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Activity ratios of 234U/238U, 230Th/234U, and 230Th/232Th have been determined for calcite, gypsum and halite speleothems from caves of the Nullarbor Plain, mostly in the area N and NW of Mundrabilla Station, for the purpose of U-series dating. All calcite speleothems contain adequate amounts of uranium for dating, but some show an excess of 230Th. Stratigraphic relationships indicate that there were at least three phases of calcium carbonate deposition in the Nullarbor caves. The calcite samples, with one possible exception, have ages in excess of ca. 400000 yrs BP. This suggests that no significant amounts of calcium carbonate deposition have taken place during the last 400ka. At present, active deposition of speleothems is restricted almost entirely to gypsum and halite. The only gypsum speleothem dated was found to have a finite age of ca. 185 ka. Six dates on a small halite speleothem containing insect and arachnid remains indicate that it formed rapidly during Holocene time.  相似文献   
Fluid inclusion studies in combination with hydrogen, oxygen and sulphur isotope data provide novel insights into the genesis of giant amethyst-bearing geodes in Early Cretaceous Paraná continental flood basalts at Amestita do Sul, Brazil. Monophase liquid inclusions in colourless quartz, amethyst, calcite, barite and gypsum were analysed by microthermometry after stimulating bubble nucleation using single femtosecond laser pulses. The salinity of the fluid inclusions was determined from ice-melting temperatures and a combination of prograde and retrograde homogenisation temperatures via the density maximum of the aqueous solutions. Four mineralisation stages are distinguished. In stage I, celadonite, chalcedony and pyrite formed under reducing conditions in a thermally stable environment. Low δ34SV-CDT values of pyrite (?25 to ?32?‰) suggest biogenic sulphate reduction by organotrophic bacteria. During the subsequent stages II (amethyst, goethite and anhydrite), III (early subhedral calcite) and IV (barite, late subhedral calcite and gypsum), the oxidation state of the fluid changed towards more oxidising conditions and microbial sulphate reduction ceased. Three distinct modes of fluid salinities around 5.3, 3.4 and 0.3 wt% NaCl-equivalent characterise the mineralisation stages II, III and IV, respectively. The salinity of the stage I fluid is unknown due to lack of fluid inclusions. Variation in homogenisation temperatures and in δ18O values of amethyst show evidence of repeated pulses of ascending hydrothermal fluids of up to 80–90 °C infiltrating a basaltic host rock of less than 45 °C. Colourless quartz and amethyst formed at temperatures between 40 and 80 °C, while the different calcite generations and late gypsum precipitated at temperatures below 45 °C. Calculated oxygen isotope composition of the amethyst-precipitating fluid in combination with δD values of amethyst-hosted fluid inclusions (?59 to ?51?‰) show a significant 18O-shift from the meteoric water line. This 18O-shift, high salinities of the fluid inclusions with chloride-sulphate composition, and high δ34S values of anhydrite and barite (7.5 to 9.9?‰) suggest that sedimentary brines from deeper parts of the Guaraní aquifer system must have been responsible for the amethyst mineralisation.  相似文献   
A 2000-year accumulation of varved sediments from Hell's Kitchen Lake in north-central Wisconsin was analyzed for pollen, charcoal, and seeds. The varves provided an accurate time scale for the study. The pollen record indicates changes on two different time scales. Short-term changes lasting several decades appear to be superimposed on long-term changes lasting several centuries. The short-term changes are related to individual fires, and the long-term changes result from increases or decreases in the frequency of these perturbations. From 2000 to 1150 years ago the average interval between fires was about 100 years, and from 1150 to 120 years ago the interval increased to about 140 years. Evidence from pollen, seeds, and charcoal at Hell's Kitchen Lake suggests that at least two “moist” intervals occurred during the past 2000 years, one between 2000 and 1700 years ago and the other between 600 and 100 years ago. A third but minor “moist” period occurred about 1150 to 850 years ago. A pollen and seed diagram shows that these intervals are characterized by increased percentages of white pine pollen, hemlock pollen, and yellow birch seeds, and by decreased levels of charcoal. The “dry” interval of 1700 to 1150 years ago is characterized by increased percentages of paper birch seeds, oak pollen, and aspen pollen, along with high levels of charcoal. The times of climatic change indicated at Hell's Kitchen Lake are nearly synchronous with those based on studies of tree rings, soils, glacial activity, and other pollen studies from various regions of North America, but the direction of these inferred changes is not always the same. This result suggests that the long-wave pattern of the general circulation has been variable during the past 2000 years.  相似文献   
Forests cover 29% of the continents. Their importance for mankind is not only due to wood production but also by their manyfold influences on the biosphere. The properties of forest stands influence climate, water balance, air constituents and the dynamic of atmosphere. The welfare functions of forests can be observed in the global as well as in the local or microscale. Anthropogenic measures, as deforestation and air pollution, endanger the forests and by that one of the main pillars of nature on earth.  相似文献   
