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It has been demonstrated experimentally that basaltic and dacitic magmas can be easily mixed to form both banded dacite and homogeneous andesite in less than a few hours. The presence of phenocrysts larger than 0.5 mm increased considerably the efficiency of mixing. Flow patterns in the experimental system were visualized using Pt spheres, which indicated that convection occurs in basalt melt, but not in dacite melt. The Reynolds numbers of the basaltic and dacitic melts in the experimental system were calculated to be about 10–3 and 10–6, respectively. Mixing proceeds initially by mechanical mixing of the two magmas in a large scale, but later by coupling interfacial convection and mutual diffusion. Thus, depending on the depth where vesiculation and following disruption of the magma occurs, banded pumice, homogeneous pumice and homogeneous andesite lava are erupted. The observed textures of mixed rocks of Plinian type eruption and the limiting occurrence of banded pumice are satisfactorily accounted for on this model.  相似文献   
Explosion seismic experiments, gravity measurements and aeromagnetic surveys were made in the northern Mizuho Plateau including the Ongul Islands, East Antarctica, from 1979 to 1982 by the Japanese Antarctic Research Expeditions. The objective of these field operations was to determine the crustal structure along the 300 km-long oversnow traverse route between Syowa and Mizuho Stations. Three big shots were fired; at sea near Syowa Station, in an ice hole near Mizuho Station and in an ice hole between both stations. Twenty-seven temporal seismic stations were set up along the route. Gravity measurements were carried out at 30 points along this route. Aeromagnetic surveys over the area were made four times.In the seismic experiments, clear refracted waves from the Conrad (estimated depth 30 km) and the Moho (estimated depth 40 km) discontinuities were recorded. No layer with a velocity of less than 6 km/s was found in the Ongul Islands nor beneath the ice sheet in the surveyed area. The P-wave velocity in the upper layer varies with depth from 6.0 km/s on the surface to 6.4 km/s at a depth of 13 km. Comparing the observed record section with synthetic seismograms, it was derived that the Conrad was not associated with a sharp velocity discontinuity, but a linear velocity increase of 0.55 km/s in a transition zone of 2.4 km thick. Velocities of P* and Pn were determined as 6.95 km/s and 7.93 km/s assuming a flat layered structure.Bouguer gravity anomalies could not be calculated along the whole profile because of a lack of data on bedrock topography, so reduced gravity anomalies were calculated. These anomalies indicate no abrupt changes of the bedrock topography.  相似文献   
Leg 2 of the French-Japanese 1984 Kaiko cruise has surveyed the Suruga and the Sagami Troughs, which lie on both sides of the northwestward moving and colliding Izu-Bonin Ridge, the northernmost part of the Philippine Sea plate. The transition from the Nankai Trough to the Suruga Trough is characterized by northward decrease in width of the accretionary prism, in good agreement with the increasing obliquity between the through axis and the direction of the convergence, as the strike of the convergent boundary changes from ENE-NNE to south-north. South of the area, the southern margin of the Zenisu Ridge shows contractional deformations. This supports the interpretation made by the team of Leg 1 who studied the western extension of the area we studied, that it is an intra-oceanic thrusting of the ridge over the Shikoku Basin. In the Sagami Trough, where the relative motion is highly oblique to the plate boundary, active subduction is mostly confined in the east-west trending portions of the trough located south of the Boso Peninsula and along the lower Boso Canyon, near the TTT triple junction. In between, the present motion is mainly right-lateral along the northwest trending Boso escarpment. However, an inactive but recent (Pliocene to lower Pleistocene) accretionary prism exists south of the Boso escarpment, which suggests that the relative motion was more northerly than at present before about 1 Ma ago.  相似文献   
