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Paleoseismology, the study of past earthquakes based on their geological record in the stratigraphy and landscape, is a successful newly developing field of research. The application of fault trench studies in volcanic environments is one of the youngest branches of paleoseismology. In this paper, we present the results of the first exploratory trenches excavated at Mt. Etna in Sicily, the largest European volcano. Modern surface faulting at Etna is a very well known feature, which poses significant hazard to the local community, both in terms of ground displacement of essential lifelines and ground shacking from frequent damaging earthquakes. However, while the geomorphology and the seismicity of the active fault in the Etna region consistently show very high rates of tectonic activity, the Holocene cumulative throw and slip-rates, along with the nature (coseismic vs. creeping fault slip), dimension and timing of the displacement events, are still poorly constrained. For this purpose, we selected as a sample area the Moscarello fault, one of the most outstanding segment of the Timpe system of active normal faults in the volcano’s lower eastern flank. Displaced landforms and volcanic units at the Fondo Macchia basin, in the central sector of this fault, indicate some hundreds of meters of vertical offset in the last ca. 80 kyr, with a long-term slip-rate substantially higher than 1.5–2.0 mm/yr. According to the historical sources and instrumental observations, the Moscarello fault ruptured four times in the last 150 years during shallow (H < 5 km) and moderate magnitude (M < 4.8) earthquakes. These events were associated with severe damage in a narrow epicentral area (macroseismic intensities up to the IX–X grade of the MSK scale) and extensive surface faulting (end-to-end rupture length up to 6 km, vertical offsets up to 90 cm). This clearly indicates very high modern rates of deformation along this fault. We conducted trench investigations at the Fondo Macchia site, in a point where eyewitnesses observed ca. 20 cm of coseismic vertical displacement after the April 21, 1971, Ms=3.7, earthquake. The excavated sections provided direct stratigraphic evidence for a vertical slip-rate of 1.4–2.7 mm/yr in the last ca. 6 kyr. This should be regarded as a minimum slip-rate for the central section of the fault. We explored a single scarp at a single site, while we know from recent historical observations that several parallel scarps may rupture coseismically at Fondo Macchia. Thus, the relevant deformation rate documented for the modern period might be likely extended back in the past to a time-span of some thousands of years at least. As expected, for such a volcanic environment, the activity rates of the Moscarello fault are also significantly higher than for the Apennines normal faults, typically showing slip-rates lower than 1 mm/yr. The agriculturally reworked trench hangingwall stratigraphy did not allow to recognize individual displacement events. Nevertheless, the sedimentary structures observed in the trench footwall strongly suggest that, as for the last 150–200 years of detailed historical record, fault behavior at Fondo Macchia is governed by coseismic surface displacement rather than fault creep. This research confirms that paleoseismology techniques can be effectively applied also in active volcanic environments, typically characterized by rheology and, consequently, seismicity and fault dynamics very different from those of other tectonic environments in which paleoseismology has been firstly developed and is today extensively applied.  相似文献   
Turbidites crop out extensively in the Northern Apennine mountains (Italy). The huge amounts of groundwater drained by tunnels, built for the high speed railway connection between Bologna and Florence, demonstrate the aquifer-like behaviour of these units, up to now considered as aquitards. A conceptual model of groundwater flow systems (GFS) in fractured aquifers of turbidites is proposed, taking into account both system natural state and the perturbation induced by tunnel drainage. Analysis of hydrological data (springs, streams and tunnel discharge), collected over 10 years, was integrated with analysis of hydrochemical and isotopic data and a stream-tunnel tracer test. Hydrologic recession analysis of undisturbed conditions is a key tool in studying turbiditic aquifer hydrogeology, permitting the discrimination of GFS, the estimation of recharge relative to the upstream reach portion and the identification of springs most vulnerable to tunnel drainage impacts. The groundwater budgeting analysis provides evidence that the natural aquifer discharge was stream-focused through GFS, developed downslope or connected to main extensional tectonic lineaments intersecting stream beds; now tunnels drain mainly active recharge groundwater and so cause a relevant stream baseflow deplenishment (approximately two-thirds of the natural value), possibly resulting in adverse effects on local ecosystems.  相似文献   