Repetitive gravity surveys at Pacaya Volcano from 1975 to 1979 revealed time-dependent changes in the gravity field, which although related to volcanic activity, could not be uniquely attributed to elevation changes or mass redistributions because elevation control was lacking. Elevation control was established in July 1979 using precision leveling. Relative elevation and gravity measurements in June and July of 1979, January 1980 and June 1980 indicate concurrent gravity and elevation changes contemporaneous with variations in eruptive activity. From June 1979 to January 1980, while fumarolic activity was dominant, relative to the most remote station, the volcano deflated by at least 195 mm and the gravity field increased by up to 221 μgal. From January 1980 to June 1980, preceding a Strombolian eruption beginning about June 1980, the volcano inflated by at least 19 mm and the gravity field decreased by up to 231 μgal. Gravity change maps for the intervals of January 1978 to June 1979, June 1979 to January 1980, and January 1980 to June 1980 show areas subject to repeated positive and negative gravity change. Some of those areas coincide with areas of maximum elevation change observed in the June 1979–January 1980 and January 1980–June 1980 intervals; however, gravity changes were observed in areas lacking elevation changes. Adjusting observed gravity changes for elevation changes using a free-air value of −3.086 μgal/cm does not substantially alter the pattern, position, or amplitude of the gravity changes. The relationship between gravity changes, elevation changes, and volcanic activity requires a mechanism producing gravity decreases with little inflation during times of increased eruptive activity, and producing gravity increases with subsidence during times of declining eruptive activity. Such a pattern of changes could be produced by a near-surface magma body in which high-density degassed magma is displaced volume for volume by low-density vesiculated magma during time of increased eruptive activity, and in which loss of gasses by fumarolic activity produces a density increase and a reduction in volume of the magma body during periods of declining eruptive activity. Such a pattern of changes could also be induced by a low-density, vesiculated magma body moving upward in the volcanic pile by piecemeal stoping where the high-density rocks of the volcano are replaced on a volume for volume basis by low-density magma during periods of increasing eruptive activity; and by later density increases and magma body volume reductions accompanying devolatilization and devesiculation during periods of declining eruptive activity. Simple density change and density contrast models involving shallow magma bodies at depths of 100 to 200 m indicate density changes or contrasts of about 0.4 g/cm3 could produce the gravity changes.  相似文献   
Outdoor domestic water use is often targeted by demand management strategies. However, despite a rich empirical evidence base coming from primary studies, it is still unclear how factors that influence this type of demand interact and which are the most suitable to be addressed by water conservation programs. Based on 423 scientific contributions, we develop a research synthesis combining a variety of techniques to create a theoretical model of the relationships among factors most consistently observed in the literature. The findings uncover a great degree of complexity in terms of interactions between spatial-structural, social-structural, and cultural and psychological factors at different scales. For researchers, the methodology and the outcomes can be useful to better frame existing and future research within the literature on the topic. In practice, the adaptation of the theoretical model to local specificities can facilitate the design of more efficient and integrated demand management strategies.  相似文献   
Increases in biodiversity losses are a growing concern globally. In farm animals, related concerns about losses in genetic diversity have potentially increased with the emergence of breeding technologies that allow for faster genetic change in herds. Farmer and public acceptance of specific breeding practices can be influenced by a number of factors, including concerns about biodiversity and knowledge of biodiversity. The link between these factors and acceptance of new genetic technologies, if it exists, may help explain concerns about genetic technologies. This article examines the effect of attitudes and knowledge about biodiversity on the acceptance of genomic selection in livestock production using farmer and public survey data from Canada. Our results suggest that the link between biodiversity concerns and the acceptance of genomic selection is more robust for the public than for farmers. We also find that biodiversity knowledge and attitudes have opposite effects on acceptance of genomic selection.  相似文献   
长期以来关于构造隆升、气候变化和大陆化学风化的相互关系存在诸多争议。在气候和构造相互作用典型区域建立高精度大陆化学风化序列是解决上述科学问题的有效途径之一。位于青藏高原东北缘长期封闭的柴达木盆地,其独特的位置和连续的沉积使其成为研究构造隆升、气候变化和大陆化学风化的理想场所。本文以柴达木盆地西部千米深钻SG-1钻孔高质量的连续细粒湖相岩芯为研究对象,使用盐类矿物的硫酸根和钾离子含量、碳酸盐锰含量和硅酸盐化学蚀变指数(CIA)和Nd同位素分析,重建该区第四纪以来湖泊流域气候变化过程和硅酸盐化学风化及可能的物源变化。结果表明柴达木盆地西部第四纪以来流域物源相对稳定,流域整体呈现出气候干旱化、流域硅酸盐风化强度减弱、湖水盐度增加和湖面降低的长期一致性演化过程;上述演化进程在2.2 Ma到2.0 Ma期间短暂加强,在约1.2 Ma和约0.6~0.5 Ma出现逐步加强趋势。过去60万年,柴达木盆地西部在冰期存在的相对高湖面时期与黄土高原粒度指标反映的冬季风减弱阶段可以很好对比。北大西洋海表温度反映的高纬过程是长时间尺度(>105年)驱动柴达木盆地西部气候变化和流域硅酸盐风化强度变化的主要因素;西伯利亚高压系统和西风系统的"跷跷板关系"可能是冰期-间冰期或者更短尺度影响柴达木盆地西部气候变化的主要因素。  相似文献   
For the managers of a region as large as the Great Barrier Reef, it is a challenge to develop a cost effective monitoring program, with appropriate temporal and spatial resolution to detect changes in water quality. The current study compares water quality data (phytoplankton abundance and water clarity) from remote sensing with field sampling (continuous underway profiles of water quality and fixed site sampling) at different spatial scales in the Great Barrier Reef north of Mackay (20 degrees S). Five transects (20-30 km long) were conducted from clean oceanic water to the turbid waters adjacent to the mainland. The different data sources demonstrated high correlations when compared on a similar spatial scale (18 fixed sites). However, each data source also contributed unique information that could not be obtained by the other techniques. A combination of remote sensing, underway sampling and fixed stations will deliver the best spatial and temporal monitoring of water quality in the Great Barrier Reef.  相似文献   
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