The effect of topography and subsurface inhomogeneity on surface motion is investigated in the case of Rayleigh waves. In the previous paper, the same effect was investigated in the case of SV waves. Several types of topography, such as cliffs both with and without a soft layer at the foot of the slope, are considered. Computations are made using a new hybrid method combining a particle model with a finite element method. In cases of harmonic Rayleigh waves, surface motions with amplitudes as large as 1.5 to 5 times the horizontal surface displacement of the incident Rayleigh waves are produced near the slope and the sloping interface. When a Rayleigh wave propagating through a hard single-layered ground encounters a sloping interface where hard ground and soft ground make contact with each other, Rayleigh waves having two different, phase velocities are produced and they correspond to the fundamental mode, and the first mode determined by Haskell's method. In addition, the transient response when Rayleigh waves propagate through the cliff is also simulated. Assuming the vertical component of the Tokachi-oki Earthquake (1968) measured on the surface to be a Rayleigh wave, the incident Rayleigh wave can be obtained by a Fourier synthesis of eigenfunctions of Rayleigh waves.  相似文献   
New paleomagnetic data from shallow-marine sediments of the Ichishi Group suggest a clockwise tectonic rotation of Southwest Japan in the Middle Miocene. Samples have been collected from mud or tuff layers at 17 sites. Stability of remanent magnetization has been examined by using alternating field and thermal demagnetization. The polarity sequence, composed of four normal and seven reversed polarity sites, is correlated to Polarity Epoch 16 (15.2–17.6 Ma), based on micropaleontological assignment of the upper Ichishi Group to Blow's Zone N8. The mean paleomagnetic direction of the 11 sites shows an anomalous declination toward the northeast. This result suggests that Southwest Japan was subjected to a clockwise rotation through 45° since 16 Ma. The clockwise rotation can be explained by the drift of Southwest Japan associated with the spreading of the Japan Sea during the Middle Miocene.  相似文献   
Phase relations in the system Mg4Si4O12-Mg3Al2Si3O12 were examined at pressures of 19-27 GPa and relatively low temperatures of 800-1000 °C using a multianvil apparatus to clarify phase transitions of pyroxene-garnet assemblages in the mantle. Both of glass and crystalline starting materials were used for the experiments. At 1000 °C, garnet solid solution (s.s.) transforms to aluminous ilmenite s.s. at 20-26 GPa which is stable in the whole compositional range in the system. In Mg4Si4O12-rich composition, ilmenite s.s. transforms to a single-phase aluminous perovskite s.s., while Mg3Al2Si3O12-rich ilmenite s.s. dissociates into perovskite s.s. and corundum s.s. These newly determined phase relations at 1000 °C supersede preliminary phase relations determined at about 900 °C in the previous study. The phase relations at 1000 °C are quite different from those reported previously at 1600 °C where garnet s.s. transforms directly to perovskite s.s. and ilmenite is stable only very close to Mg4Si4O12. The stability field of Mg3Al2Si3O12 ilmenite was determined at 800-1000 °C and 25-27 GPa by reversed phase boundaries. In ilmenite s.s., the a-axis slightly increases but the c-axis and molar volume decrease substantially with increasing Al2O3 content. Enthalpies of ilmenite s.s. were measured by differential drop-solution calorimetry method using a high-temperature calorimeter. The excess enthalpy of mixing of ilmenite s.s. was almost zero within the errors. The measured enthalpies of garnet-ilmenite and ilmenite-perovskite transitions at 298 K were 105.2±10.4 and 168.6±8.2 kJ/mol, respectively, for Mg4Si4O12, and 150.2±15.9 and 98.7±27.3 kJ/mol, respectively, for Mg3Al2Si3O12. Thermodynamic calculations using these data give rise to phase relations in the system Mg4Si4O12-Mg3Al2Si3O12 at 1000 and 1600 °C that are generally consistent with those determined experimentally, and confirm that the single-phase field of ilmenite expands from Mg4Si4O12 to Mg3Al2Si3O12 with decreasing temperature. The earlier mentioned phase relations in the simplified system as well as those in the Mg2SiO4-Fe2SiO4 system are applied to estimate mineral proportions in pyrolite as a function of depth along two different geotherms: one is a horizontally-averaged temperature distribution in a normal mantle, and the other being 600 °C lower than the former as a possible representative geotherm in subducting slabs. Based on the previously described estimated mineral proportions versus depth along the two geotherms, density and compressional and shear wave velocities are calculated as functions of depth, using available mineral physics data. Along a normal mantle geotherm, jumps of density and velocities