Paleosols are recurrent features in alluvial successions and provide information about past sedimentary dynamics and climate change. Through sedimentological analysis on six sediment cores, the mud-dominated succession beneath the medieval ‘Two Towers’ of Bologna was investigated down to 100 m depth. A succession of weakly developed paleosols (Inceptisols) was identified. Four paleosols (P1, P2, P3 and PH) were radiocarbon-dated to 40–10 cal ka bp . Organic matter and CaCO3 determinations indicate low groundwater levels during soil development, which spanned periods < 5 ka. The development and burial of soils, which occurred synchronously in the Bologna region and in other sectors of the Po Plain, are interpreted to reflect climatic and eustatic variations. Climatic oscillations, at the scale of the Bond cycles, controlled soil development and burial during Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 3 (P1 and P2). Rapid sea-level oscillations probably induced soil development at the MIS 3/2 transition (P3) and favored burial of PH after 10 ka bp . Weakly developed paleosols in alluvial successions can provide clues to millennial-scale climatic and environmental variations. In particular, the paleosol-bearing succession of the Po Plain represents an unprecedent record of environmental changes across the Late Pleistocene (MIS 3 and 2) in the Mediterranean region.  相似文献   
In this paper a theoretical perturbation approach to the problem of the dynamics in secular resonance is exposed. This approach avoids any expansion of the main term of the Hamiltonian (linear term in the masses) with respect to the eccentricity or the inclination of the asteroid, in order to achieve results valid for any value of these variables. Moreover suitable action-angle variables are introduced to take properly into account the dynamics related to the motion of the argument of perihelion of the asteroid, which is relevant at high inclination. A class of secular resonances wider than that usually considered is found. An explicit computation of the location of the main secular resonances, estimating also the contribution of the quadratic term in the masses by means of classical series expansion, is reported in the last sections. The accuracy of computations obtained by series expansion is discussed in the paper.  相似文献   
Field investigations show that Plio-Quaternary Mexican and Quaternary Ecuadorian volcanic arcs are coeval with intra-arc transcurrent or transtensional tectonics with motions along faults parallel or subparallel to the arc. This relationship can also be observed in the Quaternary Kamchatka arc. These arcs have an anomalously wide distribution of volcanic centres which cannot be explained simply by a low dip in the subducting lithosphere. Comparison with the intra-arc tectonics and geometry of other Quaternary arcs reveals that strike-slip fault zones, parallel to the arc, favour magma rising in a broad surficial zone and may channel magma feeding mainly huge stratovolcanoes.  相似文献   
The production of sediments by carbonate-producing ecosystems is an important input for beach sediment budgets in coastal areas where no terrigenous input occurs. Calcifying organisms are a major source of bioclastic carbonate sediment for coastal systems. Increased levels of CO2 in the atmosphere are leading to an increase in the partial pressure of CO2 on ocean seawater, causing ocean acidification (OA), with direct consequences for the pH of ocean waters. Most studies of OA focus on its impact on marine ecosystems. The impact of OA on carbonate-producing ecosystems could be to reduce the amount of sediments supplied to temperate coastal systems. The aim of this study was to quantify the effect of the predicted OA on the long-term sediment budget of a temperate Mediterranean mixed carbonate beach and dune system. Based on projections of OA we estimated a fall of about 31% in the present bioclastic carbonate sediment deposition rate, with the biggest decreases seen in the dunes (? 