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Multiobjective optimization deals with mathematical optimization problems where two or more objective functions (cost functions) are to be optimized (maximized or minimized) simultaneously. In most cases of interest, the objective functions are in conflict, i.e., there does not exist a decision (design) vector (vector of optimization variables) at which every objective function takes on its optimal value. The solution of a multiobjective problem is commonly defined as a Pareto front, and any decision vector which maps to a point on the Pareto front is said to be Pareto optimal. We present an original derivation of an analytical expression for the steepest descent direction for multiobjective optimization for the case of two objectives. This leads to an algorithm which can be applied to obtain Pareto optimal points or, equivalently, points on the Pareto front when the problem is the minimization of two conflicting objectives. The method is in effect a generalization of the steepest descent algorithm for minimizing a single objective function. The steepest-descent multiobjective optimization algorithm is applied to obtain optimal well controls for two example problems where the two conflicting objectives are the maximization of the life-cycle (long-term) net-present-value (NPV) and the maximization of the short-term NPV. The results strongly suggest the multiobjective steepest-descent (MOSD) algorithm is more efficient than competing multiobjective optimization algorithms.  相似文献   
Windblown dust originating in China and Mongolia causes health effects and agricultural damage in its source areas and causes Asian dust events in Japan. An early warning system that could be combined with weather forecasts would be helpful in preventing serious damage. However, it is difficult to specify source areas of dust with current dust modeling systems because land surface information, including vegetation coverage and land surface soil water content, is inadequate. To find and monitor dust source regions, a semi-real-time dust erodibility map was developed based on MODIS satellite data that focuses particularly on the threshold wind speed in a target area of northeast Asia including China and Mongolia (35°–50°N, 75°–120°E). The mapping system incorporates satellite data on snow cover, areas of frozen soil, surface soil water content, and vegetation cover.  相似文献   
Increases in biodiversity losses are a growing concern globally. In farm animals, related concerns about losses in genetic diversity have potentially increased with the emergence of breeding technologies that allow for faster genetic change in herds. Farmer and public acceptance of specific breeding practices can be influenced by a number of factors, including concerns about biodiversity and knowledge of biodiversity. The link between these factors and acceptance of new genetic technologies, if it exists, may help explain concerns about genetic technologies. This article examines the effect of attitudes and knowledge about biodiversity on the acceptance of genomic selection in livestock production using farmer and public survey data from Canada. Our results suggest that the link between biodiversity concerns and the acceptance of genomic selection is more robust for the public than for farmers. We also find that biodiversity knowledge and attitudes have opposite effects on acceptance of genomic selection.  相似文献   
El Niño/Southern Oscillation (ENSO) is considered one of the most powerful forces driving anomalous global weather patterns. Large-scale seasonal precipitation and temperature changes influenced by ENSO have been examined in many areas of the world. The southeastern United States is one of the regions affected by ENSO events. In this study, remote sensing detection of vegetation response to ENSO phases is demonstrated with one-kilometer biweekly Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) data (1989–1999) derived from the Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer(AVHRR). The impacts of three ENSO phases, cold, warm and neutral, on vegetation were analyzed with a focus on two vegetation cover types, two seasons and two geographic regions within the southeastern U.S. Significant ENSO effects on vegetation were found in cropland and forest vegetation cover types based on image and statistical analysis of the NDVI data. The results indicate that vegetation condition was optimal during the ENSO neutral phase for both agricultural and natural vegetation.  相似文献   
We evaluated the performance of the three-dimensional Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) mesoscale model, specifically the performance of the planetary boundary-layer (PBL) parametrizations. For this purpose, Cabauw tower observations were used, with the study extending beyond the third GEWEX Atmospheric Boundary-Layer Study (GABLS3) one-dimensional model intercomparison. The WRF model (version 3.4.1) contains 12 different PBL parametrizations, most of which have been only partially evaluated. The GABLS3 case offers a clear opportunity to evaluate model performance, focusing on time series of near-surface weather variables, radiation and surface flux budgets, vertical structure and the nighttime inertial oscillation. The model results revealed substantial differences between the PBL schemes. Generally, non-local schemes tend to produce higher temperatures and higher wind speeds than local schemes, in particular, for nighttime. The WRF model underestimates the 2-m temperature during daytime (about \(2\) K) and substantially underestimates it at night (about \(4\) K), in contrast to the previous studies where modelled 2-m temperature was overestimated. Considering the 10-m wind speed, during the night turbulent