is within 100 km of a SARTopo height profile. Other competing techniques provide orders of magnitude less coverage.We validate the SARTopo technique through comparison with known geomorphological features such as mountain ranges and craters, and by comparison with co-located nadir altimetry, including a 3000 km strip that had been observed by SAR a month earlier. In this area, the SARTopo and nadir altimetry data sets are co-located tightly (within 5-10 km for one 500 km section), have similar resolution, and as expected agree closely in surface height. Furthermore the region contains prominent high spatial resolution topography, so it provides an excellent test of the resolution and precision of both techniques.  相似文献   
New precise Te isotope data acquired by multiple collector inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (MC-ICPMS) are presented for selected extraterrestrial and terrestrial materials. Bulk samples of carbonaceous, ordinary and enstatite chondrites as well as the metal and sulfide phases of iron meteorites were analyzed to search for nucleosynthetic isotope anomalies and to find evidence of formerly live 126Sn, which decays to 126Te with a half-life of 234,500 yr. None of the meteorites show evidence of mass dependent Te isotope fractionations larger than 2‰ for δ126/128Te. Following internal normalization of the data to 125Te/128Te, the Te isotope ratios of all analyzed meteorites were found to be identical to a terrestrial standard, within uncertainties. This provides evidence that the regions of the solar disk that were sampled during accretion of the meteorite parent bodies were well mixed and homogeneous on a large scale, with respect to Te isotopes. The data acquired for bulk carbonaceous chondrites indicate that the initial 126Sn/118Sn ratio of the solar system was <4 × 10−5, but this is dependent on the assumption that no redistribution of Sn and Te occurred since the start of the solar system. Five Archean sedimentary sulfides that display both mass dependent and mass-independent isotope effects for S yield internally normalized Te isotope data, which indicate that mass-independent Te isotope effects are absent. The mass dependent fractionations in these samples are constrained to be less than ∼1‰ for δ126/128Te.  相似文献   
Orthorhombic post-perovskite CaPtO3 is isostructural with post-perovskite MgSiO3, a deep-Earth phase stable only above 100 GPa. Energy-dispersive X-ray diffraction data (to 9.4 GPa and 1,024 K) for CaPtO3 have been combined with published isothermal and isobaric measurements to determine its PVT equation of state (EoS). A third-order Birch–Murnaghan EoS was used, with the volumetric thermal expansion coefficient (at atmospheric pressure) represented by α(T) = α0 + α1(T). The fitted parameters had values: isothermal incompressibility, $ K_{{T_{0} }} $  = 168.4(3) GPa; $ K_{{T_{0} }}^{\prime } $  = 4.48(3) (both at 298 K); $ \partial K_{{T_{0} }} /\partial T $  = ?0.032(3) GPa K?1; α0 = 2.32(2) × 10?5 K?1; α1 = 5.7(4) × 10?9 K?2. The volumetric isothermal Anderson–Grüneisen parameter, δ T , is 7.6(7) at 298 K. $ \partial K_{{T_{0} }} /\partial T $ for CaPtO3 is similar to that recently reported for CaIrO3, differing significantly from values found at high pressure for MgSiO3 post-perovskite (?0.0085(11) to ?0.024 GPa K?1). We also report axial PVT EoS of similar form, the first for any post-perovskite. Fitted to the cubes of the axes, these gave $ \partial K_{{aT_{0} }} /\partial T $  = ?0.038(4) GPa K?1; $ \partial K_{{bT_{0} }} /\partial T $  = ?0.021(2) GPa K?1; $ \partial K_{{cT_{0} }} /\partial T $  = ?0.026(5) GPa K?1, with δ T  = 8.9(9), 7.4(7) and 4.6(9) for a, b and c, respectively. Although $ K_{{T_{0} }} $ is lowest for the b-axis, its incompressibility is the least temperature dependent.  相似文献   
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