46%). OA is also expected to affect the carbonate sediment reservoirs, increasing the dissolution of CaCO3and causing net sediment loss from the system (~ 50,000 t century?1). In the long-term, OA could also play a primary role in the response of these systems to sea-level rise. Indeed, the reduction in the quantity of carbonate sediments provided to the system may affect the speed with which the system is able to adapt to sea-level rise, by increasing wave run-up, and may promote erosion of dunes and subaerial beaches.  相似文献   
Repeated time-variable redshifted absorption features in the spectrum of β Pictoris (β Pic) have been attributed to comet-like bodies falling toward the star, when evaporating in its immediate vicinity. This model explains now a large number of observational characteristics, but the exact mechanism that could generate these numerous star-grazers is still controversial, even if planetary perturbations are thought to be the basic process. The different models proposed up to now are here reviewed, and we discuss in particular a recent one, involving the effect of secular resonances in the β Pic system. We stress that it seems highly improbable that such a mechanism could apply to the β Pic case, because the extremely strong power of secular resonances is connected to the very specific structure of the Solar System. Therefore, the secular resonance mechanism is highly non-generic. Conversely, we propose a model involving the eccentricity-pumping effect of mean-motion resonances with a massive planet on a moderately eccentric orbit. We show in particular that the 4:1 mean-motion resonance is a very active source of star-grazers as soon as the eccentricity of the perturbing planet is ?0.05, while the 3:1 mean-motion resonance is less efficient. We stress that this mechanism is very generic. These theoretical predictions are confirmed by numerical integrations using the Extended Schubart Integrator. The time-scale of the process is discussed, and we show that if the eccentricity of the perturbing planet fluctuates, due to secular perturbations, this time-scale is compatible with the age of β Pic's system.  相似文献   
The crystal chemistry of a ferroaxinite from Colebrook Hill, Rosebery district, Tasmania, Australia, was investigated by electron microprobe analysis in wavelength-dispersive mode, inductively coupled plasma–atomic emission spectroscopy (ICP–AES), 57Fe Mössbauer spectroscopy and single-crystal neutron diffraction at 293 K. The chemical formula obtained on the basis of the ICP–AES data is the following: \( ^{X1,X2} {\text{Ca}}_{4.03} \,^{Y} \left( {{\text{Mn}}_{0.42} {\text{Mg}}_{0.23} {\text{Fe}}^{2 + }_{1.39} } \right)_{\varSigma 2.04} \,^{Z1,Z2} \left( {{\text{Fe}}^{3 + }_{0.15} {\text{Al}}_{3.55} {\text{Ti}}_{0.12} } \right)_{\varSigma 3.82} \,^{T1,T2,T3,T4} \left( {{\text{Ti}}_{0.03} {\text{Si}}_{7.97} } \right)_{\varSigma 8} \,^{T5} {\text{B}}_{1.96} {\text{O}}_{30} \left( {\text{OH}} \right)_{2.18} \). The 57Fe Mössbauer spectrum shows unambiguously the occurrence of Fe2+ and Fe3+ in octahedral coordination only, with Fe2+/Fe3+ = 9:1. The neutron structure refinement provides a structure model in general agreement with the previous experimental findings: the tetrahedral T1, T2, T3 and T4 sites are fully occupied by Si, whereas the T5 site is fully occupied by B, with no evidence of Si at the T5, or Al or Fe3+ at the T1T5 sites. The structural and chemical data of this study suggest that the amount of B in ferroaxinite is that expected from the ideal stoichiometry: 2 a.p.f.u. (for 32 O). The atomic distribution among the X1, X2, Y, Z1 and Z2 sites obtained by neutron structure refinement is in good agreement with that based on the ICP–AES data. For the first time, an unambiguous localization of the H site is obtained, which forms a hydroxyl group with the oxygen atom at the O16 site as donor. The H-bonding scheme in axinite structure is now fully described: the O16H distance (corrected for riding motion effect) is 0.991(1) Å and an asymmetric bifurcated bonding configuration occurs, with O5 and O13 as acceptors [i.e. with O16···O5 = 3.096(1) Å, H···O5 = 2.450(1) Å and O16H···O5 = 123.9(1)°; O16···O13 = 2.777(1) Å, H···O13 = 1.914(1) Å and O16H···O13 = 146.9(1)°].  相似文献   
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