kinetic energy based schemes tend to produce lower wind speeds than other schemes. In all simulations the sensible and latent heat fluxes were well reproduced. For the net radiation and the soil heat flux we found good agreement with daytime observations but underestimations at night. Concerning the vertical profiles, the selected non-local PBL schemes underestimate the PBL depth and the low-level jet altitude at night by about 50 m, although with the correct wind speed. The latter contradicts most previous studies and can be attributed to the revised stability function in the Yonsei University PBL scheme. The local, turbulent kinetic energy based PBL schemes estimated the low-level jet altitude and strength more accurately. Compared to the observations, all model simulations show a similar structure for the potential temperature, with a consistent cold bias ( \(\approx \) 2 K) in the upper PBL. In addition to the sensitivity to the PBL schemes, we studied the sensitivity to technical features such as horizontal resolution and domain size. We found a substantial difference in the model performance for a range of 12, 18 and 24 h spin-up times, longer spin-up time decreased the modelled wind speed bias, but it strengthened the negative temperature bias. The sensitivity of the model to the vertical resolution of the input and boundary conditions on the model performance is confirmed, and its influence appeared most significant for the non-local PBL parametrizations.  相似文献   
In this paper, the authors present the results of both macroscopic and microscopic investigations on structure development created by repeated ice lensing in various loamy experiments. Experimental data are compared with observations performed on active forms in High Arctic and Alpine Mountain environments. Those observations are also compared with phenomena observed in fossil periglacial formations of Western Europe. Platy and short prismatic structure formation is bonded to the hydraulic and thermal conditions during ice segregation. When a long series of alternating freezing and thawing affects platy structures, the fabric evolves, also being influenced by slope and drainage conditions: cryoturbations, frostcreep, and gelifluction can appear. They are characterized by specific microfabrics which are better developed with an increasing number of cycles: this is clear in experiments where hydraulic and thermal parameters are better controlled. Vesicles are also a prominent characteristic of the surface horizon in experiments and arctic soils. The genesis of vesicles is discussed on the basis of new observations and is related to the mechanical collapse of frost-created aggregates under the mechanical work of soil air escape during soil saturation by water at thaw.  相似文献   
The S and O isotopic composition of dissolved SO4, used as a tracer for SO4 sources, was applied to the water of the Llobregat River system (NE Spain). The survey was carried out at 30 sites where surface water was sampled on a monthly basis over a period of 2a. The concentration of dissolved SO4 varied from 20 to 1575 mg L−1. Sulphur isotopic compositions clustered in two populations: one – 93% of the samples – had positive values with a mode of +9‰; the other had negative values and a mode of −5‰. Data for δ18OSO4 showed a mean value of +11‰, with no bi-modal distribution, though lower values of δ18O corresponded to samples with negative δ34S. These values can not be explained solely by the contribution of bedrock SO4 sources: that is, sulphide oxidation and the weathering of outcrops of sulphates, though numerous chemical sediments exist in the basin. Even in a river with a high concentration of natural sources of dissolved SO4, such as the Llobregat River, the δ34S values suggest that dissolved SO4 is controlled by a complex mix of both natural and anthropogenic sources. The main anthropogenic sources in this basin are fertilizers, sewage, potash mine effluent and power plant emissions. Detailed river water sampling, together with the chemical and isotopic characterisation of the main anthropogenic inputs, allowed determination of the influence of redox processes, as well as identification of the contribution of natural and anthropogenic SO4 sources and detection of spatial variations and seasonal changes among these sources. For instance, in the Llobregat River the input of fertilisers is well marked seasonally. Minimum values of δ34S are reported during fertilization periods – from January to March – indicating a higher contribution of this source. The dual isotope approach, δ34S and δ18O, is useful to better constrain the sources of SO4. Moreover, in small-scale studies, where the inputs are well known and limited, the mixing models can be enhanced and the contribution of the different sources can be quantified to some extent.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Die Bearbeitung von dynamischen Schnitten quer zu ozeanischen Küsten mit Windstau und Auftriebsphänomenen, insbesondere jener Schnitte, die das große Beobachtungsmaterial des Marine Life Research Program der Scripps Institution of Oceanography in La Jolla (California) geliefert hat, hat den inneren Mechanismus des Vorganges bei Windstau oder Auftrieb an ozeanischen Küsten klargelegt, so daß es nun möglich ist, die Zusammenhänge in einfachen schematischen Modellen theoretisch zu erfassen. In der vorliegenden Untersuchung wird das Modell eines freien Ozeans mit anschließendem Schelfmeer unter vereinfachenden Annahmen vollständig durchgerechnet. Der Vergleich eines zahlenmäßigen Beispiels mit den Verhältnissen vor der kalifornischen Küste ergibt eine gute Übereinstimmung. Dies läßt annehmen, daß im theoretischen Modell alle das Phänomen mitbestimmenden Faktoren richtig erfaßt worden sind.