at about 660 km corresponding to the post-spinel transition are followed by steep gradients due to the garnet-perovskite transition between 660 and 710 km. In contrast, along a low-temperature geotherm, the first steep gradients of density and velocities are due to the garnet-ilmenite transition between 610 and 690 km. This is followed by abrupt jumps at about 690 km for the post-spinel transition, and steep gradients between 700 and 740 km that correspond to the ilmenite-perovskite transition. In the latter profile along the low-temperature geotherm, density and velocity increases for garnet-ilmenite and ilmenite-perovskite transitions are similar in magnitude to those for the post-spinel transition. The likely presence of ilmenite in cooler regions of subducting slabs is suggested by the fact that the calculated velocity profiles along the low-temperature geotherm are compatible with recent seismic observations indicating three discontinuities or steep velocity gradients at around 600-750 km depth in the regions of subducting slabs.  相似文献   

Since September 2017, the Kuroshio has taken a large-meander (LM) path in the region south of Japan. We examined characteristics of the 2017–present LM path in comparison with previous LM paths, using tide gauge, altimetric sea surface height, and bottom pressure data. The 2017–present LM path was formed from a path passing through a channel south of Hachijo-jima Island, while a typical LM path originated from a path through a channel north of Miyake-jima Island. The meander trough of this atypical path was found to be shifted far to the east and to vary on a timescale of months. These characteristics are different from those of a typical LM path but they are similar to those of the 1981–1984 LM path. Therefore, we identified two types of LM path; a stable and unstable LM paths. The 2017–present unstable type large meander has a zonal scale greater than that of the 2004–2005 stable type large meander and protrudes from the eastern boundary of the Shikoku Basin, i.e., Izu-Ogasawara Ridge. No significant bottom pressure depression was observed, associated with the formation of the 2017–present LM path, indicating that baroclinic instability was not important in the formation of this LM path. Due to no significant bottom steering, even during the 2017–present LM period, a mesoscale current path disturbance occurred southeast of Kyushu, propagated eastward, and amplified the offshore displacement of the Kuroshio.

Recently, bivalves have been massively killed by anoxia or hypoxia in summer at the northern part of Isahaya Bay, Japan, which constituted a major problem for fisheries. However, the mechanism behind the occurrence of hypoxic water masses is unclear. It is known that the bottom water dissolved oxygen (DO) in this area is affected by the inflow of seawater into the northern mouth of Isahaya Bay. To understand the mechanism of hypoxia, it is necessary to determine the physical processes that cause changes in the bottom DO concentrations in this area. This study shows that there is a neap-spring tidal variation in bottom DO due to a change in vertical tidal mixing, and it also suggests that the decrease in bottom DO was generated by a baroclinic flow, which is due to the internal tide, and a shear flow, which is induced by the external tide in the bottom boundary layer. In addition, our study suggests that the source of cold and hypoxic water that appears in the bottom layer at low tide is the inner area of the Ariake Sea.  相似文献   
The Northwest Pacific Carbon Cycle Study (NOPACCS) was a program aimed at investigating the carbon cycle of the North Pacific Ocean, which can be thought of as a large reservoir of carbon dioxide. NOPACCS was also aimed at estimating the North Pacific's capacity as a carbon sink. Project design, scientific results, and data availability, and subsequent projects resulting from this project are also described in this review. Studies of the upper ocean processes focused on the latitudinal differences in the fugacity of carbon dioxide; and on the detail of plankton community structures. Intermediate water was studied in relation to the formation of North Pacific Intermediate Water and the amount of accumulated anthropogenic carbon. The sedimentation process, past carbon cycle and coral reefs were also studied during the project. A preliminary, overall view of the carbon cycle of the North Pacific was drawn from the results of the project and compared to global values.  相似文献   
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