Theoretical considerations on the phenomenon of wind effect (Windstau) and upwelling on oceanic coasts
Summary The elaboration of dynamic sections located at right angles to oceanic coasts with banking effects as well as upwelling phenomena, above all the working up of those profiles based on the comprehensive observation material obtained under the Marine Life Research Program by the Scripps Institution of Oceanography of La Jolla (California) has recently enabled the internal mechanism of the processes of the piling up or upwelling of water on oceanic coasts to be revealed; thus it is now possible to theoretically conceive the correlations with the aid of simple schematic patterns. In the present paper the model of an open ocean with an adjacent shelf sea is completely computed under certain simplifying assumptions. A numerical example is compared with the conditions existing off the coast of California and the correspondence is found to be good. This allows of the assumption that in the theoretical model all factors exerting an essential influence on the phenomenon under discussion have been properly taken into account.

Considérations théoriques des phénomènes de montée et de baisse de niveau sur les littoraux
Résumé En se servant des coupes dynamiques orientéesperpendiculairement à la direction générale des littoraux soumis aux phénomènes de montée et de baisse de niveau sous la pression du vent de mer et celle du vent de terre, et surtout en élaborant les nombreuses observations faites sous le Marine Life Research Program de la Scripps Institution of Oceanography à La Jolla (Californie) on est récemment arrivé à éclaircir le mécanisme interne de la montée et de la baisse de niveau sur les littoraux. Il est donc possible de saisir d'une manière théorique les corrélations à l'aide de simples modèles schématiques. On a introduit des suppositions simplifiantes dans le travail suivant et on a complètement calculé le modèle d'un océan ouvert se reliant à une zone adjacente de la marge continentale. L'exemple numérique donné est en bon accord avec les conditions devant la côte de la Californie. On peut donc supposer que tous les éléments qui influencent essentiellement ce phénomène ont été proprement introduits dans le modèle théorique.
Herrera P  Valocchi A 《Ground water》2006,44(6):803-813
The transport of contaminants in aquifers is usually represented by a convection-dispersion equation. There are several well-known problems of oscillation and artificial dispersion that affect the numerical solution of this equation. For example, several studies have shown that standard treatment of the cross-dispersion terms always leads to a negative concentration. It is also well known that the numerical solution of the convective term is affected by spurious oscillations or substantial numerical dispersion. These difficulties are especially significant for solute transport in nonuniform flow in heterogeneous aquifers. For the case of coupled reactive-transport models, even small negative concentration values can become amplified through nonlinear reaction source/sink terms and thus result in physically erroneous and unstable results. This paper includes a brief discussion about how nonpositive concentrations arise from numerical solution of the convection and cross-dispersion terms. We demonstrate the effectiveness of directional splitting with one-dimensional flux limiters for the convection term. Also, a new numerical scheme for the dispersion term that preserves positivity is presented. The results of the proposed convection scheme and the solution given by the new method to compute dispersion are compared with standard numerical methods as used in MT3DMS.  相似文献   
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